<?php /** * Kadence Blocks Helper Functions * * @since 1.8.0 * @package Kadence Blocks */ // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } use function KadenceWP\KadenceBlocks\StellarWP\Uplink\get_license_key; /** * Check if we are in AMP Mode. */ function kadence_blocks_is_not_amp() { $not_amp = true; if ( function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) && is_amp_endpoint() ) { $not_amp = false; } return $not_amp; } /** * Get the asset file produced by wp scripts. * * @param string $filepath the file path. * @return array */ function kadence_blocks_get_asset_file( $filepath ) { $asset_path = KADENCE_BLOCKS_PATH . $filepath . '.asset.php'; return file_exists( $asset_path ) ? include $asset_path : [ 'dependencies' => [ 'lodash', 'react', 'react-dom', 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-blocks', 'wp-data', 'wp-element', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-polyfill', 'wp-primitives', 'wp-api' ], 'version' => KADENCE_BLOCKS_VERSION, ]; } /** * Check if we are in a rest api call. */ function kadence_blocks_is_rest() { $prefix = rest_get_url_prefix(); if ( ( defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) && REST_REQUEST ) || ( isset( $_GET['rest_route'] ) && strpos( $_GET['rest_route'], '/', 0 ) === 0 ) ) { return true; } // (#3). global $wp_rewrite; if ( $wp_rewrite === null ) { $wp_rewrite = new WP_Rewrite(); } // (#4). $rest_url = wp_parse_url( trailingslashit( rest_url() ) ); $current_url = wp_parse_url( add_query_arg( [] ) ); if ( isset( $current_url['path'] ) && isset( $rest_url['path'] ) ) { return strpos( $current_url['path'], $rest_url['path'], 0 ) === 0; } return false; } /** * Hex to RGBA * * @param string $hex string hex code. * @param number $alpha alpha number. */ function kadence_blocks_hex2rgba( $hex, $alpha ) { if ( empty( $hex ) ) { return ''; } if ( 'transparent' === $hex ) { return $hex; } $hex = str_replace( '#', '', $hex ); if ( strlen( $hex ) == 3 ) { $r = hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 1 ) . substr( $hex, 0, 1 ) ); $g = hexdec( substr( $hex, 1, 1 ) . substr( $hex, 1, 1 ) ); $b = hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 1 ) . substr( $hex, 2, 1 ) ); } else { $r = hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 2 ) ); $g = hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 2 ) ); $b = hexdec( substr( $hex, 4, 2 ) ); } return 'rgba(' . $r . ', ' . $g . ', ' . $b . ', ' . $alpha . ')'; } /** * Check to see if variable contains a number including 0. * * @access public * * @param string $value - the css property. * @return boolean */ function kadence_blocks_is_number( &$value ) { return isset( $value ) && is_numeric( $value ); } /** * Adds Animate on Scroll attributes to a wrapper args array, if animation attributes are present * * @param array $attributes The attributes. * @param array $wrapper_args The args array to apply aos data to. */ function kadence_apply_aos_wrapper_args( $attributes, &$wrapper_args ) { if ( isset( $attributes['kadenceAnimation'] ) && $attributes['kadenceAnimation'] ) { $wrapper_args['data-aos'] = $attributes['kadenceAnimation']; if ( isset( $attributes['kadenceAOSOptions'] ) && $attributes['kadenceAOSOptions'] && isset( $attributes['kadenceAOSOptions'][0] ) ) { $kadence_aos_options = $attributes['kadenceAOSOptions'][0]; if ( isset( $kadence_aos_options['offset'] ) && $kadence_aos_options['offset'] ) { $wrapper_args['data-aos-offset'] = $kadence_aos_options['offset']; } if ( isset( $kadence_aos_options['duration'] ) && $kadence_aos_options['duration'] ) { $wrapper_args['data-aos-duration'] = $kadence_aos_options['duration']; } if ( isset( $kadence_aos_options['easing'] ) && $kadence_aos_options['easing'] ) { $wrapper_args['data-aos-easing'] = $kadence_aos_options['easing']; } if ( isset( $kadence_aos_options['delay'] ) && $kadence_aos_options['delay'] ) { $wrapper_args['data-aos-delay'] = $kadence_aos_options['delay']; } if ( isset( $kadence_aos_options['once'] ) && '' !