[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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/* global wpforms_admin, jconfirm, wpCookies, Choices, List, wpf */

 * @param wpforms_admin.recreating
 * @param wpforms_admin.testing

( function( $ ) {
	'use strict';

	// Global settings access.
	var s;

	// Admin object.
	var WPFormsAdmin = {

		// Settings.
		settings: {
			iconActivate: '<i class="fa fa-toggle-on fa-flip-horizontal" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
			iconDeactivate: '<i class="fa fa-toggle-on" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
			iconInstall: '<i class="fa fa-cloud-download" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
			iconSpinner: '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
			mediaFrame: false,

		 * Start the engine.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		init: function() {

			// Settings shortcut.
			s = this.settings;

			// Document ready.
			$( WPFormsAdmin.ready );

			// Entries Single (Details).

			// Entries List.

			// Welcome activation.

			// Addons List.
			$( document ).on( 'wpformsReady', WPFormsAdmin.initAddons );

			// Settings.

			// Tools.

			// Upgrades (Tools view).

			// Tab menu.

		 * Document ready.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		ready: function() {

			// Add `_wp_http_referer` to the data of every AJAX request.
			$.ajaxSetup( {
				data: {
					// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
					_wp_http_referer: wpf.updateQueryString( '_wp_http_referer', null ),
			} );

			// Scroll to integration.

			// To prevent jumping (since WP core moves the notices with js),
			// they are hidden initially with CSS, then revealed below with JS,
			// which runs after they have been moved.
			$( '.notice' ).show();

			// If there are screen options we have to move them.
			$( '#screen-meta-links, #screen-meta' ).prependTo( '#wpforms-header-temp' ).show();

			// Init fancy selects via choices.js.

			// Reinit ChoicesJS after htmx swap.
			$( document ).on( 'htmx:afterSwap', WPFormsAdmin.initChoicesJS );

			// Init checkbox multi selects columns.

			// Init color pickers via minicolors.js.
			$( '.wpforms-color-picker' ).each( function() {

				const $this = $( this );

				$this.minicolors( {
					defaultValue: $this.data( 'fallback-color' ) || '',
				} );
			} );

			// Init fancy File Uploads.
			$( '.wpforms-file-upload' ).each( function() {
				var $input	 = $( this ).find( 'input[type=file]' ),
					$label	 = $( this ).find( 'label' ),
					labelVal = $label.html();
				$input.on( 'change', function( event ) {
					var fileName = '';
					if ( this.files && this.files.length > 1 ) {
						fileName = ( this.getAttribute( 'data-multiple-caption' ) || '' ).replace( '{count}', this.files.length );
					} else if ( event.target.value ) {
						fileName = event.target.value.split( '\\' ).pop();
					if ( fileName ) {
						$label.find( '.fld' ).html( fileName );
					} else {
						$label.html( labelVal );
				} );

				// Firefox bug fix.
				$input.on( 'focus', function() {
					$input.addClass( 'has-focus' );
				} ).on( 'blur', function() {
					$input.removeClass( 'has-focus' );
				} );
			} );

			// jquery-confirm defaults.
			jconfirm.defaults = {
				closeIcon: false,
				backgroundDismiss: false,
				escapeKey: true,
				animationBounce: 1,
				useBootstrap: false,
				theme: 'modern',
				boxWidth: '400px',
				animateFromElement: false,
				content: wpforms_admin.something_went_wrong,

			// Upgrade information modal for upgrade links.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-upgrade-modal', function() {

				$.alert( {
					title: wpforms_admin.thanks_for_interest,
					content: wpforms_admin.upgrade_modal,
					icon: 'fa fa-info-circle',
					type: 'blue',
					boxWidth: '550px',
					buttons: {
						confirm: {
							text: wpforms_admin.ok,
							btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
							keys: [ 'enter' ],
				} );
			} );

			// Lity lightbox.

			// Flyout Menu.

			// Action available for each binding.
			$( document ).trigger( 'wpformsReady' );

			// Start listening for screen options changes.
			$( '#screen-options-wrap .hide-column-tog' ).on( 'change', WPFormsAdmin.handleOnChangeScreenOptions );

		 * For styling purposes, we will add a dedicated class name for determining the number of visible columns.
		 * @since 1.8.3
		handleOnChangeScreenOptions: function() {

			const $table         = $( '.wpforms-table-list' );
			const $columns       = $table.find( 'thead .manage-column' );
			const $hidden        = $columns.filter( '.hidden' );
			const hasManyColumns = Boolean( ( $columns.length - $hidden.length ) > 5 );

			// This is used to adjust the table layout.
			// Add a class to the table to indicate the number of columns.
			$table.toggleClass( 'has-many-columns', hasManyColumns );
			$table.toggleClass( 'has-few-columns', ! hasManyColumns );

		 * Initialize Choices JS elements.
		 * @since 1.4.2
		initChoicesJS: function() {

			$( '.choicesjs-select' ).each( function() {
				var $this = $( this ),
					args  = window.wpforms_admin_choicesjs_config ? { ...window.wpforms_admin_choicesjs_config } : {};

				if ( $this.attr( 'multiple' ) ) {
					args.removeItemButton = typeof args.removeItemButton !== 'undefined' ? args.removeItemButton : true;

				if ( $this.data( 'sorting' ) === 'off' ) {
					args.shouldSort = false;

				if ( $this.data( 'search' ) ) {
					args.searchEnabled = true;

				if ( $this.data( 'choices-position' ) ) {
					args.position = $this.data( 'choices-position' );

				// Render HTML in Choices.js.
				args.allowHTML = true;

				// Function to run once Choices initialises.
				// We need to reproduce a behaviour like on public-facing area for "Edit Entry" page.
				args.callbackOnInit = function() {
					const self = this;
					const $element = $( self.passedElement.element );
					const sizeClass = $element.data( 'size-class' );

					// Add CSS-class for size.
					if ( sizeClass ) {
						$( self.containerOuter.element ).addClass( sizeClass );

					wpf.initMultipleSelectWithSearch( this );
					wpf.showMoreButtonForChoices( self.containerOuter.element );

				$this.data( 'choicesjs', new Choices( $this[ 0 ], args ) );
			} );

			// Add ability to close the drop-down menu.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '.choices', function( e ) {
				const $choices = $( this ),
					choicesObj = $choices.find( 'select' ).data( 'choicesjs' );

				if (
					choicesObj &&
					$choices.hasClass( 'is-open' ) &&
						e.target.classList.contains( 'choices__inner' ) ||
						e.target.classList.contains( 'choices__arrow' )
				) {
			} );


		 * Initialize checkbox multi-select columns.
		 * @since 1.4.2
		initCheckboxMultiselectColumns: function() {

			$( document ).on( 'change', '.checkbox-multiselect-columns input', function() {

				var $this      = $( this ),
					$parent    = $this.parent(),
					$container = $this.closest( '.checkbox-multiselect-columns' ),
					label      = $parent.text(),
					itemID     = 'check-item-' + $this.val(),
					$item      = $container.find( '#' + itemID );

				if ( $this.prop( 'checked' ) ) {
					$this.parent().addClass( 'checked' );
					if ( ! $item.length ) {
						$container.find( '.second-column ul' ).append( '<li id="' + itemID + '">' + label + '</li>' );
				} else {
					$this.parent().removeClass( 'checked' );
					$container.find( '#' + itemID ).remove();
			} );

			$( document ).on( 'click', '.checkbox-multiselect-columns .all', function( event ) {


				$( this ).closest( '.checkbox-multiselect-columns' ).find( 'input[type=checkbox]' ).prop( 'checked', true ).trigger( 'change' );
				$( this ).remove();
			} );

		// Forms Overview

		 * Element bindings for Form Overview page.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		 * @since 1.7.3 Deprecated.
		 * @deprecated Use `WPFormsForms.Overview.init()` instead.
		initFormOverview: function() {

			console.warn( 'WARNING! Function "WPFormsAdmin.initFormOverview()" has been deprecated, please use the new "WPFormsForms.Overview.init()" function instead!' );


		// Entry Single (Details)

		 * Element bindings for Entries List table page.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		initEntriesList() { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function
			// Toggle form selector dropdown.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-list .form-selector .toggle', function( event ) {

				$( this ).toggleClass( 'active' ).next( '.form-list' ).toggle();
			} );

			// Confirm bulk entry deletion.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-table #doaction', function( event ) {

				var $btn     = $( this ),
					$form    = $btn.closest( 'form' ),
					$table   = $form.find( 'table' ),
					$action  = $form.find( 'select[name=action]' ),
					$checked = $table.find( 'input[name^=entry_id]:checked' );

				if ( ( 'delete' !== $action.val() && 'trash' !== $action.val() ) || ! $checked.length ) {

				const $content = 'delete' === $action.val() ? wpforms_admin.entry_delete_n_confirm : wpforms_admin.entry_trash_n_confirm;


