var wp_optimize = window.wp_optimize || {};
* Send an action via admin-ajax.php.
* @param {string} action The action to send
* @param {[type]} data Data to send
* @param {Function} callback Will be called with the results
* @param {boolean} json_parse JSON parse the results
* @param {object} options Optional extra options; current properties supported are 'timeout' (in milliseconds)
* @return {JSON}
wp_optimize.send_command = function (action, data, callback, json_parse, options) {
json_parse = ('undefined' === typeof json_parse) ? true : json_parse;
if (!data) data = {};
// If the command doesn't have the property, default to true
if (!data.hasOwnProperty('include_ui_elements')) {
data.include_ui_elements = true;
var ajax_data = {
action: 'wp_optimize_ajax',
subaction: action,
nonce: wp_optimize_send_command_data.nonce,
data: data
var args = {
type: 'post',
data: ajax_data,
success: function (response) {
if (json_parse) {
try {
var resp = wpo_parse_json(response);
} catch (e) {
// If result == false and and error code is provided, show the error and return.
if (!resp.result && resp.hasOwnProperty('error_code') && resp.error_code) {
wp_optimize.notices.show_notice(resp.error_code, resp.error_message);
if ('function' === typeof callback) callback(resp);
} else {
if (!response.result && response.hasOwnProperty('error_code') && response.error_code) {
wp_optimize.notices.show_notice(response.error_code, response.error_message);
if ('function' === typeof callback) callback(response);
// Eventually merge options
if ('object' === typeof options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty('timeout')) { args.timeout = options.timeout; }
if (options.hasOwnProperty('error') && 'function' === typeof options.error) { args.error = options.error; }
return jQuery.ajax(ajaxurl, args);
* JS notices
wp_optimize.notices = {
errors: [],
show_notice: function(error_code, error_message) {
// WPO main page
if (jQuery('#wp-optimize-wrap').length) {
if (!this.notice) this.add_notice();;
if (!this.errors[error_code]) {
this.errors[error_code] = jQuery('<p/>').html(error_message).appendTo(this.notice).data('error_code', error_code);
// Post edit page
} else if (window.wp && wp.hasOwnProperty('data')) {'core/notices').createNotice(
'WP-Optimize: ' + error_message,
isDismissible: true
// Other locations
} else {
alert('WP-Optimize: ' + error_message);
add_notice: function() {
this.notice_container = jQuery('<div class="wpo-main-error-notice"></div>').prependTo('#wp-optimize-wrap');
this.notice = jQuery('<div class="notice notice-error wpo-notice is-dismissible"><button type="button" class="notice-dismiss"><span class="screen-reader-text">'+commonL10n.dismiss+'</span></button></div>');
this.notice.on('click', '.notice-dismiss', function(e) {
this.errors = [];
* Parse JSON string, including automatically detecting unwanted extra input and skipping it
* @param {string|object} json_mix_str - JSON string which need to parse and convert to object
* @throws SyntaxError|String (including passing on what JSON.parse may throw) if a parsing error occurs.
* @return mixed parsed JSON object. Will only return if parsing is successful (otherwise, will throw)
function wpo_parse_json(json_mix_str) {
// When using wp_send_json to return the value, the format is already parsed.
if ('object' === typeof json_mix_str) return json_mix_str;
// Just try it - i.e. the 'default' case where things work (which can include extra whitespace/line-feeds, and simple strings, etc.).
try {
var result = JSON.parse(json_mix_str);
return result;
} catch (e) {
console.log("WPO: Exception when trying to parse JSON (1) - will attempt to fix/re-parse");
var json_start_pos = json_mix_str.indexOf('{');
var json_last_pos = json_mix_str.lastIndexOf('}');
// Case where some php notice may be added after or before json string
if (json_start_pos > -1 && json_last_pos > -1) {
var json_str = json_mix_str.slice(json_start_pos, json_last_pos + 1);
try {
var parsed = JSON.parse(json_str);
return parsed;
} catch (e) {
console.log("WPO: Exception when trying to parse JSON (2) - will attempt to fix/re-parse based upon bracket counting");
var cursor = json_start_pos;
var open_count = 0;
var last_character = '';
var inside_string = false;
// Don't mistake this for a real JSON parser. Its aim is to improve the odds in real-world cases seen, not to arrive at universal perfection.
while ((open_count > 0 || cursor == json_start_pos) && cursor <= json_last_pos) {
var current_character = json_mix_str.charAt(cursor);
if (!inside_string && '{' == current_character) {
} else if (!inside_string && '}' == current_character) {
} else if ('"' == current_character && '\\' != last_character) {
inside_string = inside_string ? false : true;
last_character = current_character;
console.log("Started at cursor="+json_start_pos+", ended at cursor="+cursor+" with result following:");
console.log(json_mix_str.substring(json_start_pos, cursor));
try {
var parsed = JSON.parse(json_mix_str.substring(json_start_pos, cursor));
// console.log('WPO: JSON re-parse successful');
return parsed;
} catch (e) {
// Throw it again, so that our function works just like JSON.parse() in its behaviour.
throw e;
throw "WPO: could not parse the JSON";