[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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<?php // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing

namespace MailPoet\Form;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

use MailPoet\API\JSON\API;
use MailPoet\Config\Renderer as TemplateRenderer;
use MailPoet\Entities\FormEntity;
use MailPoet\Subscribers\SubscribersRepository;
use MailPoet\Subscribers\SubscriberSubscribeController;
use MailPoet\WooCommerce\Helper as WCHelper;
use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions;

class DisplayFormInWPContent {

  const NO_FORM_TRANSIENT_KEY = 'no_forms_displayed_bellow_content';

  const TYPES = [



  /** @var WPFunctions */
  private $wp;

  /** @var FormsRepository */
  private $formsRepository;

  /** @var Renderer */
  private $formRenderer;

  /** @var AssetsController */
  private $assetsController;

  /** @var TemplateRenderer */
  private $templateRenderer;

  /** @var SubscribersRepository */
  private $subscribersRepository;

  /** @var SubscriberSubscribeController */
  private $subscriberSubscribeController;

  /** @var WCHelper */
  private $woocommerceHelper;

  private $wooShopPageId = null;

  private $inWooProductLoop = false;

  private $renderedDisplayTypes = [];

  public function __construct(
    WPFunctions $wp,
    FormsRepository $formsRepository,
    Renderer $formRenderer,
    AssetsController $assetsController,
    TemplateRenderer $templateRenderer,
    SubscriberSubscribeController $subscriberSubscribeController,
    SubscribersRepository $subscribersRepository,
    WCHelper $woocommerceHelper
  ) {
    $this->wp = $wp;
    $this->formsRepository = $formsRepository;
    $this->formRenderer = $formRenderer;
    $this->assetsController = $assetsController;
    $this->templateRenderer = $templateRenderer;
    $this->subscriberSubscribeController = $subscriberSubscribeController;
    $this->subscribersRepository = $subscribersRepository;
    $this->woocommerceHelper = $woocommerceHelper;

  private function getFormMarkup(): string {
    $formMarkup = '';
    $forms = $this->getForms();
    if (count($forms) === 0) {
      return $formMarkup;
    foreach ($forms as $displayType => $form) {
      $formMarkup .= $this->getContentBellow($form, $displayType);

    return $formMarkup;

   * Hooked to the_content filter
  public function contentDisplay($content = null) {
    $this->inWooProductLoop = false;
    return $this->getContentWithFormMarkup($content);

   * Hooked to woocommerce_product_loop_end filter
  public function wooProductListDisplay($content = null) {
    $this->inWooProductLoop = true;
    return $this->getContentWithFormMarkup($content);

  private function getContentWithFormMarkup($content = null) {
    if (!is_string($content) || !$this->shouldDisplay()) {
      return $content;
    $formsMarkup = $this->getFormMarkup();
    if ($formsMarkup === '') {
      return $content;
    return $content . $formsMarkup;

   * Hooked to wp_footer action.
   * @return void
  public function maybeRenderFormsInFooter(): void {
    if ($this->wp->isArchive() || $this->wp->isFrontPage() || $this->wp->isHome() || $this->isWooProductPageWithoutContent()) {
      $formMarkup = $this->getFormMarkup();
      if (!empty($formMarkup)) {
        // We are in control of the template and the data can be considered safe at this point
        // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
        echo $formMarkup;

   * @return bool
  public function isWooProductPageWithoutContent(): bool {
    if (
      || !$this->wp->didAction('wp_footer')
    ) {
      return false;

    return $this->wp->getTheContent() === '';

  private function shouldDisplay(): bool {
    $result = true;
    // This is a fix Yoast plugin and Shapely theme compatibility
    // This is to make sure we only display once for each page
    // Yoast plugin calls `get_the_excerpt` which also triggers hook `the_content` we don't want to include our form in that
    // Shapely calls the hook `the_content` multiple times on the page as well and we would display popup multiple times - not ideal
    if (!$this->wp->inTheLoop() || !$this->wp->isMainQuery()) {
      $result = $this->wp->applyFilters('mailpoet_display_form_is_main_loop', false);
    // this code ensures that we display the form only on a page which is related to single post
    if (!$this->wp->isSingle() && !$this->wp->isPage()) $result = $this->wp->applyFilters('mailpoet_display_form_is_single', false);

    // Ensure form does not show up multiple times when called from the woocommerce_product_loop_end filter
    if ($this->inWooProductLoop) $result = $this->displayFormInProductListPage();

    $noFormsCache = $this->wp->getTransient(DisplayFormInWPContent::NO_FORM_TRANSIENT_KEY);
    if ($noFormsCache === '1') $result = false;
    return $result;

  private function displayFormInProductListPage(): bool {
    $displayCheck = $this->wp->applyFilters('mailpoet_display_form_in_product_listing', true);

