<% extends 'layout.html' %>
<% block content %>
<div id="segments_container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var mailpoet_listing_per_page = <%= items_per_page %>;
var mailpoet_beacon_articles = [
var mailpoet_mss_active = <%= json_encode(mss_active) %>;
var mailpoet_subscribers_limit = <%= subscribers_limit ? subscribers_limit : 'false' %>;
var mailpoet_subscribers_limit_reached = <%= subscribers_limit_reached ? 'true' : 'false' %>;
var mailpoet_has_valid_api_key = <%= has_valid_api_key ? 'true' : 'false' %>;
var mailpoet_mss_key_invalid = <%= mss_key_invalid ? 'true' : 'false' %>;
var mailpoet_subscribers_count = <%= subscriber_count %>;
var mailpoet_custom_fields = <%= json_encode(custom_fields) %>;
var mailpoet_has_premium_support = <%= has_premium_support ? 'true' : 'false' %>;
var wordpress_editable_roles_list = <%= json_encode(wordpress_editable_roles_list) %>;
var mailpoet_newsletters_list = <%= json_encode(newsletters_list) %>;
var mailpoet_product_categories = <%= json_encode(product_categories) %>;
var mailpoet_products = <%= json_encode(products) %>;
var mailpoet_subscription_products = <%= json_encode(subscription_products) %>;
var is_woocommerce_active = <%= json_encode(is_woocommerce_active) %>;
var mailpoet_can_use_woocommerce_subscriptions = <%= json_encode(can_use_woocommerce_subscriptions) %>;
var mailpoet_woocommerce_currency_symbol = <%= json_encode(woocommerce_currency_symbol) %>;
var mailpoet_woocommerce_countries = <%= json_encode(woocommerce_countries) %>;
var mailpoet_tracking_enabled = <%= json_encode(tracking_enabled) %>;
var mailpoet_subscribers_counts_cache_created_at = <%= json_encode(subscribers_counts_cache_created_at) %>;
<% endblock %>
<% block translations %>
<%= localize({
'pageTitle': __('Lists'),
'searchLabel': __('Search'),
'loadingItems': __('Loading lists...'),
'noItemsFound': __('No lists found'),
'selectAllLabel': __('All lists on this page are selected.'),
'selectedAllLabel': __('All %d lists are selected.'),
'selectAllLink': __('Select all lists on all pages'),
'clearSelection': __('Clear selection'),
'permanentlyDeleted': __('%d lists were permanently deleted.'),
'selectBulkAction': __('Select bulk action'),
'bulkActions': __('Bulk Actions'),
'apply': __('Apply'),
'name': __('Name'),
'description': __('Description'),
'segmentUpdated': __('List successfully updated!'),
'segmentAdded': __('List successfully added!'),
'segment': __('List'),
'subscribed': __('Subscribed'),
'unconfirmed': __('Unconfirmed'),
'unsubscribed': __('Unsubscribed'),
'inactive': __('Inactive'),
'bounced': __('Bounced'),
'createdOn': __('Created on'),
'oneSegmentTrashed': __('1 list was moved to the trash. Note that deleting a list does not delete its subscribers.'),
'multipleSegmentsTrashed': __('%$1d lists were moved to the trash. Note that deleting a list does not delete its subscribers.'),
'oneSegmentDeleted': __('1 list was permanently deleted. Note that deleting a list does not delete its subscribers.'),
'multipleSegmentsDeleted': __('%$1d lists were permanently deleted. Note that deleting a list does not delete its subscribers.'),
'oneSegmentRestored': __('1 list has been restored from the Trash.'),
'multipleSegmentsRestored': __('%$1d lists have been restored from the Trash.'),
'duplicate': __('Duplicate'),
'listDuplicated': __('List "%$1s" has been duplicated.'),
'update': __('Update'),
'forceSync': __('Force Sync'),
'readMore': __('
'listSynchronized': __('List "%$1s" has been synchronized.'),
'viewSubscribers': __('View Subscribers'),
'new': __('New List'),
'newSegment': __('New Segment'),
'edit': __('Edit'),
'trash': __('Trash'),
'moveToTrash': __('Move to trash'),
'emptyTrash': __('Empty Trash'),
'selectAll': __('Select All'),
'restore': __('Restore'),
'deletePermanently': __('Delete permanently'),
'save': __('Save'),
'trashAndDisable': __('Trash and disable'),
'restoreAndEnable': __('Restore and enable'),
'listScore': __('List score'),
'previousPage': __('Previous page'),
'firstPage': __('First page'),
