[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace WPMailSMTP;

 * Class Conflicts.
 * @since 1.5.0
class Conflicts {

	 * List of plugins WP Mail SMTP may be conflicting with.
	 * @since 1.5.0
	 * @since 2.8.0 Updated the format of the plugins array.
	 * @var array List of plugins WP Mail SMTP may be conflicting with.
	public static $plugins = [];

	 * All detected conflicting plugins.
	 * @since 1.5.0
	 * @since 3.6.0 Changed from storing a single conflicting plugin info to storing multiple conflicting plugin items.
	 * @var array
	protected $conflict = [];

	 * Constructor.
	 * @since 2.9.0
	public function __construct() {

		self::$plugins = [

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-wp-smtp/
				'name'  => 'Easy WP SMTP',
				'slug'  => 'easy-wp-smtp/easy-wp-smtp.php',
				'class' => 'EasyWPSMTP',

			 * Closed.
			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/postman-smtp/
				'name'     => 'Postman SMTP',
				'slug'     => 'postman-smtp/postman-smtp.php',
				'function' => 'postman_start',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/post-smtp/
				'name'     => 'Post SMTP',
				'slug'     => 'post-smtp/postman-smtp.php',
				'function' => 'post_smtp_start',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mail-bank/
				'name'     => 'Mail Bank',
				'slug'     => 'wp-mail-bank/wp-mail-bank.php',
				'function' => 'mail_bank',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/smtp-mailer/
				'name'  => 'SMTP Mailer',
				'slug'  => 'smtp-mailer/main.php',
				'class' => 'SMTP_MAILER',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/gmail-smtp/
				'name'  => 'Gmail SMTP',
				'slug'  => 'gmail-smtp/main.php',
				'class' => 'GMAIL_SMTP',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-email-smtp/
				'name'  => 'WP Email SMTP',
				'class' => 'WP_Email_Smtp',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/smtp-mail/
				'name'     => 'SMTP Mail',
				'slug'     => 'smtp-mail/index.php',
				'function' => 'smtpmail_include',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/bws-smtp/
				'name'     => 'SMTP by BestWebSoft',
				'slug'     => 'bws-smtp/bws-smtp.php',
				'function' => 'bwssmtp_init',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-sendgrid-smtp/
				'name'  => 'WP SendGrid SMTP',
				'slug'  => 'wp-sendgrid-smtp/wp-sendgrid-smtp.php',
				'class' => 'WPSendGrid_SMTP',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/sar-friendly-smtp/
				'name'     => 'SAR Friendly SMTP',
				'slug'     => 'sar-friendly-smtp/sar-friendly-smtp.php',
				'function' => 'sar_friendly_smtp',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-gmail-smtp/
				'name'  => 'WP Gmail SMTP',
				'slug'  => 'wp-gmail-smtp/wp-gmail-smtp.php',
				'class' => 'WPGmail_SMTP',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/cimy-swift-smtp/
				'name'     => 'Cimy Swift SMTP',
				'slug'     => 'cimy-swift-smtp/cimy_swift_smtp.php',
				'function' => 'st_smtp_check_config',

			 * Closed.
			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-easy-smtp/
				'name'  => 'WP Easy SMTP',
				'slug'  => 'wp-easy-smtp/wp-easy-smtp.php',
				'class' => 'WP_Easy_SMTP',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mailgun-smtp/
				'name'  => 'WP Mailgun SMTP',
				'slug'  => 'wp-mailgun-smtp/wp-mailgun-smtp.php',
				'class' => 'WPMailgun_SMTP',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/my-smtp-wp/
				'name'     => 'MY SMTP WP',
				'slug'     => 'my-smtp-wp/my-smtp-wp.php',
				'function' => 'my_smtp_wp',

			 * Closed.
			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mail-booster/
				'name'     => 'WP Mail Booster',
				'slug'     => 'wp-mail-booster/wp-mail-booster.php',
				'function' => 'mail_booster',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/sendgrid-email-delivery-simplified/
				'name'  => 'SendGrid',
				'slug'  => 'sendgrid-email-delivery-simplified/wpsendgrid.php',
				'class' => 'Sendgrid_Settings',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mail-smtp-mailer/
				'name'     => 'WP Mail Smtp Mailer',
				'slug'     => 'wp-mail-smtp-mailer/wp-mail-smtp-mailer.php',
				'function' => 'WPMS_php_mailer',

