[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
"Course Category: All","Group: All","Duration: 6 months"

Course,"Course Completion Rate"
"What Educators Need to Know About Eating Disorders",25
"Virtual Suicide Risk Assessment: What you need to know",0
"Substance Use Awareness: School-Based Strategy",51.52
"Teaching Sexuality",0
"Anxiety in the Classroom",51.15
"Models of Addiction: How We View & Talk About Substance Use",53.33
"What is Self-Harming? Basics for Parents to Know",33.33
"That Kid, Your Child, My Student (teacher version)",25
"Name that Mental Health Disorder (Flip Card Game)",45.28
"Mindfulness for Anxiety Management",43.75
"What is Self-harming: School Staff",61.33
"That Kid, Your Child, My Student (parent version)",42.86
"NSSI Protocol: School Administrator",50
"NSSI Protocol: Point Person",60
"WISCed Away in Psychoeducational Assessment",33.33
"SI Protocol: School Administrator",33.33
"SI Protocol: School Staff",61.46
"SI Protocol: Point Person",57.89
"SI Protocol: Mental Health Professional",40
"Wellness:  Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual",30
"Wellness: Hitting the Happiness Button",41.18
"Kindness in the Classroom",43.66
"Cannabis: What Is it?",60
"FASD: Supporting Students & Families",80.28
"Cannabis: Risk & Protective Factors",50
"Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs): from Trauma to Living",74.59
"Parents as Partners in Mental Health",57.14
"Seeing through the Vape",50
"Understanding Students Problematic Sexual Behaviour",38.46
"Rubber or Glue? Technology and Child Development",75
"Video Games and Online Gaming: What’s the Real Score?",60
"Selective Mutism: More than Just Shy",47.22
"Anxiety: Overview of Advanced Topics",42.86
"Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: An Overview",36.36
"Classroom Wellness 101",35.9
"Eating Disorders: What You Need to Know",96.33
"When Students are Perfectionists",36.36
"Welcome to Canada! Supporting Immigrants and Refugees Students",47.22
"Unraveling the Mystery of the Teenage Brain",57.14
"Understanding Youth Substance Use",33.33
"TIME: Transitioning from Adolescence to Adulthood",0
"The Impact of Social Media on Children and Adolescents",8.33
"Teaching Respect in the Classroom",62.5
"Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder",60
"Substance Use and the Developing Brain",60
"Strategies for Promoting Positive Behaviour in Classrooms",50
"Promoting Self‐Regulation in the Learning Environment",56.25
"Promoting Healthy Relationships in Junior High",100
"Promoting Empathy and Social Skills with Elementary Students",66.67
"Managing Challenging Behaviour",52.56
"LGBTQ2 Youth and Mental Health",55.56
"Fostering Resiliency and a Growth Mindset in Students",70.42
"First Nations Education: Old Trails,  New Trails",38.46
"Cultural Diversity in the Classroom",65.79
"Babies to Big Kids: Brains are Based on Experience",0
"An Educators Guide to Managing School Bullying",46.15
"ADHD: Working from Students’ Strengths",54.55
"Health Basics: Sleep, Eating, Exercise, Performance",37.5
"Youth Medication Use, Misuse and Abuse",50


Name Type Size Permission Actions
course_completion.csv File 2.92 KB 0644
course_progress.csv File 222 B 0644