<% if sub_menu %>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery('#adminmenu #toplevel_page_mailpoet-newsletters')
.find('a[href$="<%= sub_menu %>"]')
<% endif %>
<!-- pre connect to 3d party to speed up page loading -->
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<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="https://beacon-v2.helpscout.net/">
<link rel="preconnect" href="http://cdn.mxpnl.com">
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="http://cdn.mxpnl.com">
<!-- system notices -->
<div id="mailpoet_notice_system" class="mailpoet_notice" style="display:none;"></div>
<!-- handlebars templates -->
<% block templates %><% endblock %>
<!-- main container -->
<% block container %>
<div class="wrap">
<!-- notices -->
<div id="mailpoet_notice_error" class="mailpoet_notice" style="display:none;"></div>
<div id="mailpoet_notice_success" class="mailpoet_notice" style="display:none;"></div>
<!-- React notices -->
<div id="mailpoet_notices"></div>
<!-- Set FROM address modal React root -->
<div id="mailpoet_set_from_address_modal"></div>
<!-- title block -->
<% block title %><% endblock %>
<!-- content block -->
<% block content %><% endblock %>
<% endblock %>
<!-- stylesheets -->
<%= stylesheet(
<%= do_action('mailpoet_styles_admin_after') %>
<% block after_css %><% endblock %>
<script type="text/javascript">
var mailpoet_datetime_format = "<%= wp_datetime_format()|escape('js') %>";
var mailpoet_date_format = "<%= wp_date_format()|escape('js') %>";
var mailpoet_time_format = "<%= wp_time_format()|escape('js') %>";
var mailpoet_version = "<%= mailpoet_version() %>";
var mailpoet_locale = "<%= mailpoet_locale() %>";
var mailpoet_wp_week_starts_on = "<%= wp_start_of_week() %>";
var mailpoet_premium_version = <%= json_encode(mailpoet_premium_version()) %>;
var mailpoet_3rd_party_libs_enabled = <%= is_loading_3rd_party_enabled() | json_encode %>;
var mailpoet_analytics_enabled = <%= is_analytics_enabled() | json_encode %>;
var mailpoet_analytics_data = <%= json_encode(get_analytics_data()) %>;
var mailpoet_analytics_public_id = <%= json_encode(get_analytics_public_id()) %>;
var mailpoet_analytics_new_public_id = <%= is_analytics_public_id_new() | json_encode %>;
var mailpoet_free_domains = <%= json_encode(mailpoet_free_domains()) %>;
var mailpoet_woocommerce_active = <%= json_encode(is_woocommerce_active()) %>;
// RFC 5322 standard; http://emailregex.com/ combined with https://google.github.io/closure-library/api/goog.format.EmailAddress.html#isValid
var mailpoet_email_regex = /(?=^[+a-zA-Z0-9_.!#$%&'*\/=?^`{|}~-]+@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,63}$)(?=^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,})))/;
var mailpoet_feature_flags = <%= json_encode(feature_flags) %>;
var mailpoet_referral_id = <%= json_encode(referral_id) %>;
var mailpoet_feature_announcement_has_news = <%= json_encode(feature_announcement_has_news) %>;
var mailpoet_wp_segment_state = <%= json_encode(wp_segment_state) %>;
<!-- javascripts -->
<%= javascript(
<%= localize({
'ajaxFailedErrorMessage': __('An error has happened while performing a request, the server has responded with response code %d'),
'ajaxTimeoutErrorMessage': __('An error has happened while performing a request, the server request has timed out after %d seconds'),
'senderEmailAddressWarning1': _x('You might not reach the inbox of your subscribers if you use this email address.', 'In the last step, before sending a newsletter. URL: ?page=mailpoet-newsletters#/send/2'),