    $shopPageId = $this->woocommerceHelper->wcGetPageId('shop');
    $this->wooShopPageId = $shopPageId && $shopPageId > 0 ? $shopPageId : null;

    if ($displayCheck && !is_null($this->wooShopPageId) && $this->wp->isPage($this->wooShopPageId)) {
      return true;

    return $displayCheck && $this->wp->isArchive() && $this->wp->isPostTypeArchive('product');

  private function saveNoForms() {
    $this->wp->setTransient(DisplayFormInWPContent::NO_FORM_TRANSIENT_KEY, '1');

   * @return array<string, FormEntity>
  private function getForms(): array {
    $forms = $this->formsRepository->findBy([
      'deletedAt' => null,
      'status' => FormEntity::STATUS_ENABLED,
    ], ['updatedAt' => 'ASC']);
    if (count($forms) === 0) {
    $forms = $this->filterOneFormInEachDisplayType($forms);
    return $forms;

   * @param FormEntity[] $forms
   * @return array<string, FormEntity>
  private function filterOneFormInEachDisplayType($forms): array {
    $formsFiltered = [];
    foreach ($forms as $form) {
      foreach (self::TYPES as $displayType) {
        if ($this->shouldDisplayFormType($form, $displayType)) {
          $formsFiltered[$displayType] = $form;
    return $formsFiltered;

  private function getContentBellow(FormEntity $form, string $displayType): string {
    if (!$this->shouldDisplayFormType($form, $displayType)) return '';

    $formSettings = $form->getSettings();
    if (!is_array($formSettings)) return '';
    $htmlId = 'mp_form_' . $displayType . $form->getId();
    $templateData = [
      'form_html_id' => $htmlId,
      'form_id' => $form->getId(),
      'form_success_message' => $formSettings['success_message'] ?? null,
      'form_type' => $displayType,
      'styles' => $this->formRenderer->renderStyles($form, '#' . $htmlId, $displayType),
      'html' => $this->formRenderer->renderHTML($form),
      'close_button_icon' => $formSettings['close_button'] ?? 'round_white',

    // (POST) non ajax success/error variables
    $templateData['success'] = (
      ((int)$_GET['mailpoet_success'] === $form->getId())
    $templateData['error'] = (
      ((int)$_GET['mailpoet_error'] === $form->getId())

    $templateData['delay'] = $formSettings['form_placement'][$displayType]['delay'] ?? 0;
    $templateData['position'] = $formSettings['form_placement'][$displayType]['position'] ?? '';
    $templateData['animation'] = $formSettings['form_placement'][$displayType]['animation'] ?? '';
    $templateData['fontFamily'] = $formSettings['font_family'] ?? '';
    $templateData['enableExitIntent'] = false;
    // Set default value for cookie expiration for backward compatibility with forms without this value
    $templateData['cookieFormExpirationTime'] = $formSettings['form_placement'][$displayType]['cookieExpiration'] ?? 7;
    if (
      && ($formSettings['form_placement'][$displayType]['exit_intent_enabled'] === '1')
    ) {
      $templateData['enableExitIntent'] = true;

    // generate security token
    $templateData['token'] = $this->wp->wpCreateNonce('mailpoet_token');

    // add API version
    $templateData['api_version'] = API::CURRENT_VERSION;
    $this->renderedDisplayTypes[] = $displayType;
    return $this->templateRenderer->render('form/front_end_form.html', $templateData);

   * Checks if the form should be displayed for current WordPress user
   * @param FormEntity $form The form to check
   * @param string $formType Display type of the current form, from self::TYPES
   * @return bool False if form can be dismissed and user is subscribed to any of the form's lists
  private function shouldDisplayFormForWPUser(FormEntity $form, string $formType): bool {
    if (!in_array($formType, self::WITH_COOKIE_TYPES, true)) return true;

    $subscriber = $this->subscribersRepository->getCurrentWPUser();
    if (!$subscriber) return true;

    if ($this->subscriberSubscribeController->isSubscribedToAnyFormSegments($form, $subscriber)) {
      return false;
    return true;

  private function shouldDisplayFormType(FormEntity $form, string $formType): bool {
    if ($this->wasDisplayTypeAlreadyRendered($formType)) {
      return false;
    $settings = $form->getSettings();
    // check the structure just to be sure

    if (
      || !isset($settings['form_placement'][$formType])
      || !is_array($settings['form_placement'][$formType])
    ) return false;

    $setup = $settings['form_placement'][$formType];
    if ($setup['enabled'] !== '1') {
      return false;

    if (!$this->shouldDisplayFormForWPUser($form, $formType)) return false;

    if ($this->wp->isFrontPage() && $this->shouldDisplayFormOnFrontPage($setup)) {
      return true;