== $kadence_aos_options['once'] ) { $wrapper_args['data-aos-once'] = $kadence_aos_options['once']; } } } return $wrapper_args; } /** * Clone of WooCommerce wc_clean function. * * @param $var * * @return array|mixed */ function kadence_blocks_wc_clean( $var ) { if ( is_array( $var ) ) { return array_map( 'kadence_blocks_wc_clean', $var ); } else { return is_scalar( $var ) ? sanitize_text_field( $var ) : $var; } } /** * Get the current license key for the plugin. */ function kadence_blocks_get_current_license_key() { $blocks_pro_key = class_exists( 'Kadence_Blocks_Pro' ) ? get_license_key( 'kadence-blocks-pro' ) : ''; if ( ! empty( $blocks_pro_key ) ) { return $blocks_pro_key; } $creative_kit_key = class_exists( 'KadenceWP\CreativeKit\Core' ) ? get_license_key( 'kadence-creative-kit' ) : ''; if ( ! empty( $creative_kit_key ) ) { return $creative_kit_key; } return get_license_key( 'kadence-blocks' ); } /** * Get the current license key for the plugin. */ function kadence_blocks_get_current_product_slug() { $blocks_pro_key = class_exists( 'Kadence_Blocks_Pro' ) ? get_license_key( 'kadence-blocks-pro' ) : ''; if ( ! empty( $blocks_pro_key ) ) { return 'kadence-blocks-pro'; } $creative_kit_key = class_exists( 'KadenceWP\CreativeKit\Core' ) ? get_license_key( 'kadence-creative-kit' ) : ''; if ( ! empty( $creative_kit_key ) ) { return 'kadence-creative-kit'; } return 'kadence-blocks'; } /** * Get the current license key for the plugin. */ function kadence_blocks_get_current_license_email() { if ( ! empty( get_license_key( 'kadence-blocks-pro' ) ) ) { return ''; } else { $license_data = kadence_blocks_get_deprecated_pro_license_data(); if ( $license_data && ! empty( $license_data['api_email'] ) ) { return $license_data['api_email']; } } return ''; } /** * Get the current license key for the plugin. * * @return array{key: string, email: string, product: string} */ function kadence_blocks_get_current_license_data(): array { static $cache; if ( is_array( $cache ) ) { return $cache; } $license_data = [ 'key' => kadence_blocks_get_current_license_key(), 'email' => kadence_blocks_get_current_license_email(), 'product' => kadence_blocks_get_current_product_slug(), ]; return $cache = $license_data; } /** * Check if ai is enabled. */ function kadence_blocks_is_ai_disabled() { if ( defined( 'KADENCE_BLOCKS_AI_DISABLED' ) && KADENCE_BLOCKS_AI_DISABLED ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if network activation is enabled. */ function kadence_blocks_is_network_authorize_enabled() { if ( ! is_multisite() ) { return false; } $network_enabled = ! apply_filters( 'kadence_activation_individual_multisites', true ); if ( ! $network_enabled && defined( 'KADENCE_ACTIVATION_NETWORK_ENABLED' ) && KADENCE_ACTIVATION_NETWORK_ENABLED ) { $network_enabled = true; } return $network_enabled; } /** * Get the license information. * * @return array */ function kadence_blocks_get_deprecated_pro_license_data() { $data = false; $current_theme = wp_get_theme(); $current_theme_name = $current_theme->get( 'Name' ); $current_theme_template = $current_theme->get( 'Template' ); // Check for a classic theme license. if ( 'Pinnacle Premium' == $current_theme_name || 'pinnacle_premium' == $current_theme_template || 'Ascend - Premium' == $current_theme_name || 'ascend_premium' == $current_theme_template || 'Virtue - Premium' == $current_theme_name || 'virtue_premium' == $current_theme_template ) { $pro_data = get_option( 'kt_api_manager' ); if ( $pro_data ) { $data['ithemes'] = ''; $data['username'] = ''; if ( 'Pinnacle Premium' == $current_theme_name || 'pinnacle_premium' == $current_theme_template ) { $data['product_id'] = 'pinnacle_premium'; } elseif ( 'Ascend - Premium' == $current_theme_name || 'ascend_premium' == $current_theme_template ) { $data['product_id'] = 'ascend_premium'; } elseif ( 'Virtue - Premium' == $current_theme_name || 'virtue_premium' == $current_theme_template ) { $data['product_id'] = 'virtue_premium'; } $data['api_key'] = $pro_data['kt_api_key']; $data['api_email'] = $pro_data['activation_email']; } } elseif ( is_multisite() && kadence_blocks_is_network_authorize_enabled() ) { $data = get_site_option( 'kt_api_manager_kadence_gutenberg_pro_data' ); } else { $data = get_option( 'kt_api_manager_kadence_gutenberg_pro_data' ); } return $data; }