				// Trigger alert modal to confirm.
				$.confirm( {
					title: wpforms_admin.heads_up,
					content: $content.replace( '{entry_count}', $checked.length ),
					icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
					type: 'orange',
					buttons: {
						confirm: {
							text: wpforms_admin.ok,
							btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
							keys: [ 'enter' ],
							action: function() {

								$form.trigger( 'submit' );
						cancel: {
							text: wpforms_admin.cancel,
							keys: [ 'esc' ],
				} );
			} );

			// Confirm entry deletion.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-list .wp-list-table .delete', function( event ) {


				var url = $( this ).attr( 'href' );

				// Trigger alert modal to confirm.
				$.confirm( {
					title: wpforms_admin.heads_up,
					content: wpforms_admin.entry_delete_confirm,
					icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
					type: 'orange',
					buttons: {
						confirm: {
							text: wpforms_admin.ok,
							btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
							keys: [ 'enter' ],
							action: function() {
								window.location = url;
						cancel: {
							text: wpforms_admin.cancel,
							keys: [ 'esc' ],
				} );
			} );

			// Confirm entry trash.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-list .wp-list-table .trash', function( event ) {

				const url = $( this ).attr( 'href' );

				// Trigger alert modal to confirm.
				$.confirm( {
					title: wpforms_admin.heads_up,
					content: wpforms_admin.entry_trash_confirm,
					icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
					type: 'orange',
					buttons: {
						confirm: {
							text: wpforms_admin.ok,
							btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
							keys: [ 'enter' ],
							action: () => {
								window.location = url;
						cancel: {
							text: wpforms_admin.cancel,
							keys: [ 'esc' ],
				} );
			} );

			// Toggle entry stars.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-list .wp-list-table .indicator-star', function( event ) {

				const $this = $( this );
				const $counter = $( '#wpforms-entries-list .starred-num' );
				const $table = $this.parents( 'table' );

				let task = '';
				let total = Number( $counter.text() );

				if ( $this.hasClass( 'star' ) ) {
					task = 'star';
					$this.attr( 'title', wpforms_admin.entry_unstar );
				} else {
					task = 'unstar';
					$this.attr( 'title', wpforms_admin.entry_star );

				$this.toggleClass( 'star unstar' );

				if ( ! $table.hasClass( 'wpforms-entries-table-spam' ) && ! $table.hasClass( 'wpforms-entries-table-trash' ) ) {
					$counter.text( total );

				const data = {
					task    : task,
					action  : 'wpforms_entry_list_star',
					nonce   : wpforms_admin.nonce,
					entryId : $this.data( 'id' ),
					formId  : $this.data( 'form-id' ),

				$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data );
			} );

			// Toggle entry read state.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-list .wp-list-table .indicator-read', function( event ) {

				const $this = $( this );
				const $counter = $( '#wpforms-entries-list .unread-num' );
				const $table = $this.parents( 'table' );

				let task = '';
				let total = Number( $counter.text() );

				if ( $this.hasClass( 'read' ) ) {
					task = 'read';
					$this.attr( 'title', wpforms_admin.entry_unread );
				} else {
					task = 'unread';
					$this.attr( 'title', wpforms_admin.entry_read );

				$this.toggleClass( 'read unread' );

				if ( ! $table.hasClass( 'wpforms-entries-table-spam' ) && ! $table.hasClass( 'wpforms-entries-table-trash' ) ) {
					$counter.text( total );

				const data = {
					task    : task,
					action  : 'wpforms_entry_list_read',
					nonce   : wpforms_admin.nonce,
					entryId : $this.data( 'id' ),
					formId  : $this.data( 'form-id' ),

				$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data );
			} );

			// Confirm mass entry deletion/trash - this deletes/trashes ALL entries.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-list .form-details-actions-removeall', function( event ) {

				const $page = $( this ).data( 'page' ),
					$noticeData = WPFormsAdmin.getDeleteAllNoticeData( $page ),
					$url = $( this ).attr( 'href' ),
					$table = $( '#wpforms-entries-table' ),
					filteredCount = $table.data( 'filtered-count-trash' ) && $noticeData.action === 'trash' ? parseInt( $table.data( 'filtered-count-trash' ), 10 ) : 0,
					data = {
						action: 'wpforms_entry_list_process_' + $noticeData.action + '_all',
						form_id: $table.find( 'input[name="form_id"]' ).val(), // eslint-disable-line camelcase
						date: $table.find( 'input[name="date"]' ).val(),
						page: $page,
						search: {
							field: $table.find( 'select[name="search[field]"]' ).val(),
							comparison: $table.find( 'select[name="search[comparison]"]' ).val(),
							term: $table.find( 'input[name="search[term]"]' ).val(),
						nonce: wpforms_admin.nonce,
						url: $url,

				// Trigger alert modal to confirm.
				$.confirm( {
					title: wpforms_admin.heads_up,
					content: filteredCount && $( '#wpforms-reset-filter' ).length ? $noticeData.content.replace( '{entry_count}', filteredCount ) : $noticeData.contentAll,
					icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
					type: 'orange',
					buttons: {
						confirm: {
							text: wpforms_admin.ok,
							btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
							keys: [ 'enter' ],
							action: () => {
								$.get( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data )
									.done( function( response ) {
										if ( response.success ) {
											window.location = ! _.isEmpty( response.data ) ? response.data : $url;
									} );
						cancel: {
							text: wpforms_admin.cancel,
							keys: [ 'esc' ],
				} );
			} );

			// Check for new form entries using Heartbeat API.
			$( document ).on( 'heartbeat-send', function( event, data ) {

				var $entriesList = $( '#wpforms-entries-list' );

				// Works on entry list page only.
				if ( ! $entriesList.length || $entriesList.find( '.wpforms-dash-widget' ).length ) {

				var last_entry_id = $entriesList.find( '#wpforms-entries-table' ).data( 'last-entry-id' );

				// When entries list is filtered, there is no data param at all.
				if ( typeof last_entry_id === 'undefined' ) {

				data.wpforms_new_entries_entry_id = last_entry_id;
				data.wpforms_new_entries_form_id  = $entriesList.find( 'input[name=form_id]' ).val();
			} );

			// Display entries list notification if Heartbeat API new form entries check is successful.
			$( document ).on( 'heartbeat-tick', function( event, data ) {

				var columnCount;
				var $entriesList = $( '#wpforms-entries-list' );

				// Works on entry list page only.
				if ( ! $entriesList.length ) {

				if ( ! data.wpforms_new_entries_notification ) {

				columnCount = $entriesList.find( '.wp-list-table thead tr' ).first().children().length;

				if ( ! $entriesList.find( '.new-entries-notification' ).length ) {
					$entriesList.find( '.wp-list-table thead' )
						.append( '<tr class="new-entries-notification"><td colspan="' + columnCount + '"><a href=""></a></td></tr>' );

				var $link = $entriesList.find( '.new-entries-notification a' );

					.text( data.wpforms_new_entries_notification )
					.slideDown( {
						start: function() {

							$link.css( 'display', 'block' );
						always: function() {

							$link.css( 'display', 'block' );
					} );
			} );

		 * Element bindings for Entries Single (Details) page.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		initEntriesSingle: function() {

			// Entry navigation hotkeys.
			// We only want to listen on the applicable admin page.
			if ( 'wpforms-entries' === WPFormsAdmin.getQueryString( 'page' ) && 'details' === WPFormsAdmin.getQueryString( 'view' ) ) {

			// Confirm entry deletion.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .wpforms-entry-delete a', function( event ) {

				const url = $( this ).attr( 'href' );

				// Trigger alert modal to confirm.
				$.confirm( {
					title: wpforms_admin.heads_up,
					content: wpforms_admin.entry_delete_confirm,
					icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
					type: 'orange',
					buttons: {
						confirm: {
							text: wpforms_admin.ok,
							btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
							keys: [ 'enter' ],
							action: function() {
								window.location = url;
						cancel: {
							text: wpforms_admin.cancel,
							keys: [ 'esc' ],
				} );
			} );

			// Confirm entry trash.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .trash', function( event ) {

				const url = $( this ).attr( 'href' );

				// Trigger alert modal to confirm.
				$.confirm( {
					title: wpforms_admin.heads_up,
					content: wpforms_admin.entry_trash_confirm,
					icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
					type: 'orange',
					buttons: {
						confirm: {
							text: wpforms_admin.ok,
							btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
							keys: [ 'enter' ],
							action: () => {
								window.location = url;
						cancel: {
							text: wpforms_admin.cancel,
							keys: [ 'esc' ],
				} );
			} );

			// Open Print preview in new window.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .wpforms-entry-print a', function( event ) {

				window.open( $( this ).attr( 'href' ) );
			} );

			// Toggle displaying empty fields.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .wpforms-empty-field-toggle', function( event ) {


				// Handle cookie.
				if ( wpCookies.get( 'wpforms_entry_hide_empty' ) === 'true' ) {

					// User was hiding empty fields, so now display them.
					wpCookies.remove( 'wpforms_entry_hide_empty' );
					$( this ).text( wpforms_admin.entry_empty_fields_hide );
				} else {

