* Envato Elements: Options
* Making option management a bit easier for us.
* @package Envato/Envato_Elements
* @since 2.0.0
namespace Envato_Elements\Backend;
use Envato_Elements\Utils\Base;
use Envato_Elements\Utils\Extensions_API;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
* Option saving / getting
* @since 2.0.0
class Options extends Base {
const OPTION_KEY = 'envato_elements_options';
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'admin_head', array( $this, 'print_admin_env_vars' ) );
add_action( 'elementor/editor/before_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'print_admin_env_vars' ] );
add_action( 'elementor/preview/enqueue_styles', [ $this, 'print_admin_env_vars' ] );
* Prints some variables we can access from within React
public function print_admin_env_vars() {
$admin_options = array(
'api_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wp_rest' ),
//'api_url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php?action=envato_elements&endpoint=' ),
'api_url' => get_rest_url() . 'envato-elements/v2/',
'elements_token_url' => Extensions_API::get_instance()->get_token_url(),
'subscription_status' => Subscription::get_instance()->get_subscription_status(),
'downloaded_items' => Downloaded_Items::get_instance()->get_downloaded_items(),
'dismissed_banners' => Options::get_instance()->get( 'dismissed_banners', [] ),
'project_name' => Options::get_instance()->get( 'project_name', get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ),
'start_page' => Options::get_instance()->get( 'start_page', 'welcome' ),
var envato_elements = <?php echo json_encode( $admin_options ); ?>;
* @param bool $key
* @param bool $default
* @return array|bool|mixed|string|void
public function get( $key = false, $default = false ) {
// Default our project name setting value to the home url
if ( $key === 'project_name' && ! $default ) {
$default = get_home_url();
// We ran into issues with cached option values happening when downloading multiple items quickly one after the other.
// The fix for this is to grab a fresh entry out of the WordPress DB each time the user requests an option.
// We don't do this too often in our plugin so it should be safe
wp_cache_delete( self::OPTION_KEY, 'option' );
$options = get_option( self::OPTION_KEY, array() );
if ( ! $options || ! is_array( $options ) ) {
$options = array();
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
if ( $user_id ) {
$user_options = isset( $options[ $user_id ] ) ? $options[ $user_id ] : array();
if ( $key !== false ) {
return isset( $user_options[ $key ] ) ? $user_options[ $key ] : $default;
return $user_options;
} else {
return $default;
public function set( $key, $value ) {
$options = get_option( self::OPTION_KEY, array() );
if ( ! is_array( $options ) ) {
$options = array();
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
if ( $user_id ) {
if ( ! isset( $options[ $user_id ] ) ) {
$options[ $user_id ] = array();
$options[ $user_id ][ $key ] = $value;
update_option( self::OPTION_KEY, $options, false );
public function reset_user(){
$options = get_option( self::OPTION_KEY, array() );
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
if ( $user_id ) {
$options[ $user_id ] = [];
update_option( self::OPTION_KEY, $options, false );