     * This is a special case when a site is configured with a specific "Posts page" in the Settings > Reading
     * WordPress settings. In that case, the only conditional function that returns true is is_home.
    if ((!$this->wp->isFrontPage() && $this->wp->isHome()) && $this->shouldDisplayFormOnHome($setup)) {
      return true;

    if ($this->wp->isSingular($this->wp->applyFilters('mailpoet_display_form_supported_post_types', self::SUPPORTED_POST_TYPES))) {
      if ($this->shouldDisplayFormOnPost($setup, 'posts')) return true;
      if ($this->shouldDisplayFormOnCategory($setup)) return true;
      if ($this->shouldDisplayFormOnTag($setup)) return true;
      return false;
    if ($this->wp->isPage() && $this->shouldDisplayFormOnPost($setup, 'pages')) {
      return true;

    if ($this->wp->isTag() || $this->wp->isTax('product_tag')) {
      if ($this->shouldDisplayFormOnTagArchive($setup)) return true;

    if ($this->wp->isCategory() || $this->wp->isTax('product_cat')) {
      if ($this->shouldDisplayFormOnCategoryArchive($setup)) return true;

    if ($this->displayFormInProductListPage()) {
      // Allow form display on Woo Shop listing page
      if (is_null($this->wooShopPageId)) return false;
      if ($this->shouldDisplayFormOnPost($setup, 'pages', $this->wooShopPageId)) return true;

    return false;

  private function shouldDisplayFormOnPost(array $setup, string $postsKey, $postId = null): bool {
    if (!isset($setup[$postsKey])) {
      return false;
    if (isset($setup[$postsKey]['all']) && $setup[$postsKey]['all'] === '1') {
      return true;
    $post = $this->wp->getPost($postId, ARRAY_A);
    if (isset($setup[$postsKey]['selected']) && in_array($post['ID'], $setup[$postsKey]['selected'])) {
      return true;
    return false;

  private function shouldDisplayFormOnCategory(array $setup): bool {
    if (!isset($setup['categories'])) return false;
    if ($this->wp->hasCategory($setup['categories'])) return true;
    if ($this->wp->hasTerm($setup['categories'], 'product_cat')) return true;
    return false;

  private function shouldDisplayFormOnTag(array $setup): bool {
    if (!isset($setup['tags'])) return false;
    if ($this->wp->hasTag($setup['tags'])) return true;
    if ($this->wp->hasTerm($setup['tags'], 'product_tag')) return true;
    return false;

  private function shouldDisplayFormOnFrontPage(array $setup): bool {
    if (($setup['homepage'] ?? false) === '1') {
      return true;
    return false;

  private function shouldDisplayFormOnHome($setup) {
    if (($setup['pages']['all'] ?? false) === '1') {
      return true;
    $selectedPages = $setup['pages']['selected'] ?? [];
    if (in_array((string)$this->wp->getQueriedObjectId(), $selectedPages)) {
      return true;
    return false;

  private function shouldDisplayFormOnCategoryArchive($setup): bool {
    if (!isset($setup['categoryArchives'])) return false;
    if (($setup['categoryArchives']['all'] ?? false) === '1') return true;
    $selectedCategories = $setup['categoryArchives']['selected'] ?? [];
    if ($selectedCategories === []) return false;
    return $this->wp->hasCategory($selectedCategories) || $this->wp->hasTerm($selectedCategories, 'product_cat');

  private function shouldDisplayFormOnTagArchive($setup): bool {
    if (!isset($setup['tagArchives'])) return false;
    if (($setup['tagArchives']['all'] ?? false) === '1') return true;
    $selectedTags = $setup['tagArchives']['selected'] ?? [];
    if ($selectedTags === []) return false;
    return $this->wp->hasTag($selectedTags) || $this->wp->hasTerm($selectedTags, 'product_tag');

  private function wasDisplayTypeAlreadyRendered(string $displayType): bool {
    return in_array($displayType, $this->renderedDisplayTypes);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Block Folder 0755
Listing Folder 0755
Templates Folder 0755
Util Folder 0755
ApiDataSanitizer.php File 1.91 KB 0644
AssetsController.php File 3.29 KB 0644
BlockStylesRenderer.php File 4.04 KB 0644
BlockWrapperRenderer.php File 642 B 0644
BlocksRenderer.php File 4.41 KB 0644
DisplayFormInWPContent.php File 14.19 KB 0644
FormHtmlSanitizer.php File 1.32 KB 0644
FormMessageController.php File 1.61 KB 0644
FormSaveController.php File 1 KB 0644
FormsRepository.php File 3.33 KB 0644
PreviewPage.php File 4.03 KB 0644
PreviewWidget.php File 662 B 0644
Renderer.php File 4.36 KB 0644
Widget.php File 9.57 KB 0644
index.php File 6 B 0644