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<title>Xg Accordion - Accordion for Wordpress</title>
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<header class="header-wrap">
  <h1><img src="img/documentation/thumbnail.png" width="200" height="200" alt=""/><br>
   Xg Accordion</h1>
  <p> Accordion for <em>Wordpress</em> by <a href="https://themeforest.net/user/xgenious/portfolio">Xgenious</a> </p>
  <p>&nbsp; </p>
<section id="documentation" class="section clearfix">
  <div class="left">
      <li><a href="#wp-insall">Plugin  Installation</a></li>
      <li><a href="#add-slider">Create Accordion</a></li>
      <li><a href="#add-slider">Generate Accordion Shortcode</a></li>
      <li><a href="#general_settings">General Settings</a></li>	  
      <li><a href="#styling_settings">Styling Settings</a></li>	  
      <li><a href="#typo_settings">Typgraphy Settings</a></li>	  
      <li><a href="#help_center">Help Center</a></li>	  
      <li><a href="#democontent">Import Demo Content</a></li>
  <div class="right">
    <div class="examples" id="wp-insall">
      <h2>Plugin Installation</h2>
        <li>Unzip the donwloaded zip file</li>
        <li>Inside the zip file you find an folder named main-file here you find another zip file named xg-accordion.zip.</li>
        <li>Log-in to your WordPress site</li>
        <li>Navigate to the Plugins Menu > Click<strong> Add New</strong> > Click the <strong>Upload</strong> link</li>
        <li>Click <strong>Choose File</strong> &gt; Locate the &quot;xg-accordion.zip&quot; file > Click <strong>Install Now</strong></li>
        <li>Click <strong>Activate Plugin</strong></li>
    <div class="examples" id="add-slider">
      <h2>Create Accordion</h2>
        <li>Log-in to your WordPress site</li>
        <li>Nivigate Accordion Form left side and clcik <strong>All Accordion</strong> then click <strong>Add new Accordion</strong> </li>
       <br /><img src="img/documentation/01.jpg">
       <p><img src="img/documentation/02.jpg" alt=""/></p> 
    <div id="general_settings">
      <h2 class="section-title"> Create an Accordion Shortcode</h2>
      <p><img src="img/documentation/03.jpg" alt=""/></p> 
      <h2 class="section-title">General Accordion Settings</h2>
      <p><img src="img/documentation/04.jpg" alt=""/></p> 
      <p><span class="hightlight-red">1.</span> <strong> Category: </strong> Select category for  Accordion.<br>
        <span class="hightlight-red">2.</span> <strong> Accordion Theme : </strong>Select theme there it has 22 theme and more cooming soon<br>
        <span class="hightlight-red">7.</span> <strong>Total Accordion : </strong>Enter how many item you want it accordion . enter -1 for unlimited accordion.<br>
    <div id="styling_settings">
      <h2 class="section-title"> Styling Settings </h2>
      <p><img src="img/documentation/05.jpg" alt=""/></p> 
      <p><span class="hightlight-red">1.</span> <strong>Title Color : </strong> Change title color from here<br>
        <span class="hightlight-red">2.</span> <strong>Title Active Color : </strong>Change title active color from here<br>
        <span class="hightlight-red">2.</span> <strong>Title Background Color : </strong>Change title background color from here<br>
        <span class="hightlight-red">2.</span> <strong>Title Active Background Color : </strong>Change title active background color from here<br>
        <span class="hightlight-red">2.</span> <strong>Border Color : </strong>Change border color from here<br>
        <span class="hightlight-red">2.</span> <strong>Description Color : </strong>Change Description color from here<br>
        <span class="hightlight-red">2.</span> <strong>Description Background Color : </strong>Change Description background color from here<br>
    <div id="typo_settings">
      <h2 class="section-title"> Typhography Settings </h2>
      <p><img src="img/documentation/06.jpg" alt=""/></p> 
        <span class="hightlight-red">2.</span> <strong> Title Font Size : </strong> Change title font size from here<br>
        <span class="hightlight-red">3.</span> <strong>Description Font Size : </strong>Change description font size from here <br>
    <div id="help_center">
      <h2 class="section-title"> Help Center </h2>
      <p><img src="img/documentation/07.jpg" alt=""/></p> 
    <div class="examples" id="add-plan">
    <div class="examples" id="democontent">
      <h2> Import Demo Content</h2>
        <section id="examples" class="section clearfix">
      <p>To import the demo content as seen on the <a href="https://plugins.xgenious.com/faq/" target="_blank">demo site </a>, please see the following instructions. </p>
        <li>Log-in to your WordPress admin - Goto Tools ->Import ->Select WordPress.</li>
        <li>If required, download and active the WordPresss Importer plugin. Once activated you may need to repeat steps above.</li>
        <li>Locate and select the <em><strong>documentation/demo/xgproduct.slider.xml and for demo product accordion.shortcode.xml and accordion.xml</strong></em> -> click the Upload File and Import button.</li>
        <li>Assign admin user to an existing user. e.g. admin ->select Download and Import file attachments.</li>
	  <p>Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this extension. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this extension and I'll do my best to assist. If you have any question you can send an e-mail via the profile page.
<br /><br />Regards<br />


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