[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace WPForms;

 * WPForms Class Loader.
 * @since 1.5.8
class Loader {

	 * Classes to register.
	 * @since 1.5.8
	 * @var array
	private $classes = [];

	 * Loader init.
	 * @since 1.5.8
	public function init() {


		wpforms()->register_bulk( $this->classes );

	 * Populate the classes to register.
	 * @since 1.5.8
	protected function populate_classes() {


	 * Populate common classes.
	 * @since 1.8.6
	private function populate_common() {

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'API',
			'id'   => 'api',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Emails\Summaries',

	 * Populate the Forms related classes.
	 * @since 1.6.2
	private function populate_forms() {

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Preview',
			'id'   => 'preview',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Token',
			'id'   => 'token',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Honeypot',
			'id'   => 'honeypot',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Akismet',
			'id'   => 'akismet',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Submission',
			'id'   => 'submission',
			'hook' => false,
			'run'  => false,

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Locator',
			'id'   => 'locator',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\IconChoices',
			'id'   => 'icon_choices',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\AntiSpam',
			'id'   => 'anti_spam',

	 * Populate Frontend related classes.
	 * @since 1.8.1
	private function populate_frontend() {

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Frontend\Amp',
			'id'   => 'amp',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Frontend\Captcha',
			'id'   => 'captcha',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Frontend\CSSVars',
			'id'   => 'css_vars',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Frontend\Classic',
			'id'   => 'frontend_classic',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Frontend\Modern',
			'id'   => 'frontend_modern',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Frontend\Frontend',
			'id'   => 'frontend',

	 * Populate Admin related classes.
	 * @since 1.6.0
	private function populate_admin() {

				'name' => 'Admin\Notice',
				'id'   => 'notice',
				'name' => 'Admin\Revisions',
				'id'   => 'revisions',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Addons\AddonsCache',
				'id'   => 'addons_cache',
				'name' => 'Admin\CoreInfoCache',
				'id'   => 'core_info_cache',
				'name' => 'Admin\Addons\Addons',
				'id'   => 'addons',
				'name' => 'Admin\AdminBarMenu',
				'hook' => 'init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Notifications\Notifications',
				'id'   => 'notifications',
				'name' => 'Admin\Entries\Handler',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Pages\Templates',
				'id'   => 'templates_page',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Forms\UserTemplates',
				'id'   => 'user_templates',
				'name' => 'Admin\Forms\Page',
				'id'   => 'forms_overview',
				'name' => 'Admin\Challenge',
				'id'   => 'challenge',
				'name' => 'Admin\FormEmbedWizard',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'id'   => 'form_embed_wizard',
				'name' => 'Admin\SiteHealth',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Settings\ModernMarkup',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Settings\Email',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Settings\Captcha\Page',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Settings\Payments',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Tools\Tools',
				'hook' => 'current_screen',
				'name' => 'Admin\Payments\Payments',
				'hook' => 'init',
				'name'      => 'Admin\Payments\Views\Overview\Ajax',
				'hook'      => 'admin_init',
				'run'       => 'hooks',
				'condition' => wpforms_is_admin_ajax(),
				'name'      => 'Admin\Tools\Importers',
				'hook'      => 'admin_init',
				'run'       => 'load',
				'condition' => wp_doing_ajax(),
				'name' => 'Admin\Pages\Addons',
				'id'   => 'addons_page',
				'name' => 'Admin\Pages\ConstantContact',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Richtext\EntryViewContent',
				'name' => 'Admin\DashboardWidget',
				'hook' => wpforms()->is_pro() ? 'admin_init' : 'init',
				'name' => 'Emails\Preview',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Addons\GoogleSheets',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\PluginList',
				'id'   => 'plugin_list',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Splash\SplashScreen',
				'id'   => 'splash_screen',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Splash\SplashCache',
				'id'   => 'splash_cache',
				'hook' => 'plugins_loaded',
				'name' => 'Admin\Splash\SplashUpgrader',
				'id'   => 'splash_upgrader',
				'hook' => 'plugins_loaded',