			 * Closed.
			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-amazon-ses-smtp/
				'name'  => 'WP Amazon SES SMTP',
				'slug'  => 'wp-amazon-ses-smtp/wp-amazon-ses.php',
				'class' => 'WPAmazonSES_SMTP',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/postmark-approved-wordpress-plugin/
				'name'  => 'Postmark (Official)',
				'slug'  => 'postmark-approved-wordpress-plugin/postmark.php',
				'class' => 'Postmark_Mail',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/mailgun/
				'name'  => 'Mailgun',
				'slug'  => 'mailgun/mailgun.php',
				'class' => 'Mailgun',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/sparkpost/
				'name'  => 'SparkPost',
				'slug'  => 'sparkpost/wordpress-sparkpost.php',
				'class' => 'WPSparkPost\SparkPost',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-yahoo-smtp/
				'name'  => 'WP Yahoo SMTP',
				'slug'  => 'wp-yahoo-smtp/wp-yahoo-smtp.php',
				'class' => 'WPYahoo_SMTP',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-ses/
				'name'     => 'WP Offload SES Lite',
				'slug'     => 'wp-ses/wp-ses.php',
				'function' => 'wp_offload_ses_lite_init',

			 * Url: https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-offload-ses/
				'name' => 'WP Offload SES',
				'slug' => 'wp-offload-ses/wp-offload-ses.php',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/turbosmtp/
				'name'     => 'turboSMTP',
				'slug'     => 'turbosmtp/turbo-smtp-plugin.php',
				'function' => 'TSPHPMailer',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smtp/
				'name'  => 'WP SMTP',
				'slug'  => 'wp-smtp/wp-smtp.php',
				'class' => 'WP_SMTP',

			 * This plugin can be used along with our plugin if disable next option
			 * WooCommerce -> Settings -> Sendinblue -> Email Options -> Enable Sendinblue to send WooCommerce emails.
			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-sendinblue-newsletter-subscription
				'name'    => 'Sendinblue - WooCommerce Email Marketing',
				'slug'    => 'woocommerce-sendinblue-newsletter-subscription/woocommerce-sendinblue.php',
				'class'   => 'WC_Sendinblue_Integration',
				'test'    => 'test_wc_sendinblue_integration',
				'message' => esc_html__( 'Or disable the Sendinblue email sending setting in WooCommerce > Settings > Sendinblue (tab) > Email Options (tab) > Enable Sendinblue to send WooCommerce emails.', 'wp-mail-smtp' ),

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-emails/
				'name'  => 'Disable Emails',
				'slug'  => 'disable-emails/disable-emails.php',
				'class' => '\webaware\disable_emails\Plugin',

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/fluent-smtp/
				'name'     => 'FluentSMTP',
				'slug'     => 'fluent-smtp/fluent-smtp.php',
				'function' => 'fluentSmtpInit',

			 * This plugin can be used along with our plugin if enable next option
			 * Settings > Email template > Sender (tab) -> Do not change email sender by default.
			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-html-mail/
				'name'     => 'WP HTML Mail - Email Template Designer',
				'slug'     => 'wp-html-mail/wp-html-mail.php',
				'function' => 'Haet_Mail',
				'test'     => 'test_wp_html_mail_integration',
				'message'  => esc_html__( 'Or enable "Do not change email sender by default" setting in Settings > Email template > Sender (tab).', 'wp-mail-smtp' ),

			 * This plugin can be used along with our plugin if "SMTP" module is deactivated.
			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/branda-white-labeling/
				'name'     => 'Branda',
				'slug'     => 'branda-white-labeling/ultimate-branding.php',
				'function' => 'set_ultimate_branding',
				'test'     => 'test_branda_integration',
				'message'  => esc_html__( 'Or deactivate "SMTP" module in Branda > Emails > SMTP.', 'wp-mail-smtp' ),