'nextPage': __('Next page'),
'lastPage': __('Last page'),
'currentPage': __('Current page'),
'pageOutOf': __('of'),
'numberOfItemsSingular': __('1 item'),
'numberOfItemsMultiple': __('%$1d items'),
'segmentDescriptionTip': __('This text box is for your own use and is never shown to your subscribers.'),
'backToList': __('Back'),
'subscribersInPlanCount': _x('%$1d / %$2d', 'count / total subscribers'),
'subscribersInPlan': _x('%s subscribers in your plan', 'number of subscribers in a sending plan'),
'subscribersInPlanTooltip': __('This is the total of subscribed, unconfirmed and inactive subscribers we count when you are sending with MailPoet Sending Service. The count excludes unsubscribed and bounced (invalid) email addresses.'),
'mailpoetSubscribers': _x('%s MailPoet subscribers', 'number of subscribers in the plugin'),
'mailpoetSubscribersTooltipFree': __('This is the total of all subscribers including %$1d WordPress users. To exclude WordPress users, please purchase one of our premium plans.'),
'mailpoetSubscribersTooltipPremium': __('This is the total of all subscribers excluding all WordPress users.'),
'pageTitleSegments': __('Segments'),
'formPageTitle': __('Segment'),
'formSegmentTitle': __('Segment'),
'descriptionTip': __('This text box is for your own use and is never shown to your subscribers.'),
'dynamicSegmentUpdated': __('Segment successfully updated!'),
'dynamicSegmentAdded': __('Segment successfully added!'),
'segmentType': __('Type'),
'wpUserRole': __('Subscriber'),
'email': __('Email'),
'nameColumn': __('Name'),
'subscribersCountColumn': __('Number of subscribers'),
'updatedAtColumn': __('Modified on'),
'missingPluginMessageColumn': __('Missing plugin message'),
'loadingDynamicSegmentItems': __('Loading data…'),
'noDynamicSegmentItemsFound': __('No segments found'),
'numberOfItemsSingular': __('1 item'),
'numberOfItemsMultiple': __('%$1d items'),
'previousPage': __('Previous page'),
'firstPage': __('First page'),
'nextPage': __('Next page'),
'lastPage': __('Last page'),
'currentPage': __('Current page'),
'pageOutOf': _x('of', 'Page X of Y'),
'notSentYet': __('Not sent yet'),
'selectLinkPlaceholder': __('Select link'),
'selectNewsletterPlaceholder': __('Select email'),
'selectActionPlaceholder': __('Select action'),
'selectUserRolePlaceholder': __('Select user role'),
'selectCustomFieldPlaceholder': __('Select custom field'),
'emailActionOpened': _x('opened', 'Dynamic segment creation: when newsletter was opened'),
'emailActionMachineOpened': _x('machine-opened', 'Dynamic segment creation: list of all subscribers that opened the newsletter automatically in the background'),
'emailActionOpensAbsoluteCount': __('# of opens'),
'emailActionMachineOpensAbsoluteCount': __('# of machine-opens'),
'emailActionOpens': __('opens'),
'emailActionDays': __('days'),
'emailActionOpensSentence': _x('{condition} {opens} opens', 'The result will be "more than 20 opens"'),
'emailActionOpensDaysSentence': _x('in the last {days} days', 'The result will be "in the last 5 days"'),
'moreThan': __('more than'),
'lessThan': __('less than'),
'equals': __('equals'),
'contains': __('contains'),
'value': __('value'),
'selectValue': __('Select value'),
'checked': __('checked'),
'unchecked': __('unchecked'),
'before': _x('before', 'Meaning: "Subscriber subscribed before Aprile"'),
'after': _x('after', 'Meaning: "Subscriber subscribed after April'),
'inTheLast': _x('in the last', 'Meaning: "Subscriber subscribed in the last 3 days"'),
'notInTheLast': _x('not in the last', 'Meaning: "Subscriber subscribed not in the last 3 days"'),
'emailActionNotOpened': _x('not opened', 'Dynamic segment creation: when newsletter was not opened'),
'emailActionClicked': _x('clicked', 'Dynamic segment creation: when a newsletter link was clicked'),
'emailActionClickedAnyEmail': _x('clicked any email', 'Dynamic segment creation: when a newsletter link in any email was clicked'),
'emailActionNotClicked': _x('not clicked', 'Dynamic segment creation: when a newsletter link was not clicked'),
