[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * The template for displaying all pages
 * This is the template that displays all pages by default.
 * Please note that this is the WordPress construct of pages
 * and that other 'pages' on your WordPress site may use a
 * different template.
 * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/
 * @package Gutener

if( !get_theme_mod( 'disable_transparent_header_page', true ) && get_theme_mod( 'header_layout', 'header_one' ) == 'header_three' ){
} ?>
<?php if( is_front_page() && !get_theme_mod( 'disable_main_slider', false ) ){
	if ( get_theme_mod( 'main_slider_controls', 'slider' ) == 'slider' ){
		if ( get_theme_mod( 'display_slider_on', 'blog-page-below-header' ) == 'front-page-below-header' || get_theme_mod( 'display_slider_on', 'blog-page-below-header' ) == 'front-blog-page-below-header' ) { ?>
			<section class="section-banner">
					get_template_part( 'template-parts/slider/slider', '' ); 
		<?php }
	}elseif( get_theme_mod( 'main_slider_controls', 'slider' ) == 'banner' ){
		if ( get_theme_mod( 'display_banner_on', 'blog-page-below-header' ) == 'front-page-below-header' || get_theme_mod( 'display_banner_on', 'blog-page-below-header' ) == 'front-blog-page-below-header' ) {
} ?>

<div id="content" class="site-content">
	<div class="container">
		<section class="wrap-detail-page">
			<?php if( get_theme_mod( 'disable_transparent_header_page', true ) || get_theme_mod( 'header_layout', 'header_one' ) != 'header_three' ){
				if( get_theme_mod( 'page_title_position', 'below_feature_image' ) == 'above_feature_image' ){
				if ( get_theme_mod( 'breadcrumbs_controls', 'disable_in_all_pages' ) == 'show_in_all_page_post' ){ 
					if( function_exists( 'bcn_display' ) && !is_front_page() ){
						navxt_gutener_breadcrumb( false );
						gutener_breadcrumb_wrap( false );
			} ?>
			<div class="row">
					if( !gutener_wooCom_is_cart() && !gutener_wooCom_is_checkout() && !gutener_wooCom_is_account_page() ){
						$sidebarClass = 'col-lg-8';
						$sidebarColumnClass = 'col-lg-4';
						if ( get_theme_mod( 'sidebar_settings', 'right' ) == 'right' ){
							if( !is_active_sidebar( 'right-sidebar') ){
								$sidebarClass = "col-12";
						}elseif ( get_theme_mod( 'sidebar_settings', 'right' ) == 'left' ){
							if( !is_active_sidebar( 'left-sidebar') ){
								$sidebarClass = "col-12";
						}elseif ( get_theme_mod( 'sidebar_settings', 'right' ) == 'right-left' ){
							$sidebarClass = 'col-lg-6';
							$sidebarColumnClass = 'col-lg-3';
							if( !is_active_sidebar( 'left-sidebar') && !is_active_sidebar( 'right-sidebar') ){
								$sidebarClass = "col-12";
						if ( get_theme_mod( 'sidebar_settings', 'right' ) == 'no-sidebar' || get_theme_mod( 'disable_sidebar_page', true ) ){
							$sidebarClass = 'col-12';
						if( !get_theme_mod( 'disable_sidebar_page', true ) ){
							if ( get_theme_mod( 'sidebar_settings', 'right' ) == 'left' ){ 
								if( is_active_sidebar( 'left-sidebar') ){ ?>
									<div id="secondary" class="sidebar left-sidebar <?php echo esc_attr( $sidebarColumnClass ); ?>">
										<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'left-sidebar' ); ?>
								<?php }
							}elseif ( get_theme_mod( 'sidebar_settings', 'right' ) == 'right-left' ){
								if( is_active_sidebar( 'left-sidebar') || is_active_sidebar( 'right-sidebar') ){ ?>
									<div id="secondary" class="sidebar left-sidebar <?php echo esc_attr( $sidebarColumnClass ); ?>">
										<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'left-sidebar' ); ?>
						$sidebarClass = 'col-12';
				<div id="primary" class="content-area <?php echo esc_attr( $sidebarClass ); ?>">
					<main id="main" class="site-main">
						<?php if( get_theme_mod( 'disable_transparent_header_page', true ) || get_theme_mod( 'header_layout', 'header_one' ) != 'header_three' ){
							if( has_post_thumbnail() ){
								if( get_theme_mod( 'page_feature_image', 'show_in_all_pages' ) == 'show_in_all_pages' || !is_front_page() && get_theme_mod( 'page_feature_image', 'show_in_all_pages' ) == 'disable_in_frontpage' || get_theme_mod( 'page_feature_image', 'show_in_all_pages' ) == 'show_in_frontpage' && is_front_page() ){ ?>
								    <figure class="feature-image single-feature-image">
								        <?php gutener_image_size( 'gutener-1370-550' ); ?>
								<?php }else{
									// will disable in all pages
									echo '';
							if( get_theme_mod( 'page_title_position', 'below_feature_image' ) == 'below_feature_image' ){
						} ?>
					while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();

						get_template_part( 'template-parts/content', 'page' );

						// If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template.
						if ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) :

					endwhile; // End of the loop.
					</main><!-- #main -->
				</div><!-- #primary -->
					if( !gutener_wooCom_is_cart() && !gutener_wooCom_is_checkout() && !gutener_wooCom_is_account_page() ){
						if( !get_theme_mod( 'disable_sidebar_page', true ) ){
							if ( get_theme_mod( 'sidebar_settings', 'right' ) == 'right' ){ 
								if( is_active_sidebar( 'right-sidebar') ){ ?>
									<div id="secondary" class="sidebar right-sidebar <?php echo esc_attr( $sidebarColumnClass ); ?>">
										<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'right-sidebar' ); ?>
								<?php }
							}elseif ( get_theme_mod( 'sidebar_settings', 'right' ) == 'right-left' ){
								if( is_active_sidebar( 'left-sidebar') || is_active_sidebar( 'right-sidebar') ){ ?>
									<div id="secondary-sidebar" class="sidebar right-sidebar <?php echo esc_attr( $sidebarColumnClass ); ?>">
										<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'right-sidebar' ); ?>
	</div><!-- #container -->
</div><!-- #content -->	
<?php get_footer();


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