[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace WPForms\Forms;

 * Class Anti-Spam v3.
 * This class is used for modern Anti-Spam approach.
 * @since 1.9.0
class AntiSpam {

	 * Field ID to insert the honeypot field before.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @var int
	private $insert_before_field_id = 1;

	 * Array with IDs of all honeypot fields on the current page grouped by form IDs ([form_id => field_id]).
	 * @since
	 * @var array
	private $forms_data = [];

	 * Initialise the actions for the modern Anti-Spam.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	public function init() {


	 * Register hooks.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	private function hooks() {

		// Frontend hooks.
		add_filter( 'wpforms_frontend_strings', [ $this, 'add_frontend_strings' ] );
		add_filter( 'wpforms_frontend_fields_base_level', [ $this, 'get_random_field' ], 20 );
		add_action( 'wpforms_display_field_before', [ $this, 'maybe_insert_honeypot_field' ], 1, 2 );
		add_action( 'wpforms_display_fields_after', [ $this, 'maybe_insert_honeypot_init_js' ] );

		// Builder hooks.
		add_filter( 'wpforms_builder_panel_settings_init_form_data', [ $this, 'init_builder_settings_form_data' ] );
		add_filter( 'wpforms_admin_builder_templates_apply_to_new_form_modify_data', [ $this, 'update_template_form_data' ] );
		add_filter( 'wpforms_admin_builder_templates_apply_to_existing_form_modify_data', [ $this, 'update_template_form_data' ] );
		add_filter( 'wpforms_templates_class_base_template_modify_data', [ $this, 'update_template_form_data' ] );
		add_filter( 'wpforms_templates_class_base_template_replace_modify_data', [ $this, 'update_template_form_data' ] );
		add_filter( 'wpforms_form_handler_convert_form_data', [ $this, 'update_template_form_data' ] );

	 * Store a random field id to insert a honeypot field later.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @param array|mixed $fields_data Form fields data.
	 * @return array|mixed Form fields data.
	public function get_random_field( $fields_data ) {

		if ( ! is_array( $fields_data ) ) {
			return $fields_data;

		$random_field_id = array_rand( $fields_data );

		if ( ! empty( $random_field_id ) ) {
			$this->insert_before_field_id = $random_field_id;

		return $fields_data;

	 * Insert honeypot field before a random field.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @param array $field     Field.
	 * @param array $form_data Form data.
	public function maybe_insert_honeypot_field( array $field, array $form_data ) {

		if (
			$this->insert_before_field_id !== (int) $field['id'] ||
			! $this->is_honeypot_enabled( $form_data )
		) {

		$honeypot_field_id            = $this->get_honeypot_field_id( $form_data );
		$form_id                      = (int) $form_data['id'];
		$label                        = $this->get_honeypot_label( $form_data );
		$id_attr                      = sprintf( 'wpforms-%1$s-field_%2$s', $form_id, $honeypot_field_id );
		$is_amp                       = wpforms_is_amp();
		$this->forms_data[ $form_id ] = $honeypot_field_id;

		if ( $is_amp ) {
			echo '<amp-layout layout="nodisplay">';

		<div id="<?php echo esc_attr( $id_attr ); ?>-container"
			class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-text"
			data-field-id="<?php echo esc_attr( $honeypot_field_id ); ?>"
			<label class="wpforms-field-label" for="<?php echo esc_attr( $id_attr ); ?>" ><?php echo esc_html( $label ); ?></label>
			<input type="text" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $id_attr ); ?>" class="wpforms-field-medium" name="wpforms[fields][<?php echo esc_attr( $honeypot_field_id ); ?>]" >

		if ( $is_amp ) {
			echo '</amp-layout>';

	 * Insert the inline styles.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @param array $form_data Form data.
	 * @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection
	public function maybe_insert_honeypot_init_js( array $form_data ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnusedFunctionParameter.Found

		if (
			! $this->forms_data ||
		) {

		$ids = [];

		foreach ( $this->forms_data as $form_id => $honeypot_field_id ) {
			$ids[] = sprintf(

		if ( ! $ids ) {

		$styles = sprintf(
			'%1$s { position: absolute !important; overflow: hidden !important; display: inline !important; height: 1px !important; width: 1px !important; z-index: -1000 !important; padding: 0 !important; } %1$s input { visibility: hidden; } #wpforms-conversational-form-page %1$s label { counter-increment: none; }',
			esc_attr( implode( ',', $ids ) )

		// There must be no empty lines inside the script. Otherwise, wpautop adds <p> tags which break script execution.
				( function() {
					const style = document.createElement( 'style' );
					style.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '%s' ) );
					document.head.appendChild( style );
				} )();
			esc_js( $styles )

	 * Get honeypot field label.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @param array $form_data Form data.
	private function get_honeypot_label( array $form_data ): string {

		$labels = [];

		foreach ( $form_data['fields'] ?? [] as $field ) {
			if ( ! empty( $field['label'] ) ) {
				$labels[] = $field['label'];

