* Author: Andrei Baicus <andrei@themeisle.com>
* Created on: 17/10/2018
* @package utilities.php
use Neve_Pro\Modules\Header_Footer_Grid\Components\Icons;
use HFG\Core\Components\Utility\SearchIconButton;
* Check if we're delivering AMP
* Function(is_amp_endpoint) is deprecated since AMP v2.0, use amp_is_request instead of it since v2.0
* @return bool
function neve_is_amp() {
return ( function_exists( 'amp_is_request' ) && amp_is_request() ) || ( function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) && is_amp_endpoint() );
* Show body attrs.
function neve_body_attrs() {
$body_attrs = apply_filters( 'neve_body_data_attrs', 'id="neve_body" ' );
echo( $body_attrs ); //phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
* Get hooks by location
* @return array $hooks - hooks locations and name
function neve_hooks() {
$hooks = array(
'header' => array(
'footer' => array(
'post' => array(
'page' => array(
'single' => array(
'sidebar' => array(
'blog' => array(
'pagination' => array(
if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) {
$hooks['shop'] = array(
$hooks['product'] = array(
$hooks['cart'] = array(
$hooks['checkout'] = array(
$hooks['login'] = array(
$hooks['register'] = array(
$hooks['account'] = array(
$hooks['download-archive'] = array(
$hooks['single-download'] = array(
return apply_filters( 'neve_hooks_list', $hooks );
* Cart icon markup.
* The changes here might not be visible on front end due to woocommerce cart-fragments.js
* In that case deactivate and reactivate WooCommerce.
* @param bool $echo should be echoed.
* @param int $size icon size.
* @param string $cart_icon Cart icon.
* @return string|null
function neve_cart_icon( $echo = false, $size = 15, $cart_icon = '', $icon_custom = '' ) {
$icon = '<svg width="' . $size . '" height="' . $size . '" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M704 1536q0 52-38 90t-90 38-90-38-38-90 38-90 90-38 90 38 38 90zm896 0q0 52-38 90t-90 38-90-38-38-90 38-90 90-38 90 38 38 90zm128-1088v512q0 24-16.5 42.5t-40.5 21.5l-1044 122q13 60 13 70 0 16-24 64h920q26 0 45 19t19 45-19 45-45 19h-1024q-26 0-45-19t-19-45q0-11 8-31.5t16-36 21.5-40 15.5-29.5l-177-823h-204q-26 0-45-19t-19-45 19-45 45-19h256q16 0 28.5 6.5t19.5 15.5 13 24.5 8 26 5.5 29.5 4.5 26h1201q26 0 45 19t19 45z"/></svg>';
if ( ! empty( $cart_icon ) && class_exists( '\Neve_Pro\Modules\Header_Footer_Grid\Components\Icons' ) ) {
$cart_icon_svg = Icons::get_instance()->get_single_icon( $cart_icon );
$icon = ! empty( $cart_icon_svg ) ? $cart_icon_svg : $icon;
if ( $cart_icon === 'custom' ) {
$icon = neve_kses_svg( $icon_custom );
$svg = '<span class="nv-icon nv-cart">' . $icon . '</span>';
if ( $echo === false ) {
return $svg;
echo( $svg ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
return null;
* Search Icon
* @param bool $is_link should be wrapped in A tag.
* @param bool $echo should be echoed.
* @param int $size icon size.
* @param bool $amp_ready Should we add the AMP binding.
* @param false|string $context Represents where the search icon is being used.
* @return string|null
function neve_search_icon( $is_link = false, $echo = false, $size = 15, $amp_ready = false, $context = false ) {
$icon_type = SearchIconButton::DEFAULT_ICON;
if ( $context === 'hfg' ) {
$hfg_icon_type = \HFG\component_setting( SearchIconButton::ICON_TYPE, SearchIconButton::DEFAULT_ICON );
// For the possibility of \HFG\current_component returning false
if ( $hfg_icon_type !== false ) {
$icon_type = $hfg_icon_type;
if ( $icon_type === SearchIconButton::CUSTOM_ICON ) {
$svg = \HFG\component_setting( SearchIconButton::CUSTOM_ICON_SVG, SearchIconButton::DEFAULT_CUSTOM_ICON_SVG );
} else {
$svg = SearchIconButton::render_icon( $icon_type, $size );
$amp_state = '';
if ( $amp_ready ) {
$amp_state = 'on="tap:AMP.setState({visible: !visible})" role="button" ';
$start_tag = $is_link ? 'a aria-label="' . __( 'Search', 'neve' ) . '" href="#"' : 'span';
$end_tag = $is_link ? 'a' : 'span';
$output = '<' . $start_tag . ' class="nv-icon nv-search" ' . $amp_state . '>
' . neve_kses_svg( $svg ) . '
</' . $end_tag . '>';
if ( $echo === false ) {
return $output;
echo $output; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
return null;
* Escape HTML strings containing SVG.
