/* Tin Can configuration */
// ActivityID that is sent for the statement's object
TC_COURSE_ID = "http://PLvSyP1tYEdNOcA1tNzTkvjSZ6Kh37_N_rise"
// CourseName for the activity
"en-US": "Module 1: First Response (School Staff)"
// CourseDesc for the activity
"en-US": "<p><strong>Anyone can be the first point of contact.</strong> It doesn&rsquo;t matter who you are in a school - teacher, educational assistant, secretary, point person, administrator, or mental health professional.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>If you become aware of a student who may be experiencing suicidal ideation or demonstrating suicidal behavior and you have taken the School Staff training for the School Based Suicidal Ideation Response protocol, the virtual response tips shared here are for you.</strong><br><br>It is also important to note that <strong>if you do not have the capacity in the moment</strong> to respond to the student, or if the concern was brought forward by someone else and you feel it would be more appropriate for the Point Person to be the first point of contact, <strong>you can go directly to the Point Person without speaking to the student</strong>. Gather as much information as possible, request that the designated Point Person contact the student and provide the Point Person with relevant information on how to connect with the student.<strong><br></strong><br>Throughout this course, we will use the term virtual settings or virtual communication; these terms include online and remote communication platforms (e.g., Zoom, Teams, etc.), phone calls, and/or text-based communication.</p>"