[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace MailPoet\API\JSON\v1;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

use MailPoet\API\JSON\Endpoint as APIEndpoint;
use MailPoet\API\JSON\Error as APIError;
use MailPoet\API\JSON\ErrorResponse;
use MailPoet\API\JSON\Response;
use MailPoet\API\JSON\ResponseBuilders\SubscribersResponseBuilder;
use MailPoet\API\JSON\SuccessResponse;
use MailPoet\Config\AccessControl;
use MailPoet\ConflictException;
use MailPoet\Doctrine\Validator\ValidationException;
use MailPoet\Entities\SegmentEntity;
use MailPoet\Entities\SubscriberEntity;
use MailPoet\Entities\TagEntity;
use MailPoet\Exception;
use MailPoet\Listing;
use MailPoet\Segments\SegmentsRepository;
use MailPoet\Settings\SettingsController;
use MailPoet\Subscribers\ConfirmationEmailMailer;
use MailPoet\Subscribers\SubscriberListingRepository;
use MailPoet\Subscribers\SubscriberSaveController;
use MailPoet\Subscribers\SubscribersRepository;
use MailPoet\Subscribers\SubscriberSubscribeController;
use MailPoet\Tags\TagRepository;
use MailPoet\UnexpectedValueException;
use MailPoet\Util\Helpers;

class Subscribers extends APIEndpoint {

  public $permissions = [
    'global' => AccessControl::PERMISSION_MANAGE_SUBSCRIBERS,
    'methods' => ['subscribe' => AccessControl::NO_ACCESS_RESTRICTION],

  /** @var Listing\Handler */
  private $listingHandler;

  /** @var ConfirmationEmailMailer; */
  private $confirmationEmailMailer;

  /** @var SubscribersRepository */
  private $subscribersRepository;

  /** @var SubscribersResponseBuilder */
  private $subscribersResponseBuilder;

  /** @var SubscriberListingRepository */
  private $subscriberListingRepository;

  /** @var SegmentsRepository */
  private $segmentsRepository;

  /** @var TagRepository */
  private $tagRepository;

  /** @var SubscriberSaveController */
  private $saveController;

  /** @var SubscriberSubscribeController */
  private $subscribeController;

  /** @var SettingsController */
  private $settings;

  public function __construct(
    Listing\Handler $listingHandler,
    ConfirmationEmailMailer $confirmationEmailMailer,
    SubscribersRepository $subscribersRepository,
    SubscribersResponseBuilder $subscribersResponseBuilder,
    SubscriberListingRepository $subscriberListingRepository,
    SegmentsRepository $segmentsRepository,
    TagRepository $tagRepository,
    SubscriberSaveController $saveController,
    SubscriberSubscribeController $subscribeController,
    SettingsController $settings
  ) {
    $this->listingHandler = $listingHandler;
    $this->confirmationEmailMailer = $confirmationEmailMailer;
    $this->subscribersRepository = $subscribersRepository;
    $this->subscribersResponseBuilder = $subscribersResponseBuilder;
    $this->subscriberListingRepository = $subscriberListingRepository;
    $this->segmentsRepository = $segmentsRepository;
    $this->tagRepository = $tagRepository;
    $this->saveController = $saveController;
    $this->subscribeController = $subscribeController;
    $this->settings = $settings;

  public function get($data = []) {
    $subscriber = $this->getSubscriber($data);
    if (!$subscriber instanceof SubscriberEntity) {
      return $this->errorResponse([
        APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This subscriber does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),
    $result = $this->subscribersResponseBuilder->build($subscriber);
    return $this->successResponse($result);

  public function listing($data = []) {
    $definition = $this->listingHandler->getListingDefinition($data);
    $items = $this->subscriberListingRepository->getData($definition);
    $count = $this->subscriberListingRepository->getCount($definition);
    $filters = $this->subscriberListingRepository->getFilters($definition);
    $groups = $this->subscriberListingRepository->getGroups($definition);
    $subscribers = $this->subscribersResponseBuilder->buildForListing($items);
    if ($data['filter']['segment'] ?? false) {
      foreach ($subscribers as $key => $subscriber) {
        $subscribers[$key] = $this->preferUnsubscribedStatusFromSegment($subscriber, $data['filter']['segment']);
    return $this->successResponse($subscribers, [
      'count' => $count,
      'filters' => $filters,
      'groups' => $groups,

