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=== LearnDash Notifications ===
Author: LearnDash
Author URI: https://learndash.com
Plugin URI: https://learndash.com/add-on/learndash-notifications/
LD Requires at least: 4.7.0
Slug: learndash-notifications
Tags: notifications, emails
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 6.5
Requires PHP: 7.4
Stable tag: 1.6.4
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Send email notifications based on LearnDash actions.

== Description ==

Send email notifications based on LearnDash actions.

This add-on enables a new level of learner engagement within your LearnDash courses. Configure various notifications to be sent out automatically based on what learners do (and do not do) in a course.

This is a perfect tool for bolstering learner engagement, encouragement, promotions, and cross-selling.

= Add-on Features =

* Automatically Send Notifications
* 13 Available Triggers
* 34 Dynamic Shortcodes
* Delay Notifications
* Choose Recipients

See the [Add-on](https://learndash.com/add-on/learndash-notifications/) page for more information.

== Installation ==

If the auto-update is not working, verify that you have a valid LearnDash LMS license via LEARNDASH LMS > SETTINGS > LMS LICENSE.

Alternatively, you always have the option to update manually. Please note, a full backup of your site is always recommended prior to updating.

1. Deactivate and delete your current version of the add-on.
1. Download the latest version of the add-on from our [support site](https://support.learndash.com/article-categories/free/).
1. Upload the zipped file via PLUGINS > ADD NEW, or to wp-content/plugins.
1. Activate the add-on plugin via the PLUGINS menu.

== Changelog ==

= [1.6.4] =

* Deprecate - Classes: `LearnDash\Notifications\Container`, `LearnDash\Notifications\App`.
* Tweak - Added compatibility with LearnDash Core v4.13.0.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_notifications_extra_autoloading`.

= [1.6.3] =

* Deprecate - Classes: `LearnDash_Dependency_Check_LD_Notifications`, `LearnDash_Notifications`.
* Deprecate - Functions: `learndash_notifications`.
* Fix - "user hasn't completed a quiz" condition field doesn't have additional options.
* Fix - "X days before course expires" trigger doesn't work as expected.
* Fix - User enrolled into course notification is not triggered when a user is enroll via LD Zapier app course enrollment action.

= [1.6.2] =

* Feature - Add "Exclude pre-ordered course" option on Enroll into a course trigger.
* Fix - Undefined array key error on Essay question has been put into graded status trigger.
* Fix - Any object option in object field (course, lesson, etc) not saving.
* Fix - Fatal error when using Assignment has been uploaded trigger and Assignment has been uploaded condition.
* Fix - A scheduled lesson is available to user email not sending.
* Tweak - Better object select2 fields (course, lesson, etc) search results to support pagination.

= [1.6.1] =

* Feature - New action hooks 'learndash_notifications_email_sent' and 'learndash_notifications_email_failed'.
* Fix - Triggering objects settings in notification model don't work correctly filtering events that triggers set up notifications.
* Fix - User can't select specific quiz associated with a lesson because quiz was only direct child to topic. Now it can be direct child of course, lesson, or topic.

= [1.6.0] =

* Added - Multi triggers/conditions support
* Added - 'learndash_notifications_subscription_page_slug' filter to modify subscriptions page slug
* Fix - Disable course fields when using quiz trigger
* Fix - Send single email instead of multiple for "User hasn't logged in for X days" trigger when multiple courses are involved
* Fix - Reschedule drip lesson when user enroll date changes
* Fix - "User hasn't logged in for X days" trigger correctly sends to users now
* Fix - Prevent "A scheduled lesson is available to user" notifications sending from wrong course
* Fix - Display specified course lessons in notifications page listing column
* Fix - User receives quiz failed notification when quiz not failed
* Fix - Group leaders not receiving emails for groups they are leaders of
* Fix - Allow group URL in notifications shortcodes

= [1.5.4] =

* Added AJAX search support on notifications list posts filter
* Added improve LD posts selector logic especially for site with big number of courses, lessons, etc
* Added change post selectors in notification metabox to use select2 and dynamic AJAX options
* Updated update LearnDash strings using LD custom label
* Updated use learndash_quiz_submitted action hook instead of learndash_quiz_completed
* Fixed make sure retrieved group leaders has group leader role
* Fixed before course expires notification is sent before set value
* Fixed Make sure pre selected value is selected on edit screen
* Fixed group selector returns empty result
* Fixed use learndash_emails_send instead of wp_mail to sync with LD core
* Fixed before and after expiry notification is not sent when user re-enrolls
* Fixed issue when drip lesson triggered for all lessons

= [1.5.3] =

* Added a filter to switch the notification content to RTL learndash_notifications_email_rtl
* Updated the trigger "user hasn't logged in for X days" to group the emails into one rather than sending out mass separate emails
* Fixed Notification for drip lesson doesn't update the send time if enrollment date gets changed
* Fixed PHP warnings/notices

= [1.5.2] =

* Fixed issue where when a quiz notification was set in some rare instances this prevented the student from being able to complete the quiz

= [1.5.1] =

* Added ability to chose if the notification should only send one time or recurring for the trigger “User hasn’t logged In for “X” days
* Fixed email sending issue with group leaders
* Fixed emails sending in bulk on updating

= [1.5.0] =

* Added notifications can now be updated after they have been saved
* Added duration unit can now be minutes, hours, and days
* Updated the triggers codebase to improve notifications sending system
* Updated the log screen to make it easier to track what is happening within the system
* Removed the every minute cron and replaced with a single scheduled event to check rather than running blind checks

= [1.4.1] =

* Updated delay field unchangeable for edit to prevent issue with delayed emails
* Updated use of global delete function instead of create new queries in delete functions
* Updated remove `learndash_notifications_delete_delayed_emails_when_unenrolled` hooked function because it already exists in `includes/database.php`
* Updated use of `learndash_get_users_for_course()` to pull course users instead of access list meta only
* Fixed lesson available notification not queueing multiple notifications in DB if there are more than 1 notifications posts
* Fixed regex pattern for searching notifications by shortcode data key value pair


Name Type Size Permission Actions
assets Folder 0755
includes Folder 0755
languages Folder 0755
src Folder 0755
templates Folder 0755
vendor Folder 0755
vendor-prefixed Folder 0755
bitbucket-pipelines.yml File 1.72 KB 0644
changelog.txt File 5.17 KB 0644
learndash-notifications.code-workspace File 246 B 0644
learndash-notifications.php File 6.38 KB 0644
phpunit.xml.dist File 362 B 0644
readme.txt File 6.88 KB 0644