			 * Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/zoho-mail/
				'name'     => 'Zoho Mail for WordPress',
				'slug'     => 'zoho-mail/zohoMail.php',
				'function' => 'zmail_send_mail_callback',

	 * Whether we have a conflict with predefined list of plugins.
	 * @since 1.5.0
	 * @return bool
	public function is_detected() {

		foreach ( self::$plugins as $plugin ) {
			if ( $this->is_conflicting_plugin( $plugin ) ) {
				$this->conflict[] = $plugin;

		return ! empty( $this->conflict );

	 * Whether we have a conflict with plugin.
	 * @since 2.9.0
	 * @param array $plugin Plugin data.
	 * @return bool
	protected function is_conflicting_plugin( $plugin ) {

		$conflict = false;

		if ( isset( $plugin['slug'] ) && WP::is_plugin_activated( $plugin['slug'] ) ) {
			$conflict = true;
		} elseif ( isset( $plugin['class'] ) && class_exists( $plugin['class'], false ) ) {
			$conflict = true;
		} elseif ( isset( $plugin['function'] ) && function_exists( $plugin['function'] ) ) {
			$conflict = true;

		if (
			$conflict &&
			isset( $plugin['test'] ) &&
			is_callable( [ $this, $plugin['test'] ] )
		) {
			$conflict = call_user_func( [ $this, $plugin['test'] ] );

		 * Filters whether the plugin is conflicting.
		 * @since 2.9.0
		 * @param bool  $conflict Whether the plugin is conflicting.
		 * @param array $plugin {
		 *     Plugin data.
		 *     @type string $name Plugin name.
		 *     @type string $slug Plugin slug.
		 * }
		return apply_filters( 'wp_mail_smtp_conflicts_is_conflicting_plugin', $conflict, $plugin );

	 * Add a warning admin message to a user about the conflicting plugin.
	 * @since 1.5.0
	public function notify() {

		if ( empty( $this->conflict ) ) {

		foreach ( $this->conflict as $conflict_plugin ) {
			WP::add_admin_notice( $this->get_conflict_message( $conflict_plugin ), WP::ADMIN_NOTICE_WARNING );

	 * Get the conflicting plugin name is any.
	 * @since 1.5.0
	 * @since 3.6.0 Added optional conflict_plugin parameter.
	 * @param array $conflict_plugin The conflicting plugin array. If provided then extract the name from the array.
	 * Else get the name from first conflicting plugin.
	 * @return null|string
	public function get_conflict_name( $conflict_plugin = [] ) {

		$name = null;

		if ( empty( $conflict_plugin ) && isset( $this->conflict[0] ) ) {
			$conflict_plugin = $this->conflict[0];

		if ( ! empty( $conflict_plugin['name'] ) ) {
			$name = $conflict_plugin['name'];

		return $name;

	 * Get the conflicting plugin message.
	 * @since 2.9.0
	 * @since 3.6.0 Added optional conflict_plugin parameter.
	 * @param array $conflict_plugin The conflicting plugin array. If provided then extract the message from the array.
	 * Else get the message from first conflicting plugin.
	 * @return string
	public function get_conflict_message( $conflict_plugin = [] ) {

		if ( empty( $conflict_plugin ) && isset( $this->conflict[0] ) ) {
			$conflict_plugin = $this->conflict[0];

		$message = sprintf( /* translators: %1$s - Plugin name causing conflict. */
			esc_html__( 'Heads up! WP Mail SMTP has detected %1$s is activated. Please deactivate %1$s to prevent conflicts.', 'wp-mail-smtp' ),
			$this->get_conflict_name( $conflict_plugin )

		if ( ! empty( $conflict_plugin['message'] ) ) {
			$message .= ' ' . $conflict_plugin['message'];

		return $message;

	 * Returns array containing (names) of all the conflicting plugins.
	 * @since 3.6.0
	 * @return array
	public function get_all_conflict_names() {

		if ( empty( $this->conflict ) ) {
			return [];