	 * Populate Caches related classes.
	 * @since 1.8.7
	private function populate_caches() {

				'name' => 'LicenseApi\PluginUpdateCache',
				'id'   => 'license_api_plugin_update_cache',
				'name' => 'LicenseApi\PluginInfoCache',
				'id'   => 'license_api_plugin_info_cache',
				'name' => 'LicenseApi\ValidateKeyCache',
				'id'   => 'license_api_validate_key_cache',

	 * Populate Fields related classes.
	 * @since 1.8.2
	private function populate_fields() {

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Fields\PaymentCheckbox\Field',
			'hook' => 'init',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Fields\PaymentMultiple\Field',
			'hook' => 'init',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Fields\PaymentSelect\Field',
			'hook' => 'init',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Fields\PaymentSingle\Field',
			'hook' => 'init',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Fields\PaymentTotal\Field',
			'hook' => 'init',

		// Load custom captcha field class.
		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Fields\CustomCaptcha\Field',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Layout\Field',
			'hook' => 'init',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Layout\Process',
			'hook' => 'init',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Layout\Notifications',
			'hook' => 'init',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Repeater\Field',
			'hook' => 'init',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Repeater\Process',
			'id'   => 'repeater_process',
			'hook' => 'init',

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Forms\Fields\Repeater\Notifications',
			'hook' => 'init',

	 * Populate Forms Overview admin page related classes.
	 * @since 1.7.5
	private function populate_forms_overview() {

		if ( ! wpforms_is_admin_page( 'overview' ) && ! wpforms_is_admin_ajax() ) {

				'name' => 'Admin\Forms\Ajax\Columns',
				'id'   => 'forms_columns_ajax',
				'name' => 'Admin\Forms\Ajax\Tags',
				'id'   => 'forms_tags_ajax',
				'name' => 'Admin\Forms\Search',
				'id'   => 'forms_search',
				'name' => 'Admin\Forms\Views',
				'id'   => 'forms_views',
				'name' => 'Admin\Forms\BulkActions',
				'id'   => 'forms_bulk_actions',
				'name' => 'Admin\Forms\Tags',
				'id'   => 'forms_tags',

	 * Populate Entries related classes.
	 * @since 1.8.6
	private function populate_entries() {

				'name' => 'Admin\Entries\PageOptions',
				'id'   => 'entries_page_options',
				'name' => 'Admin\Entries\Page',
				'id'   => 'entries_list_page',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Entries\Overview\Page',
				'id'   => 'entries_overview',
				'name'      => 'Admin\Entries\Overview\Ajax',
				'hook'      => 'admin_init',
				'run'       => 'hooks',
				'condition' => wpforms_is_admin_ajax(),
				'name' => 'Admin\Entries\Ajax\Columns',
				'id'   => 'entries_columns_ajax',
				'name' => 'Admin\Entries\Edit',
				'id'   => 'entries_edit',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Entries\Export\Export',
				'name' => 'Admin\Entries\DefaultScreen',
				'hook' => 'admin_init',

	 * Populate Form Builder related classes.
	 * @since 1.6.8
	private function populate_builder() {

				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\HelpCache',
				'id'   => 'builder_help_cache',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\Help',
				'id'   => 'builder_help',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\Shortcuts',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\TemplatesCache',
				'id'   => 'builder_templates_cache',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\TemplateSingleCache',
				'id'   => 'builder_template_single',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\Templates',
				'id'   => 'builder_templates',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\AntiSpam',
				'hook' => 'wpforms_builder_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\Settings\Themes',
				'hook' => 'wpforms_builder_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\Notifications\Advanced\EmailTemplate',
				'hook' => 'wpforms_builder_init',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\ContextMenu',
				'hook' => 'wpforms_builder_init',
				'id'   => 'context_menu',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\Notifications\Advanced\Settings',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\Notifications\Advanced\FileUploadAttachment',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\Notifications\Advanced\EntryCsvAttachment',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\Ajax\PanelLoader',
				'name' => 'Admin\Builder\Addons',

