namespace MailPoet\Services;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
use MailPoet\DI\ContainerWrapper;
use MailPoet\Mailer\Mailer;
use MailPoet\Services\Bridge\API;
use MailPoet\Settings\SettingsController;
use MailPoet\Util\License\Features\Subscribers as SubscribersFeature;
use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions;
class Bridge {
const API_KEY_SETTING_NAME = 'mta.mailpoet_api_key';
const API_KEY_STATE_SETTING_NAME = 'mta.mailpoet_api_key_state';
const AUTHORIZED_EMAIL_ADDRESSES_ERROR_SETTING_NAME = 'authorized_emails_addresses_check';
const PREMIUM_KEY_SETTING_NAME = 'premium.premium_key';
const PREMIUM_KEY_STATE_SETTING_NAME = 'premium.premium_key_state';
const PREMIUM_KEY_VALID = 'valid'; // for backwards compatibility until version 3.0.0
const KEY_VALID = 'valid';
const KEY_INVALID = 'invalid';
const KEY_EXPIRING = 'expiring';
const KEY_ALREADY_USED = 'already_used';
const KEY_CHECK_ERROR = 'check_error';
const CHECK_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';
const BRIDGE_URL = 'https://bridge.mailpoet.com';
/** @var API|null */
public $api;
/** @var SettingsController */
private $settings;
/** @var SubscribersFeature */
private $subscribersFeature;
public function __construct(
SettingsController $settingsController = null,
SubscribersFeature $subscribersFeature = null
) {
if ($settingsController === null) {
$settingsController = SettingsController::getInstance();
if ($subscribersFeature === null) {
$subscribersFeature = ContainerWrapper::getInstance()->get(SubscribersFeature::class);
$this->settings = $settingsController;
$this->subscribersFeature = $subscribersFeature;
* @deprecated Use non static function isMailpoetSendingServiceEnabled instead
* @return bool
public static function isMPSendingServiceEnabled() {
try {
$mailerConfig = SettingsController::getInstance()->get(Mailer::MAILER_CONFIG_SETTING_NAME);
return !empty($mailerConfig['method'])
&& $mailerConfig['method'] === Mailer::METHOD_MAILPOET;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
public function isMailpoetSendingServiceEnabled() {
try {
$mailerConfig = SettingsController::getInstance()->get(Mailer::MAILER_CONFIG_SETTING_NAME);
return !empty($mailerConfig['method'])
&& $mailerConfig['method'] === Mailer::METHOD_MAILPOET;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
public static function isMSSKeySpecified() {
$settings = SettingsController::getInstance();
$key = $settings->get(self::API_KEY_SETTING_NAME);
return !empty($key);
public static function isPremiumKeySpecified() {
$settings = SettingsController::getInstance();
$key = $settings->get(self::PREMIUM_KEY_SETTING_NAME);
return !empty($key);
public static function pingBridge() {
$params = [
'blocking' => true,
'timeout' => 10,
$wp = new WPFunctions();
$result = $wp->wpRemoteGet(self::BRIDGE_URL, $params);
return $wp->wpRemoteRetrieveResponseCode($result) === 200;
public function initApi($apiKey) {
if ($this->api) {
} else {
$this->api = new Bridge\API($apiKey);
* @param string $key
* @return API
public function getApi($key) {
assert($this->api instanceof API);
return $this->api;
public function getAuthorizedEmailAddresses() {
return $this
public function checkMSSKey($apiKey) {
$result = $this
return $this->processKeyCheckResult($result);
public function storeMSSKeyAndState($key, $state) {
if (empty($state['state'])
|| $state['state'] === self::KEY_CHECK_ERROR
) {
return false;
// store the key itself
// store the key state
public function checkPremiumKey($key) {
$result = $this
return $this->processKeyCheckResult($result);
private function processKeyCheckResult(array $result) {
$stateMap = [
200 => self::KEY_VALID,
401 => self::KEY_INVALID,
402 => self::KEY_ALREADY_USED,
403 => self::KEY_INVALID,
if (!empty($result['code']) && isset($stateMap[$result['code']])) {
if ($stateMap[$result['code']] == self::KEY_VALID
&& !empty($result['data']['expire_at'])
) {
$keyState = self::KEY_EXPIRING;
} else {
$keyState = $stateMap[$result['code']];
} else {
$keyState = self::KEY_CHECK_ERROR;
return $this->buildKeyState(
public function storePremiumKeyAndState($key, $state) {
if (empty($state['state'])
|| $state['state'] === self::KEY_CHECK_ERROR
) {
return false;
// store the key itself
// store the key state
private function buildKeyState($keyState, $result) {
$state = [
'state' => $keyState,
'data' => !empty($result['data']) ? $result['data'] : null,
'code' => !empty($result['code']) ? $result['code'] : self::CHECK_ERROR_UNKNOWN,
return $state;
public function updateSubscriberCount($result) {
if (
&& (
$result['state'] === self::KEY_VALID
|| $result['state'] === self::KEY_EXPIRING
&& ($this->api instanceof API)
) {
return $this->api->updateSubscriberCount($this->subscribersFeature->getSubscribersCount());
return null;
public static function invalidateKey() {
$settings = SettingsController::getInstance();
['state' => self::KEY_INVALID]
public function onSettingsSave($settings) {
$apiKeySet = !empty($settings[Mailer::MAILER_CONFIG_SETTING_NAME]['mailpoet_api_key']);
$premiumKeySet = !empty($settings['premium']['premium_key']);
if ($apiKeySet) {
$apiKey = $settings[Mailer::MAILER_CONFIG_SETTING_NAME]['mailpoet_api_key'];
$state = $this->checkMSSKey($apiKey);
$this->storeMSSKeyAndState($apiKey, $state);
if (self::isMPSendingServiceEnabled()) {
if ($premiumKeySet) {
$premiumKey = $settings['premium']['premium_key'];
$state = $this->checkPremiumKey($premiumKey);
$this->storePremiumKeyAndState($premiumKey, $state);