* @param string $input the input string.
* @param array $additional_args additional allowed.
* @return string
function neve_custom_kses_escape( $input, $additional_args ) {
$kses_defaults = wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' );
$allowed_tags = array_merge( $kses_defaults, $additional_args );
return wp_kses( $input, $allowed_tags );
* Get allowed tags for SVG tags.
* @return array
function neve_get_svg_allowed_tags() {
return array(
'svg' => array(
'class' => true,
'aria-hidden' => true,
'aria-labelledby' => true,
'role' => true,
'xmlns' => true,
'width' => true,
'fill' => true,
'fill-opacity' => true,
'height' => true,
'stroke' => true,
'viewbox' => true, // <= Must be lower case!
'style' => array(
'type' => true,
'g' => array(
'fill' => true,
'transform' => true,
'style' => true,
'stroke' => true,
'stroke-linecap' => true,
'stroke-linejoin' => true,
'stroke-width' => true,
'circle' => array(
'cx' => true,
'cy' => true,
'r' => true,
'class' => true,
'style' => true,
'transform' => true,
'title' => array( 'title' => true ),
'path' => array(
'd' => true,
'fill' => true,
'fill-rule' => true,
'clip-rule' => true,
'style' => true,
'class' => true,
'transform' => true,
'stroke' => true,
'stroke-linecap' => true,
'stroke-linejoin' => true,
'stroke-width' => true,
'polyline' => array(
'fill' => true,
'stroke' => true,
'stroke-linecap' => true,
'stroke-linejoin' => true,
'stroke-width' => true,
'points' => true,
'polygon' => array(
'class' => true,
'points' => true,
'style' => true,
'transform' => true,
'rect' => array(
'x' => true,
'y' => true,
'rx' => true,
'ry' => true,
'width' => true,
'height' => true,
'class' => true,
'style' => true,
'transform' => true,
* Escape SVG.
* @param string $input input string to escape.
* @return string
function neve_kses_svg( $input ) {
$svg_args = neve_get_svg_allowed_tags();
return neve_custom_kses_escape( $input, $svg_args );
* Get standard fonts
* @param bool $with_variants should fetch variants.
* @return array
function neve_get_standard_fonts( $with_variants = false ) {
$fonts = array(
'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serif' => array( '900', '900italic' ),
'Bookman Old Style, serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Comic Sans MS, cursive' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Courier, monospace' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Georgia, serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Garamond, serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Lucida Console, Monaco, monospace' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'MS Sans Serif, Geneva, sans-serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'MS Serif, New York, sans-serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Palatino, serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Times New Roman, Times, serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Paratina Linotype' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
'Trebuchet MS' => array( '400', '700', '400italic', '700italic' ),
if ( $with_variants ) {
return apply_filters( 'neve_standard_fonts_with_variants_array', $fonts );
return apply_filters( 'neve_standard_fonts_array', array_keys( $fonts ) );
* Get all google fonts
* @param bool $with_variants should fetch variants.
* @return array
function neve_get_google_fonts( $with_variants = false ) {
$fonts = ( include NEVE_MAIN_DIR . 'globals/google-fonts.php' );
if ( $with_variants ) {
return apply_filters( 'neve_google_fonts_with_variants_array', $fonts );
return apply_filters( 'neve_google_fonts_array', array_keys( $fonts ) );
* Get the heading selectors array.
* @return array
function neve_get_headings_selectors() {
return apply_filters(
'h1' => \Neve\Core\Settings\Config::$css_selectors_map[ \Neve\Core\Settings\Config::CSS_SELECTOR_TYPEFACE_H1 ],
'h2' => \Neve\Core\Settings\Config::$css_selectors_map[ \Neve\Core\Settings\Config::CSS_SELECTOR_TYPEFACE_H2 ],
'h3' => \Neve\Core\Settings\Config::$css_selectors_map[ \Neve\Core\Settings\Config::CSS_SELECTOR_TYPEFACE_H3 ],
'h4' => \Neve\Core\Settings\Config::$css_selectors_map[ \Neve\Core\Settings\Config::CSS_SELECTOR_TYPEFACE_H4 ],
'h5' => \Neve\Core\Settings\Config::$css_selectors_map[ \Neve\Core\Settings\Config::CSS_SELECTOR_TYPEFACE_H5 ],
'h6' => \Neve\Core\Settings\Config::$css_selectors_map[ \Neve\Core\Settings\Config::CSS_SELECTOR_TYPEFACE_H6 ],
* Return ready to use external anchor tag.
