if (!defined('ABSPATH') && !defined('MCDATAPATH')) exit;
if (!class_exists('MCProtectUtils_V591')) :
class MCProtectUtils_V591 {
public static function getIP($ip_header) {
$ip = null;
if (is_array($ip_header)) {
if ((array_key_exists('hdr', $ip_header) && is_string($ip_header['hdr'])) &&
(array_key_exists('pos', $ip_header) && is_int($ip_header['pos']))) {
if (array_key_exists($ip_header['hdr'], $_SERVER) && is_string($_SERVER[$ip_header['hdr']])) {
$_ips = preg_split("/(,| |\t)/", MCHelper::getRawParam('SERVER', $ip_header['hdr']));
if (array_key_exists($ip_header['pos'], $_ips)) {
$ip = $_ips[$ip_header['pos']];
} elseif (array_key_exists('REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER)) {
$ip = MCHelper::getRawParam('SERVER', 'REMOTE_ADDR');
if (is_string($ip)) {
$ip = trim($ip);
if (MCHelper::safePregMatch('/^\[([0-9a-fA-F:]+)\](:[0-9]+)$/', $ip, $matches)) {
$ip = $matches[1];
} elseif (MCHelper::safePregMatch('/^([0-9.]+)(:[0-9]+)$/', $ip, $matches)) {
$ip = $matches[1];
return self::isValidIP($ip) ? $ip : '';
public static function isIPv6($ip) {
return (false === filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) ? false : true;
public static function hasIPv6Support() {
return defined('AF_INET6');
public static function isValidIP($ip) {
return filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false;
public static function bvInetPton($ip) {
$pton = self::isValidIP($ip) ? (self::hasIPv6Support() ? inet_pton($ip) : self::_bvInetPton($ip)) : false;
return $pton;
public static function _bvInetPton($ip) {
if (MCHelper::safePregMatch('/^(?:\d{1,3}(?:\.|$)){4}/', $ip)) {
$octets = explode('.', $ip);
$bin = chr($octets[0]) . chr($octets[1]) . chr($octets[2]) . chr($octets[3]);
return $bin;
if (MCHelper::safePregMatch('/^((?:[\da-f]{1,4}(?::|)){0,8})(::)?((?:[\da-f]{1,4}(?::|)){0,8})$/i', $ip)) {
if ($ip === '::') {
return "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
$colon_count = substr_count($ip, ':');
$dbl_colon_pos = strpos($ip, '::');
if ($dbl_colon_pos !== false) {
$ip = str_replace('::', str_repeat(':0000',
(($dbl_colon_pos === 0 || $dbl_colon_pos === strlen($ip) - 2) ? 9 : 8) - $colon_count) . ':', $ip);
$ip = trim($ip, ':');
$ip_groups = explode(':', $ip);
$ipv6_bin = '';
foreach ($ip_groups as $ip_group) {
$ipv6_bin .= pack('H*', str_pad($ip_group, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
return strlen($ipv6_bin) === 16 ? $ipv6_bin : false;
if (MCHelper::safePregMatch('/^(?:\:(?:\:0{1,4}){0,4}\:|(?:0{1,4}\:){5})ffff\:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/i', $ip, $matches)) {
$octets = explode('.', $matches[1]);
return chr($octets[0]) . chr($octets[1]) . chr($octets[2]) . chr($octets[3]);
return false;
public static function isIPInRange($start_ip_range, $end_ip_range, $ip) {
$bin_ip = null;
if ($ip) {
$bin_ip = self::bvInetPton($ip);
if ($bin_ip && $bin_ip >= self::bvInetPton($start_ip_range)
&& $bin_ip <= self::bvInetPton($end_ip_range)) {
return true;
return false;
public static function isPrivateIP($ip) {
$private_ip_ranges = array(
array("", ""),
array("", ""),
array("", ""),
array("", ""),
$result = false;
foreach ($private_ip_ranges as $ip_range) {
$result = self::isIPInRange($ip_range[0], $ip_range[1], $ip);
if($result) {
return $result;
return $result;
public static function rrmdir($dir) {
if (MCWPFileSystem::getInstance()->isDir($dir) === true) {
MCWPFileSystem::getInstance()->rmdir($dir, true);
public static function getLength($val) {
$length = 0;
if (is_array($val)) {
foreach ($val as $e) {
$length += MCProtectUtils_V591::getLength($e);
return $length;
} else {
return strlen((string) $val);
public static function parseFile($fname) {
$result = array();
if (file_exists($fname)) {
$content = file_get_contents($fname); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_get_contents_file_get_contents
if (($content !== false) && is_string($content)) {
$result = json_decode($content, true);
if (!is_array($result)) {
$result = array();
return $result;
public static function fileRemovePattern($fname, $pattern, $regex_pattern = false) {
if (MCWPFileSystem::getInstance()->exists($fname) === false) {
$content = MCWPFileSystem::getInstance()->getContents($fname);
if ($content !== false) {
if ($regex_pattern) {
$modified_content = preg_replace($pattern, "", $content);
} else {
$modified_content = str_replace($pattern, "", $content);
if ($content !== $modified_content) {
MCWPFileSystem::getInstance()->putContents($fname, $modified_content,
public static function havePluginsLoaded() {
return (function_exists('did_action') && (did_action('plugins_loaded') > 0));
public static function haveMupluginsLoaded() {
return (function_exists('did_action') && (did_action('muplugins_loaded') > 0));
public static function isWPVersionCompatible($required) {
global $wp_version;
// Strip off any -alpha, -RC, -beta, -src suffixes.
list( $version ) = explode( '-', $wp_version );
return empty( $required ) || version_compare( $version, $required, '>=' );
public static function preInitWPHook($hook_name, $function_name, $priority, $accepted_args) {
global $wp_filter;
// Check if $wp_filter is not initialized or not an array
if (!isset($wp_filter) || !is_array($wp_filter)) {
$wp_filter = array();
// Check if the hook exists in $wp_filter
if (!isset($wp_filter[$hook_name])) {
$wp_filter[$hook_name] = array();
// Check if the priority exists for the hook
if (!isset($wp_filter[$hook_name][$priority])) {
$wp_filter[$hook_name][$priority] = array();
// Add the filter function information to the $wp_filter array
$wp_filter[$hook_name][$priority][] = array(
'function' => $function_name,
'accepted_args' => $accepted_args,
public static function signMessage($message, $key, $algorithm = 'sha256') {
if (!is_string($message) || !is_string($key)) {
return false;
return hash_hmac($algorithm, $message, $key);
public static function verifyMessage($message, $signature, $key, $algorithm = 'sha256') {
if (!is_string($message) || !is_string($signature) || !is_string($key)) {
return false;
$calc_signature = self::signMessage($message, $key, $algorithm);
return hash_equals($calc_signature, $signature);
public static function safeDecodeJSON($str, $associative = true, $depth = 512) {
$decoded_data = @json_decode($str, $associative, $depth);
if (isset($decoded_data)) {
return $decoded_data;