					// User was seeing empty fields, so now hide them.
					wpCookies.set( 'wpforms_entry_hide_empty', 'true', 2592000 ); // 1month.
					$( this ).text( wpforms_admin.entry_empty_fields_show );

				$( '.wpforms-entry-field.empty, .wpforms-edit-entry-field.empty' ).toggle();
			} );

			// Display notes editor.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .wpforms-entry-notes-new .add', function( event ) {


				$( this ).hide().next( 'form' ).stop().slideToggle();
			} );

			// Cancel note.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .wpforms-entry-notes-new .cancel', function( event ) {


				$( this ).closest( 'form' ).stop().slideToggle();
				$( '.wpforms-entry-notes-new .add' ).show();
			} );

			// Delete note.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-entries-single .wpforms-entry-notes-byline .note-delete', function( event ) {


				var url = $( this ).attr( 'href' );

				// Trigger alert modal to confirm.
				$.confirm( {
					title: wpforms_admin.heads_up,
					content: wpforms_admin.entry_note_delete_confirm,
					icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
					type: 'orange',
					buttons: {
						confirm: {
							text: wpforms_admin.ok,
							btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
							keys: [ 'enter' ],
							action: function() {
								window.location = url;
						cancel: {
							text: wpforms_admin.cancel,
							keys: [ 'esc' ],
				} );
			} );

		// Entry List

		 * Hotkeys for Entries Single (Details) page.
		 * j triggers previous entry, k triggers next entry.
		 * @since 1.4.0
		entryHotkeys: function() {

			// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
			$( document ).on( 'keydown', function( event ) {
				if ( 74 === event.keyCode && ! event.metaKey && ! WPFormsAdmin.isFormTypeNode( event.target.nodeName ) ) {

					// j key has been pressed outside a form element, go to the previous entry.
					var prevEntry = $( '#wpforms-admin-single-navigation-prev-link' ).attr( 'href' );
					if ( '#' !== prevEntry ) {
						window.location.href = prevEntry;
				} else if ( 75 === event.keyCode && ! event.metaKey && ! WPFormsAdmin.isFormTypeNode( event.target.nodeName ) ) {

					// k key has been pressed outside a form element, go to the previous entry.
					var nextEntry = $( '#wpforms-admin-single-navigation-next-link' ).attr( 'href' );
					if ( '#' !== nextEntry ) {
						window.location.href = nextEntry;
			} );

		// Welcome Activation.

		 * Welcome activation page.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		initWelcome: function() {

			// Open modal and play How To video.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-welcome .play-video', function( event ) {

				const video = '<div class="video-container"><iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SQ9kV9SKz5k?rel=0&amp;showinfo=0&amp;autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>';

				$.dialog( {
					title: false,
					content: video,
					closeIcon: true,
					boxWidth: '70%',
				} );
			} );

		// Addons List.

		 * Element bindings for Addons List page.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		initAddons: function() {

			// Only run on the addons page.
			if ( ! $( '#wpforms-admin-addons' ).length ) {

			// Addons searching.
			const $sectionAll = $( '#wpforms-addons-list-section-all' );
			const $sectionInstalled = $( '#wpforms-addons-list-section-installed' );

			if ( $sectionAll.length || $sectionInstalled.length ) {
				let addonSearchInstalled;
				let addonSearchAll;

				if ( $sectionInstalled.length ) {
					addonSearchInstalled = new List(
							valueNames: [ 'addon-link' ],

				if ( $sectionAll.length ) {
					addonSearchAll = new List(
							valueNames: [ 'addon-link' ],

				$( '#wpforms-addons-search' ).on(
					'keyup search',
					function() {
						WPFormsAdmin.updateAddonSearchResult( this, addonSearchAll, addonSearchInstalled );

			// Toggle an addon state.
			$( document ).on( 'change', '.wpforms-addons-list-item .wpforms-toggle-control input', function( event ) {

				if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) {
					return false;

				WPFormsAdmin.addonToggleNew( $( this ) );
			} );

			$( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-addons-list-item button', function( event ) {

				if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) {
					return false;

				WPFormsAdmin.addonToggleNew( $( this ) );
			} );

			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-admin-addons .addon-item button', function( event ) {

				if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) {
					return false;

				WPFormsAdmin.addonToggle( $( this ) );
			} );

		 * Handle addons search field operations.
		 * @since 1.7.4
		 * @param {Object} searchField          The search field html element.
		 * @param {Object} addonSearchAll       Addons all list (uses List.js).
		 * @param {Object} addonSearchInstalled Addons installed list (uses List.js).
		updateAddonSearchResult( searchField, addonSearchAll, addonSearchInstalled ) {
			let searchTerm = $( searchField ).val();

			 * Replace dot and comma with space
			 * it is workaround for a bug in list.js library.
			 * Note: remove when the issue below is fixed:
			 * @see https://github.com/javve/list.js/issues/699
			searchTerm = searchTerm.replace( /[.,]/g, ' ' );

			const $noResultsMessage = $( '#wpforms-addons-no-results' );
			const $sectionAll = $( '#wpforms-addons-list-section-all' );
			const $sectionInstalled = $( '#wpforms-addons-list-section-installed' );
			const searchResultsAll = addonSearchAll ? addonSearchAll.search( searchTerm ) : [];
			const searchResultsInstalled = addonSearchInstalled ? addonSearchInstalled.search( searchTerm ) : [];

			$noResultsMessage.toggle( searchResultsAll.length === 0 && searchResultsInstalled.length === 0 );
			$sectionAll.toggle( searchResultsAll.length > 0 );
			$sectionInstalled.toggle( searchResultsInstalled.length > 0 );

		 * Change plugin/addon state.
		 * @since 1.6.3
		 * @param {string}   plugin        Plugin slug or URL for download.
		 * @param {string}   state         State status activate|deactivate|install.
		 * @param {string}   pluginType    Plugin type addon or plugin.
		 * @param {Function} callback      Callback for get result from AJAX.
		 * @param {Function} errorCallback Callback for get error from AJAX.
		setAddonState( plugin, state, pluginType, callback, errorCallback ) {
			const actions = {
				activate: 'wpforms_activate_addon',
				install: 'wpforms_install_addon',
				deactivate: 'wpforms_deactivate_addon',
			const action = actions[ state ];

			if ( ! action ) {

			const data = {
				nonce: wpforms_admin.nonce,
				type: pluginType,

			$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) {
				callback( res );
			} ).fail( function( xhr ) {
				errorCallback( xhr );
			} );

		 * Toggle addon state.
		 * @since 1.8.6
		 * @param {Object} $btn Button element.
		// eslint-disable-next-line max-lines-per-function, complexity
		addonToggleNew( $btn ) {
			const $footer = $btn.parents( '.wpforms-addons-list-item-footer' );
			const classes = {
				active: 'wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-active',
				activating: 'wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-activating',
				incompatible: 'wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-incompatible',
				installed: 'wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-installed',
				missing: 'wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-missing',
				goToUrl: 'wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-go-to-url',
				withError: 'wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-with-error',

			// Open url in new tab.
			if ( $footer.hasClass( classes.goToUrl ) ) {
				window.open( $btn.attr( 'data-plugin' ), '_blank' );

			$btn.prop( 'disabled', true );

			let checked = $btn.is( ':checked' );
			let cssClass;
			const plugin = $footer.attr( 'data-plugin' );
			const pluginType = $footer.attr( 'data-type' );
			const $addon = $btn.parents( '.wpforms-addons-list-item' );
			const state = WPFormsAdmin.getAddonState( $footer, classes, $btn );

			 * Handle error.
			 * @param {Object} res Response object.
			function handleError( res ) {
				$footer.addClass( classes.withError );

				if ( typeof res.data === 'object' ) {
					$footer.append( `<div class="wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-error"><p>${ pluginType === 'addon' ? wpforms_admin.addon_error : wpforms_admin.plugin_error }</p></div>` );
				} else {
					$footer.append( `<div class="wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-error"><p>${ res.data }</p></div>` );

				if ( state === 'install' ) {
					checked = false;
					WPFormsAdmin.removeSpinnerFromButton( $btn );
				} else if ( state === 'deactivate' ) {
					checked = true;
				} else if ( state === 'activate' ) {
					checked = false;

			 * Handle success.
			 * @param {Object} res Response object.
			function handleSuccess( res ) {
				if ( state === 'install' ) {
					cssClass = classes.active;
					checked = true;

					$footer.attr( 'data-plugin', res.data.basename );

					if ( ! res.data.is_activated ) {
						cssClass = classes.installed;
						checked = false;

					$btn = $btn.closest( '.wpforms-addons-list-item' ).find( '.wpforms-toggle-control input' );
				} else if ( state === 'activate' ) {
					$footer.find( '.wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-settings-link' ).fadeIn( 150 );
					cssClass = classes.active;
					checked = true;
				} else if ( state === 'deactivate' ) {
					$footer.find( '.wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-settings-link' ).fadeOut( 150 );
					cssClass = classes.installed;
					checked = false;

