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namespace WP_Statistics\Components;


class Assets
     * Assets folder name
     * @var string
    public static $asset_dir = 'assets';

     * Plugin Url in WordPress
     * @var string
     * @example http://site.com/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/
    public static $plugin_url = WP_STATISTICS_URL;

     * Plugin DIR in WordPress
     * @var     string
     * @example http://srv/www/wp.site/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/
    public static $plugin_dir = WP_STATISTICS_DIR;

     * Enqueue a script.
     * @param string $handle The script handle.
     * @param string $src The source URL of the script.
     * @param array $deps An array of script dependencies.
     * @param array $localize An array of data to be localized.
     * @param bool $inFooter Whether to enqueue the script in the footer.
     * @param bool $obfuscate Ofuscate/Randomize asset's file name.
     * @param string $pluginUrl The plugin URL.
     * @param string $version Script version number.
     * @return  void
     * @example Assets::script('admin', 'dist/admin.js', ['jquery'], ['foo' => 'bar'], true, false, WP_STATISTICS_URL, '1.0.0');
    public static function script($handle, $src, $deps = [], $localize = [], $inFooter = false, $obfuscate = false, $pluginUrl = null, $version = '')
        $object  = self::getObject($handle);
        $handle  = self::getHandle($handle);
        $version = empty($version) ? WP_STATISTICS_VERSION : trim($version);

        wp_enqueue_script($handle, self::getSrc($src, $obfuscate, $pluginUrl), $deps, $version, $inFooter);

        if ($localize) {
            $localize = apply_filters("wp_statistics_localize_{$handle}", $localize);

            wp_localize_script($handle, $object, $localize);

     * Register a script.
     * @param string $handle The script handle.
     * @param string $src The source URL of the script.
     * @param array $deps An array of script dependencies.
     * @param string|null $version Optional. The version of the script. Defaults to plugin version.
     * @param bool $inFooter Whether to enqueue the script in the footer.
     * @param bool $obfuscate Ofuscate/Randomize asset's file name.
     * @param string $plugin_url The plugin URL.
     * @return  void
     * @example Assets::registerScript('chartjs', 'js/chart.min.js', [], '3.7.1', false, false, WP_STATISTICS_URL);
    public static function registerScript($handle, $src, $deps = [], $version = null, $inFooter = false, $obfuscate = false, $plugin_url = null)
        // Get the handle for the script
        $handle = self::getHandle($handle);

        // Get the version of the script, if not provided, use the default version
        if ($version === null) {
            $version = WP_STATISTICS_VERSION;

        // Register the script with WordPress
        wp_register_script($handle, self::getSrc($src, $obfuscate, $plugin_url), $deps, $version, $inFooter);

     * Enqueue a style.
     * @param string $handle The style handle.
     * @param string $src The source URL of the style.
     * @param array $deps An array of style dependencies.
     * @param string $media The context which style needs to be loaded: all, print, or screen
     * @param bool $obfuscate Ofuscate/Randomize asset's file name.
     * @param string $plugin_url The plugin URL.
     * @return  void
     * @example Assets::style('admin', 'dist/admin.css', ['jquery'], 'all', false, WP_STATISTICS_URL);
    public static function style($handle, $src, $deps = [], $media = 'all', $obfuscate = false, $plugin_url = null)
        wp_enqueue_style(self::getHandle($handle), self::getSrc($src, $obfuscate, $plugin_url), $deps, WP_STATISTICS_VERSION, $media);

     * Get the handle for the script/style.
     * @param string $handle The script/style handle.
     * @return string
    private static function getHandle($handle)
        $handle = sprintf('wp-statistics-%s', strtolower($handle));
        return apply_filters('wp_statistics_assets_handle', $handle);

     * Get the source URL for the script/style.
     * @param string $src The source URL.
     * @param bool $obfuscate Ofuscate/Randomize asset's file name.
     * @param string $plugin_url The plugin URL.
     * @return  string
    public static function getSrc($src, $obfuscate = false, $plugin_url = null)
        if ($obfuscate) {
            $file = $plugin_url ? Helper::urlToDir($plugin_url) : self::$plugin_dir;
            $file = new AssetNameObfuscator(path_join($file, self::$asset_dir . '/' . $src));
            return $file->getHashedFileUrl();

        $url = $plugin_url ? untrailingslashit($plugin_url) . '/' : self::$plugin_url;

        return $url . self::$asset_dir . '/' . $src;

     * Get the object name for script localization.
     * @param string $handle The script handle.
     * @return string
    private static function getObject($handle)
        $parts          = explode('-', $handle);
        $camelCaseParts = array_map('ucfirst', $parts);

        return 'WP_Statistics_' . implode('_', $camelCaseParts) . '_Object';


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Ajax.php File 321 B 0644
AssetNameObfuscator.php File 6.93 KB 0644
Assets.php File 5.27 KB 0644
DateRange.php File 17.06 KB 0644
DateTime.php File 5.44 KB 0644
Event.php File 2.44 KB 0644
RemoteRequest.php File 5.63 KB 0644
Singleton.php File 602 B 0644
View.php File 1.27 KB 0644