		$words       = explode( ' ', implode( ' ', $labels ) );
		$count_words = count( $words );
		$label_keys  = (array) array_rand( $words, min( $count_words, 3 ) );

		shuffle( $label_keys );

		$label_words = array_map(
			static function ( $key ) use ( $words ) {

				return $words[ $key ];

		return implode( ' ', $label_words );

	 * Add strings to the frontend.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @param array|mixed $strings Frontend strings.
	 * @return array Frontend strings.
	public function add_frontend_strings( $strings ): array {

		$strings = (array) $strings;

		// Store the honeypot field ID for validation and adding inline styles.
		$strings['hn_data'] = $this->forms_data;

		return $strings;

	 * Validate whether the modern Anti-Spam is enabled.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @param array $form_data Form data.
	 * @param array $fields    Fields.
	 * @param array $entry     Form submission raw data ($_POST).
	 * @return bool True if the entry is valid, false otherwise.
	 * @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection
	public function validate( array $form_data, array $fields, array &$entry ): bool { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.TooHigh

		// Bail out if the modern Anti-Spam is not enabled.
		if ( ! $this->is_honeypot_enabled( $form_data ) ) {
			return true;

		$honeypot_fields = array_diff_key( $entry['fields'], $form_data['fields'] );
		$is_valid        = true;

		// Compatibility with the WPML plugin (WPFML addon).
		// In case the form contains an Entry Preview field, they add an extra field with ID 0 to the entry.
		if (
			isset( $entry['fields'][0] ) &&
			defined( 'WPML_WP_FORMS_VERSION' ) &&
			wpforms_has_field_type( 'entry-preview', $form_data )
		) {
			unset( $honeypot_fields[0] );

		foreach ( $honeypot_fields as $key => $honeypot_field ) {
			// Remove the honeypot field from the entry.
			unset( $entry['fields'][ $key ] );

			// If the honeypot field is not empty, the entry is invalid.
			if ( ! empty( $honeypot_field ) ) {
				$is_valid = false;

		return $is_valid;

	 * Check if the modern Anti-Spam is enabled.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @param array $form_data Form data.
	 * @return bool True if the modern Anti-Spam is enabled, false otherwise.
	private function is_honeypot_enabled( array $form_data ): bool {

		static $is_enabled;

		if ( isset( $is_enabled ) ) {
			return $is_enabled;

		 * Filters whether the modern Anti-Spam is enabled.
		 * @since 1.9.0
		 * @param bool $is_enabled True if the modern Anti-Spam is enabled, false otherwise.
		$is_enabled = (bool) apply_filters( 'wpforms_forms_anti_spam_v3_is_honeypot_enabled', ! empty( $form_data['settings']['antispam_v3'] ) );

		return $is_enabled;

	 * Get the honeypot field ID.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @param array $form_data Form data.
	 * @return int Honeypot field ID.
	private function get_honeypot_field_id( array $form_data ): int {

		$max_key = max( array_keys( $form_data['fields'] ) );

		// Find the first available field ID.
		for ( $i = 1; $i <= $max_key; $i++ ) {
			if ( ! isset( $form_data['fields'][ $i ] ) ) {
				return $i;

		// If no available field ID found, use the max ID + 1.
		return $max_key + 1;

	 * Update the form data on the builder settings panel.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @param array|bool $form_data Form data.
	 * @return array|bool
	public function init_builder_settings_form_data( $form_data ) {

		if ( ! $form_data ) {
			return $form_data;

		// Update default time limit duration for the existing form.
		if ( empty( $form_data['settings']['anti_spam']['time_limit']['enable'] ) ) {
			$form_data['settings']['anti_spam']['time_limit']['duration'] = '2';

		return $form_data;

	 * Update the template form data. Set the modern Anti-Spam setting.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @param array|mixed $form_data Form data.
	 * @return array
	public function update_template_form_data( $form_data ): array {

		$form_data = (array) $form_data;

		// Unset the old Anti-Spam setting.
		unset( $form_data['settings']['antispam'] );

		// Enable the modern Anti-Spam setting.
		$form_data['settings']['antispam_v3'] = $form_data['settings']['antispam_v3'] ?? '1';
		$form_data['settings']['anti_spam']   = $form_data['settings']['anti_spam'] ?? [];

		// Enable the time limit setting.
		$form_data['settings']['anti_spam']['time_limit'] = [
			'enable'   => '1',
			'duration' => '2',

		return $form_data;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Fields Folder 0755
Akismet.php File 9.33 KB 0644
AntiSpam.php File 9.75 KB 0644
Honeypot.php File 1.93 KB 0644
IconChoices.php File 15.71 KB 0644
Locator.php File 33.21 KB 0644
Preview.php File 10.59 KB 0644
Submission.php File 6.89 KB 0644
Token.php File 10.6 KB 0644