[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace MailPoet\Automation\Engine;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

use MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Data\Step;
use MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Exceptions\InvalidStateException;
use MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Exceptions\NotFoundException;
use MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Exceptions\UnexpectedValueException;
use MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Utils\Json;

class Exceptions {
  private const DATABASE_ERROR = 'mailpoet_automation_database_error';
  private const JSON_NOT_OBJECT = 'mailpoet_automation_json_not_object';
  private const AUTOMATION_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_not_found';
  private const AUTOMATION_VERSION_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_version_not_found';
  private const AUTOMATION_NOT_ACTIVE = 'mailpoet_automation_not_active';
  private const AUTOMATION_RUN_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_run_not_found';
  private const AUTOMATION_STEP_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_step_not_found';
  private const AUTOMATION_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_trigger_not_found';
  private const AUTOMATION_RUN_NOT_RUNNING = 'mailpoet_automation_run_not_running';
  private const SUBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_subject_not_found';
  private const SUBJECT_LOAD_FAILED = 'mailpoet_automation_subject_load_failed';
  private const SUBJECT_DATA_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_subject_data_not_found';
  private const MULTIPLE_SUBJECTS_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_multiple_subjects_found';
  private const PAYLOAD_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_payload_not_found';
  private const MULTIPLE_PAYLOADS_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_multiple_payloads_found';
  private const FIELD_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_field_not_found';
  private const FIELD_LOAD_FAILED = 'mailpoet_automation_field_load_failed';
  private const FILTER_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_filter_not_found';
  private const NEXT_STEP_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_next_step_not_found';
  private const NEXT_STEP_NOT_SCHEDULED = 'mailpoet_next_step_not_scheduled';
  private const AUTOMATION_STRUCTURE_MODIFICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'mailpoet_automation_structure_modification_not_supported';
  private const AUTOMATION_STRUCTURE_NOT_VALID = 'mailpoet_automation_structure_not_valid';
  private const AUTOMATION_STEP_MODIFIED_WHEN_UNKNOWN = 'mailpoet_automation_step_modified_when_unknown';
  private const AUTOMATION_NOT_VALID = 'mailpoet_automation_not_valid';
  private const MISSING_REQUIRED_SUBJECTS = 'mailpoet_automation_missing_required_subjects';
  private const AUTOMATION_NOT_TRASHED = 'mailpoet_automation_not_trashed';
  private const AUTOMATION_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_template_not_found';
  private const AUTOMATION_HAS_ACTIVE_RUNS = 'mailpoet_automation_has_active_runs';
  private const AUTOMATION_STEP_NOT_STARTED = 'mailpoet_automation_step_not_started';
  private const AUTOMATION_STEP_NOT_RUNNING = 'mailpoet_automation_step_not_running';
  private const AUTOMATION_STEP_ACTION_PROCESSED = 'mailpoet_automation_step_action_processed';

  public function __construct() {
    throw new InvalidStateException(
      "This is a static factory class. Use it via 'Exception::someError()' factories."

  public static function databaseError(string $error): InvalidStateException {
    return InvalidStateException::create()
      // translators: %s is the error message.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__('Database error: %s', 'mailpoet'), $error));

  public static function jsonNotObject(string $json): UnexpectedValueException {
    return UnexpectedValueException::create()
      // translators: %s is the mentioned JSON string.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("JSON string '%s' doesn't encode an object.", 'mailpoet'), $json));

  public static function automationNotFound(int $id): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %d is the ID of the automation.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation with ID '%d' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $id));

  public static function automationNotFoundInTimeSpan(int $id): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %d is the ID of the automation.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation with ID '%d' not found in selected time span.", 'mailpoet'), $id));

  public static function automationVersionNotFound(int $automation, int $version): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the ID of the automation, %2$s the version.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__('Automation with ID "%1$s" in version "%2$s" not found.', 'mailpoet'), $automation, $version));

  public static function automationNotActive(int $automation): InvalidStateException {
    return InvalidStateException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the ID of the automation.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__('Automation with ID "%1$s" is no longer active.', 'mailpoet'), $automation));

  public static function automationRunNotFound(int $id): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %d is the ID of the automation run.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation run with ID '%d' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $id));

  public static function automationStepNotFound(string $key): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %s is the key of the automation step.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation step with key '%s' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $key));

  public static function automationTriggerNotFound(int $automationId, string $key): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the key, %2$d is the automation ID.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__('Automation trigger with key "%1$s" not found in automation ID "%2$d".', 'mailpoet'), $key, $automationId));

  public static function automationRunNotRunning(int $id, string $status): InvalidStateException {
    return InvalidStateException::create()
      // translators: %1$d is the ID of the automation run, %2$s its current status.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__('Automation run with ID "%1$d" is not running. Status: %2$s', 'mailpoet'), $id, $status));

  public static function subjectNotFound(string $key): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %s is the key of the subject not found.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Subject with key '%s' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $key));

  public static function subjectClassNotFound(string $class): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %s is the class name of the subject not found.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Subject of class '%s' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $class));

  public static function subjectLoadFailed(string $key, array $args): InvalidStateException {
    return InvalidStateException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the name of the key, %2$s the arguments.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__('Subject with key "%1$s" and args "%2$s" failed to load.', 'mailpoet'), $key, Json::encode($args)));

  public static function subjectDataNotFound(string $key, int $automationRunId): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the key of the subject, %2$d is automation run ID.
        sprintf(__("Subject data for subject with key '%1\$s' not found for automation run with ID '%2\$d'.", 'mailpoet'), $key, $automationRunId)