				$footer.removeClass( classes.active + ' ' + classes.incompatible + ' ' + classes.installed + ' ' + classes.missing ).addClass( cssClass );

			WPFormsAdmin.setAddonState( plugin, state, pluginType, function( res ) {
				if ( res.success ) {
					handleSuccess( res );
				} else {
					handleError( res );

				WPFormsAdmin.updateAddonButtonPropertiesAndUI( $btn, $addon, $footer, classes, checked );
			}, function() {
				handleError( {
					data: wpforms_admin.server_error,
				} );

				WPFormsAdmin.updateAddonButtonPropertiesAndUI( $btn, $addon, $footer, classes, checked );
			} );

		 * Add spinner to button.
		 * @since 1.8.6
		 * @param {Object} $button Button element.
		addSpinnerToButton( $button ) {
			const spinnerBlue = '<i class="wpforms-loading-spinner wpforms-loading-blue wpforms-loading-inline"></i>';
			const originalWidth = $button.width();

			$button.data( 'original-text', $button.html() );
			$button.width( originalWidth ).html( spinnerBlue );

		 * Remove spinner from button.
		 * @since 1.8.6
		 * @param {Object} $button Button element.
		removeSpinnerFromButton( $button ) {
			$button.html( $button.data( 'original-text' ) );

		 * Get addon state.
		 * @since 1.8.6
		 * @param {Object} $footer Footer element.
		 * @param {Object} classes Classes object.
		 * @param {Object} $button Button element.
		 * @return {string} State.
		getAddonState( $footer, classes, $button ) {
			if ( $footer.hasClass( classes.active ) || $footer.hasClass( classes.incompatible ) ) {
				return 'deactivate';

			if ( $footer.hasClass( classes.installed ) ) {
				return 'activate';

			if ( $footer.hasClass( classes.missing ) ) {
				WPFormsAdmin.addSpinnerToButton( $button );
				return 'install';

			return '';

		 * Update button properties and UI.
		 * @since 1.8.6
		 * @param {Object}  $btn    Button element.
		 * @param {Object}  $addon  Addon element.
		 * @param {Object}  $footer Footer element.
		 * @param {Object}  classes Classes object.
		 * @param {boolean} checked Checked state.
		updateAddonButtonPropertiesAndUI( $btn, $addon, $footer, classes, checked ) {
			$btn.prop( 'checked', checked );
			$btn.prop( 'disabled', false );
			$btn.siblings( '.wpforms-toggle-control-status' ).html( $btn.siblings( '.wpforms-toggle-control-status' ).data( checked ? 'on' : 'off' ) );

			if ( $addon.find( '.wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-error' ).length > 0 ) {
				setTimeout( function() {
					$footer.removeClass( classes.withError );
					$addon.find( '.wpforms-addons-list-item-footer-error' ).remove();
				}, 6000 );

		 * Scroll to integration.
		 * @since 1.8.6
		scrollToIntegration() {
			const currentURL = window.location.href;
			// eslint-disable-next-line compat/compat
			const urlObject = new URL( currentURL );
			const searchParams = urlObject.searchParams;
			const addon = searchParams.get( 'addon' );

			if ( addon ) {
				const $elementToScrollTo = $( '.wpforms-settings-provider[id*="' + addon + '"]' );

				if ( $elementToScrollTo.length ) {
					$( window ).scrollTop( $elementToScrollTo.offset().top );
					searchParams.delete( 'addon' );

					window.history.pushState( {}, document.title, urlObject.toString() );

		 * Toggle addon state.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		 * @param {Object} $btn Button element.
		// eslint-disable-next-line max-lines-per-function,complexity
		addonToggle( $btn ) {
			let state,

			if ( $btn.hasClass( 'status-go-to-url' ) ) {
				// Open url in new tab.
				window.open( $btn.attr( 'data-plugin' ), '_blank' );

			$btn.prop( 'disabled', true ).addClass( 'loading' );
			$btn.html( s.iconSpinner );

			const pluginType = $btn.attr( 'data-type' );

			if ( $btn.hasClass( 'status-active' ) ) {
				// Deactivate.
				state = 'deactivate';
				cssClass = 'status-installed';
				if ( pluginType === 'plugin' ) {
					cssClass += ' button button-secondary';
				stateText = wpforms_admin.addon_inactive;
				buttonText = wpforms_admin.addon_activate;
				errorText = wpforms_admin.addon_deactivate;
				if ( pluginType === 'addon' ) {
					buttonText = s.iconActivate + buttonText;
					errorText = s.iconDeactivate + errorText;
			} else if ( $btn.hasClass( 'status-installed' ) ) {
				// Activate.
				state = 'activate';
				cssClass = 'status-active';
				if ( pluginType === 'plugin' ) {
					cssClass += ' button button-secondary disabled';
				stateText = wpforms_admin.addon_active;
				buttonText = wpforms_admin.addon_deactivate;
				if ( pluginType === 'addon' ) {
					buttonText = s.iconDeactivate + buttonText;
					errorText = s.iconActivate + wpforms_admin.addon_activate;
				} else if ( pluginType === 'plugin' ) {
					buttonText = wpforms_admin.addon_activated;
					errorText = wpforms_admin.addon_activate;
			} else if ( $btn.hasClass( 'status-missing' ) ) {
				// Install & Activate.
				state = 'install';
				cssClass = 'status-active';
				if ( pluginType === 'plugin' ) {
					cssClass += ' button disabled';
				stateText = wpforms_admin.addon_active;
				buttonText = wpforms_admin.addon_activated;
				errorText = s.iconInstall;
				if ( pluginType === 'addon' ) {
					buttonText = s.iconActivate + wpforms_admin.addon_deactivate;
					errorText += wpforms_admin.addon_install;
			} else {

			const plugin = $btn.attr( 'data-plugin' );

			// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
			WPFormsAdmin.setAddonState( plugin, state, pluginType, function( res ) {
				const $addon = $btn.closest( '.addon-item' );

				if ( res.success ) {
					if ( 'install' === state ) {
						$btn.attr( 'data-plugin', res.data.basename );
						successText = res.data.msg;
						if ( ! res.data.is_activated ) {
							stateText = wpforms_admin.addon_inactive;
							buttonText = 'plugin' === pluginType ? wpforms_admin.addon_activate : s.iconActivate + wpforms_admin.addon_activate;
							cssClass = 'plugin' === pluginType ? 'status-installed button button-secondary' : 'status-installed';
					} else {
						successText = res.data;
					$addon.find( '.actions' ).append( '<div class="msg success">' + successText + '</div>' );
					$addon.find( 'span.status-label' )
						.removeClass( 'status-active status-installed status-missing' )
						.addClass( cssClass )
						.removeClass( 'button button-primary button-secondary disabled' )
						.text( stateText );
						.removeClass( 'status-active status-installed status-missing' )
						.removeClass( 'button button-primary button-secondary disabled' )
						.addClass( cssClass ).html( buttonText );
				} else {
					if ( 'object' === typeof res.data ) {
						if ( pluginType === 'addon' ) {
							$addon.find( '.actions' ).append( '<div class="msg error"><p>' + wpforms_admin.addon_error + '</p></div>' );
						} else {
							$addon.find( '.actions' ).append( '<div class="msg error"><p>' + wpforms_admin.plugin_error + '</p></div>' );
					} else {
						$addon.find( '.actions' ).append( '<div class="msg error"><p>' + res.data + '</p></div>' );
					if ( 'install' === state && 'plugin' === pluginType ) {
						$btn.addClass( 'status-go-to-url' ).removeClass( 'status-missing' );
					$btn.html( errorText );

				$btn.prop( 'disabled', false ).removeClass( 'loading' );

				if ( ! $addon.find( '.actions' ).find( '.msg.error' ).length ) {
					setTimeout( function() {

						$( '.addon-item .msg' ).remove();
					}, 3000 );
			function( error ) {
				// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
				console.log( error.responseText );
			} );

		// Settings.
		 * Element bindings for Settings page.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		initSettings: function() {

			// On ready events.
			$( document ).on( 'wpformsReady', function() {

				// Only proceed if we're on the settings page.
				if ( ! $( '#wpforms-settings' ).length ) {

				// Watch for hashes and scroll to if found.
				// Display all addon boxes as the same height.
				var integrationFocus = WPFormsAdmin.getQueryString( 'wpforms-integration' ),
					jumpTo           = WPFormsAdmin.getQueryString( 'jump' );

				if ( integrationFocus ) {
					$( 'body' ).animate(
						{ scrollTop: $( '#wpforms-integration-' + integrationFocus ).offset().top },
				} else if ( jumpTo ) {
					$( 'body' ).animate(
						{ scrollTop: $( '#' + jumpTo ).offset().top },

				// Settings conditional logic.
				$( '.wpforms-admin-settings-form' ).conditions( [

