* LearnDash Autoloader class.
* @since 4.6.0
* @package LearnDash\Core
namespace LearnDash\Core;
* LearnDash Autoloader class.
* @since 4.6.0
* Class Autoloader
* Allows for autoloading of LearnDash classes.
* Example usage:
* // will be `/var/www/site/wp-content/plugins/sfwd-lms'
* $this_dir = dirname(__FILE__);
* // gets hold of the singleton instance of the class
* $autoloader = Autoloader::instance();
* // register one by one or use `register_prefixes` method
* $autoloader->register_prefix( 'LearnDash__Admin__', $this_dir . '/src/admin' );
* $autoloader->register_prefix( 'LearnDash__Admin__', $this_dir . '/src/another-dir' );
* $autoloader->register_prefix( 'LearnDash__Utils__', $this_dir . '/src/some-dir' );
* // register a direct class to path
* $autoloader->register_class( 'LearnDash_Some_Deprecated_Class', $this_dir . '/src/deprecated/LearnDash_Some_Deprecated_Class.php' );
* // register a fallback dir to be searched for the class before giving up
* $autoloader->add_fallback_dir( $this_dir . '/all-the-classes' );
* // calls `spl_autoload_register`
* $autoloader->register_autoloader();
* // class will be searched in the path
* // `/var/www/site/wp-content/plugins/sfwd-lms/src/admin/Some_Class.php'
* // and
* // `/var/www/site/wp-content/plugins/sfwd-lms/src/another-dir/Some_Class.php'
* $i = new LearnDash__Admin__Some_Class();
* // class will be searched in the path
* // `/var/www/site/wp-content/plugins/sfwd-lms/utils/some-dir/Some_Util.php'
* $i = new LearnDash__Utils__Some_Util();
* // class will be searched in the path
* // `/var/www/site/wp-content/plugins/sfwd-lms/src/deprecated/LearnDash_Some_Deprecated_Class.php'
* $i = new LearnDash_Some_Deprecated_Class();
class Autoloader {
* The singleton instance of the class.
* @since 4.6.0
* @var Autoloader
protected static $instance;
* An arrays of arrays each containing absolute paths.
* Paths are stored trimming any trailing `/`.
* E.g. `/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/sfwd-lms/src/Core`
* @since 4.6.0
* @var string[][]
protected $prefixes = array();
* An array of registered prefixes with unique slugs.
* @since 4.6.0
* @var string[]
protected $prefix_slugs = array();
* The string acting as a directory separator in a class name.
* E.g.: given `__` as `$dir_separator` then `Admin__Metabox__Some_Metabox`
* will map to `/Admin/Metabox/SomeMetabox.php`.
* @since 4.6.0
* @var string
protected $dir_separator = '__';
* An array of fallback dirs to be searched for the class before giving up.
* @since 4.6.0
* @var string[]
protected $fallback_dirs = array();
* An array of registered classes with absolute paths.
* @since 4.6.0
* @var array<string,string>
protected $class_paths = array();
* Returns the singleton instance of the class.
* @return Autoloader
public static function instance(): Autoloader {
if ( ! self::$instance instanceof Autoloader ) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
* Registers prefixes and root dirs using an array.
* Same as calling `register_prefix` on each one.
* @since 4.6.0
* @param array<string,string> $prefixes_to_root_dirs List of prefixes and root dirs.
* @return void
public function register_prefixes( array $prefixes_to_root_dirs ): void {
foreach ( $prefixes_to_root_dirs as $prefix => $root_dir ) {
$this->register_prefix( $prefix, $root_dir );
* Associates a class prefix to an absolute path.
* @since 4.6.0
* @param string $prefix A class prefix, e.g. `LearnDash__Admin__`.
* @param string $root_dir The absolute path to the dir containing
* the prefixed classes.
* @param string $slug An optional unique slug to associate to the prefix.
* @return void
public function register_prefix( string $prefix, string $root_dir, string $slug = '' ): void {
$root_dir = $this->normalize_root_dir( $root_dir );
// Determine if we need to normalize the $prefix.
$is_namespaced = false !== strpos( $prefix, '\\' );
if ( $is_namespaced ) {
// If the prefix is a namespace, then normalize it.
$prefix = trim( $prefix, '\\' ) . '\\';
if ( ! isset( $this->prefixes[ $prefix ] ) ) {
$this->prefixes[ $prefix ] = array();
$this->prefixes[ $prefix ][] = $root_dir;
// Let's make sure we're not adding duplicates.