* This should be used only in admin context, i.e options page, customizer
* and it will automatically be switched off if the whitelabel is on.
* @param string $link Link url.
* @param string $text Link text.
* @param bool $echo Echo the result.
* @return string Full anchor tag.
function neve_external_link( $link, $text = '', $echo = false ) {
$text = empty( $text ) ? __( 'Learn More', 'neve' ) : $text;
$return = sprintf(
'<a target="_blank" rel="external noopener noreferrer" href="' . esc_url( $link ) . '"><span class="screen-reader-text">%s</span>%s <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" focusable="false" role="img" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="12" height="12" style="margin-right: 5px;"><path fill="currentColor" d="M432 320H400a16 16 0 0 0-16 16V448H64V128H208a16 16 0 0 0 16-16V80a16 16 0 0 0-16-16H48A48 48 0 0 0 0 112V464a48 48 0 0 0 48 48H400a48 48 0 0 0 48-48V336A16 16 0 0 0 432 320ZM488 0h-128c-21.4 0-32 25.9-17 41l35.7 35.7L135 320.4a24 24 0 0 0 0 34L157.7 377a24 24 0 0 0 34 0L435.3 133.3 471 169c15 15 41 4.5 41-17V24A24 24 0 0 0 488 0Z"/></svg></a>',
esc_html__( '(opens in a new tab)', 'neve' ),
esc_html( $text )
$is_whitelabel = apply_filters( 'neve_is_theme_whitelabeled', false ) || apply_filters( 'neve_is_plugin_whitelabeled', false );
if ( $is_whitelabel ) {
return '';
if ( ! $echo ) {
return $return;
echo $return; //phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped, Already escaped.
return '';
add_filter( 'neve_external_link', 'neve_external_link', 10, 3 );
* Get Global Colors Default
* @param bool $migrated get with migrated colors.
* @return array
function neve_get_global_colors_default( $migrated = false ) {
return [
'activePalette' => 'base',
'palettes' => [
'base' => [
'name' => __( 'Base', 'neve' ),
'allowDeletion' => false,
'colors' => [
'nv-primary-accent' => '#2f5aae',
'nv-secondary-accent' => '#2f5aae',
'nv-site-bg' => '#ffffff',
'nv-light-bg' => '#f4f5f7',
'nv-dark-bg' => '#121212',
'nv-text-color' => '#272626',
'nv-text-dark-bg' => '#ffffff',
'nv-c-1' => '#9463ae',
'nv-c-2' => '#be574b',
'darkMode' => [
'name' => __( 'Dark Mode', 'neve' ),
'allowDeletion' => false,
'colors' => [
'nv-primary-accent' => '#00c2ff',
'nv-secondary-accent' => '#00c2ff',
'nv-site-bg' => '#121212',
'nv-light-bg' => '#1a1a1a',
'nv-dark-bg' => '#000000',
'nv-text-color' => '#ffffff',
'nv-text-dark-bg' => '#ffffff',
'nv-c-1' => '#198754',
'nv-c-2' => '#be574b',
* Checks that we are using the new builder.
* @return bool
* @since 3.0.0
function neve_is_new_builder() {
return get_theme_mod( 'neve_migrated_builders', true );
* Checks that we are using the new skin.
* @return bool
* @since 3.0.0
function neve_is_new_skin() {
return get_theme_mod( 'neve_new_skin', 'new' ) !== 'old';
* Checks if the instance was auto upgraded to the new skin.
* It is used to allow rollback for auto-upgraded instances.
* @return bool
* @since 3.6.x
function neve_was_auto_migrated_to_new() {
return get_theme_mod( 'neve_auto_migrated_to_new_skin', false );
* Check that we can use conditional headers in PRO.
* @return bool
* @since 3.0.0
function neve_can_use_conditional_header() {
return defined( 'NEVE_PRO_COMPATIBILITY_FEATURES' ) && isset( NEVE_PRO_COMPATIBILITY_FEATURES['headerv2'] ) && neve_is_new_builder();
* Check that we had old builder.
* @return bool
* @since 3.0.0
function neve_had_old_hfb() {
return ( get_theme_mod( 'hfg_header_layout' ) !== false || get_theme_mod( 'hfg_footer_layout' ) ) !== false;
* Check if we have pro support.