					// Misc > Disable User Cookies visibility.
						conditions: {
							element:  '#wpforms-setting-gdpr',
							type:     'checked',
							operator: 'is',
						actions: {
							if: {
								element: '#wpforms-setting-row-gdpr-disable-uuid,#wpforms-setting-row-gdpr-disable-details',
								action:	 'show',
							else : {
								element: '#wpforms-setting-row-gdpr-disable-uuid,#wpforms-setting-row-gdpr-disable-details',
								action:	 'hide',
						effect: 'appear',

					// CAPTCHA > Type.
						conditions: {
							element:   'input[name=captcha-provider]:checked',
							type:      'value',
							operator:  '=',
							condition: 'hcaptcha',
						actions: {
							if: [
									element: '.wpforms-setting-row',
									action: 'show',
									element: '.wpforms-setting-recaptcha, #wpforms-setting-row-recaptcha-site-key, #wpforms-setting-row-recaptcha-secret-key, #wpforms-setting-row-recaptcha-fail-msg, .wpforms-setting-turnstile, #wpforms-setting-row-turnstile-heading, #wpforms-setting-row-turnstile-site-key, #wpforms-setting-row-turnstile-secret-key, #wpforms-setting-row-turnstile-theme, #wpforms-setting-row-turnstile-fail-msg',
									action: 'hide',
						effect: 'appear',
						conditions: {
							element:   'input[name=captcha-provider]:checked',
							type:      'value',
							operator:  '=',
							condition: 'recaptcha',
						actions: {
							if: [
									element: '.wpforms-setting-row',
									action: 'show',
									element: '#wpforms-setting-row-hcaptcha-heading, #wpforms-setting-row-hcaptcha-site-key, #wpforms-setting-row-hcaptcha-secret-key, #wpforms-setting-row-hcaptcha-fail-msg, #wpforms-setting-row-turnstile-heading, #wpforms-setting-row-turnstile-site-key, #wpforms-setting-row-turnstile-secret-key, #wpforms-setting-row-turnstile-theme, #wpforms-setting-row-turnstile-fail-msg',
									action: 'hide',
						effect: 'appear',
						conditions: {
							element:   'input[name=captcha-provider]:checked',
							type:      'value',
							operator:  '=',
							condition: 'turnstile',
						actions: {
							if: [
									element: '.wpforms-setting-row',
									action: 'show',
									element: '#wpforms-setting-row-hcaptcha-heading, #wpforms-setting-row-hcaptcha-site-key, #wpforms-setting-row-hcaptcha-secret-key, #wpforms-setting-row-hcaptcha-fail-msg, .wpforms-setting-recaptcha, #wpforms-setting-row-recaptcha-site-key, #wpforms-setting-row-recaptcha-secret-key, #wpforms-setting-row-recaptcha-fail-msg',
									action: 'hide',
						effect: 'appear',
						conditions: {
							element:   'input[name=captcha-provider]:checked',
							type:      'value',
							operator:  '=',
							condition: 'none',
						actions: {
							if: [
									element: '.wpforms-setting-row',
									action: 'hide',
									element: '.wpforms-setting-captcha-heading, #wpforms-setting-row-captcha-provider',
									action: 'show',
						effect: 'appear',
				] );
			} );

			// Render engine setting.
			$( document ).on( 'change', '#wpforms-setting-row-render-engine input', WPFormsAdmin.settingsRenderEngineChange );

			// Form styles plugin setting.
			$( document ).on( 'change', '#wpforms-setting-disable-css', function() {

				WPFormsAdmin.settingsFormStylesAlert( $( this ).val() );
			} );

			// Image upload fields.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-setting-row-image button', function( event ) {


				// If the remove button was clicked, clear the value and remove the image.
				if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'wpforms-setting-remove-image' ) ) {
					const $wrapper = $( this ).closest( '.wpforms-setting-row-image' );
					$wrapper.find( 'input' ).val( '' ).attr( 'value', '' ).trigger( 'change' ).end().find( 'img' ).remove();


				WPFormsAdmin.imageUploadModal( $( this ) );
			} );

			// Verify license key.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-setting-license-key-verify', function( event ) {


				WPFormsAdmin.licenseVerify( $( this ) );
			} );

			// Show message for license field.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-setting-license-wrapper', function( event ) {


				var $keyField = $( '#wpforms-setting-license-key' );

				if ( ! $keyField.length ) {

				if ( ! $keyField.prop( 'disabled' ) ) {

			} );

			// Deactivate license key.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-setting-license-key-deactivate', function( event ) {


				WPFormsAdmin.licenseDeactivate( $( this ) );
			} );

			// Refresh license key.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-setting-license-key-refresh', function( event ) {


				WPFormsAdmin.licenseRefresh( $( this ) );
			} );

			 * @todo Refactor providers settings tab. Code below is legacy.

			// Integration connect.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-settings-provider-connect', function( event ) {


				var button = $( this );

				WPFormsAdmin.integrationConnect( button );
			} );

			// Integration account disconnect.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts-list .remove a', function( event ) {


				WPFormsAdmin.integrationDisconnect( $( this ) );
			} );

			// Integration individual display toggling.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-settings-provider:not(.focus-out) .wpforms-settings-provider-header', function( event ) {


				var $this = $( this );

					.find( '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts' )
					.stop( false, true )
					.slideToggle( '', function() {
						$this.parent().find( '.wpforms-settings-provider-logo i' ).toggleClass( 'fa-chevron-right fa-chevron-down' );
					} );
			} );

			// Integration accounts display toggling.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts-toggle a', function( event ) {


				var $connectFields = $( this ).parent().next( '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts-connect' );
				$connectFields.find( 'input[type=text], input[type=password]' ).val( '' );
			} );

			// CAPTCHA settings page: type toggling.
			$( document ).on( 'change', '#wpforms-setting-row-captcha-provider input', function() {

				var $preview = $( '#wpforms-setting-row-captcha-preview' );

				if ( this.value === 'hcaptcha' || this.value === 'turnstile' ) {
					$preview.removeClass( 'wpforms-hidden' );
				} else if ( this.value === 'none' ) {
					$preview.addClass( 'wpforms-hidden' );
				} else {
					$( '#wpforms-setting-row-recaptcha-type input:checked' ).trigger( 'change' );

				if ( $preview.find( '.wpforms-captcha-preview' ).length ) {
					$preview.find( '.wpforms-captcha-preview' ).empty();
					$preview.find( '.wpforms-captcha-placeholder' ).removeClass( 'wpforms-hidden' );
			} );

			// CAPTCHA settings page: reCAPTCHA type toggling.
			$( document ).on( 'change', '#wpforms-setting-row-recaptcha-type input', function() {

				$( '#wpforms-setting-row-captcha-preview' ).toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', 'v2' !== this.value );
				$( '#wpforms-setting-row-recaptcha-v3-threshold' ).toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', 'v3' !== this.value );
			} );

			// Toggle control switch description.
			$( document ).on( 'change', '.wpforms-toggle-control input', function() {
				const $input = $( this ),
					checked = $input.is( ':checked' ),
					state = checked ? 'on' : 'off',
					$field = $input.closest( '.wpforms-setting-field' ),
					$control = $input.closest( '.wpforms-toggle-control' ),
					$status = $control.find( '.wpforms-toggle-control-status' ),
					$descOn = $field.find( '.wpforms-toggle-desc.desc-on' ),
					$descOff = $field.find( '.wpforms-toggle-desc.desc-off' ),
					isDoubleDesc = $descOn.length > 0 && $descOff.length > 0;

				$descOn.toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', ! checked && isDoubleDesc );
				$descOff.toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', checked && isDoubleDesc );
				$status.html( $status.data( state ) );
			} );

		 * Render engine setting change event handler.
		 * @since 1.8.1
		 * @param {object} e Event object.
		settingsRenderEngineChange: function( e ) {

			// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
			// eslint-disable-next-line
			const renderEngine = $( this ).val();

			// TODO: Add corresponding code that need to be executed on change render engine setting.

		 * Alert users if they change form styles to something that may give
		 * unexpected results.
		 * @since 1.5.0
		settingsFormStylesAlert: function( value ) {

			if ( '2' === value ) {
				var msg = wpforms_admin.settings_form_style_base;
			} else if ( '3' === value ) {
				var msg = wpforms_admin.settings_form_style_none;
			} else {

			$.alert( {
				title: wpforms_admin.heads_up,
				content: msg,
				icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
				type: 'orange',
				buttons: {
					confirm: {
						text: wpforms_admin.ok,
						btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
						keys: [ 'enter' ],
			} );

		 * Image upload modal window.
		 * @since 1.3.0
		 * @param {jQuery} $el Image upload button element.
		imageUploadModal( $el ) {
			// To prevent caching of the media frame object and
			// avoid confusion between multiple instances,
			// this method no longer relies on the shared s.mediaFrame object.
			// Instead, it creates a new mediaFrame object for each instance.

			const $setting = $el.closest( '.wpforms-setting-field' );

			s.mediaFrame = wpf.initMediaLibrary( {
				title: wpforms_admin.upload_image_title,
				extensions: wpforms_admin.upload_image_extensions,
				extensionsError: wpforms_admin.upload_image_extensions_error,
				buttonText: wpforms_admin.upload_image_button,
			} );

			s.mediaFrame.on( 'select', function() {
				// Grab our attachment selection and construct a JSON representation of the model.
				const mediaAttachment = s.mediaFrame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON();
				const $input = $setting.find( 'input[type=text]' );

				// Send the attachment URL to our custom input field via jQuery.
				$input.val( mediaAttachment.url );
				$setting.find( 'img' ).remove();
				$setting.prepend( '<img src="' + mediaAttachment.url + '">' );
				$input.trigger( 'change' );
			} ).on( 'close', function() {
				s.mediaFrame.off( 'library:selection:add' );
			} );

			// Now that everything has been set, let's open up the frame.

