namespace WPMailSMTP;
use WPMailSMTP\Admin\Area;
use WPMailSMTP\Admin\DebugEvents\DebugEvents;
use WPMailSMTP\Admin\DebugEvents\Migration as DebugMigration;
use WPMailSMTP\Queue\Migration as QueueMigration;
use WPMailSMTP\Queue\Queue;
use WPMailSMTP\Tasks\Meta;
* Class DBRepair to fix the DB related issues.
* @since 3.6.0
class DBRepair {
* Hook all the functionality.
* @since 3.6.0
public function hooks() {
add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'fix_missing_db_tables' ] );
add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'verify_db_tables_after_fixing' ] );
* Fixed the missing tables.
* @since 3.6.0
public function fix_missing_db_tables() { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Metrics.NestingLevel.MaxExceeded
// Check if this is the request to create missing tables.
if (
isset( $_GET['create-missing-db-tables'] ) &&
$_GET['create-missing-db-tables'] === '1' &&
wp_mail_smtp()->get_admin()->is_admin_page() &&
current_user_can( wp_mail_smtp()->get_capability_manage_options() )
) {
check_admin_referer( Area::SLUG . '-create-missing-db-tables' );
$missing_tables = $this->get_missing_tables();
if ( ! empty( $missing_tables ) ) {
foreach ( $missing_tables as $missing_table ) {
$this->fix_missing_db_table( $missing_table );
$redirect_page = isset( $_GET['page'] ) ? sanitize_key( $_GET['page'] ) : Area::SLUG;
$redirect_tab = isset( $_GET['tab'] ) ? sanitize_key( $_GET['tab'] ) : '';
$query_args = [
'check-db-tables' => 1,
if ( ! empty( $redirect_tab ) ) {
$query_args['tab'] = $redirect_tab;
$redirect_url = add_query_arg(
wp_mail_smtp()->get_admin()->get_admin_page_url( $redirect_page )
wp_safe_redirect( $redirect_url );
* Update the Migration option to fix the missing table.
* @since 3.6.0
* @param string $missing_table The name of the table.
protected function fix_missing_db_table( $missing_table ) {
if ( $missing_table === DebugEvents::get_table_name() ) {
update_option( DebugMigration::OPTION_NAME, 0 );
} elseif ( $missing_table === Meta::get_table_name() ) {
update_option( Migration::OPTION_NAME, 1 );
} elseif ( $missing_table === Queue::get_table_name() ) {
update_option( QueueMigration::OPTION_NAME, 0 );
* Default Unknown error message - If the table is not created.
* @since 3.6.0
* @return string
protected function get_missing_table_default_error_message() {
$unknown_reason_msg = esc_html__( 'Unknown.', 'wp-mail-smtp' );
* Filter the default error message for unknown reason.
* @since 3.6.0
* @param string $unknown_reason_msg The default unknown reason message.
return apply_filters( 'wp_mail_smtp_db_repair_get_missing_table_default_error_message', $unknown_reason_msg );
* Get the error message (Reason) if the table is missing.
* @since 3.6.0
* @param string $missing_table The table name that we are checking.
* @param array $reasons The array that holds all the error messages or reason.
protected function get_error_message_for_missing_table( $missing_table, &$reasons ) {
$reason = '';
if ( $missing_table === DebugEvents::get_table_name() ) {
$reason .= $this->get_reason_output_message(
get_option( DebugMigration::ERROR_OPTION_NAME, $this->get_missing_table_default_error_message() )
} elseif ( $missing_table === Meta::get_table_name() ) {
$reason .= $this->get_reason_output_message(
get_option( Migration::ERROR_OPTION_NAME, $this->get_missing_table_default_error_message() )
} elseif ( $missing_table === Queue::get_table_name() ) {
$reason .= $this->get_reason_output_message(
get_option( QueueMigration::ERROR_OPTION_NAME, $this->get_missing_table_default_error_message() )
$reasons[] = $reason;
* Get the reason output message, why the DB table creation failed.
* @since 3.6.0
* @param string $table The DB table name.
* @param string $error_message The error message.
* @return string
protected function get_reason_output_message( $table, $error_message ) {
return sprintf(
wp_kses( /* translators: %1$s - missing table name; %2$s - error message. */
__( '<strong>Table:</strong> %1$s. <strong>Reason:</strong> %2$s', 'wp-mail-smtp' ),
'strong' => [],
esc_html( $table ),
esc_html( $error_message )
* Verify the tables.
* If there is any missing table then display the Admin Notice of error type.
* Else display the success message (Success Admin Notice).
* @since 3.6.0
public function verify_db_tables_after_fixing() {
// Display success or error message based on if there is any missing table available or not.
if (
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
isset( $_GET['check-db-tables'] ) && $_GET['check-db-tables'] === '1' &&
wp_mail_smtp()->get_admin()->is_admin_page() &&
current_user_can( wp_mail_smtp()->get_capability_manage_options() )
) {
$missing_tables = $this->get_missing_tables();
if ( empty( $missing_tables ) ) {
esc_html__( 'Missing DB tables were created successfully.', 'wp-mail-smtp' ),
$reasons = [];
foreach ( $missing_tables as $missing_table ) {
$this->get_error_message_for_missing_table( $missing_table, $reasons );
$reasons = array_filter( $reasons ); // Filtering out the empty values.
if ( ! empty( $reasons ) ) {
$msg = sprintf(
_n( 'The following DB table is still missing.', 'The following DB tables are still missing.', count( $missing_tables ), 'wp-mail-smtp' ) . '<br />%s',
'br' => [],
implode( '<br/>', $reasons )
} else {
$msg = esc_html__( 'Some DB Tables are still missing.', 'wp-mail-smtp' );
* Get the missing tables.
* @since 3.6.0
* @return array The array of the missing tables.
protected function get_missing_tables() {
$site_health = new SiteHealth();
return $site_health->get_missing_db_tables();