[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $

namespace MailPoet\Mailer;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

use MailPoet\Settings\SettingsController;

class MailerLog {
  const SETTING_NAME = 'mta_log';
  const STATUS_PAUSED = 'paused';
  const RETRY_INTERVAL = 120; // seconds

  public static function getMailerLog($mailerLog = false) {
    if ($mailerLog) return $mailerLog;
    $settings = SettingsController::getInstance();
    $mailerLog = $settings->get(self::SETTING_NAME);
    if (!$mailerLog) {
      $mailerLog = self::createMailerLog();
    return $mailerLog;

  public static function createMailerLog() {
    $mailerLog = [
      'sent' => null,
      'started' => time(),
      'status' => null,
      'retry_attempt' => null,
      'retry_at' => null,
      'error' => null,
    $settings = SettingsController::getInstance();
    $settings->set(self::SETTING_NAME, $mailerLog);
    return $mailerLog;

  public static function resetMailerLog() {
    return self::createMailerLog();

  public static function updateMailerLog($mailerLog) {
    $settings = SettingsController::getInstance();
    $settings->set(self::SETTING_NAME, $mailerLog);
    return $mailerLog;

  public static function enforceExecutionRequirements($mailerLog = false) {
    $mailerLog = self::getMailerLog($mailerLog);
    if ($mailerLog['retry_attempt'] === self::RETRY_ATTEMPTS_LIMIT) {
      $mailerLog = self::pauseSending($mailerLog);
    if (self::isSendingPaused($mailerLog)) {
      throw new \Exception(__('Sending has been paused.', 'mailpoet'));
    if (!is_null($mailerLog['retry_at'])) {
      if (time() <= $mailerLog['retry_at']) {
        throw new \Exception(__('Sending is waiting to be retried.', 'mailpoet'));
      } else {
        $mailerLog['retry_at'] = null;
    // ensure that sending frequency has not been reached
    if (self::isSendingLimitReached($mailerLog)) {
      throw new \Exception(__('Sending frequency limit has been reached.', 'mailpoet'));

  public static function pauseSending($mailerLog) {
    $mailerLog['status'] = self::STATUS_PAUSED;
    $mailerLog['retry_attempt'] = null;
    $mailerLog['retry_at'] = null;
    return self::updateMailerLog($mailerLog);

  public static function resumeSending() {
    return self::resetMailerLog();

   * Process error, doesn't increase retry_attempt so it will not block sending
   * @param string $operation
   * @param string $errorMessage
   * @param int $retryInterval
   * @throws \Exception
  public static function processNonBlockingError($operation, $errorMessage, $retryInterval = self::RETRY_INTERVAL) {
    $mailerLog = self::getMailerLog();
    $mailerLog['retry_at'] = time() + $retryInterval;
    $mailerLog = self::setError($mailerLog, $operation, $errorMessage);

   * Process error, increase retry_attempt and block sending if it goes above RETRY_INTERVAL
   * @param string $operation
   * @param string $errorMessage
   * @param string $errorCode
   * @param bool $pauseSending
   * @throws \Exception
  public static function processError($operation, $errorMessage, $errorCode = null, $pauseSending = false, $throttledBatchSize = null) {
    $mailerLog = self::getMailerLog();
    if (!isset($throttledBatchSize) || $throttledBatchSize === 1) {
    $mailerLog['retry_at'] = time() + self::RETRY_INTERVAL;
    $mailerLog = self::setError($mailerLog, $operation, $errorMessage, $errorCode);
    if ($pauseSending) {

  public static function setError($mailerLog, $operation, $errorMessage, $errorCode = null) {
    $mailerLog['error'] = [
      'operation' => $operation,
      'error_message' => $errorMessage,
    if ($errorCode) {
      $mailerLog['error']['error_code'] = $errorCode;
    return $mailerLog;

  public static function getError($mailerLog = false) {
    $mailerLog = self::getMailerLog($mailerLog);
    return isset($mailerLog['error']) ? $mailerLog['error'] : null;

  public static function incrementSentCount() {
    $mailerLog = self::getMailerLog();
    // do not increment count if sending limit is reached
    if (self::isSendingLimitReached($mailerLog)) return;
    // clear previous retry count, errors, etc.
    if ($mailerLog['error']) {
      $mailerLog = self::clearSendingErrorLog($mailerLog);
    return self::updateMailerLog($mailerLog);

  public static function clearSendingErrorLog($mailerLog) {
    $mailerLog['retry_attempt'] = null;
    $mailerLog['retry_at'] = null;
    $mailerLog['error'] = null;
    return self::updateMailerLog($mailerLog);

  public static function isSendingLimitReached($mailerLog = false) {
    $settings = SettingsController::getInstance();
    $mailerConfig = $settings->get(Mailer::MAILER_CONFIG_SETTING_NAME);
    // do not enforce sending limit for MailPoet's sending method
    if ($mailerConfig['method'] === Mailer::METHOD_MAILPOET) return false;
    $mailerLog = self::getMailerLog($mailerLog);
    $elapsedTime = time() - (int)$mailerLog['started'];

    if (empty($mailer['frequency'])) {
      $defaultSettings = $settings->getAllDefaults();
      $mailer['frequency'] = $defaultSettings['mta']['frequency'];
    $frequencyInterval = (int)$mailerConfig['frequency']['interval'] * Mailer::SENDING_LIMIT_INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER;
    $frequencyLimit = (int)$mailerConfig['frequency']['emails'];

    if ($mailerLog['sent'] >= $frequencyLimit) {
      if ($elapsedTime <= $frequencyInterval) return true;
      // reset mailer log as enough time has passed since the limit was reached
    return false;

  public static function isSendingPaused($mailerLog = false) {
    $mailerLog = self::getMailerLog($mailerLog);
    return $mailerLog['status'] === self::STATUS_PAUSED;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Methods Folder 0700
WordPress Folder 0700
Mailer.php File 7.13 KB 0644
MailerError.php File 2.5 KB 0644
MailerLog.php File 6.02 KB 0644
MetaInfo.php File 2.21 KB 0644
SubscriberError.php File 698 B 0644
index.php File 0 B 0644