[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
<?php // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing

namespace MailPoet\WP;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

use MailPoet\DI\ContainerWrapper;
use MailPoet\Form\FormsRepository;
use MailPoet\Newsletter\Sending\SendingQueuesRepository;
use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions;

class Emoji {
  /** @var WPFunctions */
  private $wp;

  public function __construct(
    WPFunctions $wp = null
  ) {
    if ($wp === null) {
      $wp = new WPFunctions();
    $this->wp = $wp;

  public function encodeEmojisInBody($newsletterRenderedBody) {
    if (is_array($newsletterRenderedBody)) {
      return array_map([$this, 'encodeRenderedBodyForUTF8Column'], $newsletterRenderedBody);
    return $this->encodeRenderedBodyForUTF8Column($newsletterRenderedBody);

  public function decodeEmojisInBody($newsletterRenderedBody) {
    if (is_array($newsletterRenderedBody)) {
      return array_map([$this, 'decodeEntities'], $newsletterRenderedBody);
    return $this->decodeEntities($newsletterRenderedBody);

  public function sanitizeEmojisInFormBody(array $body): array {
    $formsTableName = ContainerWrapper::getInstance()->get(FormsRepository::class)->getTableName();
    $bodyJson = json_encode($body, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
    $fixedJson = $this->encodeForUTF8Column($formsTableName, 'body', $bodyJson);
    return json_decode($fixedJson, true);

  private function encodeRenderedBodyForUTF8Column($value) {
    $sendingQueuesTableName = ContainerWrapper::getInstance()->get(SendingQueuesRepository::class)->getTableName();
    return $this->encodeForUTF8Column(

  public function encodeForUTF8Column($table, $field, $value) {
    global $wpdb;
    $charset = $wpdb->get_col_charset($table, $field);
    // utf8 doesn't support emojis, so we need to encode them
    // utf8 was an alias for utf8mb3, but it was dropped in MySQL 8.0.28 so we need to check both
    if ($charset === 'utf8' || $charset === 'utf8mb3') {
      $value = $this->wp->wpEncodeEmoji($value);
    return $value;

  public function decodeEntities($content) {
    // Based on WPFunctions::get()->wpStaticizeEmoji()

    // Loosely match the Emoji Unicode range.
    $regex = '/(&#x[2-3][0-9a-f]{3};|&#x1f[1-6][0-9a-f]{2};)/';

    $matches = [];
    if (preg_match_all($regex, $content, $matches)) {
      if (!empty($matches[1])) {
        foreach ($matches[1] as $emoji) {
          $entity = html_entity_decode($emoji, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
          $content = str_replace($emoji, $entity, $content);

    return $content;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AutocompletePostListLoader.php File 3.28 KB 0644
DateTime.php File 2.72 KB 0644
Emoji.php File 2.65 KB 0644
Functions.php File 26.72 KB 0644
Notice.php File 2.87 KB 0644
Posts.php File 485 B 0644
Readme.php File 1.19 KB 0644
index.php File 6 B 0644