* Handles Google Fonts enqueueing.
* Author: Andrei Baicus <andrei@themeisle.com>
* Created on: 22/08/2018
* @package Neve\Views
namespace Neve\Views;
use Neve\Core\Settings\Config;
use Neve\Core\Settings\Mods;
* Class Typography
* @package Neve\Views
class Font_Manager extends Base_View {
* The font families buffer.
* @var array
public static $font_families = array();
* Body font family variants.
* @var array
public static $body_variants = array();
* Add a google font.
* @param string $font_family font family.
* @param string $font_weight font weight.
final public static function add_google_font( $font_family, $font_weight = '400' ) {
if ( empty( $font_family ) ) {
$body_font = self::get_body_font_family();
if ( empty( $body_font ) ) {
$font_family = $body_font;
$allowed_variants = [
if ( ! in_array( $font_weight, $allowed_variants, true ) ) {
$font_weight = '400';
if ( array_key_exists( $font_family, self::$font_families ) ) {
self::$font_families[ $font_family ][] = $font_weight;
self::$font_families[ $font_family ] = array_unique( self::$font_families[ $font_family ] );
self::$font_families[ $font_family ] = [ $font_weight ];
* Function that is run after instantiation.
* @return void
public function init() {
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'register_google_fonts' ), 200 );
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', array( $this, 'register_google_fonts' ), 200 );
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', array( $this, 'do_editor_styles_google_fonts' ), 210 );
add_action( 'wp_print_styles', array( $this, 'load_external_fonts_locally' ), PHP_INT_MAX );
* Add body font family variants.
private function add_body_variants() {
$body_font = self::get_body_font_family();
$gfonts_data = neve_get_google_fonts( true );
// Variations are only available for Google fonts.
if ( ! in_array( $body_font, array_keys( $gfonts_data ) ) ) {
// If there are no variations statically defined then don't do anything.
if ( empty( $gfonts_data[ $body_font ] ) ) {
$variations = $this->get_body_variations();
sort( $variations );
foreach ( $variations as $variation ) {
self::add_google_font( $body_font, $variation );
* Get body font family.
* @return string
public static function get_body_font_family() {
$body_mod = Config::MODS_FONT_GENERAL;
$body_default = Mods::get_alternative_mod_default( Config::MODS_FONT_GENERAL );
return Mods::get( $body_mod, $body_default );
* Get body variations.
* @return string[]
private function get_body_variations() {
return get_theme_mod( Config::MODS_FONT_GENERAL_VARIANTS, [] );
* Register the fonts that are selected in customizer.
public function register_google_fonts() {
foreach ( self::$font_families as $font_family => $font_weights ) {
$this->enqueue_google_font( $font_family, $font_weights );
* Will register fonts for the editor preview (mobile|tablet)
public function do_editor_styles_google_fonts() {
if ( empty( self::$font_families ) ) {
add_theme_support( 'editor-styles' );
$style_array = array(
foreach ( self::$font_families as $font_family => $font_weights ) {
$url = $this->enqueue_google_font( $font_family, $font_weights, true );
if ( ! empty( $url ) ) {
array_push( $style_array, 'https:' . $url );
* Enqueues a Google Font
* @param string $font font string.
* @param array $weights font weights.
* @param boolean $skip_enqueue flag to skip enqueue and return url.
* @since 1.1.38
private function enqueue_google_font( $font, $weights = [], $skip_enqueue = false ) {
// Get list of all Google Fonts.
$google_fonts = neve_get_google_fonts( true );
$font = str_replace( '"', '', $font );
// Make sure font is in our list of fonts.
if ( ! in_array( $font, array_keys( $google_fonts ), true ) ) {
// Make sure 400 font weight is always included.
$weights = array_unique( array_merge( $weights, [ '400' ] ) );
// In customizer, all font weights should be active for the preview.
if ( is_customize_preview() ) {
$weights = isset( $google_fonts[ $font ] ) ? $google_fonts[ $font ] : [
// Sanitize font name.
$url_string = trim( $font );
$base_url = '//fonts.googleapis.com/css';
// Add weights to URL.
if ( ! empty( $weights ) ) {
$url_string .= ':' . implode( ',', $weights );
$query_args = array(
'family' => urlencode( $url_string ),
'display' => 'swap',
$subsets = [
'ru_RU' => 'cyrillic',
'bg_BG' => 'cyrillic',
'he_IL' => 'hebrew',
'el' => 'greek',
'vi' => 'vietnamese',
'uk' => 'cyrillic',
'cs_CZ' => 'latin-ext',
'ro_RO' => 'latin-ext',
'pl_PL' => 'latin-ext',
$locale = get_locale();
if ( isset( $subsets[ $locale ] ) ) {
$query_args['subset'] = urlencode( $subsets[ $locale ] );
$url = add_query_arg( $query_args, $base_url );
if ( $skip_enqueue ) {
return $url;
wp_enqueue_style( 'neve-google-font-' . str_replace( ' ', '-', strtolower( $font ) ), $url, array(), NEVE_VERSION );
* Load Google Fonts locally.
* @return void
public function load_external_fonts_locally() {
$toggle = get_option( Config::OPTION_LOCAL_GOOGLE_FONTS_HOSTING, false );
* Filters whether the remote fonts should be hosted locally.
* This filter applies for both Google Fonts and Typekit Fonts if the Typekit module is used.
* @param bool $should_enqueue_locally Whether the Google Fonts should be hosted locally. Default value is false.
* @since 2.11
$should_enqueue_locally = apply_filters( 'neve_load_remote_fonts_locally', $toggle );
if ( ! (bool) $should_enqueue_locally ) {
$is_admin_context = is_admin() || is_customize_preview();
$wptt_vendor_file = trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . 'vendor/wptt/webfont-loader/wptt-webfont-loader.php';
if ( $is_admin_context || ! is_readable( $wptt_vendor_file ) ) {
* Bail when in Elementor edit mode.
* We do this so that initial load of Elementor editor will not be slowed down by Neve Pro downloading Roboto fonts.
if ( class_exists( '\Elementor\Plugin' ) ) {
global $post;
if ( \Elementor\Plugin::$instance->editor->is_edit_mode() ||
) {
* Allow filtering for additional external font providers.
* The domains provided to this filter should be from services that link directly to a CSS file or else WPTT will not be able to download the fonts.
$external_font_domains = apply_filters(
global $wp_styles;
$enqueued_styles = $wp_styles->queue ?? '';
if ( ! is_array( $enqueued_styles ) ) {
$external_fonts = array();
foreach ( $enqueued_styles as $style ) {
$source = $wp_styles->registered[ $style ]->src;
foreach ( $external_font_domains as $domain ) {
if ( strpos( $source, $domain ) !== false ) {
$parts = wp_parse_url( $source );
* Some plugins might set font url without protocol example //fonts.googleapis.com...
* Lets build the url ourselves to be sure the its whats expected.
$normalized_source = 'https://' . $parts['host'] . $parts['path'] . ( isset( $parts['query'] ) ? '?' . $parts['query'] : '' );
$external_fonts[] = $normalized_source;
// Dequeue this handle since we are going to load the font locally
wp_dequeue_style( $style );
$external_fonts = array_unique( $external_fonts );
require_once $wptt_vendor_file;
foreach ( $external_fonts as $font_link ) {
wp_add_inline_style( 'neve-style', wptt_get_webfont_styles( $font_link ) );