'searchLabel': __('Search'),
'segmentsTip': _x('Tip', 'A note about dynamic segments usage'),
'segmentsTipText': __('segments allow you to group your subscribers by other criteria, such as events and actions.'),
'segmentsTipLink': __('Read more.'),
'subscribedDate': __('subscribed date'),
'segmentsSubscriber': __('WordPress user role'),
'mailpoetCustomField': __('MailPoet custom field'),
'segmentsActiveSubscription': __('has an active subscription'),
'woocommerceSubscriptions': _x('WooCommerce Subscriptions', 'Dynamic segment creation: User selects this to use any WooCommerce Subscriptions filters'),
'selectWooSubscription': __('Search subscriptions'),
'oneDynamicSegmentTrashed': __('1 segment was moved to the trash.'),
'multipleDynamicSegmentsTrashed': __('%$1d segments were moved to the trash.'),
'oneDynamicSegmentRestored': __('1 segment has been restored from the Trash.'),
'multipleDynamicSegmentsRestored': __('%$1d segments have been restored from the Trash.'),
'multipleDynamicSegmentsDeleted': __('%$1d segments were permanently deleted.'),
'oneDynamicSegmentDeleted': __('1 segment was permanently deleted.'),
'wooNumberOfOrders': __('# of orders'),
'equal': __('equal'),
'moreThan': __('more than'),
'lessThan': __('less than'),
'wooNumberOfOrdersCount': __('count'),
'daysPlaceholder': __('days'),
'days': _x('days', 'Appears together with `inTheLast` when creating a new WooCommerce segment based on the number of orders.'),
'inTheLast': _x('in the last', 'Appears together with `days` when creating a new WooCommerce segment based on the number of orders.'),
'wooNumberOfOrdersOrders': __('orders'),
'wooPurchasedCategory': __('purchased in this category'),
'wooPurchasedProduct': __('purchased this product'),
'wooTotalSpent': __('total spent'),
'wooCustomerInCountry': __('is in country'),
'wooTotalSpentAmount': __('amount'),
'selectWooPurchasedCategory': __('Search category'),
'selectWooPurchasedProduct': __('Search products'),
'selectWooCountry': __('Select country'),
'woocommerce': _x('WooCommerce', 'Dynamic segment creation: User selects this to use any woocommerce filters'),
'dynamicSegmentSizeIsCalculated': __('Calculating segment size…'),
'dynamicSegmentSizeCalculatingTimeout': __("It's taking longer than usual to generate the segment, which may be due to a complex configuration. Try using fewer or simpler conditions."),
'dynamicSegmentSize': __('This segment has %$1d subscribers.'),
'unknownBadgeName': __('Unknown'),
'unknownBadgeTooltip': __('Not enough data.'),
'tooltipUnknown': __('Fewer than 3 emails sent'),
'excellentBadgeName': __('Excellent'),
'excellentBadgeTooltip': __('Congrats!'),
'tooltipExcellent': __('50% or more'),
'goodBadgeName': __('Good'),
'goodBadgeTooltip': __('Good stuff.'),
'tooltipGood': __('between 20 and 50%'),
'averageBadgeName': __('Low'),
'averageBadgeTooltip': __('Something to improve.'),
'tooltipAverage': __('20% or fewer'),
'engagementScoreDescription': __('Average percent of emails subscribers read in the last year'),
'addCondition': __('Add a condition'),
'allConditions': _x('<strong>All</strong> of the following conditions', 'Dynamic segment creation: The user can select join between condition when he has more than one'),
'anyConditions': _x('<strong>Any</strong> of the following conditions', 'Dynamic segment creation: The user can select join between condition when he has more than one'),
'filterConnectAnd': _x('and', 'Dynamic segment creation: The user can see logical operator between condition when has more than one'),
'filterConnectOr': _x('or', 'Dynamic segment creation: The user can see logical operator between condition when has more than one'),
'subscribersCountWereCalculated': __('Lists and Segments subscribers counts were calculated'),
'subscribersMinutesAgo': __('minutes ago'),
'recalculateNow': __('Recalculate now'),
'privacyProtectionNotice': __('Due to email privacy protections, some opens may not be tracked. Consider using a different engagement metric.'),
}) %>
<% endblock %>