[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

// phpcs:ignoreFile PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration
namespace MailPoet;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

 * Provides information for converting exceptions to HTTP responses.
interface HttpAwareException {
  public function getHttpStatusCode(): int;

 * Frames all MailPoet exceptions ("$e instanceof MailPoet\Exception").
abstract class Exception extends \Exception {
  /** @var string[] */
  private $errors = [];

  final public function __construct($message = '', $code = 0, \Throwable $previous = null) {
    parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);

  /** @return static */
  public static function create(\Throwable $previous = null) {
    return new static('', 0, $previous);

  /** @return static */
  public function withMessage(string $message) {
    $this->message = $message;
    return $this;

  /** @return static */
  public function withCode(int $code) {
    $this->code = $code;
    return $this;

  /** @return static */
  public function withErrors(array $errors) {
    $this->errors = $errors;
    return $this;

  /** @return static */
  public function withError(string $id, string $error) {
    $this->errors[$id] = $error;
    return $this;

  public function getErrors(): array {
    return $this->errors;

 * USE: Generic runtime error. When possible, use a more specific exception instead.
 * API: 500 Server Error (not HTTP-aware)
class RuntimeException extends Exception {}

 * USE: When wrong data VALUE is received.
 * API: 400 Bad Request
class UnexpectedValueException extends RuntimeException implements HttpAwareException {
  public function getHttpStatusCode(): int {
    return 400;

 * USE: When an action is forbidden for given actor (although generally valid).
 * API: 403 Forbidden
class AccessDeniedException extends UnexpectedValueException implements HttpAwareException {
  public function getHttpStatusCode(): int {
    return 403;

 * USE: When the main resource we're interested in doesn't exist.
 * API: 404 Not Found
class NotFoundException extends UnexpectedValueException implements HttpAwareException {
  public function getHttpStatusCode(): int {
    return 404;

 * USE: When the main action produces conflict (i.e. duplicate key).
 * API: 409 Conflict
class ConflictException extends UnexpectedValueException implements HttpAwareException {
  public function getHttpStatusCode(): int {
    return 409;

 * USE: An application state that should not occur. Can be subclassed for feature-specific exceptions.
 * API: 500 Server Error (not HTTP-aware)
class InvalidStateException extends RuntimeException {}

class NewsletterProcessingException extends Exception {}


Name Type Size Permission Actions
API Folder 0700
AdminPages Folder 0700
Analytics Folder 0700
AutomaticEmails Folder 0700
Automation Folder 0700
Cache Folder 0700
Config Folder 0700
Cron Folder 0700
CustomFields Folder 0700
DI Folder 0700
Doctrine Folder 0700
EmailEditor Folder 0700
Entities Folder 0700
Features Folder 0700
Form Folder 0700
Homepage Folder 0700
Listing Folder 0700
Logging Folder 0700
Mailer Folder 0700
Migrations Folder 0700
Migrator Folder 0700
Newsletter Folder 0700
NewsletterTemplates Folder 0700
PostEditorBlocks Folder 0700
Referrals Folder 0700
Router Folder 0700
Segments Folder 0700
Services Folder 0700
Settings Folder 0700
Statistics Folder 0700
Subscribers Folder 0700
Subscription Folder 0700
SystemReport Folder 0700
Tags Folder 0700
Tasks Folder 0700
Twig Folder 0700
Util Folder 0700
Validator Folder 0700
WP Folder 0700
WPCOM Folder 0700
WooCommerce Folder 0700
exceptions.php File 2.72 KB 0644
index.php File 6 B 0644