jQuery( document ).ready( function () {
const { __, sprintf } = window.wp.i18n;
// Set how often to check when a preload job is running
const ACTIVE_INTERVAL = 3000;
// Set how often to check when no preload job is running
const INACTIVE_INTERVAL = 30000;
// Get a reference to the log element and the previous log entry
const preloadInfoPanel = jQuery( '#wpsc-preload-status' );
// Abort early if no info panel exists.
if ( ! preloadInfoPanel.length ) {
update_preload_status( window.wpsc_preload_ajax.preload_status );
* Schedule the next preload status update.
* @param {number} time - time in milliseconds to wait before updating.
function schedule_preload_update( time ) {
setTimeout( () => {
action: 'wpsc_get_preload_status',
json => {
if ( ! json || ! json.success ) {
update_preload_status( json.data );
}, time );
* Update displayed preload status using the provided data.
* @param {object} data - description of the preload status.
function update_preload_status( data ) {
// Bail early if no data is available. But try again in a few seconds.
if ( ! data || ( ! data.running && ! data.next && ! data.previous ) ) {
schedule_preload_update( ACTIVE_INTERVAL );
let nextPreloadTime = data.running ? ACTIVE_INTERVAL : INACTIVE_INTERVAL;
if ( data.running ) {
const panel = jQuery( '<div class="notice notice-warning">' );
jQuery( '<p>' ).append( jQuery( '<b>' ).text( __( 'Preloading', 'wp-super-cache' ) ) )
jQuery( '<p>' ).text( __( 'Preloading is currently running.', 'wp-super-cache' ) )
const ul = panel.append( jQuery( '<ul>' ) );
for ( const entry of data.history ) {
ul.append( jQuery( '<li>' ).text( entry.group + ' ' + entry.progress + ': ' + entry.url ) );
preloadInfoPanel.append( panel );
} else if ( data.next || data.previous ) {
const panel = jQuery( '<div class="notice notice-info">' );
if ( data.next ) {
const diff = Math.max( 0, data.next - Math.floor( Date.now() / 1000 ) );
const seconds = diff % 60;
const minutes = Math.floor( diff / 60 ) % 60;
const hours = Math.floor( diff / 3600 ) % 24;
const days = Math.floor( diff / 86400 );
// If we're preloading within the next minute, start loading faster.
if ( minutes + hours === 0 ) {
nextPreloadTime = ACTIVE_INTERVAL;
const p = jQuery( '<p>' );
jQuery( '<b>' ).html(
/* Translators: 1: Number of days, 2: Number of hours, 3: Number of minutes, 4: Number of seconds */
'<b>Next preload scheduled</b> in %1$s days, %2$s hours, %3$s minutes and %4$s seconds.',
panel.append( p );
if ( data.previous ) {
const p = jQuery( '<p>' );
p.append( jQuery( '<b>' ).text( __( 'Last preload finished:', 'wp-super-cache' ) + ' ' ) );
p.append( jQuery( '<span>' ).text( new Date( data.previous * 1000 ).toLocaleString() ) );
panel.append( p );
preloadInfoPanel.append( panel );
schedule_preload_update( nextPreloadTime );
} );