		 * Verify a license key.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		 * @param {jQuery} $el Verify button element.
		licenseVerify: function( $el ) {

			var $row        = $el.closest( '.wpforms-setting-row' ),
				$keyField   = $( '#wpforms-setting-license-key' ),
				buttonWidth = $el.outerWidth(),
				buttonLabel = $el.text(),
				data        = {
					action: 'wpforms_verify_license',
					nonce:   wpforms_admin.nonce,
					license: $keyField.val(),

			$el.html( s.iconSpinner ).css( 'width', buttonWidth ).prop( 'disabled', true );

			$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) {

				var icon  = 'fa fa-check-circle',
					color = 'green',

				if ( res.success ) {
					msg = res.data.msg;
					$row.find( '#wpforms-setting-license-key-info-message' ).empty().hide();
					$row.find( '.type, .desc, #wpforms-setting-license-key-deactivate' ).show();
					$row.find( '.type strong' ).text( res.data.type );
					$( '.wpforms-license-notice' ).remove();
						.prop( 'disabled', true )
						.addClass( 'wpforms-setting-license-is-valid' )
						.attr( 'value', $keyField.val() );
				} else {
					icon  = 'fa fa-exclamation-circle';
					color = 'orange';
					msg   = res.data;
					$row.find( '.type, .desc, #wpforms-setting-license-key-deactivate' ).hide();
					$keyField.prop( 'disabled', false );

				$.alert( {
					title: msg.header ?? false,
					content: msg.msg ?? msg,
					icon: icon,
					type: color,
					buttons: {
						confirm: {
							text: wpforms_admin.ok,
							btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
							keys: [ 'enter' ],
				} );

				$el.html( buttonLabel ).css( 'width', 'auto' ).prop( 'disabled', false );

			} ).fail( function( xhr ) {
				$keyField.prop( 'disabled', false );
				console.log( xhr.responseText );
			} );

		 * Show message that license key editing is disabled.
		 * @since 1.6.5
		licenseEditMessage: function() {

			$.alert( {
				title: wpforms_admin.heads_up,
				content: wpforms_admin.edit_license,
				icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
				type: 'orange',
				buttons: {
					confirm: {
						text: wpforms_admin.ok,
						btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
						keys: [ 'enter' ],
			} );

		 * Deactivate a license key.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		 * @param {Element} el Button element.
		licenseDeactivate: function( el ) {

			const $this = $( el );
			const $row  = $this.closest( '.wpforms-setting-row' );

			const buttonWidth = $this.outerWidth();
			const buttonLabel = $this.text();

			const data = {
				action: 'wpforms_deactivate_license',
				nonce: wpforms_admin.nonce,

			$this.html( s.iconSpinner ).css( 'width', buttonWidth ).prop( 'disabled', true );

			$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) {

				let icon  = 'fa fa-info-circle';
				let color = 'blue';
				let title = wpforms_admin.success;

				const data = res.data;
				const msg  = ! data.msg || typeof data.msg !== 'string' ? wpforms_admin.something_went_wrong : data.msg;

				if ( res.success ) {
					$row.find( '#wpforms-setting-license-key' )
						.val( '' )
						.attr( 'value', '' )
						.prop( { readonly: false, disabled: false } )
					$row.find( '.wpforms-license-key-deactivate-remove' ).remove();
					$row.find( '#wpforms-setting-license-key-info-message' ).html( data.info ).show();
					$row.find( '#wpforms-setting-license-key-verify' ).prop( 'disabled', false ).show();
					$row.find( '.type, .desc, #wpforms-setting-license-key-deactivate' ).hide();
				} else {
					icon  = 'fa fa-exclamation-circle';
					color = 'orange';
					title = wpforms_admin.oops;

				$.alert( {
					title: title,
					content: msg,
					icon: icon,
					type: color,
					buttons: {
						confirm: {
							text: wpforms_admin.ok,
							btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
							keys: [ 'enter' ],
				} );

				$this.html( buttonLabel ).css( 'width', 'auto' ).prop( 'disabled', false );

			} ).fail( function( xhr ) {
				console.log( xhr.responseText );
			} );

		 * Refresh a license key.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		licenseRefresh: function( el ) {

			var $this       = $( el ),
				$row        = $this.closest( '.wpforms-setting-row' ),
				$input      = $( '#wpforms-setting-license-key' ),
				data        = {
					action: 'wpforms_refresh_license',
					nonce:   wpforms_admin.nonce,
					license: $input.val(),

			$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) {

				var icon  = 'fa fa-check-circle',
					color = 'green',

				if ( res.success ) {
					msg = res.data.msg;
					$row.find( '.type strong' ).text( res.data.type );
				} else {
					icon  = 'fa fa-exclamation-circle';
					color = 'orange';
					msg   = res.data;
					$row.find( '.type, .desc' ).hide();
					$input.removeClass( 'wpforms-setting-license-is-valid' ).addClass( 'wpforms-setting-license-is-invalid' );

				$.alert( {
					title: msg.header ?? false,
					content: msg.msg ?? msg,
					icon: icon,
					type: color,
					buttons: {
						confirm: {
							text: wpforms_admin.ok,
							btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
							keys: [ 'enter' ],
				} );

			} ).fail( function( xhr ) {
				console.log( xhr.responseText );
			} );

		 * Connect integration provider account.
		 * @param $btn Button (.wpforms-settings-provider-connect) that was clicked to establish connection.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		integrationConnect: function( $btn ) {

			var buttonWidth = $btn.outerWidth(),
				buttonLabel = $btn.text(),
				$provider   = $btn.closest( '.wpforms-settings-provider' ),
				data        = {
					action  : 'wpforms_settings_provider_add_' + $btn.data( 'provider' ),
					data    : $btn.closest( 'form' ).serialize(),
					provider: $btn.data( 'provider' ),
					nonce   : wpforms_admin.nonce,
				errorMessage = wpforms_admin.provider_auth_error;

			$btn.html( wpforms_admin.connecting ).css( 'width', buttonWidth ).prop( 'disabled', true );

			$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( response ) {

				if ( response.success ) {
					$provider.find( '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts-list ul' ).append( response.data.html );
					$provider.addClass( 'connected' );
					$btn.closest( '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts-connect' ).stop().slideToggle();

				} else {

					if (
						Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( response, 'data' ) &&
						Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( response.data, 'error_msg' )
					) {
						errorMessage += '<br>' + response.data.error_msg;

					WPFormsAdmin.integrationError( errorMessage );

			} ).fail( function() {

				WPFormsAdmin.integrationError( errorMessage );
			} ).always( function() {

				$btn.html( buttonLabel ).css( 'width', 'auto' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
			} );

		 * Remove integration provider account.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		 * @param {object} el Disconnect link that was clicked to establish removing account.
		integrationDisconnect: function( el ) {

			var $this     = $( el ),
				$provider = $this.parents( '.wpforms-settings-provider' ),
				data      = {
					action  : 'wpforms_settings_provider_disconnect_' + $this.data( 'provider' ),
					provider: $this.data( 'provider' ),
					key     : $this.data( 'key' ),
					nonce   : wpforms_admin.nonce,
				errorMessage = wpforms_admin.provider_delete_error;

			$.confirm( {
				title: wpforms_admin.heads_up,
				content: wpforms_admin.provider_delete_confirm,
				icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
				type: 'orange',
				buttons: {
					confirm: {
						text: wpforms_admin.ok,
						btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
						keys: [ 'enter' ],
						action: function() {

							$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( response ) {

								if ( response.success ) {

									// Hide Connected status label if no more integrations are linked.
									var numberOfIntegrations = $provider.find( '.wpforms-settings-provider-accounts-list li' ).length;

									if ( typeof numberOfIntegrations === 'undefined' || numberOfIntegrations === 0 ) {
										$provider.removeClass( 'connected' );

									 * Provider account has been removed.
									 * @since 1.7.7
									$( document ).trigger( 'wpformsProviderRemoved', [ $provider, response ] );
								} else {

									if (
										Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( response, 'data' ) &&
										Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( response.data, 'error_msg' )
									) {
										errorMessage += '<br>' + response.data.error_msg;

									WPFormsAdmin.integrationError( errorMessage );
							} ).fail( function() {

								WPFormsAdmin.integrationError( errorMessage );
							} );
					cancel: {
						text: wpforms_admin.cancel,
						keys: [ 'esc' ],
			} );

		 * Error handling.
		 * @since 1.6.4
		 * @param {string} error Error message.
		integrationError: function( error ) {

			$.alert( {
				title: wpforms_admin.something_went_wrong,
				content: error,
				icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
				type: 'orange',
				buttons: {
					confirm: {
						text: wpforms_admin.ok,
						btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
						keys: [ 'enter' ],
			} );

		// Tools.

