<% extends 'layout.html' %>
<% block content %>
<div id="mailpoet_help">
<script type="text/javascript">
var systemInfoData = <%= json_encode(systemInfoData) %>;
var systemStatusData = <%= json_encode(systemStatusData) %>;
<div id="help_container"></div>
<% endblock %>
<% block translations %>
<%= localize({
'tabKnowledgeBaseTitle': __('Knowledge Base'),
'tabSystemInfoTitle': __('System Info'),
'tabSystemStatusTitle': __('System Status'),
'tabYourPrivacyTitle': __('Your Privacy'),
'systemStatusIntroCron': __('For the plugin to work, it must be able to establish connection with the task scheduler.'),
'systemStatusIntroCronMSS': __('For the plugin to work, it must be able to establish connection with the task scheduler and the key activation/MailPoet sending service.'),
'systemStatusCronTitle': __('Task Scheduler'),
'systemStatusMSSTitle': __('Key Activation and MailPoet Sending Service'),
'systemStatusConnectionSuccessful': __('Connection successful.'),
'systemStatusConnectionUnsuccessful': __('Connection unsuccessful.'),
'systemStatusCronConnectionUnsuccessfulInfo': __('Please consult our [link]knowledge base article[/link] for troubleshooting tips.'),
'systemStatusMSSConnectionUnsuccessfulInfo': __('Please contact our technical support for assistance.'),
'knowledgeBaseIntro': __('Click on one of these categories below to find more information:'),
'knowledgeBaseButton': __('Visit our Knowledge Base for more articles'),
'systemInfoIntro': __('The information below is useful when you need to get in touch with our support. Just copy all the text below and paste it into a message to us.'),
'systemInfoDataError': __('Sorry, there was an error, please try again later.'),
'systemStatusCronStatusTitle': __('Cron'),
'systemStatusQueueTitle': __('Sending Queue'),
'yourPrivacyContent1': __('MailPoet respects your privacy. We don’t track any information about your website or yourself without your explicit consent.'),
'yourPrivacyContent2': __('Third-party services used within the plugin may track information such as your email & IP address.'),
'yourPrivacyContent3': __('If you send with MailPoet, we track data that is used to ensure that the service works correctly.'),
'yourPrivacyButton': __('Read our Privacy Notice'),
'lastUpdated': _x('Last updated', 'A label in a status table e.g. Last updated: 2018-10-18 18:50'),
'lastRunStarted': _x('Last run started', 'A label in a status table e.g. Last run started: 2018-10-18 18:50'),
'lastRunCompleted': _x('Last run completed', 'A label in a status table e.g. Last run completed: 2018-10-18 18:50'),
'lastSeenError': _x('Last seen error', 'A label in a status table e.g. Last seen error: Process timeout'),
'lastSeenErrorDate': _x('Last seen error date', 'A label in a status table e.g. Last seen error date: 2018-10-18 18:50'),
'unknown': _x('unknown', 'An unknown state is a status table e.g. Last run started: unknown'),
'accessible': _x('Accessible', 'A label in a status table e.g. Accessible: yes'),
'status': __('Status'),
'yes': __('yes'),
'no': __('no'),
'none': _x('none', 'An empty state is a status table e.g. Error: none'),
'running': _x('running', 'A state of a process.'),
'paused': _x('paused', 'A state of a process.'),
'cronWaiting': _x('waiting for the next run', 'A state of a process.'),
'startedAt': _x('Started at', 'A label in a status table e.g. Started at: 2018-10-18 18:50'),
'sentEmails': _x('Sent emails', 'A label in a status table e.g. Sent emails: 50'),
'retryAttempt': _x('Retry attempt', 'A label in a status table e.g. Retry attempt: 2'),
'retryAt': _x('Retry at', 'A label in a status table e.g. Retry at: 2018-10-18 18:50'),
'error': _x('Error', 'A label in a status table e.g. Error: missing data'),
'totalCompletedTasks': __('Total completed tasks'),
'totalScheduledTasks': __('Total scheduled tasks'),
'totalRunningTasks': __('Total running tasks'),
'totalPausedTasks': __('Total paused tasks'),
'scheduledTasks': __('Scheduled tasks'),
'runningTasks': __('Running tasks'),
'completedTasks': __('Completed tasks'),
'type': _x('Type', 'Table column heading for task type.'),
'email': __('Email'),
'priority': _x('Priority', 'Table column heading for task priority (number).' ),
'scheduledAt': __('Scheduled At'),
'updatedAt': __('Updated At'),
'nothingToShow': __('Nothing to show.'),
'preview': _x('Preview', 'Text of a link to email preview page.'),
}) %>
<% endblock %>