[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace MailPoet\Models;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

use MailPoet\Util\Helpers;
use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions;

 * @method static array|string getConfig($key = null, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION)
 * @method static null resetConfig()
 * @method static self forTable($table_name, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION)
 * @method static null setDb($db, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION)
 * @method static null resetDb()
 * @method static null setupLimitClauseStyle($connection_name)
 * @method static \PDO getDb($connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION)
 * @method static bool rawExecute($query, $parameters = array())
 * @method static \PDOStatement getLastStatement()
 * @method static string getLastQuery($connection_name = null)
 * @method static array getQueryLog($connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION)
 * @method array getConnectionNames()
 * @method $this useIdColumn($id_column)
 * @method $this|false findOne($id=null)
 * @method static static|false findOne($id=null)
 * @method array findMany()
 * @method static array findMany()
 * @method \MailPoetVendor\Idiorm\IdiormResultSet findResultSet()
 * @method array findArray()
 * @method static array findArray()
 * @method $this forceAllDirty()
 * @method $this select_expr(string $expr, string $alias=null)
 * @method $this rawQuery($query, $parameters = array())
 * @method static $this rawQuery($query, $parameters = array())
 * @method $this tableAlias($alias)
 * @method static $this tableAlias($alias)
 * @method int countNullIdColumns()
 * @method $this select($column, $alias=null)
 * @method static $this select($column, $alias=null)
 * @method $this selectExpr($expr, $alias=null)
 * @method static $this selectExpr($expr, $alias=null)
 * @method $this selectMany(...$values)
 * @method static static selectMany(...$values)
 * @method static selectManyExpr($values)
 * @method $this rawJoin(string $table, string|array $constraint, string $table_alias, array $parameters = array())
 * @method $this innerJoin(string $table, string|array $constraint, string $table_alias=null)
 * @method $this join(string $table, string|array $constraint, string $table_alias=null)
 * @method static static join(string $table, string|array $constraint, string $table_alias=null)
 * @method $this leftOuterJoin(string $table, string|array $constraint, string $table_alias=null)
 * @method $this rightOuterJoin(string $table, string|array $constraint, string $table_alias=null)
 * @method $this fullOuterJoin(string $table, string|array $constraint, string $table_alias=null)
 * @method $this where($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method static $this where($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this whereEqual($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method static $this whereEqual($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this whereNotEqual($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method static $this whereNotEqual($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this whereIdIs($id)
 * @method $this whereAnyIs($values, $operator='=')
 * @method static $this whereAnyIs($values, $operator='=')
 * @method $this whereIdIn($ids)
 * @method static static whereIdIn($ids)
 * @method $this whereLike($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method static $this whereLike($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this whereNotLike($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this whereGt($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method static $this whereGt($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method static $this whereLt($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this whereGte($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this whereLte($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this whereIn($column_name, $values)
 * @method static $this whereIn($column_name, $values)
 * @method $this whereNotIn($column_name, $values)
 * @method static $this whereNotIn($column_name, $values)
 * @method $this whereNull($column_name)
 * @method static static whereNull($column_name)
 * @method $this whereNotNull($column_name)
 * @method static $this whereNotNull($column_name)
 * @method $this whereRaw($clause, $parameters=array())
 * @method static $this whereRaw($clause, $parameters=array())
 * @method $this deleteMany()
 * @method static $this deleteMany()
 * @method $this orderByDesc($column_name)
 * @method static $this orderByDesc($column_name)
 * @method $this orderByAsc($column_name)
 * @method static $this orderByAsc($column_name)
 * @method $this orderByExpr($clause)
 * @method $this groupBy($column_name)
 * @method $this groupByExpr($expr)
 * @method $this havingEqual($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this havingNotEqual($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this havingIdIs($id)
 * @method $this havingLike($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this havingNotLike($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this havingGt($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this havingLt($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this havingGte($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this havingLte($column_name, $value=null)
 * @method $this havingIn($column_name, $values=null)
 * @method $this havingNotIn($column_name, $values=null)
 * @method $this havingNull($column_name)
 * @method $this havingNotNull($column_name)
 * @method $this havingRaw($clause, $parameters=array())
 * @method static $this clearCache($table_name = null, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION)
 * @method bool setExpr($key, $value = null)
 * @method bool isDirty($key)
 * @method static static filter(...$args)
 * @method array asArray(...$args)
 * @method $this hasMany($associated_class_name, $foreign_key_name=null, $foreign_key_name_in_current_models_table=null, $connection_name=null)
 * @method $this hasManyThrough($associated_class_name, $join_class_name=null, $key_to_base_table=null, $key_to_associated_table=null,  $key_in_base_table=null, $key_in_associated_table=null, $connection_name=null)
 * @method mixed hasOne($associated_class_name, $foreign_key_name=null, $foreign_key_name_in_current_models_table=null, $connection_name=null)
 * @method $this|bool create($data=null)
 * @method static $this|bool create($data=null)
 * @method int count()
 * @method static int count()
 * @method int sum($column_name)
 * @method int min($column_name)
 * @method int max($column_name)
 * @method int avg($column_name)
 * @method static int sum($column_name)
 * @method static int min($column_name)
 * @method static int max($column_name)
 * @method static int avg($column_name)
 * @method static static limit(int $limit)
 * @method static static distinct()
 * @method $this set(string|array $key, string|null $value = null)
 * @property string|null $createdAt
 * @property string|null $updatedAt
 * @property string|null $id
 * @property string|null $first
 * @property string|null $last

