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hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Helper functions to work with multidimensional arrays easier.
 * @since 1.5.6

 * Determine whether the given value is array accessible.
 * @since 1.5.6
 * @param mixed $value Checkin to accessible.
 * @return bool
function wpforms_list_accessible( $value ) {

	return is_array( $value ) || $value instanceof ArrayAccess;

 * Set an array item to a given value using "dot" notation.
 * If no key is given to the method, the entire array will be replaced.
 * @since 1.5.6
 * @param array  $array     Existing array.
 * @param string $key       Path to set.
 * @param mixed  $value     Value to set.
 * @param string $separator Separator.
 * @return array New array.
function wpforms_list_set( $array, $key, $value, $separator = '.' ) {

	if ( ! wpforms_list_accessible( $array ) ) {
		return $value;

	if ( $key === null ) {
		$array = $value;

		return $array;

	$keys       = explode( $separator, $key );
	$count_keys = count( $keys );
	$values     = array_values( $keys );
	$last_key   = $values[ $count_keys - 1 ];
	$tmp_array  = &$array;

	for ( $i = 0; $i < $count_keys - 1; $i ++ ) {
		$k         = $keys[ $i ];
		$tmp_array = &$tmp_array[ $k ];

	$tmp_array[ $last_key ] = $value;

	return $array;

 * Determine if the given key exists in the provided array.
 * @since 1.5.6
 * @param ArrayAccess|array $array Existing array.
 * @param string|int        $key   To check.
 * @return bool
function wpforms_list_exists( $array, $key ) {

	if ( ! wpforms_list_accessible( $array ) ) {
		return false;

	if ( $array instanceof ArrayAccess ) {
		return $array->offsetExists( $key );

	return array_key_exists( $key, $array );

 * Get an item from an array using "dot" notation.
 * @since 1.5.6
 * @param ArrayAccess|array $array   Where we want to get.
 * @param string            $key     Key with dot's.
 * @param mixed             $default Value.
 * @return mixed
function wpforms_list_get( $array, $key, $default = null ) {

	if ( ! wpforms_list_accessible( $array ) ) {
		return $default;

	if ( $key === null ) {
		return $array;

	if ( ! is_string( $key ) ) {
		return $default;

	if ( wpforms_list_exists( $array, $key ) ) {
		return $array[ $key ];

	foreach ( explode( '.', $key ) as $segment ) {
		if ( wpforms_list_accessible( $array ) && wpforms_list_exists( $array, $segment ) ) {
			$array = $array[ $segment ];
		} else {
			return $default;

	return $array;

 * Check if an item exists in an array using "dot" notation.
 * @since 1.5.6
 * @param ArrayAccess|array $array To check.
 * @param string            $key   Keys with dot's.
 * @return bool
function wpforms_list_has( $array, $key ) {

	if ( ! $array ) {
		return false;

	if ( $key === null || ! is_string( $key ) ) {
		return false;

	if ( wpforms_list_exists( $array, $key ) ) {
		return true;

	foreach ( explode( '.', $key ) as $segment ) {
		if ( wpforms_list_accessible( $array ) && wpforms_list_exists( $array, $segment ) ) {
			$array = $array[ $segment ];
		} else {
			return false;

	return true;

 * Determine if an array is associative.
 * An array is "associative" if it doesn't have sequential numerical keys beginning with zero.
 * @since 1.5.6
 * @param array $array To check.
 * @return bool
function wpforms_list_is_assoc( $array ) {

	$keys = array_keys( $array );

	return array_keys( $keys ) !== $keys;

 * Get a subset of the items from the given array.
 * @since 1.5.6
 * @param array        $array To get.
 * @param array|string $keys  To filter.
 * @return array
function wpforms_list_only( $array, $keys ) {

	return array_intersect_key( $array, array_flip( (array) $keys ) );

 * Remove one or many array items from a given array using "dot" notation.
 * @since 1.5.6
 * @param array        $array To forget.
 * @param array|string $keys  To exclude.
 * @return array
function wpforms_list_forget( $array, $keys ) {

	$tmp_array = &$array;
	$keys      = (array) $keys;

	if ( count( $keys ) === 0 ) {
		return $array;

	foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
		// if the exact key exists in the top-level, remove it.
		if ( wpforms_list_exists( $array, $key ) ) {
			unset( $array[ $key ] );

		$parts      = explode( '.', $key );
		$count_keys = count( $parts );
		$values     = array_values( $parts );
		$last_key   = $values[ $count_keys - 1 ];

		for ( $i = 0; $i < $count_keys - 1; $i ++ ) {
			$k         = $parts[ $i ];
			$tmp_array = &$tmp_array[ $k ];

		unset( $tmp_array[ $last_key ] );

	return $array;

 * Insert a value or key/value pair after a specific key in an array.
 * If key doesn't exist, value is appended to the end of the array.
 * @since 1.5.8
 * @param array  $target Array where to insert.
 * @param string $key    Insert after key.
 * @param array  $data   Array to insert.
 * @return array
function wpforms_list_insert_after( array $target, string $key, array $data ): array {

	return wpforms_list_insert( $target, $key, $data, 'after' );

 * Insert a value or key/value pair before a specific key in an array.
 * If key doesn't exist, value is prepended to the beginning of the array.
 * @since 1.8.9
 * @param array  $target Array where to insert.
 * @param string $key    Insert before key.
 * @param array  $data   Array to insert.
 * @return array
function wpforms_list_insert_before( array $target, string $key, array $data ): array {

	return wpforms_list_insert( $target, $key, $data, 'before' );

 * Insert a value or key/value pair before or after a specific key in an array.
 * If key doesn't exist, value is appended to the end of the array.
 * @since 1.8.9
 * @param array  $target   Array where to insert.
 * @param string $key      Insert before/after key.
 * @param array  $data     Array to insert.
 * @param string $position Position to insert before/after.
 * @return array
function wpforms_list_insert( array $target, string $key, array $data, string $position ): array {

	$position = strtolower( $position );

	$keys  = array_keys( $target );
	$index = array_search( $key, $keys, true );
	$pos   = 0;

	if ( $position === 'before' ) {
		$pos = $index === false ? 0 : $index;
	} elseif ( $position === 'after' ) {
		$pos = $index === false ? count( $target ) : $index + 1;

	return array_merge( array_slice( $target, 0, $pos ), $data, array_slice( $target, $pos ) );

 * Cleanup $items array recursively removing from it all keys not existing in the $default array.
 * @since 1.7.2
 * @param array $items   Items.
 * @param array $default Default items.
 * @return array
function wpforms_list_intersect_key( $items, $default ) {

	if ( ! is_array( $items ) ) {
		return $items;

	$items = array_intersect_key( $items, $default );

	foreach ( $items as $key => &$item ) {
		$item = wpforms_list_intersect_key( $item, $default[ $key ] );

	return $items;


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