[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace WP_Statistics\Models;

use WP_Statistics\Utils\Query;
use WP_Statistics\Utils\Url;

class HistoricalModel
     * Store the current resource ID.
     * @var int|null
    private $resourceId = null;

     * Store the current resource type.
     * @var string|null
    private $type = null;

     * Parse and validate the arguments for processing visitors data.
     * This method ensures that the arguments meet the required criteria
     * by checking for the presence of either 'historical' or 'ignore_date'
     * keys. If any additional keys are non-empty, the method returns null.
     * @param array $args     Associative array of arguments to parse. Must include
     *                        either 'historical' or 'ignore_date' as a key.
     * @param array $defaults Optional. Default values to merge with the provided arguments.
     *                        Defaults to an empty array.
     * @return array|null Parsed arguments if valid; null otherwise.
     * @todo We have to migrate to the baseModel. we have to add a list of the allowed arguments to prevent passing extra args.
    private function parseVisitorsArgs($args, $defaults = [])
        if (empty($args['historical']) && empty($args['ignore_date'])) {
            return null;

        $args           = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
        $allowedArgs    = ['ignore_post_type', 'ignore_date', 'historical', 'include_total'];

        foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
            if (in_array($key, $allowedArgs, true)) {

            if (! empty($value)) {
                return null;

        return $args;

     * Parse and cache the arguments for reuse.
     * @param array $args Arguments to be parsed. Must contain either 'historical' or 'ignore_date'.
     * @param array $defaults Optional. Default values to merge with provided arguments.
     * @return array|null Parsed and enhanced arguments, or null if required arguments are missing.
    private function parseViewsArgs($args, $defaults = [])
        if (empty($args['historical']) && empty($args['ignore_date'])) {
            return null;

        $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);

        $args['resource_id'] = $this->getResourceId($args);
        $args['uri']         = $this->getResourceUri($args);

        if (! empty($args['uri']) && ! empty($args['resource_id'])) {
            $args['category'] = 'uri';

        return $args;

     * Get the ID value from a resource array argument.
     * @param array $args {
     *     Arguments containing resource ID.
     *     @type int $post_id    Optional. Post ID to retrieve.
     *     @type int $term       Optional. Term ID to retrieve.
     *     @type int $author_id  Optional. Author ID to retrieve.
     * }
     * @return int|null The ID of the first found resource, or null if no resource ID specified
    public function getResourceId($args)
        if (!empty($args['post_id'])) {
            $this->resourceId = $args['post_id'];
            $this->type       = 'post';

            return $this->resourceId;

        if (!empty($args['term'])) {
            $this->resourceId = $args['term'];
            $this->type       = 'taxonomy';

            return $this->resourceId;

        if (!empty($args['author_id'])) {
            $this->resourceId = $args['author_id'];
            $this->type       = 'author';

            return $this->resourceId;

        $this->resourceId = null;
        $this->type       = null;

        return null;

     * Get relative URI for a WordPress resource (post, term, or author).
     * @param array $args {
     *     Arguments for determining the resource URI.
     *     @type int    $post_id    Optional. Post ID to get its URI.
     *     @type int    $term       Optional. Term ID to get its URI.
     *     @type string $taxonomy   Required if $term is set. The taxonomy name.
     *     @type int    $author_id  Optional. Author ID to get their archive URI.
     * }
     * @return string|null Relative path to the resource, or null if no valid resource specified
    public function getResourceUri($args)
        if (! empty($args['uri'])) {
            return $args['uri'];

        if ($this->type === 'taxonomy') {
            return Url::getPath($this->resourceId, $args['taxonomy']);

        if ($this->type === 'author') {
            return Url::getPath($this->resourceId, 'author');

        if ($this->type === 'post') {
            $postType = strtolower(Helper::getPostTypeName(get_post_type($this->resourceId), true));
            return Url::getPath($this->resourceId, $postType);

        return null;

     * Get the total number of historical visitors.
     * @param array $args {
     *     Optional. An array of arguments for filtering historical visitor data.
     *     @type bool $ignore_date  Whether to ignore date constraints when counting visitors.
     *                             Default false. When false, returns 0.
     * }
     * @return int Total number of historical visitors.
    public function getVisitors($args)
        $args = $this->parseVisitorsArgs($args);

        if (is_null($args)) {
            return 0;

        $result = Query::select('SUM(`value`) AS `historical_views`')
            ->where('category', '=', 'visitors')

        return $result ?? 0;

     * Get the total number of historical views based on provided arguments.
     * @param array $args {
     *     Arguments for retrieving views.
     *     @type string $type        Optional. Type of view count to retrieve ('uri' for specific URI views).
     *     @type int    $post_id     Optional. Post ID to get views for.
     *     @type string $uri         Optional. URI to get views for.
     *     @type bool   $ignore_date Optional. Whether to ignore date in URI comparison.
     * }
     * @return int Total number of historical views.
    public function getViews($args)
        $args = $this->parseViewsArgs($args, [
            'resource_id' => '',
            'uri'         => '',
            'category'    => 'visits',

        if (is_null($args)) {
            return 0;

        $result = Query::select('SUM(`value`) AS `historical_views`')
            ->where('page_id', '=', $args['resource_id'])
            ->where('uri', '=', $args['uri'])
            ->where('category', '=', $args['category'])

        return $result ?? 0;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AuthorsModel.php File 12.92 KB 0644
ExclusionsModel.php File 1.49 KB 0644
HistoricalModel.php File 6.84 KB 0644
OnlineModel.php File 1.83 KB 0644
PostsModel.php File 15.78 KB 0644
TaxonomyModel.php File 7.29 KB 0644
ViewsModel.php File 11.18 KB 0644
VisitorsModel.php File 49.58 KB 0644