  public static function multipleSubjectsFound(string $key, int $automationRunId): InvalidStateException {
    return InvalidStateException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the key of the subject, %2$d is automation run ID.
        sprintf(__("Multiple subjects with key '%1\$s' found for automation run with ID '%2\$d', only one expected.", 'mailpoet'), $key, $automationRunId)

  public static function payloadNotFound(string $class, int $automationRunId): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the class of the payload, %2$d is automation run ID.
        sprintf(__("Payload of class '%1\$s' not found for automation run with ID '%2\$d'.", 'mailpoet'), $class, $automationRunId)

  public static function multiplePayloadsFound(string $class, int $automationRunId): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the class of the payloads, %2$d is automation run ID.
        sprintf(__("Multiple payloads of class '%1\$s' found for automation run with ID '%2\$d'.", 'mailpoet'), $class, $automationRunId)

  public static function fieldNotFound(string $key): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %s is the key of the field not found.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Field with key '%s' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $key));

  public static function fieldLoadFailed(string $key, array $args): InvalidStateException {
    return InvalidStateException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the key of the field, %2$s its arguments.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__('Field with key "%1$s" and args "%2$s" failed to load.', 'mailpoet'), $key, Json::encode($args)));

  public static function filterNotFound(string $fieldType): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %s is the type of the field for which a filter was not found.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Filter for field of type '%s' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $fieldType));

  public static function nextStepNotFound(string $stepId, int $nextStepId): InvalidStateException {
    return InvalidStateException::create()
      // translators: %1$d is the ID of the automation step, %2$s is the ID of the next step.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation step with ID '%1\$s' doesn't have a next step with index '%2\$d'.", 'mailpoet'), $stepId, $nextStepId));

  public static function nextStepNotScheduled(string $stepId): InvalidStateException {
    return InvalidStateException::create()
      // translators: %1$d is the ID of the automation step, %2$s is the ID of the next step.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation step with ID '%s' did not schedule a specific next step, even though multiple next steps are possible.", 'mailpoet'), $stepId));

  public static function automationStructureModificationNotSupported(): UnexpectedValueException {
    return UnexpectedValueException::create()
      ->withMessage(__('Automation structure modification not supported.', 'mailpoet'));

  public static function automationStructureNotValid(string $detail, string $ruleId): UnexpectedValueException {
    return UnexpectedValueException::create()
      // translators: %s is a detailed information
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Invalid automation structure: %s", 'mailpoet'), $detail))
      ->withErrors(['rule_id' => $ruleId]);

  public static function automationStepModifiedWhenUnknown(Step $step): UnexpectedValueException {
    return UnexpectedValueException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the key of the step, %2$s is the type of the step, %3\$s is its ID.
          __("Modification of step '%1\$s' of type '%2\$s' with ID '%3\$s' is not supported when the related plugin is not active.", 'mailpoet'),

  public static function automationNotValid(string $detail, array $errors): UnexpectedValueException {
    return UnexpectedValueException::create()
      // translators: %s is a detailed information
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation validation failed: %s", 'mailpoet'), $detail))

  public static function missingRequiredSubjects(Step $step, array $missingSubjectKeys): UnexpectedValueException {
    return UnexpectedValueException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the key of the step, %2$s are the missing subject keys.
          __("Step with ID '%1\$s' is missing required subjects with keys: %2\$s", 'mailpoet'),
          implode(', ', $missingSubjectKeys)
        ['general' => __('This step can not be used with the selected trigger.', 'mailpoet')]

  public static function automationNotTrashed(int $id): UnexpectedValueException {
    return UnexpectedValueException::create()
      // translators: %d is the ID of the automation.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Can't delete automation with ID '%d' because it was not trashed.", 'mailpoet'), $id));

  public static function automationTemplateNotFound(string $id): NotFoundException {
    return NotFoundException::create()
      // translators: %d is the ID of the automation template.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation template with ID '%d' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $id));

   * This is a temporary block, see MAILPOET-4744
  public static function automationHasActiveRuns(int $id): InvalidStateException {
    return InvalidStateException::create()
      // translators: %d is the ID of the automation.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Can not update automation with ID '%d' because users are currently active.", 'mailpoet'), $id));

  public static function stepNotStarted(string $id, int $runId): InvalidStateException {
    return InvalidStateException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the ID of the automation step, %2$d is the automation run ID.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation step with ID '%1\$s' was not started in automation run with ID '%2\$d'.", 'mailpoet'), $id, $runId));

  public static function stepNotRunning(string $id, string $status, int $runId): InvalidStateException {
    return InvalidStateException::create()
      // translators: %1$s is the ID of the automation step, %2$s its current status, %3$d is the automation run ID.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation step with ID '%1\$s' is not running in automation run with ID '%2\$d'. Status: '%3\$s'", 'mailpoet'), $id, $runId, $status));

  public static function stepActionProcessed(string $id, int $runId, int $runNumber): InvalidStateException {
    return InvalidStateException::create()
      // translators: %1$d is the automation run ID, %2$s is the ID of the automation step, %3$d is the run number.
      ->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation run with ID '%1\$d' already has a processed action for step with ID '%2\$s' and run number '%3\$d'.", 'mailpoet'), $runId, $id, $runNumber));


Name Type Size Permission Actions
API Folder 0755
Builder Folder 0755
Control Folder 0755
Data Folder 0755
Endpoints Folder 0755
Exceptions Folder 0755
Integration Folder 0755
Mappers Folder 0755
Storage Folder 0755
Templates Folder 0755
Utils Folder 0755
Validation Folder 0755
Engine.php File 3.61 KB 0644
Exceptions.php File 16.05 KB 0644
Hooks.php File 1.75 KB 0644
Integration.php File 186 B 0644
Registry.php File 7.76 KB 0644
WordPress.php File 5.4 KB 0644
index.php File 6 B 0644