[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Template for displaying progress of single course.
 * This template can be overridden by copying it to yourtheme/learnpress/single-course/progress.php.
 * @author   ThimPress
 * @package  Learnpress/Templates
 * @version  3.0.0

 * Prevent loading this file directly
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit();

$course = LP_Global::course();
$user   = LP_Global::user();

if ( ! $course || ! $user ) {

if ( ! $user->has_enrolled_course( $course->get_id() ) ) {

$course_data       = $user->get_course_data( $course->get_id() );
$course_results    = $course_data->get_results( false );
$passing_condition = $course->get_passing_condition();

$current = 0;

if ( isset( $course_results['result'] ) ) {
	$current = round( $course_results['result'], 2 );

$passed = $current >= $passing_condition;

<div class="learn-press-course-results-progress-">

	<div class="items-progress course-progress" style="display: none">

		<div class="lp-course-progress" data-value="<?php echo $course_results['completed_items']; ?>"
			 data-passing-condition="<?php echo $course_results['count_items']; ?>">
			<?php if ( false !== ( $heading = apply_filters( 'learn-press/course/items-completed-heading', __( 'Items completed', 'eduma' ) ) ) ) { ?>
				<label class="lp-course-progress-heading"><?php esc_html( $heading ); ?>
					<span class="value result">
                        <?php printf( __( '%d of %d items', 'eduma' ), $course_results['completed_items'], $course->count_items( '', true ) ); ?>
			<?php } ?>
			<div class="lp-progress-bar value">
				<div class="lp-progress-value percentage-sign"
					 style="width: <?php echo $course_results['count_items'] ? absint( $course_results['completed_items'] / $course_results['count_items'] * 100 ) : 0; ?>%;">


	<div class="course-progress">
		<div class="lp-course-progress<?php echo $passed ? ' passed' : ''; ?>" data-value="<?php echo $current; ?>"
			 data-passing-condition="<?php echo $passing_condition; ?>">
			<?php if ( false !== ( $heading = apply_filters( 'learn-press/course/result-heading', __( 'Course results', 'eduma' ) ) ) ) { ?>
				<label class="lp-course-progress-heading"><?php echo $heading; ?>
					<span class="value result"><b class="number">
                        <?php echo $current; ?></b>%
			<?php } ?>

			<div class="lp-progress-bar value">
				<div class="lp-progress-value percentage-sign"
					 style="width: <?php echo $current; ?>%;">
				<div class="lp-passing-conditional"	data-content="<?php printf( esc_html__( 'Passing condition: %s%%', 'eduma' ), $passing_condition ); ?>"
						style="left: <?php echo $passing_condition; ?>%;">



Name Type Size Permission Actions
buttons Folder 0755
content-item Folder 0755
section Folder 0755
tabs Folder 0755
buttons.php File 693 B 0644
categories.php File 767 B 0644
content-item-lp_quiz.php File 996 B 0644
content-landing.php File 774 B 0644
content-single-item.php File 805 B 0644
instructor.php File 738 B 0644
price.php File 925 B 0644
progress.php File 2.78 KB 0644
remaining-time.php File 587 B 0644
thumbnail.php File 1.8 KB 0644