* @param string $feature feature to check support for.
function neve_pro_has_support( $feature ) {
return ( defined( 'NEVE_PRO_COMPATIBILITY_FEATURES' ) && isset( NEVE_PRO_COMPATIBILITY_FEATURES[ $feature ] ) );
* Check that if new widget editor is available.
* @return bool
* @since 3.0.0
function neve_is_new_widget_editor() {
return ( defined( 'GUTENBERG_VERSION' ) && version_compare( GUTENBERG_VERSION, '10.6.2', '>' ) ) || version_compare( substr( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), 0, 3 ), '5.8', '>=' );
* Check that the active WordPress version is greater than the passed value.
* @param string $version The default check is for `5.8` other values are accepted.
* @return bool
* @since 3.0.5
function neve_is_using_wp_version( $version = '5.8' ) {
global $wp_version;
return version_compare( $wp_version, $version, '>=' );
* Wrapper for wp_remote_get on VIP environments.
* @param string $url Url to check.
* @param array $args Option params.
* @return array|\WP_Error
function neve_safe_get( $url, $args = array() ) {
return function_exists( 'vip_safe_wp_remote_get' )
? vip_safe_wp_remote_get( $url )
: wp_remote_get( //phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.Functions.RestrictedFunctions.wp_remote_get_wp_remote_get, Already used.
* Create pagination for Easy Digital Downloads Archive.
function neve_edd_download_nav() {
global $wp_query;
$big = 999999;
$search_for = array( $big, '#038;' );
$replace_with = array( '%#%', '&' );
$allowed_tags = array(
'ul' => array(
'class' => array(),
'li' => array(
'class' => array(),
'a' => array(
'class' => array(),
'href' => array(),
'span' => array(
'class' => array(),
$pagination = paginate_links(
'base' => str_replace( $search_for, $replace_with, get_pagenum_link( $big ) ),
'format' => '?paged=%#%',
'current' => max( 1, get_query_var( 'paged' ) ),
'total' => $wp_query->max_num_pages,
'prev_next' => true,
<div id="edd_download_pagination" class="navigation">
echo wp_kses( $pagination, $allowed_tags );
// TODO use pagination from pluggable class once we have infinite scroll supported for edd.
* Check if a value is of unknown type is zero.
* @param mixed $value Value to check.
* @return bool
function neve_value_is_zero( $value ) {
return floatval( $value ) === 0.0;
* Function that is called for triggering hooks on index.
* @param string $position Hook position.
function neve_do_loop_hook( $position ) {
if ( ! in_array( $position, [ 'before', 'after', 'entry_before', 'entry_after' ] ) ) {
$current_post_type = get_post_type();
if ( in_array( $current_post_type, array( 'post', 'page', 'product' ), true ) ) {
* Executes actions on archives.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, $current_post_type, refers to the post type slug.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, $position, refers to the hook placement. The accepted values are 'before'
* ,'after', 'entry_before' and 'entry_after'.
* This hook is not available for the following post types: post, page, product.
* Possible action names include:
* - neve_loop_attachment_before
* - neve_loop_acme_product_before
* @since 2.11
do_action( "neve_loop_{$current_post_type}_{$position}" );
* Get meta default data
* @param string $field Meta field name.
* @param string $default Default value.
* @return array
function neve_get_default_meta_value( $field, $default ) {
$new_control_data = [];
$components = apply_filters(
'author' => __( 'Author', 'neve' ),
'category' => __( 'Category', 'neve' ),
'date' => __( 'Date', 'neve' ),
'comments' => __( 'Comments', 'neve' ),
$default_data = get_theme_mod( $field, $default );
if ( is_string( $default_data ) ) {
$default_data = json_decode( $default_data, true );
if ( ! is_array( $default_data ) ) {
$default_data = [];
foreach ( $default_data as $meta_component ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $meta_component, $components ) ) {
$new_control_data[ $meta_component ] = (object) [
'slug' => $meta_component,
'title' => $components[ $meta_component ],
'visibility' => 'yes',
'hide_on_mobile' => false,
'blocked' => 'yes',
foreach ( $components as $component_id => $label ) {
if ( ! array_key_exists( $component_id, $new_control_data ) ) {
$new_control_data[ $component_id ] = (object) [
'slug' => $component_id,
'title' => $label,
'visibility' => 'no',
'hide_on_mobile' => false,
'blocked' => 'yes',
return array_values( $new_control_data );