		$names_arr = [];

		foreach ( $this->conflict as $conflict_plugin ) {
			$names_arr[] = $this->get_conflict_name( $conflict_plugin );

		return $names_arr;

	 * Check whether we have conflict with "WooCommerce Sendinblue Newsletter Subscription" plugin.
	 * @since 2.9.0
	 * @since 3.7.0 Added a version compatibility check.
	 * @return bool Returns true if we have conflict otherwise false.
	protected function test_wc_sendinblue_integration() {

		// Since version `3.0.0` "Sendinblue - WooCommerce Email Marketing" plugin no longer conflicts with WP Mail SMTP.
		if ( defined( 'SENDINBLUE_WC_PLUGIN_VERSION' ) && version_compare( SENDINBLUE_WC_PLUGIN_VERSION, '3.0.0', '>=' ) ) {
			return false;

		// Check requirements for test.
		if (
			! class_exists( 'WC_Sendinblue_Integration', false ) ||
			! property_exists( 'WC_Sendinblue_Integration', 'ws_smtp_enabled' )
		) {
			return true;

		// Display or hide conflict message after toggle "Enable Sendinblue to send WooCommerce emails" option.
		// phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended, WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
		if (
			! empty( $_POST ) &&
			( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] === 'wc-settings' ) &&
			( isset( $_GET['tab'] ) && $_GET['tab'] === 'sendinblue' ) &&
			( isset( $_GET['section'] ) && $_GET['section'] === 'email_options' )
		) {
			return isset( $_POST['ws_smtp_enable'] );
		// phpcs:enable

		return \WC_Sendinblue_Integration::$ws_smtp_enabled === 'yes';

	 * Check whether we have conflict with "WP HTML Mail - Email Template Designer" plugin.
	 * @since 3.3.0
	 * @return bool Returns true if we have conflict otherwise false.
	protected function test_wp_html_mail_integration() {

		// Check requirements for test.
		if (
			! function_exists( 'Haet_Mail' ) ||
			! is_object( Haet_Mail() ) ||
			! method_exists( Haet_Mail(), 'get_options' )
		) {
			return true;

		$options = Haet_Mail()->get_options();

		return ! isset( $options['disable_sender'] ) || ! $options['disable_sender'];

	 * Check whether we have conflict with "Branda" plugin.
	 * @since 3.5.0
	 * @return bool Returns true if we have conflict otherwise false.
	protected function test_branda_integration() {

		// Check requirements for test.
		if ( ! function_exists( 'branda_is_active_module' ) ) {
			return true;

		return branda_is_active_module( 'emails/smtp.php' );


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Admin Folder 0755
Compatibility Folder 0755
Helpers Folder 0755
Providers Folder 0755
Queue Folder 0755
Reports Folder 0755
Tasks Folder 0755
UsageTracking Folder 0755
AbstractConnection.php File 1.09 KB 0644
Conflicts.php File 14.42 KB 0644
Connect.php File 9.11 KB 0644
Connection.php File 964 B 0644
ConnectionInterface.php File 1.01 KB 0644
ConnectionsManager.php File 765 B 0644
Core.php File 33.45 KB 0644
DBRepair.php File 6.29 KB 0644
Debug.php File 3.5 KB 0644
Geo.php File 6.76 KB 0644
MailCatcher.php File 1.63 KB 0644
MailCatcherInterface.php File 1.16 KB 0644
MailCatcherTrait.php File 13.14 KB 0644
MailCatcherV6.php File 1.47 KB 0644
Migration.php File 12.11 KB 0644
MigrationAbstract.php File 3.21 KB 0644
Migrations.php File 3.59 KB 0644
OptimizedEmailSending.php File 1.15 KB 0644
Options.php File 43.52 KB 0644
Processor.php File 14.06 KB 0644
SiteHealth.php File 12.63 KB 0644
Upgrade.php File 1.23 KB 0644
Uploads.php File 5.44 KB 0644
WP.php File 18.84 KB 0644
WPMailArgs.php File 4.44 KB 0644
WPMailInitiator.php File 4.38 KB 0644