'senderEmailAddressWarning2': _x('Use an address like %1$s for the Sender and put %2$s in the <em>Reply-to</em> field below.', 'In the last step, before sending a newsletter. URL: ?page=mailpoet-newsletters#/send/2'),
'senderEmailAddressWarning3': _x('Read more.'),
'mailerSendingResumedNotice': __('Sending has been resumed.'),
'dismissNotice': __('Dismiss this notice.'),
'subscribersLimitNoticeTitle': __('Congratulations, you now have more than [subscribersLimit] subscribers!'),
'freeVersionLimit': __('Our free version is limited to [subscribersLimit] subscribers.'),
'yourPlanLimit': __('Your plan is limited to [subscribersLimit] subscribers.'),
'youNeedToUpgrade': __('You need to upgrade now to be able to continue using MailPoet.'),
'youCanDisableWPUsersList': __('If you do not send emails to your WordPress Users list, you can [link]disable it[/link] to lower your number of subscribers.'),
'upgradeNow': __('Upgrade Now'),
'refreshMySubscribers': __('I’ve upgraded my subscription, refresh subscriber limit'),
'setFromAddressModalTitle': __('It’s time to set your default FROM address!', 'mailpoet'),
'setFromAddressModalDescription': __('Set one of [link]your authorized email addresses[/link] as the default FROM email for your MailPoet emails.', 'mailpoet'),
'setFromAddressModalSave': __('Save', 'mailpoet'),
'setFromAddressEmailSuccess': __('Excellent. Your authorized email was saved. You can change it in the [link]Basics tab of the MailPoet settings[/link].', 'mailpoet'),
'setFromAddressEmailNotAuthorized': __('Can’t use this email yet! [link]Please authorize it first[/link].', 'mailpoet'),
'setFromAddressEmailUnknownError': __('An error occured when saving FROM email address.', 'mailpoet'),
'reviewRequestHeading': _x('Thank you! Time to tell the world?', 'After a user gives us positive feedback via the NPS poll, we ask them to review our plugin on WordPress.org.'),
'reviewRequestDidYouKnow': __('[username], did you know that hundreds of WordPress users read the reviews on the plugin repository? They’re also a source of inspiration for our team.'),
'reviewRequestUsingForDays': _n('You’ve been using MailPoet for [days] day now, and we would love to read your own review.', 'You’ve been using MailPoet for [days] days now, and we would love to read your own review.', installed_days_ago),
'reviewRequestUsingForMonths': _n('You’ve been using MailPoet for [months] month now, and we would love to read your own review.', 'You’ve been using MailPoet for [months] months now, and we would love to read your own review.', (installed_days_ago / 30) | round),
'reviewRequestRateUsNow': _x('Rate us now', 'Review our plugin on WordPress.org.'),
'reviewRequestNotNow': __('Not now'),
'sent': __('Sent'),
'notSentYet': __('Not sent yet!'),
'allSendingPausedHeader': __('All sending is currently paused!'),
'allSendingPausedBody': __('Your [link]API key[/link] to send with MailPoet is invalid.'),
'allSendingPausedLink': __('Purchase a key'),
'close': __('Close'),
'today': __('Today'),
'january': __('January'),
'february': __('February'),
'march': __('March'),
'april': __('April'),
'may': __('May'),
'june': __('June'),
'july': __('July'),
'august': __('August'),
'september': __('September'),
'october': __('October'),
'november': __('November'),
'december': __('December'),
'januaryShort': __('Jan'),
'februaryShort': __('Feb'),
'marchShort': __('Mar'),
'aprilShort': __('Apr'),
'mayShort': __('May'),
'juneShort': __('Jun'),
'julyShort': __('Jul'),
'augustShort': __('Aug'),
'septemberShort': __('Sep'),
'octoberShort': __('Oct'),
'novemberShort': __('Nov'),
'decemberShort': __('Dec'),
'sundayShort': __('Sun'),
'mondayShort': __('Mon'),
'tuesdayShort': __('Tue'),
'wednesdayShort': __('Wed'),
