[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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if (!defined('ABSPATH') && !defined('MCDATAPATH') && !defined('PHP_ERR_MONIT_PATH')) exit;

if (!class_exists('MCHelper')) :
	class MCHelper {
		public static function safePregMatch($pattern, $subject, &$matches = null, $flags = 0, $offset = 0) {
			if (!is_string($pattern) || !is_string($subject)) {
				return false;
			return preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches, $flags, $offset);

		# XNOTE - The below function assumes valid input
		# $array should be an array and $keys should be an array of string, or integer data
		public static function filterArray($array, $keys) {
			$filteredArray = array();
			foreach ($keys as $key) {
				if (array_key_exists($key, $array)) {
					$filteredArray[$key] = $array[$key];
			return $filteredArray;

		# XNOTE - The below function assumes valid input
		# $array should be an array and $keys should be an array of string, or integer data
		public static function digArray($array, $keys) {
			if (empty($keys)) {
				return null;
			$curr_array = $array;
			foreach ($keys as $key) {
				if (is_array($curr_array) && array_key_exists($key, $curr_array)) {
					$curr_array = $curr_array[$key];
				} else {
					return null;
			return $curr_array;

		public static function arrayKeyFirst($array) {
			if (!function_exists('array_key_first')) {
				foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
					return $key;
				return null;

			return array_key_first($array);

		public static function safePregReplace($replace_regex, $replace_string, $element, $limit = -1) {
			if (!is_string($replace_regex) || !is_string($replace_string) || !is_string($element) || !is_int($limit)) {
				return $element;

			$updated_element = preg_replace($replace_regex, $replace_string, $element, $limit);

			if ($updated_element === null && preg_last_error() !== PREG_NO_ERROR) {
				return $element;

			return $updated_element;

		public static function safeStrReplace($search, $replace, $subject) {
			if (!is_string($search) || !is_string($replace) || !is_string($subject)) {
				return $subject;
			$updated_subject = str_replace($search, $replace, $subject);
			if ($updated_subject === null) {
				return $subject;
			return $updated_subject;

		public static function preInitWPHook($hook_name, $function_name, $priority, $accepted_args) {
			global $wp_filter;

			// Check if $wp_filter is not initialized or not an array
			if (!isset($wp_filter) || !is_array($wp_filter)) {
				$wp_filter = array();

			// Check if the hook exists in $wp_filter
			if (!isset($wp_filter[$hook_name])) {
				$wp_filter[$hook_name] = array();

			// Check if the priority exists for the hook
			if (!isset($wp_filter[$hook_name][$priority])) {
				$wp_filter[$hook_name][$priority] = array();

			// Add the filter function information to the $wp_filter array
			$wp_filter[$hook_name][$priority][] = array(
				'function' => $function_name,
				'accepted_args' => $accepted_args,

		public static function removePatternFromWpConfig($pattern) {
			if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {

			$wp_conf_paths = array(
				rtrim(ABSPATH, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . "/wp-config.php",
				rtrim(ABSPATH, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . "../wp-config.php"

			if (file_exists($wp_conf_paths[0])) {
				$fname = $wp_conf_paths[0];
			} elseif (file_exists($wp_conf_paths[1])) {
				$fname = $wp_conf_paths[1];
			} else {

			self::fileRemovePattern($fname, $pattern);

		public static function fileRemovePattern($fname, $pattern, $is_regex = false) {
			if (!is_string($fname) || !is_string($pattern)) {

			if (!MCWPFileSystem::getInstance()->exists($fname)) {

			$content = MCWPFileSystem::getInstance()->getContents($fname);
			if ($content !== false) {
				if ($is_regex !== false) {
					$modified_content = preg_replace($pattern, "", $content);
				} else {
					$modified_content = str_replace($pattern, "", $content);

				if (empty($modified_content)) {

				if ($content !== $modified_content) {
					MCWPFileSystem::getInstance()->putContents($fname, $modified_content,

		public static function opensslEncrypt($plain_text, $cipher_algo, $encryption_key, $iv = null) {
			if (!function_exists('openssl_encrypt') || !function_exists('openssl_get_cipher_methods') ||
					!function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes') || !function_exists('openssl_cipher_iv_length')) {
				return array(false, "OpenSSL extension not found.");

			if (empty($plain_text) || !is_string($plain_text) ||
					empty($encryption_key) || !is_string($encryption_key)) {
				return array(false, "Plain text or encryption key is not a valid string.");

			if (!in_array($cipher_algo, openssl_get_cipher_methods(), true)) {
				return array(false, "Invalid cipher algorithm - " . $cipher_algo);

			if ($iv === null) {
				$iv_length = openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher_algo);
				if ($iv_length === false) {
					return array(false, "IV length not found.");
				$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($iv_length);
				if ($iv === false) {
					return array(false, "IV generation failed.");

			if (strlen($iv) !== $iv_length) {
				return array(false, "Invalid IV length. Expected length is " . $iv_length . " bytes.");

