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namespace MailPoet\WP;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

 * Class AutocompletePostListLoader is used to load data for the frontend autocomplete
class AutocompletePostListLoader {
  /** @var Functions */
  private $wp;

  public function __construct(
    Functions $wp
  ) {
    $this->wp = $wp;

  public function getProducts() {
    $products = $this->wp->getResultsFromWpDb(
      "SELECT `ID`, `post_title` FROM {$this->wp->getWPTableName('posts')} WHERE `post_type` = %s ORDER BY `post_title` ASC;",
    return $this->formatPosts($products);

  public function getSubscriptionProducts() {
    $products = $this->wp->getResultsFromWpDb(
      "SELECT `ID`, `post_title` FROM {$this->wp->getWPTableName('posts')} AS p
        INNER JOIN {$this->wp->getWPTableName('term_relationships')} AS trel ON trel.object_id = p.id
        INNER JOIN {$this->wp->getWPTableName('term_taxonomy')} AS ttax ON ttax.term_taxonomy_id = trel.term_taxonomy_id
        INNER JOIN {$this->wp->getWPTableName('terms')} AS t ON ttax.term_id = t.term_id AND t.slug IN ('subscription', 'variable-subscription')
        WHERE `p`.`post_type` = %s ORDER BY `post_title` ASC;",
    return $this->formatPosts($products);

  public function getWooCommerceCategories() {
    return $this->formatTerms($this->wp->getCategories(['taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'orderby' => 'name']));

  public function getPosts() {
    global $wpdb;
    $optionList = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT ID, post_title FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . " WHERE post_type='post' ORDER BY `post_title` ASC;");
    return $this->formatPosts($optionList);

  public function getPages() {
    global $wpdb;
    $optionList = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT ID, post_title FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . " WHERE post_type='page' ORDER BY `post_title` ASC;");
    return $this->formatPosts($optionList);

  public function getWooCommerceTags() {
    return $this->formatTerms($this->wp->getTerms('product_tag'));

  public function getCategories() {
    return $this->formatTerms($this->wp->getCategories());

  public function getTags() {
    return $this->formatTerms($this->wp->getTags());

  private function formatPosts($posts) {
    if (empty($posts)) return [];
    $result = [];
    foreach ($posts as $post) {
      $result[] = [
        'id' => (string)$post->ID,
        'name' => $post->post_title,// phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
    return $result;

  private function formatTerms($terms) {
    if (empty($terms)) return [];
    if (!is_array($terms)) return []; // there can be instance of WP_Error instead of list of terms if woo commerce is not active
    $result = [];
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
      $result[] = [
        'id' => (string)$term->term_id,// phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
        'name' => $term->name,
    return $result;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AutocompletePostListLoader.php File 2.93 KB 0644
DateTime.php File 2.08 KB 0644
Emoji.php File 2.04 KB 0644
Functions.php File 19.04 KB 0644
Notice.php File 2.62 KB 0644
Posts.php File 858 B 0644
Readme.php File 1.09 KB 0644
index.php File 0 B 0644