[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace MailPoet\Util;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

use MailPoet\Config\Env;

 * These constants for table names were used with the idiorm ORM library that we removed.
 * They are kept here for sometime for back compatibility with extensions that may still use them.
 * PHP doesn't have a built-in support for deprecation of constants defined with define() function.
 * But some IDEs like PHPStorm can recognize the @deprecated annotation and show warnings.
 * We will remove them after January 2025.
class LegacyDatabase {
  public static function defineTableConstants() {
    if (!defined('MP_SETTINGS_TABLE')) {
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_SETTINGS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'settings');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_SEGMENTS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'segments');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_FORMS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'forms');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_CUSTOM_FIELDS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'custom_fields');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'subscribers');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_SUBSCRIBER_SEGMENT_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'subscriber_segment');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_SUBSCRIBER_CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'subscriber_custom_field');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_SUBSCRIBER_IPS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'subscriber_ips');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_NEWSLETTER_SEGMENT_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'newsletter_segment');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_SCHEDULED_TASKS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'scheduled_tasks');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_SCHEDULED_TASK_SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'scheduled_task_subscribers');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_SENDING_QUEUES_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'sending_queues');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_NEWSLETTERS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'newsletters');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_NEWSLETTER_TEMPLATES_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'newsletter_templates');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_NEWSLETTER_OPTION_FIELDS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'newsletter_option_fields');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_NEWSLETTER_OPTION_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'newsletter_option');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_NEWSLETTER_LINKS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'newsletter_links');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_NEWSLETTER_POSTS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'newsletter_posts');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_STATISTICS_NEWSLETTERS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'statistics_newsletters');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_STATISTICS_CLICKS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'statistics_clicks');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_STATISTICS_OPENS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'statistics_opens');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_STATISTICS_UNSUBSCRIBES_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'statistics_unsubscribes');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_STATISTICS_FORMS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'statistics_forms');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_STATISTICS_WOOCOMMERCE_PURCHASES_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'statistics_woocommerce_purchases');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_MAPPING_TO_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'mapping_to_external_entities');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_LOG_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'log');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_STATS_NOTIFICATIONS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'stats_notifications');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_USER_FLAGS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'user_flags');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_FEATURE_FLAGS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'feature_flags');
      /** @deprecated */
      define('MP_DYNAMIC_SEGMENTS_FILTERS_TABLE', Env::$dbPrefix . 'dynamic_segment_filters');


Name Type Size Permission Actions
DataInconsistency Folder 0755
License Folder 0755
Notices Folder 0755
pQuery Folder 0755
APIPermissionHelper.php File 1.26 KB 0644
CdnAssetUrl.php File 576 B 0644
ConflictResolver.php File 7.85 KB 0644
Cookies.php File 1.1 KB 0644
DBCollationChecker.php File 1.76 KB 0644
DOM.php File 1.42 KB 0644
DateConverter.php File 3.34 KB 0644
FreeDomains.php File 3.14 KB 0644
Headers.php File 734 B 0644
Helpers.php File 4.16 KB 0644
Installation.php File 836 B 0644
LegacyDatabase.php File 3.78 KB 0644
Request.php File 325 B 0644
SecondLevelDomainNames.php File 356 B 0644
Security.php File 2.81 KB 0644
Url.php File 1.74 KB 0644
index.php File 6 B 0644