class Model extends \MailPoetVendor\Sudzy\ValidModel {
  const DUPLICATE_RECORD = 23000;

  public static $_table; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration
  protected $_errors; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration
  protected $newRecord;

  public function __construct() {
    $this->_errors = [];
    $validator = new ModelValidator();

   * @return static
  public static function create() {
    $created = parent::create();
    if (is_bool($created)) {
      throw new \Exception('ORM is not initialised');
    return $created;

   * Creates a row, or updates it if already exists. It tries to find the existing
   * row by `id` (if given in `$data`), or by the given `$keys`. If `$onCreate` is
   * given, it's used to transform `$data` before creating the new row.
   * @param  array   $data
   * @param array|bool $keys
   * @param  callable|bool $onCreate
   * @return self
  static protected function _createOrUpdate($data = [], $keys = false, $onCreate = false) {
    $model = false;

    if (isset($data['id']) && (int)$data['id'] > 0) {
      $model = static::findOne((int)$data['id']);

    if ($model === false && !empty($keys) && is_array($keys)) {
      foreach ($keys as $field => $value) {
        if ($model === false) {
          $model = static::where($field, $value);
        } else {
          $model = $model->where($field, $value);
      if ($model !== false) $model = $model->findOne();

    if ($model === false) {
      if (!empty($onCreate) && is_callable($onCreate)) {
        $data = $onCreate($data);
      $model = static::create();
    } else {

    return $model->save();

  static public function createOrUpdate($data = []) {
    return self::_createOrUpdate($data);

  public function getErrors() {
    if (empty($this->_errors)) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return $this->_errors;

  public function setError($error = '', $errorCode = null) {
    if (!$errorCode) {
      $errorCode = count($this->_errors);
    if (!empty($error)) {
      if (is_array($error)) {
        $this->_errors = array_merge($this->_errors, $error);
        $this->_errors = array_unique($this->_errors);
      } else {
        $this->_errors[$errorCode] = $error;

   * @return static
   * @phpstan-ignore-next-line Our Model has incompatible return type with parent
  public function save() {
    $this->newRecord = $this->isNew();
    try {
    } catch (\MailPoetVendor\Sudzy\ValidationException $e) {
    } catch (\PDOException $e) {
      switch ($e->getCode()) {
        case 23000:
          preg_match("/for key '(?:.*\.)*(.*?)'/i", $e->getMessage(), $matches);
          if (isset($matches[1])) {
            $column = $matches[1];
                WPFunctions::get()->__('Another record already exists. Please specify a different "%1$s".', 'mailpoet'),
          } else {
    return $this;

  public function isNew() {
    return (isset($this->newRecord)) ?
      $this->newRecord :

  public function trash() {
    return $this->set_expr('deleted_at', 'NOW()')->save();