'thursdayShort': __('Thu'),
'fridayShort': __('Fri'),
'saturdayShort': __('Sat'),
'sundayMin': _x('S', 'Sunday - one letter abbreviation'),
'mondayMin': _x('M', 'Monday - one letter abbreviation'),
'tuesdayMin': _x('T', 'Tuesday - one letter abbreviation'),
'wednesdayMin': _x('W', 'Wednesday - one letter abbreviation'),
'thursdayMin': _x('T', 'Thursday - one letter abbreviation'),
'fridayMin': _x('F', 'Friday - one letter abbreviation'),
'saturdayMin': _x('S', 'Saturday - one letter abbreviation'),
}) %>
<% block translations %><% endblock %>
<% block after_translations %><% endblock %>
<%= javascript(
<%= do_action('mailpoet_scripts_admin_before') %>
<%= javascript(
<%if is_loading_3rd_party_enabled() %>
<%= javascript('lib/analytics.js') %>
<% set helpscout_form_id = '1c666cab-c0f6-4614-bc06-e5d0ad78db2b' %>
<%if mailpoet_api_key_state.data.support_tier == 'premium' or premium_key_state.data.support_tier == 'premium' %>
<% set helpscout_form_id = 'e93d0423-1fa6-4bbc-9df9-c174f823c35f' %>
<% endif %>
<script type="text/javascript">!function(e,t,n){function a(){var e=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],n=t.createElement("script");n.type="text/javascript",n.async=!0,n.src="https://beacon-v2.helpscout.net",e.parentNode.insertBefore(n,e)}if(e.Beacon=n=function(t,n,a){e.Beacon.readyQueue.push({method:t,options:n,data:a})},n.readyQueue=[],"complete"===t.readyState)return a();e.attachEvent?e.attachEvent("onload",a):e.addEventListener("load",a,!1)}(window,document,window.Beacon||function(){});</script>
<script type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if(window['Beacon'] !== undefined && window.hide_mailpoet_beacon !== true) {
window.Beacon('init', '<%= helpscout_form_id %>');
// HelpScout Beacon: Configuration
window.Beacon("config", {
icon: 'message',
zIndex: 50000,
instructions: "<%= __('Want to give feedback to the MailPoet team? Contact us here. Please provide as much information as possible!') %>",
showContactFields: true
// HelpScout Beacon: Custom information
<%= json_encode(get_helpscout_data()) %>
if (window.mailpoet_beacon_articles) {
window.Beacon('suggest', window.mailpoet_beacon_articles)
<% endif %>
Parsley.addMessages('mailpoet', {
defaultMessage: '<%= __("This value seems to be invalid.") %>',
type: {
email: '<%= __("This value should be a valid email.") %>',
url: '<%= __("This value should be a valid url.") %>',
number: '<%= __("This value should be a valid number.") %>',
integer: '<%= __("This value should be a valid integer.") %>',
digits: '<%= __("This value should be digits.") %>',
alphanum: '<%= __("This value should be alphanumeric.") %>'
notblank: '<%= __("This value should not be blank.") %>',
required: '<%= __("This value is required.") %>',
pattern: '<%= __("This value seems to be invalid.") %>',
min: '<%= __("This value should be greater than or equal to %s.") %>',
max: '<%= __("This value should be lower than or equal to %s.") %>',
range: '<%= __("This value should be between %s and %s.") %>',
minlength: '<%= __("This value is too short. It should have %s characters or more.") %>',
maxlength: '<%= __("This value is too long. It should have %s characters or fewer.") %>',
length: '<%= __("This value length is invalid. It should be between %s and %s characters long.") %>',
mincheck: '<%= __("You must select at least %s choices.") %>',
maxcheck: '<%= __("You must select %s choices or fewer.") %>',
check: '<%= __("You must select between %s and %s choices.") %>',
equalto: '<%= __("This value should be the same.") %>'
<% block after_javascript %><% endblock %>
<div id="mailpoet-modal"></div>