[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Backward-compatibility functions for when theme requirements are not met
 * This file must be parseable by PHP 5.2.
 * @package kadence

 * Gets the message to warn the user about the theme requirements not being met.
 * @global string $wp_version WordPress version.
 * @return string Message to show to the user.
function kadence_get_insufficient_requirements_message() {
	global $wp_version;

	$insufficient_wp  = version_compare( $wp_version, KADENCE_MINIMUM_WP_VERSION, '<' );
	$insufficient_php = version_compare( phpversion(), KADENCE_MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION, '<' );

	if ( $insufficient_wp && $insufficient_php ) {
		/* translators: 1: required WP version number, 2: required PHP version number, 3: available WP version number, 4: available PHP version number */
		return sprintf( __( 'Kadence requires at least WordPress version %1$s and PHP version %2$s. You are running versions %3$s and %3$s respectively. Please update and try again.', 'kadence' ), KADENCE_MINIMUM_WP_VERSION, KADENCE_MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION, $wp_version, phpversion() );

	if ( $insufficient_wp ) {
		/* translators: 1: required WP version number, 2: available WP version number */
		return sprintf( __( 'Kadence requires at least WordPress version %1$s. You are running version %2$s. Please update and try again.', 'kadence' ), KADENCE_MINIMUM_WP_VERSION, $wp_version );

	if ( $insufficient_php ) {
		/* translators: 1: required PHP version number, 2: available PHP version number */
		return sprintf( __( 'Kadence requires at least PHP version %1$s. You are running version %2$s. Please update and try again.', 'kadence' ), KADENCE_MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION, phpversion() );

	return '';

 * Prevents switching to the theme when requirements are not met.
 * Switches to the default theme.
function kadence_switch_theme() {
	switch_theme( WP_DEFAULT_THEME );
	unset( $_GET['activated'] );

	add_action( 'admin_notices', 'kadence_upgrade_notice' );
add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'kadence_switch_theme' );

 * Adds a message for unsuccessful theme switch.
 * Prints an update nag after an unsuccessful attempt to switch to the theme
 * when requirements are not met.
function kadence_upgrade_notice() {
	printf( '<div class="error"><p>%s</p></div>', esc_html( kadence_get_insufficient_requirements_message() ) );

 * Prevents the Customizer from being loaded when requirements are not met.
function kadence_customize() {
		esc_html( kadence_get_insufficient_requirements_message() ),
			'back_link' => true,
add_action( 'load-customize.php', 'kadence_customize' );

 * Prevents the Theme Preview from being loaded when requirements are not met.
function kadence_preview() {
	if ( isset( $_GET['preview'] ) ) {
		wp_die( esc_html( kadence_get_insufficient_requirements_message() ) );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'kadence_preview' );


Name Type Size Permission Actions
components Folder 0755
customizer Folder 0755
dashboard Folder 0755
meta Folder 0755
template-functions Folder 0755
back-compat.php File 2.87 KB 0644
class-kadence-css.php File 43.6 KB 0644
class-local-gfonts.php File 19.61 KB 0644
class-theme.php File 9.15 KB 0644
functions.php File 1.56 KB 0644
template-hooks.php File 6.76 KB 0644
wordpress-shims.php File 519 B 0644