		 * Element bindings for Tools page.
		 * @since 1.4.2
		initTools() {
			// Enable import/export buttons when a value is selected.
			$( document ).on( 'change', '#wpforms-tools-form-import, #wpforms-tools-form-other-import, #wpforms-tools-form-export, #wpforms-tools-form-template', function() {
				const $field = $( this );
				const $button = $field.parents( 'form' ).find( 'button' );

				$button.attr( 'aria-disabled', $field.val().length === 0 );
			} );

			// Copy system information to clipboard.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-system-information-copy', function( event ) {
			} );

			// Run SSL test.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-ssl-verify', function( event ) {
			} );

			// Recreate database tables.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-recreate-tables', function( event ) {
			} );

			// Run import for a specific provider.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-importer-forms-submit', function( event ) {

				// Check to confirm user as selected a form.
				if ( $( '#wpforms-importer-forms input:checked' ).length ) {
					const ids = [];

					$( '#wpforms-importer-forms input:checked' ).each( function( i ) {
						ids[ i ] = $( this ).val();
					} );

					if ( ! wpforms_admin.isPro ) {
						// We need to analyze the forms before starting the actual import.
						WPFormsAdmin.analyzeForms( ids );
					} else {
						// Begin the import process.
						WPFormsAdmin.importForms( ids );
				} else {
					// User didn't actually select a form so alert them.
					$.alert( {
						title: wpforms_admin.heads_up,
						content: wpforms_admin.importer_forms_required,
						icon: 'fa fa-info-circle',
						type: 'blue',
						buttons: {
							confirm: {
								text: wpforms_admin.ok,
								btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
								keys: [ 'enter' ],
					} );
			} );

			// Continue import after analyzing.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-importer-continue-submit', function( event ) {
				WPFormsAdmin.importForms( s.formIDs );
			} );

		 * Copy system information to clipboard.
		 * @since 1.8.4
		copySystemInformation() {
			$( '#wpforms-system-information' ).select();
			document.execCommand( 'copy' );

		 * Perform test connection to verify that the current web host
		 * can successfully make outbound SSL connections.
		 * @since 1.4.5
		verifySSLConnection() {
			const $btn = $( '#wpforms-ssl-verify' );
			const btnLabel = $btn.text();
			const btnWidth = $btn.outerWidth();
			const $settings = $btn.parent();

			$btn.css( 'width', btnWidth ).prop( 'disabled', true ).text( wpforms_admin.testing );

			const data = {
				action: 'wpforms_verify_ssl',
				nonce:   wpforms_admin.nonce,

			// Trigger AJAX to test connection
			$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) {
				WPFormsAdmin.debug( res );

				// Remove any previous alerts.
				$settings.find( '.wpforms-notice' ).remove();

				if ( res.success ) {
					$btn.before( '<div class="notice wpforms-notice notice-success">' + res.data.msg + '</div>' );

				if ( ! res.success && res.data.msg ) {
					$btn.before( '<div class="notice wpforms-notice notice-error">' + res.data.msg + '</div>' );

				if ( ! res.success && res.data.debug ) {
					$btn.before( '<div class="wpforms-ssl-error pre-error">' + res.data.debug + '</div>' );

				$btn.css( 'width', btnWidth ).prop( 'disabled', false ).text( btnLabel );
			} );

		 * Recreate custom tables.
		 * @since 1.9.0
		recreateTables() {
			const $btn = $( '#wpforms-recreate-tables' );
			const btnLabel = $btn.text();
			const btnWidth = $btn.outerWidth();
			const $settings = $btn.parent();

			$btn.css( 'width', btnWidth ).prop( 'disabled', true ).text( wpforms_admin.recreating );

			const data = {
				action: 'wpforms_recreate_tables',
				nonce:   wpforms_admin.nonce,

			// Trigger AJAX to recreate tables.
			$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) {
				WPFormsAdmin.debug( res );

				// Remove any previous alerts.
				$settings.find( '.wpforms-notice' ).remove();

				if ( res.success ) {
					$btn.before( '<div class="notice wpforms-notice notice-success">' + res.data.msg + '</div>' );

				if ( ! res.success && res.data.msg ) {
					$btn.before( '<div class="notice wpforms-notice notice-error">' + res.data.msg + '</div>' );

				if ( ! res.success && res.data.debug ) {
					$btn.before( '<div class="wpforms-ssl-error pre-error">' + res.data.debug + '</div>' );
			} ).always( function() {
				$btn.css( 'width', btnWidth ).prop( 'disabled', false ).text( btnLabel );
			} );

		 * Begins the process of analyzing the forms.
		 * This runs for non-Pro installs to check if any of the forms to be
		 * imported contain fields
		 * not currently available.
		 * @since 1.4.2
		analyzeForms: function( forms ) {

			var $processAnalyze = $( '#wpforms-importer-analyze' );

			// Display total number of forms we have to import.
			$processAnalyze.find( '.form-total' ).text( forms.length );
			$processAnalyze.find( '.form-current' ).text( '1' );

			// Hide the form select section.
			$( '#wpforms-importer-forms' ).hide();

			// Show Analyze status.

			// Create global analyze queue.
			s.analyzeQueue   = forms;
			s.analyzed       = 0;
			s.analyzeUpgrade = [];
			s.formIDs        = forms;

			// Analyze the first form in the queue.

		 * Analyze a single form from the queue.
		 * @since 1.4.2
		analyzeForm: function() {

			var $analyzeSettings = $( '#wpforms-importer-analyze' ),
				formID           = _.first( s.analyzeQueue ),
				provider         = WPFormsAdmin.getQueryString( 'provider' ),
				data             = {
					action:  'wpforms_import_form_' + provider,
					analyze: 1,
					form_id: formID,
					nonce:   wpforms_admin.nonce,

			// Trigger AJAX analyze for this form.
			$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) {

				if ( res.success ) {

					if ( ! _.isEmpty( res.data.upgrade_plain ) || ! _.isEmpty( res.data.upgrade_omit ) ) {
						s.analyzeUpgrade.push( {
							name:   res.data.name,
							fields: _.union( res.data.upgrade_omit, res.data.upgrade_plain ),
						} );

					// Remove this form ID from the queue.
					s.analyzeQueue = _.without( s.analyzeQueue, formID );

					if ( _.isEmpty( s.analyzeQueue ) ) {

						if ( _.isEmpty( s.analyzeUpgrade ) ) {

							// Continue to import forms as no Pro fields were found.
							WPFormsAdmin.importForms( s.formIDs );
						} else {

							// We found Pro fields, so alert the user.
							var upgradeDetails = wp.template( 'wpforms-importer-upgrade' );
							$analyzeSettings.find( '.upgrade' ).append( upgradeDetails( s.analyzeUpgrade ) );
							$analyzeSettings.find( '.upgrade' ).show();
							$analyzeSettings.find( '.process-analyze' ).hide();

					} else {

						// Analyze next form in the queue.
						$analyzeSettings.find( '.form-current' ).text( s.analyzed + 1 );
			} );

		 * Begins the process of importing the forms.
		 * @since 1.4.2
		importForms: function( forms ) {

			var $processSettings = $( '#wpforms-importer-process' );

			// Display total number of forms we have to import.
			$processSettings.find( '.form-total' ).text( forms.length );
			$processSettings.find( '.form-current' ).text( '1' );

			// Hide the form select and form analyze sections.
			$( '#wpforms-importer-forms, #wpforms-importer-analyze' ).hide();

			// Show processing status.

			// Create global import queue.
			s.importQueue = forms;
			s.imported    = 0;

			// Import the first form in the queue.

		 * Imports a single form from the import queue.
		 * @since 1.4.2
		importForm: function() {

			var $processSettings = $( '#wpforms-importer-process' ),
				formID           = _.first( s.importQueue ),
				provider         = WPFormsAdmin.getQueryString( 'provider' ),
				data             = {
					action:  'wpforms_import_form_' + provider,
					form_id: formID,
					nonce:   wpforms_admin.nonce,

			// Trigger AJAX import for this form.
			$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) {

				if ( res.success ) {
					var statusUpdate;

					if ( res.data.error ) {
						statusUpdate = wp.template( 'wpforms-importer-status-error' );
					} else {
						statusUpdate = wp.template( 'wpforms-importer-status-update' );

					$processSettings.find( '.status' ).prepend( statusUpdate( res.data ) );
					$processSettings.find( '.status' ).show();

					// Remove this form ID from the queue.
					s.importQueue = _.without( s.importQueue, formID );

					if ( _.isEmpty( s.importQueue ) ) {

						$processSettings.find( '.process-count' ).hide();
						$processSettings.find( '.forms-completed' ).text( s.imported );
						$processSettings.find( '.process-completed' ).show();

					} else {

						// Import next form in the queue.
						$processSettings.find( '.form-current' ).text( s.imported + 1 );

			} );

		// Upgrades (Tabs view).

