[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
<div class="wpsc-settings-inner">
global $wp_cache_preload_posts;

echo '<a name="preload"></a>';
if ( ! $cache_enabled || ! $super_cache_enabled || true === defined( 'DISABLESUPERCACHEPRELOADING' ) ) {
		esc_html__( 'Preloading of cache disabled. Please make sure simple or expert mode is enabled or talk to your host administrator.', 'wp-super-cache' ),
			'type' => 'warning',

$count = wpsc_post_count();

$min_refresh_interval = wpsc_get_minimum_preload_interval();

echo '<div class="wpsc-card">';
echo '<p>' . __( 'This will cache every published post and page on your site. It will create supercache static files so unknown visitors (including bots) will hit a cached page. This will probably help your Google ranking as they are using speed as a metric when judging websites now.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '</p>';
echo '<p>' . __( 'Preloading creates lots of files however. Caching is done from the newest post to the oldest so please consider only caching the newest if you have lots (10,000+) of posts. This is especially important on shared hosting.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '</p>';
echo '<p>' . __( 'In &#8217;Preload Mode&#8217; regular garbage collection will be disabled so that old cache files are not deleted. This is a recommended setting when the cache is preloaded.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '</p>';
echo '<form name="cache_filler" action="' . esc_url_raw( add_query_arg( 'tab', 'preload', $admin_url ) ) . '" method="POST">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="preload" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="wpsupercache" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="wpsc-card">';
echo '<p>' . sprintf( __( 'Refresh preloaded cache files every %s minutes. (0 to disable, minimum %d minutes.)', 'wp-super-cache' ), "<input type='text' size=4 name='wp_cache_preload_interval' value='" . (int) $wp_cache_preload_interval . "' />", $min_refresh_interval ) . '</p>';
if ( $count > 100 ) {
	$step = (int)( $count / 10 );

	$select = "<select name='wp_cache_preload_posts' size=1>";
	$select .= "<option value='all' ";
	if ( ! isset( $wp_cache_preload_posts ) || $wp_cache_preload_posts == 'all' ) {
		$checked = 'selectect=1 ';
		$best = 'all';
	} else {
		$checked = ' ';
		$best = $wp_cache_preload_posts;
	$select .= "{$checked}>" . __( 'all', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "</option>";

	$options = array();
	for( $c = $step; $c < $count; $c += $step ) {
		$checked = ' ';
		if ( $best == $c )
			$checked = 'selected=1 ';

		$options[ $c ] = "<option value='$c'{$checked}>$c</option>";

	if ( ! isset( $options[ $wp_cache_preload_posts ] ) ) {
		$options[ $wp_cache_preload_posts ] = "<option value='$wp_cache_preload_posts' selected=1>$wp_cache_preload_posts</option>";
	ksort( $options );
	$select .= implode( "\n", $options );

	$checked = ' ';
	if ( $best == $count )
		$checked = 'selected=1 ';
	$select .= "<option value='$count'{$checked}>$count</option>";
	$select .= "</select>";
	echo '<p>' . sprintf( __( 'Preload %s posts.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $select ) . '</p>';
} else {
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="wp_cache_preload_posts" value="' . $count . '" />';

echo '<input type="checkbox" name="wp_cache_preload_on" value="1" ';
echo $wp_cache_preload_on == 1 ? 'checked=1' : '';
echo ' /> ' . __( 'Preload mode (garbage collection disabled. Recommended.)', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '<br />';
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="wp_cache_preload_taxonomies" value="1" ';
echo $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies == 1 ? 'checked=1' : '';
echo ' /> ' . __( 'Preload tags, categories and other taxonomies.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '<br />';
echo __( 'Send me status emails when files are refreshed.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '<br />';
if ( !isset( $wp_cache_preload_email_volume ) )
	$wp_cache_preload_email_volume = 'none';
echo '<select type="select" name="wp_cache_preload_email_volume">';
echo '<option value="none" ' . selected( 'none', $wp_cache_preload_email_volume ) . '>' . esc_html__( 'No Emails', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '</option>';
// translators: %d is the number of posts
echo '<option value="many" ' . selected( 'many', $wp_cache_preload_email_volume ) . '>' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Many emails, 2 emails per %d posts.', 'wp-super-cache' ), WPSC_PRELOAD_POST_COUNT ) ) . '</option>';
// translators: %d is the number of posts
echo '<option value="medium" ' . selected( 'medium', $wp_cache_preload_email_volume ) . '>' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Medium, 1 email per %d posts.', 'wp-super-cache' ), WPSC_PRELOAD_POST_COUNT ) ) . '</option>';
echo '<option value="less" ' . selected( 'less', $wp_cache_preload_email_volume ) . '>' . esc_html__( 'Less emails, 1 at the start and 1 at the end of preloading all posts.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '</option>';
echo "</select>";

if (
	wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_preload_hook' )
	|| wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' )
	|| wpsc_is_preload_active()
) {
	$currently_preloading = true;
echo '<div class="submit"><input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="preload" value="' . __( 'Save Settings', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '" />';
echo '</div>';
wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' );
echo '</form>';
echo '<form name="do_preload" action="' . esc_url_raw( add_query_arg( 'tab', 'preload', $admin_url ) ) . '" method="POST">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="preload" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="wpsupercache" />';
echo '<div class="submit">';
if ( false == $currently_preloading ) {
	echo '<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="preload_now" value="' . __( 'Preload Cache Now', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '" />';
} else {
	echo '<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="preload_off" value="' . __( 'Cancel Cache Preload', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '" />';
echo '</div>';
wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' );
echo '</form>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';


Name Type Size Permission Actions
advanced.php File 33.04 KB 0644
debug.php File 5.84 KB 0644
easy.php File 11.75 KB 0644
lockdown.php File 4.97 KB 0644
preload.php File 5.7 KB 0644
rejected_user_agents.php File 1.01 KB 0644
restore.php File 586 B 0644
tracking_parameters.php File 1.36 KB 0644