	 * Populate database classes.
	 * @since 1.8.2
	private function populate_db() {

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Db\Payments\Payment',
			'id'   => 'payment',
			'hook' => false,
			'run'  => false,

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Db\Payments\Meta',
			'id'   => 'payment_meta',
			'hook' => false,
			'run'  => false,

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Db\Payments\Queries',
			'id'   => 'payment_queries',
			'hook' => false,
			'run'  => false,

	 * Populate migration classes.
	 * @since 1.5.9
	private function populate_migrations() {

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Migrations\Migrations',
			'hook' => 'plugins_loaded',

	 * Populate access management (capabilities) classes.
	 * @since 1.5.8
	private function populate_capabilities() {

				'name' => 'Access\Capabilities',
				'id'   => 'access',
				'hook' => 'plugins_loaded',
				'name' => 'Access\Integrations',
				'name'      => 'Admin\Settings\Access',
				'condition' => is_admin(),

	 * Populate tasks related classes.
	 * @since 1.5.9
	private function populate_tasks() {

				'name' => 'Tasks\Tasks',
				'id'   => 'tasks',
				'hook' => 'init',
				'name' => 'Tasks\Meta',
				'id'   => 'tasks_meta',
				'hook' => false,
				'run'  => false,

	 * Populate smart tags loaded classes.
	 * @since 1.6.7
	private function populate_smart_tags() {

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'SmartTags\SmartTags',
			'id'   => 'smart_tags',
			'run'  => 'hooks',

	 * Populate logger loaded classes.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	private function populate_logger() {

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Logger\Log',
			'id'   => 'log',
			'hook' => false,
			'run'  => 'hooks',

	 * Populate education related classes.
	 * @since 1.6.6
	private function populate_education() {

		// Kill switch.

		 * Filters admin education status.
		 * @since 1.6.6
		 * @param bool $status Current admin education status.
		 * @return bool
		if ( ! apply_filters( 'wpforms_admin_education', true ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WPForms.PHP.ValidateHooks.InvalidHookName

		// Education core classes.
				'name' => 'Admin\Education\Core',
				'id'   => 'education',
				'name' => 'Admin\Education\Fields',
				'id'   => 'education_fields',
				'name' => 'Admin\Education\Admin\Settings\SMTP',
				'id'   => 'education_smtp_notice',
				'name' => 'Admin\Education\Admin\EditPost',
				'hook' => 'load-edit.php',
				'name' => 'Admin\Education\Admin\EditPost',
				'hook' => 'load-post-new.php',
				'name' => 'Admin\Education\Admin\EditPost',
				'hook' => 'load-post.php',
				'name'     => 'Admin\Education\Pointers\Payment',
				'hook'     => 'admin_init',
				'priority' => 20,

		// Education features classes.
		$features = [

		foreach ( $features as $feature ) {
			$this->classes[] = [
				'name' => 'Admin\Education\\' . $feature,

	 * Populate robots loaded class.
	 * @since 1.7.0
	private function populate_robots() {

		$this->classes[] = [
			'name' => 'Robots',
			'run'  => 'hooks',

	 * Populate AntiSpam loaded classes.
	 * @since 1.7.8
	private function populate_anti_spam() {

				'name' => 'AntiSpam\CountryFilter',
				'id'   => 'antispam_country_filter',
				'hook' => 'init',
				'name' => 'AntiSpam\KeywordFilter',
				'id'   => 'antispam_keyword_filter',
				'hook' => 'init',
				'name' => 'AntiSpam\SpamEntry',
				'id'   => 'spam_entry',
				'hook' => 'init',


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Access Folder 0755
Admin Folder 0755
Db Folder 0755
Emails Folder 0755
Forms Folder 0755
Frontend Folder 0755
Helpers Folder 0755
Integrations Folder 0755
Lite Folder 0755
Logger Folder 0755
Migrations Folder 0755
Providers Folder 0755
Requirements Folder 0755
SmartTags Folder 0755
Tasks Folder 0755
API.php File 923 B 0644
ErrorHandler.php File 11.31 KB 0644
Loader.php File 14.67 KB 0644
WPForms.php File 15.34 KB 0644