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<?php // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing

namespace MailPoet\Settings;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

use MailPoet\Doctrine\Repository;
use MailPoet\Entities\SettingEntity;
use MailPoetVendor\Carbon\Carbon;
use MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\ORM\Query;

 * @extends Repository<SettingEntity>
class SettingsRepository extends Repository {
  public function findOneByName(string $name): ?SettingEntity {
    // Always fetch fresh entity data (= don't use "findOneBy()"). See also further below.
    $result = (array)$this->doctrineRepository->createQueryBuilder('s')
      ->where('s.name = :name')
      ->setParameter('name', $name)
      ->setHint(Query::HINT_REFRESH, true)

    return isset($result[0]) && $result[0] instanceof SettingEntity ? $result[0] : null;

  public function createOrUpdateByName($name, $value) {
    // Temporarily use low-level INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE query to avoid race conditions
    // between entity fetch and creation with multiple concurrent requests. This will be replaced
    // by a code solving atomicity of create-or-update on entity (ORM) level in a follow-up ticket.
    $now = Carbon::now()->millisecond(0);
    $tableName = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SettingEntity::class)->getTableName();
      INSERT INTO $tableName (name, value, created_at, updated_at)
      VALUES (:name, :value, :now, :now)
      ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = :value, updated_at = :now
    ", [
      'name' => $name,
      'value' => is_array($value) ? serialize($value) : $value,
      'now' => $now,

    // Ensure entity data is up-to-date in memory.
    //  - We can't use "refresh()"; we don't have the entity instance, and it can be a new record.
    //  - We can't use "findOneBy()"; it could return a cached entity instance.

  protected function getEntityClassName() {
    return SettingEntity::class;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Charsets.php File 538 B 0644
Hosts.php File 5.67 KB 0644
Pages.php File 3.47 KB 0644
SettingsChangeHandler.php File 4.29 KB 0644
SettingsController.php File 5.45 KB 0644
SettingsRepository.php File 2.03 KB 0644
TrackingConfig.php File 1.61 KB 0644
UserFlagsController.php File 2.73 KB 0644
UserFlagsRepository.php File 415 B 0644
index.php File 6 B 0644