* View: Breakpoints
* @since 4.16.0
* @version 4.16.0
* @var bool $is_initial_load Boolean on whether view is being loaded for the first time.
* @var Template $this The Template object.
* @package LearnDash\Core
use LearnDash\Core\Template\Template;
if ( ! $is_initial_load ) {
<script class="learndash-breakpoints">
( function () {
let completed = false;
* Initializes the LearnDash Breakpoints.
* @since 4.16.0
function initBreakpoints() {
if ( completed ) {
// This was fired already and completed no need to attach to the event listener.
document.removeEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', initBreakpoints );
if (
'undefined' === typeof window.learndash ||
'undefined' === typeof window.learndash.views ||
'undefined' === typeof window.learndash.views.breakpoints ||
'function' !== typeof (window.learndash.views.breakpoints.setup)
) {
const container = document.querySelector(
'[data-learndash-breakpoint-pointer="<?php echo esc_js( $this->get_breakpoint_pointer() ); ?>"]'
if ( ! container ) {
window.learndash.views.breakpoints.setup( container );
completed = true;
// This was fired already and completed no need to attach to the event listener.
document.removeEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', initBreakpoints );
// Try to init the breakpoints right away.
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', initBreakpoints );