[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
/* OS dark theme preference */
@media only screen {

	.is-dark-theme.is-dark-theme {
		--global--color-background: var(--global--color-dark-gray);
		--global--color-primary: var(--global--color-light-gray);
		--global--color-secondary: var(--global--color-light-gray);
		--button--color-text: var(--global--color-background);
		--button--color-text-hover: var(--global--color-secondary);
		--button--color-text-active: var(--global--color-secondary);
		--button--color-background: var(--global--color-secondary);
		--button--color-background-active: var(--global--color-background);
		--global--color-border: #9ea1a7;

		/* Block: Table */
		--table--stripes-border-color: rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.15);
		--table--stripes-background-color: rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.15);

	.is-dark-theme img {
		filter: brightness(0.85) contrast(1.1);

	.respect-color-scheme-preference.is-dark-theme body {
		background-color: var(--global--color-background);

	#dark-mode-toggler {
		cursor: pointer;
		display: flex;
		align-items: center;
		justify-content: center;
		font-size: var(--global--font-size-xs);
		padding: 0.5em;
		min-height: 44px;
		min-width: max-content;
		border: 2px solid currentColor;
		box-shadow: none;
		background: var(--button--color-text);
		color: var(--button--color-background);
		z-index: 9998;

	.no-js #dark-mode-toggler {
		display: none;

	#dark-mode-toggler.fixed-bottom {
		position: fixed;
		bottom: 5px;
		right: 5px;

	#dark-mode-toggler.fixed-bottom.hide:not(:focus) {
		bottom: -80px;

	#dark-mode-toggler.relative {
		position: absolute;
		height: 44px;
		top: calc(2.4 * var(--global--spacing-vertical) - 44px);
		right: calc(50vw - var(--responsive--alignwide-width) / 2 - 0.5em);

	.admin-bar #dark-mode-toggler.relative {
		top: calc(2.4 * var(--global--spacing-vertical) - 44px + 32px);
@media only screen and (max-width: 782px) {

	.admin-bar #dark-mode-toggler.relative {
		top: calc(2.4 * var(--global--spacing-vertical) - 44px + 46px);
@media only screen and (max-width: 481px) {

	.admin-bar #dark-mode-toggler.relative {
		top: calc(2.4 * var(--global--spacing-vertical) - 44px + 26px);
@media only screen and (max-width: 481px) {

	body:not(.primary-navigation-open) #dark-mode-toggler.relative ~ nav {
		top: 88px;
@media only screen {

	.primary-navigation-open #dark-mode-toggler {
		display: none;

	#dark-mode-toggler:focus {
		color: var(--button--color-background-active);
		border: 2px solid var(--button--color-text-active);
		background-color: var(--button--color-text-active);

	.is-IE #dark-mode-toggler {
		display: none;
@media only screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {

	#dark-mode-toggler.fixed-bottom {
		transition: bottom 0.5s;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
custom-color-overrides.css File 130 B 0644
ie-editor.css File 60.65 KB 0644
ie-editor.css.map File 17.5 KB 0644
ie.css File 133.45 KB 0644
ie.css.map File 40.81 KB 0644
print.css File 2.83 KB 0644
print.css.map File 781 B 0644
style-dark-mode-rtl.css File 2.72 KB 0644
style-dark-mode.css File 2.72 KB 0644
style-dark-mode.css.map File 492 B 0644
style-editor-customizer.css File 110 B 0644
style-editor.css File 78.29 KB 0644
style-editor.css.map File 10.5 KB 0644