  private function preferUnsubscribedStatusFromSegment(array $subscriber, $segmentId) {
    $segmentStatus = $this->findSegmentStatus($subscriber, $segmentId);

    if ($segmentStatus === SubscriberEntity::STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBED) {
      $subscriber['status'] = $segmentStatus;
    return $subscriber;

  private function findSegmentStatus(array $subscriber, $segmentId) {
    foreach ($subscriber['subscriptions'] as $segment) {
      if ($segment['segment_id'] === $segmentId) {
        return $segment['status'];

  public function subscribe($data = []) {
    try {
      $meta = $this->subscribeController->subscribe($data);
    } catch (Exception $exception) {
      return $this->badRequest([$exception->getMessage()]);

    if (!empty($meta['error'])) {
      $errorMessage = $meta['error'];
      return $this->badRequest([APIError::BAD_REQUEST => $errorMessage], $meta);

    return $this->successResponse(

   * @param array $data
   * @return ErrorResponse|SuccessResponse
   * @throws \Exception
  public function save(array $data = []) {
    try {
      $subscriber = $this->saveController->save($data);
    } catch (ValidationException $validationException) {
      return $this->badRequest([$this->getErrorMessage($validationException)]);
    } catch (ConflictException $conflictException) {
      return $this->badRequest([
        APIError::BAD_REQUEST => $conflictException->getMessage(),

    return $this->successResponse(

  public function restore($data = []) {
    $subscriber = $this->getSubscriber($data);
    if ($subscriber instanceof SubscriberEntity) {
      return $this->successResponse(
        ['count' => 1]
    } else {
      return $this->errorResponse([
        APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This subscriber does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),

  public function trash($data = []) {
    $subscriber = $this->getSubscriber($data);
    if ($subscriber instanceof SubscriberEntity) {
      return $this->successResponse(
        ['count' => 1]
    } else {
      return $this->errorResponse([
        APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This subscriber does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),

  public function delete($data = []) {
    $subscriber = $this->getSubscriber($data);
    if ($subscriber instanceof SubscriberEntity) {
      $count = $this->subscribersRepository->bulkDelete([$subscriber->getId()]);
      return $this->successResponse(null, ['count' => $count]);
    } else {
      return $this->errorResponse([
        APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This subscriber does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),

  public function sendConfirmationEmail($data = []) {
    if (!(bool)$this->settings->get('signup_confirmation.enabled', true)) {
      $errorMessage = __('Sign-up confirmation is disabled in your [link]MailPoet settings[/link]. Please enable it to resend confirmation emails or update your subscriber’s status manually.', 'mailpoet');
      $errorMessage = Helpers::replaceLinkTags($errorMessage, 'admin.php?page=mailpoet-settings#/signup');
      return $this->errorResponse([APIError::BAD_REQUEST => $errorMessage], [], Response::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST);

    $id = (isset($data['id']) ? (int)$data['id'] : false);
    $subscriber = $this->subscribersRepository->findOneById($id);
    if ($subscriber instanceof SubscriberEntity) {
      try {
        if ($this->confirmationEmailMailer->sendConfirmationEmail($subscriber)) {
          return $this->successResponse();
        } else {
          return $this->errorResponse([
            APIError::UNKNOWN => __('There was a problem with your sending method. Please check if your sending method is properly configured.', 'mailpoet'),
      } catch (\Exception $e) {
        return $this->errorResponse([
          APIError::UNKNOWN => __('There was a problem with your sending method. Please check if your sending method is properly configured.', 'mailpoet'),
    } else {
      return $this->errorResponse([
        APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This subscriber does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),

  public function bulkAction($data = []) {
    $definition = $this->listingHandler->getListingDefinition($data['listing']);
    $ids = $this->subscriberListingRepository->getActionableIds($definition);

    $count = 0;
    $segment = null;
    if (isset($data['segment_id'])) {
      $segment = $this->getSegment($data);
      if (!$segment) {
        return $this->errorResponse([
          APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This segment does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),

