[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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 * Create necessary table
function learndash_notifications_create_db_table() {
	global $wpdb;
	$current_version = '1.2';
	$db_version      = get_option( 'ld_notifications_db_version' );

	if ( $db_version === false || version_compare( $current_version, $db_version, '!=' ) === true ) {

		$table_name      = "{$wpdb->prefix}ld_notifications_delayed_emails";
		$charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate();

		if ( strpos( $wpdb->charset, 'utf8' ) === false ) {
			$charset = 'utf8mb4';
			$collate = 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';
			$charset_collate = "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$charset} COLLATE {$collate}";

		$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
			title varchar(500) NOT NULL,
			message text NOT NULL,
			recipient varchar(2000) NOT NULL,
			shortcode_data varchar(1000),
			sent_on varchar(20) NOT NULL,
			bcc varchar(2000),
			PRIMARY KEY  (id)
		) $charset_collate;";

		require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php';
		dbDelta( $sql );
		update_option( 'ld_notifications_db_version', $current_version );
//for unit test
$hook = php_sapi_name()==='cli'?'init':'admin_init';
add_action( $hook, 'learndash_notifications_create_db_table' );

 * Delete delayed emails when a user is unenrolled from a course
 * @param  int 		$user_id 	ID of a user
 * @param  int 		$course_id 	ID of a course
 * @param  string 	$user_id 	Course access list
 * @param  bool 	$user_id 	True if user unenrolled|false otherwise
function learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_email_by_unenrolled_course( $user_id, $course_id, $access_list, $remove )
	if ( $remove ) {
		learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_email_by_user_id_course_id( $user_id, $course_id );


add_action( 'learndash_update_course_access', 'learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_email_by_unenrolled_course', 10, 4 );

 * Delete delayed emails when a user is deleted
 * @param  int $user_id ID of a user
function learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_email_by_deleted_user( $user_id, $reassign_id ) {
	learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_email_by_user_id( $user_id );

add_action( 'deleted_user', 'learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_email_by_deleted_user', 10, 2 );

 * Delete delayed emails in DB by a key available in column 'shortcode_data'
 * @param  string $key   Key available in shortcode_data column
 * @param  string $value Value being searched to be deleted
function learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_emails_by( $key, $value )
		$key => $value,

 * Delete delayed emails using recipient email address
 * @param  string $email_address  Email address of recipient
function learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_emails_by_email( $email_address )
	global $wpdb;

	$sql = $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}ld_notifications_delayed_emails WHERE recipient LIKE '%%%s%%'", $wpdb->esc_like( $email_address ) );

	return $wpdb->query( $sql );

 * Delete delayed emails using user ID
 * @param  int $user_id   ID of a user
function learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_email_by_user_id( $user_id )
		'user_id' => $user_id

 * Delete delayed emails using user ID and course ID
 * @param  int $user_id   ID of a user
 * @param  int $course_id ID of a course
function learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_email_by_user_id_course_id( $user_id, $course_id )
		'user_id' => $user_id,
		'course_id' => $course_id,

function learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_emails_by_user_id_lesson_id( $user_id, $lesson_id )
		'user_id' => $user_id,
		'lesson_id' => $lesson_id,

function learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_email_by_id( $id )
	global $wpdb;

		array( 'id' => $id ),
		array( '%d' )

 * Get all delayed emails stored in database
 * @param array $where SELECT condition taken from shortcode_data column
 * @return array All delayed emails existing in database
function learndash_notifications_get_all_delayed_emails( $where = array() ) {
	global $wpdb;

	$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}ld_notifications_delayed_emails";

	if ( ! empty( $where ) ) {
		$sql .= " WHERE ";

		$total = count( $where );
		$count = 0;
		foreach ( $where as $key => $value ) {

			$key   = sanitize_text_field( $key );
			$value = sanitize_text_field( $value );

			$pattern = "$key\".{0,6}\"?$value(;|\"|\')";
			$sql .= "shortcode_data REGEXP '$pattern'";

			if ( $count < $total ) {
				$sql .= " AND ";

	return $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );

function learndash_notifications_get_all_delayed_emails_by_recipient( $recipient ) {
	global $wpdb;

	$sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}ld_notifications_delayed_emails WHERE recipient LIKE '%%%s%%'", $wpdb->esc_like( $recipient ) );

	return $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );

 * Save a delayed notification to delayed email table
 * @param  object $notification 	Notification WP post object
 * @param  array  $emails 			List of recipient emails
 * @param  int    $sent_on  		UNIX timestamp when the email will be sent
 * @param  array  $shortcode_data  	List of array
 * @param  array  $bcc  			List of email addresses as bcc
 * @return bool               		True if success|false otherwise
function learndash_notifications_save_delayed_email( $notification, $emails, $sent_on, $shortcode_data, $bcc = array(), $update_where = array() ) {
	$n = $notification;

	return learndash_notifications_insert_delayed_email( $n->post_title, $n->post_content, $emails, $shortcode_data, $sent_on, $bcc, $update_where );