		 * Element bindings for Tools page.
		 * @since 1.4.3
		initUpgrades: function() {

			// Prepare to run the v1.4.3 upgrade routine.
			$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpforms-upgrade-143 button', function( event ) {


				var $this       = $( this ),
					buttonWidth = $this.outerWidth(),
					$status     = $( '#wpforms-upgrade-143 .status' ),
					data        = {
						action:    'wpforms_upgrade_143',
						nonce:      wpforms_admin.nonce,
						init:       true,
						incomplete: $this.data( 'incomplete' ),

				// Change the button to indicate we are doing initial processing.
				$this.html( s.iconSpinner ).css( 'width', buttonWidth ).prop( 'disabled', true );

				// Get the total number of entries, then kick off the routine.
				$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) {
					if ( res.success ) {

						// Set initial values.
						s.upgraded     = Number( res.data.upgraded );
						s.upgradeTotal = Number( res.data.total );
						var percent    = Math.round( ( Number( s.upgraded ) / Number( s.upgradeTotal ) ) * 100 );

						// Show the status area.
						$status.find( '.bar' ).css( 'width', percent + '%' );
						$status.show().find( '.total' ).text( s.upgradeTotal );
						$status.find( '.current' ).text( s.upgraded );
						$status.find( '.percent' ).text( percent + '%' );

						// Begin the actual upgrade routine.
				} );
			} );

		 * The v1.4.3 entry fields upgrade routine.
		 * @since 1.4.3
		upgrade143: function() {

			var $status     = $( '#wpforms-upgrade-143 .status' ),
				data        = {
					action:   'wpforms_upgrade_143',
					nonce:    wpforms_admin.nonce,
					upgraded: s.upgraded,

			// Get the total number of entries, then kick off the routine.
			$.post( wpforms_admin.ajax_url, data, function( res ) {
				if ( res.success ) {

					s.upgraded  = Number( s.upgraded ) + Number( res.data.count );
					var percent = Math.round( ( Number( s.upgraded ) / Number( s.upgradeTotal ) ) * 100 );

					// Update progress bar.
					$status.find( '.bar' ).css( 'width',  percent + '%' );

					if ( Number( res.data.count ) < 10 ) {

						// This batch completed the upgrade routine.
						$status.find( '.progress-bar' ).addClass( 'complete' );
						$status.find( '.msg' ).text( wpforms_admin.upgrade_completed );
					} else {

						$status.find( '.current' ).text( s.upgraded );
						$status.find( '.percent' ).text( percent + '%' );

						// Batch the next round of entries.
			} );

		 * Element bindings for Flyout Menu.
		 * @since 1.5.7
		initFlyoutMenu: function() {

			// Flyout Menu Elements.
			var $flyoutMenu    = $( '#wpforms-flyout' );

			if ( $flyoutMenu.length === 0 ) {

			var	$head   = $flyoutMenu.find( '.wpforms-flyout-head' ),
				$sullie = $head.find( 'img' ),
				menu    = {
					state: 'inactive',
					srcInactive: $sullie.attr( 'src' ),
					srcActive: $sullie.data( 'active' ),

			// Click on the menu head icon.
			$head.on( 'click', function( e ) {


				if ( menu.state === 'active' ) {
					$flyoutMenu.removeClass( 'opened' );
					$sullie.attr( 'src', menu.srcInactive );
					menu.state = 'inactive';
				} else {
					$flyoutMenu.addClass( 'opened' );
					$sullie.attr( 'src', menu.srcActive );
					menu.state = 'active';
			} );

			// Page elements and other values.
			var $wpfooter = $( '#wpfooter' );

			if ( $wpfooter.length === 0 ) {

			var	$overlap = $(
				'#wpforms-overview, ' +
				'#wpforms-entries-list, ' +
				'#wpforms-tools.wpforms-tools-tab-action-scheduler, ' +

			// Hide menu if scrolled down to the bottom of the page.
			$( window ).on( 'resize scroll', _.debounce( function( e ) {

				var wpfooterTop    = $wpfooter.offset().top,
					wpfooterBottom = wpfooterTop + $wpfooter.height(),
					overlapBottom  = $overlap.length > 0 ? $overlap.offset().top + $overlap.height() + 85 : 0,
					viewTop        = $( window ).scrollTop(),
					viewBottom     = viewTop + $( window ).height();

				if ( wpfooterBottom <= viewBottom && wpfooterTop >= viewTop && overlapBottom > viewBottom ) {
					$flyoutMenu.addClass( 'out' );
				} else {
					$flyoutMenu.removeClass( 'out' );
			}, 50 ) );

			$( window ).trigger( 'scroll' );

		 * Lity improvements.
		 * @since 1.5.8
		initLity: function() {

			// Use `data-lity-srcset` opener's attribute for add srcset to full image in opened lightbox.
			$( document ).on( 'lity:ready', function( event, instance ) {

				var $el     = instance.element(),
					$opener = instance.opener(),
					srcset = typeof $opener !== 'undefined' ? $opener.data( 'lity-srcset' ) : '';

				if ( typeof srcset !== 'undefined' && srcset !== '' ) {
					$el.find( '.lity-content img' ).attr( 'srcset', srcset );
			} );

		// Helper functions.

		 * Return if the target nodeName is a form element.
		 * @since 1.4.0
		isFormTypeNode: function( name ) {

			name = name || false;

			if ( 'TEXTAREA' === name || 'INPUT' === name || 'SELECT' === name ) {
				return true;

			return false;

		 * Get query string in a URL.
		 * @since 1.3.9
		getQueryString: function( name ) {

			var match = new RegExp( '[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)' ).exec( window.location.search );
			return match && decodeURIComponent( match[1].replace( /\+/g, ' ' ) );

		 * Debug output helper.
		 * @since 1.4.4
		 * @param msg
		debug: function( msg ) {

			if ( WPFormsAdmin.isDebug() ) {
				if ( typeof msg === 'object' || msg.constructor === Array ) {
					console.log( 'WPForms Debug:' );
					console.log( msg );
				} else {
					console.log( 'WPForms Debug: ' + msg );

		 * Is debug mode.
		 * @since 1.4.4
		isDebug: function() {

			return ( window.location.hash && '#wpformsdebug' === window.location.hash );

		 * Get Delete / Trash all notice message.
		 * @since 1.8.5
		 * @param {string} type Type of screen.
		 * @return {Object} Notice Data object.
		getDeleteAllNoticeData: ( type = '' ) => {
			// Define delete data for spam or trash.
			if ( [ 'spam', 'trash' ].includes( type ) ) {
				return {
					contentAll : wpforms_admin.entry_delete_all_confirm,
					content : wpforms_admin.entry_delete_n_confirm,
					action : 'delete',

			// Otherwise define trash data.
			return {
				contentAll : wpforms_admin.entry_trash_all_confirm,
				content : wpforms_admin.entry_trash_n_confirm,
				action : 'trash',

		 * Show/hide the right arrow for the scrollable menu on mobile devices.
		 * @since 1.8.8
		initScrollableMenu() {
			$( document ).on( 'wpformsReady', function() {
				const $menu = $( '.wpforms-admin-tabs' );

				if ( ! $menu.length ) {

				const $lastMenuItem = $menu.find( 'li:last-child' );

				// The last item of the menu is not visible - show the right arrow as an indicator of a scrollable menu.
				if ( ! wpf.isInViewport( $lastMenuItem ) ) {
					$menu.addClass( 'wpforms-admin-tabs--scrollable' );

				// Listen to `scroll` event in order to hide the right arrow when the last item is visible.
				$menu.on( 'scroll', function() {
					$menu.toggleClass( 'wpforms-admin-tabs--scrollable', ! wpf.isInViewport( $lastMenuItem ) );
				} );
			} );


	window.WPFormsAdmin = WPFormsAdmin;

}( jQuery ) );


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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challenge Folder 0755
education Folder 0755
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forms Folder 0755
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pages Folder 0755
payments Folder 0755
share Folder 0755
splash Folder 0755
admin-editor.js File 1.53 KB 0644
admin-editor.min.js File 993 B 0644
admin-notifications.js File 3.82 KB 0644
admin-notifications.min.js File 2.01 KB 0644
admin.js File 76.11 KB 0644
admin.min.js File 38.15 KB 0644
form-embed-wizard.js File 13.94 KB 0644
form-embed-wizard.min.js File 7.32 KB 0644
notices.js File 1.41 KB 0644
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