    $tag = null;
    if (isset($data['tag_id'])) {
      $tag = $this->getTag($data);
      if (!$tag) {
        return $this->errorResponse([
          APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This tag does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),

    if ($data['action'] === 'trash') {
      $count = $this->subscribersRepository->bulkTrash($ids);
    } elseif ($data['action'] === 'restore') {
      $count = $this->subscribersRepository->bulkRestore($ids);
    } elseif ($data['action'] === 'delete') {
      $count = $this->subscribersRepository->bulkDelete($ids);
    } elseif ($data['action'] === 'removeFromAllLists') {
      $count = $this->subscribersRepository->bulkRemoveFromAllSegments($ids);
    } elseif ($data['action'] === 'removeFromList' && $segment instanceof SegmentEntity) {
      $count = $this->subscribersRepository->bulkRemoveFromSegment($segment, $ids);
    } elseif ($data['action'] === 'addToList' && $segment instanceof SegmentEntity) {
      $count = $this->subscribersRepository->bulkAddToSegment($segment, $ids);
    } elseif ($data['action'] === 'moveToList' && $segment instanceof SegmentEntity) {
      $count = $this->subscribersRepository->bulkMoveToSegment($segment, $ids);
    } elseif ($data['action'] === 'unsubscribe') {
      $count = $this->subscribersRepository->bulkUnsubscribe($ids);
    } elseif ($data['action'] === 'addTag' && $tag instanceof TagEntity) {
      $count = $this->subscribersRepository->bulkAddTag($tag, $ids);
    } elseif ($data['action'] === 'removeTag' && $tag instanceof TagEntity) {
      $count = $this->subscribersRepository->bulkRemoveTag($tag, $ids);
    } else {
      throw UnexpectedValueException::create()
        ->withErrors([APIError::BAD_REQUEST => "Invalid bulk action '{$data['action']}' provided."]);
    $meta = [
      'count' => $count,

    if ($segment) {
      $meta['segment'] = $segment->getName();
    if ($tag) {
      $meta['tag'] = $tag->getName();
    return $this->successResponse(null, $meta);

   * @param array $data
   * @return SubscriberEntity|null
  private function getSubscriber($data) {
    return isset($data['id'])
      ? $this->subscribersRepository->findOneById((int)$data['id'])
      : null;

  private function getSegment(array $data): ?SegmentEntity {
    return isset($data['segment_id'])
      ? $this->segmentsRepository->findOneById((int)$data['segment_id'])
      : null;

  private function getTag(array $data): ?TagEntity {
    return isset($data['tag_id'])
      ? $this->tagRepository->findOneById((int)$data['tag_id'])
      : null;

  private function getErrorMessage(ValidationException $exception): string {
    $exceptionMessage = $exception->getMessage();
    if (strpos($exceptionMessage, 'This value should not be blank.') !== false) {
      return __('Please enter your email address', 'mailpoet');
    } elseif (strpos($exceptionMessage, 'This value is not a valid email address.') !== false) {
      return __('Your email address is invalid!', 'mailpoet');

    return __('Unexpected error.', 'mailpoet');


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Analytics.php File 668 B 0644
AutomatedLatestContent.php File 3.98 KB 0644
AutomaticEmails.php File 2.83 KB 0644
Captcha.php File 951 B 0644
Coupons.php File 1.8 KB 0644
CustomFields.php File 2.98 KB 0644
DynamicSegments.php File 11.93 KB 0644
FeatureFlags.php File 1.42 KB 0644
Forms.php File 11.3 KB 0644
Help.php File 2.8 KB 0644
ImportExport.php File 5.76 KB 0644
Mailer.php File 3.1 KB 0644
NewsletterLinks.php File 1.01 KB 0644
NewsletterTemplates.php File 4.29 KB 0644
Newsletters.php File 16.01 KB 0644
Premium.php File 3.03 KB 0644
RedirectResponse.php File 347 B 0644
Segments.php File 12.19 KB 0644
SendingQueue.php File 9.93 KB 0644
SendingTaskSubscribers.php File 5.42 KB 0644
Services.php File 12.51 KB 0644
Settings.php File 16.49 KB 0644
Setup.php File 1.19 KB 0644
SubscriberStats.php File 4.08 KB 0644
Subscribers.php File 12.31 KB 0644
Tags.php File 1.34 KB 0644
UserFlags.php File 1.01 KB 0644
WoocommerceSettings.php File 870 B 0644
index.php File 6 B 0644