 * Insert an email to delayed email table
 * @param  string $title 			Title of email
 * @param  string $message 			Content of email
 * @param  array  $message 			Email addresses
 * @param  array  $shortcode_data  	List of array
 * @param  int    $sent_on  		UNIX timestamp when the email will be sent
 * @param  array  $bcc  			List of email addresses as bcc
 * @param  array  $update_where     Where clauses for update operation
 * @return bool               		True if success|false otherwise
function learndash_notifications_insert_delayed_email( $title, $message, $recipient, $shortcode_data, $sent_on, $bcc = array(), $update_where = array() )
	global $wpdb;

	if ( empty( $recipient ) ) {
		return false;

	$existing_record = learndash_notifications_db_select_count( $update_where );

	$data = array(
		'title'          => $title,
		'message'        => $message,
		'recipient'      => maybe_serialize( $recipient ),
		'shortcode_data' => maybe_serialize( $shortcode_data ),
		'sent_on'        => $sent_on,
		'bcc'        	 => maybe_serialize( $bcc ),

	$update = learndash_notifications_update_delayed_email( $data, $update_where );

	if ( 0 === $update && 0 == $existing_record ) {
		$insert = $wpdb->insert(
				'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'

		if ( $insert !== false ) {
			do_action( 'learndash_notifications_insert_delayed_email', $data );

			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

 * Update existing delayed emails
function learndash_notifications_update_delayed_email( $data = array(), $where = array() ) {
	// Bail if data or where array empty
	if ( empty( $data ) || empty( $where ) ) {
		return 0;

	global $wpdb;

	$sql = "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}ld_notifications_delayed_emails SET ";

	$data_count = 0;
	$data_total = count( $data );
	foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {

		$key   = esc_sql( $key );
		$value = esc_sql( $value );

		$sql .= "{$key} = '{$value}'";

		if ( $data_count < $data_total ) {
			$sql .= ", ";

	$sql .= " WHERE ";

	$total = count( $where );
	$count = 0;
	foreach ( $where as $key => $value ) {

		$key   = esc_sql( $key );
		$value = esc_sql( $value );

		$pattern = "$key\".{0,6}\"?$value(;|\"|\')";
		$sql .= "shortcode_data REGEXP '$pattern'";

		if ( $count < $total ) {
			$sql .= " AND ";

	$count =  $wpdb->query( $sql );

	if ( false !== $count ) {
		if ( 0 !== $count ) {
			do_action( 'learndash_notifications_update_delayed_email', $data, $where, $count );

		return $count;
	} else {
		return false;

 * Count existing record in DB
 * @param  array  $where Array of where clause
 * @return int           Number of records in DB
function learndash_notifications_db_select_count( $where = array() ) {
	if ( empty( $where ) ) {
		return 0;

	global $wpdb;

	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) 
		FROM {$wpdb->prefix}ld_notifications_delayed_emails 
		WHERE ";

	$total = count( $where );
	$count = 0;
	foreach ( $where as $key => $value ) {

		$key   = sanitize_text_field( $key );
		$value = sanitize_text_field( $value );

		$pattern = "$key\".{0,6}\"?$value(;|\"|\')";
		$sql .= "shortcode_data REGEXP '$pattern'";

		if ( $count < $total ) {
			$sql .= " AND ";

	return $wpdb->get_var( $sql );

function learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_emails_by_shortcode_data_key( $key = '', $value = '' ) {
	global $wpdb;

	$sql = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}ld_notifications_delayed_emails WHERE `shortcode_data` LIKE '%s'";


function learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_emails_by_multiple_shortcode_data_key( $pair = array() ) {
	global $wpdb;

	$sql = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}ld_notifications_delayed_emails WHERE ";

	$total = count( $pair );
	$count = 0;
	foreach ( $pair as $key => $value ) {

		$key   = esc_sql( $key );
		$value = esc_sql( $value );

		$pattern = "$key\".{0,6}\"?$value(;|\"|\')";
		$sql .= "shortcode_data REGEXP '$pattern'";

		if ( $count < $total ) {
			$sql .= " AND ";

	$wpdb->query( $sql );

function learndash_notifications_empty_db_table() {
	global $wpdb;
	$sql = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}ld_notifications_delayed_emails";

	$count = $wpdb->query( $sql );

	do_action( 'learndash_notifications_empty_delayed_emails_table', $count );

 * Delete delayed emails from DB if sent_on timestamp has passed current time
 * Fired in cron.php
function learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_emails() {
	global $wpdb;

	$timestamp = strtotime( '-2 hours' );

	$sql = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}ld_notifications_delayed_emails WHERE `sent_on` <= {$timestamp}";

	$count = $wpdb->query( $sql );

	do_action( 'learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_emails', $count );


Name Type Size Permission Actions
admin Folder 0755
activation.php File 426 B 0644
ajax.php File 4.34 KB 0644
class-dependency-check.php File 240 B 0644
cron.php File 2.6 KB 0644
database.php File 10.61 KB 0644
deactivation.php File 304 B 0644
functions.php File 1.82 KB 0644
logger.php File 2.05 KB 0644
meta-box.php File 31.46 KB 0644
notification.php File 79.16 KB 0644
post-type.php File 12.03 KB 0644
shortcode.php File 12.09 KB 0644
subscription-manager.php File 4.69 KB 0644
tools.php File 4.2 KB 0644
update.php File 1.25 KB 0644
user.php File 1.61 KB 0644