* Script for the customizer tabs control interactions.
* @author ThemeIsle
/* global wp */
] = wp.customize.Control.extend( {
ready() {
// Switch tab based on customizer partial edit links.
wp.customize.previewer.bind( 'tab-previewer-edit', function ( data ) {
jQuery( data.selector ).trigger( 'click' );
} );
wp.customize.previewer.bind( 'focus-control', function ( data ) {
* This timeout is here because in firefox this happens before customizer animation of changing panels.
* After it change panels with the input focused, the customizer was moved to right 12px. We have to make sure
* that the customizer animation of changing panels in customizer is done before focusing the input.
setTimeout( function () {
const control = wp.customize.control( data );
if ( typeof control !== 'undefined' ) {
wp.customize.control( data ).focus();
}, 100 );
} );
wp.customize.previewer.bind( 'focus-section', function ( data ) {
* This timeout is here because in firefox this happens before customizer animation of changing panels.
* After it change panels with the input focused, the customizer was moved to right 12px. We have to make sure
* that the customizer animation of changing panels in customizer is done before focusing the input.
setTimeout( function () {
wp.customize.section( data ).focus();
}, 100 );
} );
wp.customize.previewer.bind( 'ready', function () {
const parts = window.location.search.substr( 1 ).split( '&' );
const $_GET = {};
for ( let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++ ) {
const temp = parts[ i ].split( '=' );
$_GET[ decodeURIComponent( temp[ 0 ] ) ] = decodeURIComponent(
temp[ 1 ]
if (
typeof $_GET[ 'autofocus[control]' ] !== 'undefined' &&
$_GET[ 'autofocus[control]' ] !== ''
) {
jQuery( 'li[id^="customize-control-sidebars_widgets"]' ).on(
function () {
'.neve-customizer-tab > label.' +
$_GET[ 'autofocus[control]' ]
).trigger( 'click' );
} );
const self = this;
* Run JS on load.
wp.customize.bind( 'ready', function () {
} );
init() {
const control = this;
const section = control.section();
control.hideAllControls( section );
const tab = control.params.controls.general
? 'general'
: control.params.controls.layout
? 'layout'
: control.params.controls.style
? 'style'
: Object.keys( control.params.controls )[ 0 ];
const controlsToShow = control.params.controls[ tab ];
let allControls = [];
for ( const controlName in controlsToShow ) {
if ( controlsToShow.hasOwnProperty( controlName ) ) {
if (
jQuery.isEmptyObject( controlsToShow[ controlName ] ) ===
false &&
typeof wp.customize.control( controlName ) !== 'undefined'
) {
const subTabValue = wp.customize.control( controlName )
allControls = allControls.concat(
controlsToShow[ controlName ][ subTabValue ]
allControls.push( controlName );
control.showControls( allControls, section );
hideAllControls( section ) {
const controls = wp.customize.section( section ).controls();
const tabControl = this.id;
for ( const i in controls ) {
const controlId = controls[ i ].id;
if ( controlId === 'widgets' ) {
const sectionContainer = wp.customize.section( section )
jQuery( sectionContainer )
.children( 'li[class*="widget"]' )
.css( 'display', 'none' );
} else if ( controlId !== tabControl ) {
const selector = wp.customize.control( controlId ).selector;
jQuery( selector ).hide();
handleClick() {
const control = this;
const section = control.section();
const container = control.container;
jQuery( container )
.find( '.neve-customizer-tab' )
.on( 'click', function () {
jQuery( this )
.find( '.neve-customizer-tab' )
.removeClass( 'active' );
jQuery( this ).addClass( 'active' );
control.hideAllControls( section );
const tab = jQuery( this ).data( 'tab' );
const controlsToShow = control.params.controls[ tab ];
let allControls = [];
for ( const controlName in controlsToShow ) {
if (
controlsToShow[ controlName ]
) === false &&
typeof wp.customize.control( controlName ) !==
) {
const subTabValue = wp.customize.control( controlName )
allControls = allControls.concat(
controlsToShow[ controlName ][ subTabValue ]
allControls.push( controlName );
control.showControls( allControls, section );
} );
showControls( controls, section ) {
for ( const i in controls ) {
const controlName = controls[ i ];
if (
controlName === 'widgets' ||
controlName.indexOf( 'sidebars_widgets' ) !== -1
) {
const sectionContainer = wp.customize.section( section )
jQuery( sectionContainer )
.children( 'li[class*="widget"]' )
.css( 'display', 'list-item' );
} else if (
typeof wp.customize.control( controlName ) !== 'undefined'
) {
const selector = wp.customize.control( controlName ).selector;
jQuery( selector ).show();
const control = wp.customize.control( controlName );
if ( typeof control !== 'undefined' ) {
const status = wp.customize.control( controlName ).active();
if ( status === true ) {
wp.customize.control( controlName ).selector
} else {
wp.customize.control( controlName ).selector
} );