  public static function bulkTrash($orm) {
    $model = get_called_class();
    $count = self::bulkAction($orm, function($ids) use ($model) {
      $model::rawExecute(join(' ', [
        'UPDATE `' . $model::$_table . '`',
        'SET `deleted_at` = NOW()',
        'WHERE `id` IN (' . rtrim(str_repeat('?,', count($ids)), ',') . ')',
      ]), $ids);

    return ['count' => $count];

  public static function bulkDelete($orm) {
    $model = get_called_class();
    $count = self::bulkAction($orm, function($ids) use ($model) {
      $model::whereIn('id', $ids)->deleteMany();

    return ['count' => $count];

  public function restore() {
    return $this->set_expr('deleted_at', 'NULL')->save();

  public static function bulkRestore($orm) {
    $model = get_called_class();
    $count = self::bulkAction($orm, function($ids) use ($model) {
      $model::rawExecute(join(' ', [
        'UPDATE `' . $model::$_table . '`',
        'SET `deleted_at` = NULL',
        'WHERE `id` IN (' . rtrim(str_repeat('?,', count($ids)), ',') . ')',
      ]), $ids);

    return ['count' => $count];

  public static function bulkAction($orm, $callback = false) {
    $total = $orm->count();

    if ($total === 0) return false;

    $rows = $orm->select(static::$_table . '.id')

    $ids = array_map(function($model) {
      return (int)$model['id'];
    }, $rows);

    if (is_callable($callback)) {

    // get number of affected rows
    return $orm->get_last_statement()

  public function duplicate($data = []) {
    $model = get_called_class();
    $modelData = array_merge($this->asArray(), $data);

    $duplicate = $model::create();
    $duplicate->set_expr('created_at', 'NOW()');
    $duplicate->set_expr('updated_at', 'NOW()');
    if (isset($modelData['deleted_at'])) {
      $duplicate->set_expr('deleted_at', 'NULL');

    return $duplicate;

  public function setTimestamp() {
    if ($this->createdAt === null) {
      $this->set_expr('created_at', 'NOW()');

  public static function getPublished() {
    return static::whereNull('deleted_at');

  public static function getTrashed() {
    return static::whereNotNull('deleted_at');

   * Rethrow PDOExceptions to prevent exposing sensitive data in stack traces
  public static function __callStatic($method, $parameters) {
    try {
      return parent::__callStatic($method, $parameters);
    } catch (\PDOException $e) {
      throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());

  public function validate() {
    $success = true;
    foreach (array_keys($this->_validations) as $field) {
      $success = $success && $this->validateField($field, $this->$field);
    return $success;

  public function __get($name) {
    $value = parent::__get($name);
    if ($value !== null) {
      return $value;
    $name = Helpers::camelCaseToUnderscore($name);
    return parent::__get($name);

  public function __set($name, $value) {
    $name = Helpers::camelCaseToUnderscore($name);
    parent::__set($name, $value);

  public function __isset($name) {
    $name = Helpers::camelCaseToUnderscore($name);
    return parent::__isset($name);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
CustomField.php File 3.79 KB 0644
DynamicSegment.php File 4.05 KB 0644
DynamicSegmentFilter.php File 1.35 KB 0644
Form.php File 4.02 KB 0644
MappingToExternalEntities.php File 378 B 0644
Model.php File 13.58 KB 0644
ModelValidator.php File 2.44 KB 0644
Newsletter.php File 15.14 KB 0644
NewsletterLink.php File 530 B 0644
NewsletterOption.php File 670 B 0644
NewsletterOptionField.php File 939 B 0644
NewsletterSegment.php File 312 B 0644
ScheduledTask.php File 6.58 KB 0644
ScheduledTaskSubscriber.php File 5.31 KB 0644
Segment.php File 10.89 KB 0644
SendingQueue.php File 4.31 KB 0644
StatisticsClicks.php File 1.08 KB 0644
StatisticsForms.php File 1.85 KB 0644
StatisticsNewsletters.php File 1.61 KB 0644
StatisticsOpens.php File 807 B 0644
StatisticsUnsubscribes.php File 821 B 0644
StatisticsWooCommercePurchases.php File 1.5 KB 0644
Subscriber.php File 20.83 KB 0644
SubscriberCustomField.php File 2.5 KB 0644
SubscriberIP.php File 1.12 KB 0644
SubscriberSegment.php File 5.2 KB 0644
index.php File 0 B 0644