			$encrypted_data = openssl_encrypt($plain_text, $cipher_algo, $encryption_key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
			if ($encrypted_data === false) {
				return array(false, "Encryption failed.");

			return array(true, ($iv . $encrypted_data));

		public static function opensslDecrypt($data, $cipher_algo, $encryption_key) {
			if (!function_exists('openssl_decrypt') || !function_exists('openssl_get_cipher_methods') ||
					!function_exists('openssl_cipher_iv_length')) {
				return array(false, "OpenSSL extension not found.");

			if (empty($data) || !is_string($data) || empty($encryption_key) || !is_string($encryption_key)) {
				return array(false, "Encrypted secret or encryption key is not a valid string.");

			if (!in_array($cipher_algo, openssl_get_cipher_methods(), true)) {
				return array(false, "Invalid cipher algorithm - " . $cipher_algo);

			$iv_length = openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher_algo);
			if ($iv_length === false) {
				return array(false, "IV length not found.");

			if (strlen($data) <= $iv_length) {
				return array(false, "Data length is insufficient to contain IV.");

			$iv = substr($data, 0, $iv_length);
			$encrypted_data = substr($data, $iv_length);

			if ($iv === false || $encrypted_data === false) {
				return array(false, "IV or encrypted data not found.");

			$decrypted_data = openssl_decrypt($encrypted_data, $cipher_algo, $encryption_key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);

			if ($decrypted_data === false) {
				return array(false, "Decryption failed.");

			return array(true, $decrypted_data);

		public static function get_direct_filesystem() {
			require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php';
			require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php';
			return new WP_Filesystem_Direct(new StdClass());

		 * Maybe unslash a value if WordPress is loaded
		 * @param string $value The value to potentially unslash
		 * @return string The unslashed value if WP is loaded, original value otherwise
		public static function maybeUnslashValue($value) {
			if (function_exists('wp_unslash')) {
				return wp_unslash($value);
			return $value;

		 * Get and sanitize a string parameter from superglobal
		 * @param string $superglobal The superglobal type ('GET', 'POST', etc.)
		 * @param string $key The parameter key to retrieve
		 * @param string $context The sanitization context ('text', 'email', 'url')
		 * @return string|null Sanitized string value or null if invalid or unknown context
		public static function getStringParamSanitized($superglobal, $key, $context) {
			$raw_value = self::getRawParam($superglobal, $key);

			if (!is_string($raw_value)) {
				return null;

			switch ($context) {
			case 'text':
				if (!function_exists('sanitize_text_field')) {
					return null;
				return sanitize_text_field($raw_value);
			case 'email':
				if (!function_exists('sanitize_email')) {
					return null;
				return sanitize_email($raw_value);
			case 'url':
				if (!function_exists('esc_url_raw')) {
					return null;
				return esc_url_raw($raw_value);
				return null;

		 * Get and escape a string parameter from superglobal
		 * @param string $superglobal The superglobal type ('GET', 'POST', etc.)
		 * @param string $key The parameter key to retrieve
		 * @param string $context The escaping context ('attr', 'html', 'url')
		 * @return string|null Escaped string value or null if invalid or unknown context
		public static function getStringParamEscaped($superglobal, $key, $context) {
			$raw_value = self::getRawParam($superglobal, $key);

			if (!is_string($raw_value)) {
				return null;

			switch ($context) {
			case 'attr':
				if (!function_exists('esc_attr')) {
					return null;
				return esc_attr($raw_value);
			case 'html':
				if (!function_exists('esc_html')) {
					return null;
				return esc_html($raw_value);
			case 'url':
				if (!function_exists('esc_url')) {
					return null;
				return esc_url($raw_value);
				return null;

		// phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.MissingUnslash, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized, WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
		 * Get raw parameter value from superglobal
		 * @param string $superglobal The superglobal type ('GET', 'POST', etc.)
		 * @param string $key The parameter key to retrieve
		 * @return mixed Raw parameter value or null if not found
		public static function getRawParam($superglobal, $key) {
			$value = null;

			switch (strtoupper($superglobal)) {
			case 'GET':
				$value = isset($_GET[$key]) ? $_GET[$key] : null;
			case 'POST':
				$value = isset($_POST[$key]) ? $_POST[$key] : null;
			case 'COOKIE':
				$value = isset($_COOKIE[$key]) ? $_COOKIE[$key] : null;
			case 'REQUEST':
				$value = isset($_REQUEST[$key]) ? $_REQUEST[$key] : null;
			case 'SERVER':
				$value = isset($_SERVER[$key]) ? $_SERVER[$key] : null;

			return $value !== null ? self::maybeUnslashValue($value) : null;
		// phpcs:enable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.MissingUnslash, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized, WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing


Name Type Size Permission Actions
admin Folder 0755
callback Folder 0755
css Folder 0755
form_testing Folder 0755
img Folder 0755
php_error_monitoring Folder 0755
protect Folder 0755
public_keys Folder 0755
wp_2fa Folder 0755
account.php File 7.14 KB 0644
helper.php File 10.68 KB 0644
info.php File 7.66 KB 0644
license.txt File 19.46 KB 0644
malcare.php File 8.49 KB 0644
readme.txt File 32.06 KB 0644
recover.php File 1.71 KB 0644
wp_actions.php File 2.92 KB 0644
wp_actlog.php File 17.52 KB 0644
wp_admin.php File 12.67 KB 0644
wp_api.php File 1.04 KB 0644
wp_cli.php File 5.6 KB 0644
wp_db.php File 6.1 KB 0644
wp_dynsync.php File 34.75 KB 0644
wp_file_system.php File 2.29 KB 0644
wp_login_whitelabel.php File 1.48 KB 0644
wp_settings.php File 2.06 KB 0644
wp_site_info.php File 2.4 KB 0644