$this->prefixes[ $prefix ] = array_unique( $this->prefixes[ $prefix ] );
if ( $slug ) {
$this->prefix_slugs[ $slug ] = $prefix;
* Triggers the registration of the autoload method in the SPL
* autoload register.
* @since 4.6.0
* @return void
public function register_autoloader(): void {
spl_autoload_register( array( $this, 'autoload' ) );
* Includes the file defining a class.
* This is the function that's registered as an autoloader.
* @param string $class The name of the class to load.
* @return void
public function autoload( string $class ): void {
$include_path = $this->get_class_path( $class );
if ( ! empty( $include_path ) ) {
include_once $include_path;
* Normalizes the root dir by trimming any trailing `/`.
* @since 4.6.0
* @param string $root_dir The root dir to normalize.
* @return string The normalized root dir.
private function normalize_root_dir( string $root_dir ): string {
return rtrim( $root_dir, '/' );
* Returns the path to the file defining a class.
* @since 4.6.0
* @param string $class The name of the class.
* @return string The path to the file defining the class or an empty string if not found.
protected function get_prefixed_path( string $class ): string {
foreach ( $this->prefixes as $prefix => $dirs ) {
$is_namespaced = false !== strpos( $prefix, '\\' );
if ( strpos( $class, $prefix ) !== 0 ) {
$class_name = str_replace( $prefix, '', $class );
if ( ! $is_namespaced ) {
$class_path_frag = implode( '/', (array) explode( $this->dir_separator, $class_name ) ) . '.php';
} else {
$class_path_frag = implode( '/', explode( '\\', $class_name ) ) . '.php';
foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) {
$path = $dir . '/' . $class_path_frag;
if ( ! file_exists( $path ) ) {
// check if the file exists in lowercase.
$class_path_frag = strtolower( $class_path_frag );
$path = $dir . '/' . $class_path_frag;
if ( ! file_exists( $path ) ) {
return $path;
return '';
* Gets the absolute path to a class file using the fallback dirs.
* @since 4.6.0
* @param string $class The class name.
* @return string Either the absolute path to the class file or an empty string.
protected function get_fallback_path( string $class ): string {
foreach ( $this->fallback_dirs as $fallback_dir ) {
$include_path = $fallback_dir . '/' . $class . '.php';
if ( ! file_exists( $include_path ) ) {
// check if the file exists in lowercase.
$class = strtolower( $class );
$include_path = $fallback_dir . '/' . $class . '.php';
if ( ! file_exists( $include_path ) ) {
return $include_path;
return '';
* Gets the absolute path to a class file.
* @since 4.6.0
* @param string $class The class name.
* @return string Either the absolute path to the class file or an
* empty string if the file was not found.
public function get_class_path( string $class ): string {
$prefixed_path = $this->get_prefixed_path( $class );
if ( ! empty( $prefixed_path ) ) {
return $prefixed_path;
$class_path = ! empty( $this->class_paths[ $class ] ) ? $this->class_paths[ $class ] : '';
if ( ! empty( $class_path ) ) {
return $class_path;
return $this->get_fallback_path( $class );
* Get the registered prefix by slug
* @since 4.6.0
* @param string $slug Unique slug for registered prefix.
* @return string The prefix registered to the unique slug or empty string if not found.
public function get_prefix_by_slug( string $slug ): string {
$prefix = '';
if ( isset( $this->prefix_slugs[ $slug ] ) ) {
$prefix = $this->prefix_slugs[ $slug ];
return $prefix;
* Adds a folder to search for classes that were not found among
* the prefixed ones.
* This is the method to use to register a directory of deprecated
* classes.
* @since 4.6.0
* @param string $dir An absolute path to a dir.
* @return void
public function add_fallback_dir( string $dir ): void {
if ( in_array( $dir, $this->fallback_dirs, true ) ) {
$this->fallback_dirs[] = $this->normalize_root_dir( $dir );
* Returns the directory separator used by the class loader.
* @since 4.6.0
* @return string
public function get_dir_separator(): string {
return $this->dir_separator;
* Registers a class path.
* @since 4.6.0
* @param string $class The class name.
* @param string $path The path to the class file.
* @return void
public function register_class( string $class, string $path ): void {
$this->class_paths[ $class ] = $path;