<?php namespace MailPoet\Models; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; use DateTimeInterface; /** * @property int $newsletterId * @property int $subscriberId * @property int $queueId * @property int $linkId * @property int $count */ class StatisticsClicks extends Model { public static $_table = MP_STATISTICS_CLICKS_TABLE; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration public static function findLatestPerNewsletterBySubscriber(Subscriber $subscriber, DateTimeInterface $from, DateTimeInterface $to) { // subquery to find latest click IDs for each newsletter $table = self::$_table; $latestClickIdsPerNewsletterQuery = " SELECT MAX(id) FROM $table WHERE subscriber_id = :subscriber_id AND updated_at > :from AND updated_at < :to GROUP BY newsletter_id "; return static::tableAlias('clicks') ->whereRaw("clicks.id IN ($latestClickIdsPerNewsletterQuery)", [ 'subscriber_id' => $subscriber->id, 'from' => $from->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'to' => $to->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ]) ->findMany(); } }
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
CustomField.php | File | 3.79 KB | 0644 |
DynamicSegment.php | File | 4.05 KB | 0644 |
DynamicSegmentFilter.php | File | 1.35 KB | 0644 |
Form.php | File | 4.02 KB | 0644 |
MappingToExternalEntities.php | File | 378 B | 0644 |
Model.php | File | 13.58 KB | 0644 |
ModelValidator.php | File | 2.44 KB | 0644 |
Newsletter.php | File | 15.14 KB | 0644 |
NewsletterLink.php | File | 530 B | 0644 |
NewsletterOption.php | File | 670 B | 0644 |
NewsletterOptionField.php | File | 939 B | 0644 |
NewsletterSegment.php | File | 312 B | 0644 |
ScheduledTask.php | File | 6.58 KB | 0644 |
ScheduledTaskSubscriber.php | File | 5.31 KB | 0644 |
Segment.php | File | 10.89 KB | 0644 |
SendingQueue.php | File | 4.31 KB | 0644 |
StatisticsClicks.php | File | 1.08 KB | 0644 |
StatisticsForms.php | File | 1.85 KB | 0644 |
StatisticsNewsletters.php | File | 1.61 KB | 0644 |
StatisticsOpens.php | File | 807 B | 0644 |
StatisticsUnsubscribes.php | File | 821 B | 0644 |
StatisticsWooCommercePurchases.php | File | 1.5 KB | 0644 |
Subscriber.php | File | 20.83 KB | 0644 |
SubscriberCustomField.php | File | 2.5 KB | 0644 |
SubscriberIP.php | File | 1.12 KB | 0644 |
SubscriberSegment.php | File | 5.2 KB | 0644 |
index.php | File | 0 B | 0644 |