[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Query: Small image and title.
 * @package WordPress

return array(
	'title'      => _x( 'Small image and title', 'Block pattern title' ),
	'blockTypes' => array( 'core/query' ),
	'categories' => array( 'query' ),
	'content'    => '<!-- wp:query {"query":{"perPage":3,"pages":0,"offset":0,"postType":"post","order":"desc","orderBy":"date","author":"","search":"","exclude":[],"sticky":"","inherit":false}} -->
					<div class="wp-block-query">
					<!-- wp:post-template -->
					<!-- wp:columns {"verticalAlignment":"center"} -->
					<div class="wp-block-columns are-vertically-aligned-center"><!-- wp:column {"verticalAlignment":"center","width":"25%"} -->
					<div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-center" style="flex-basis:25%"><!-- wp:post-featured-image {"isLink":true} /--></div>
					<!-- /wp:column -->
					<!-- wp:column {"verticalAlignment":"center","width":"75%"} -->
					<div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-center" style="flex-basis:75%"><!-- wp:post-title {"isLink":true} /--></div>
					<!-- /wp:column --></div>
					<!-- /wp:columns -->
					<!-- /wp:post-template -->
					<!-- /wp:query -->',


Name Type Size Permission Actions
query-grid-posts.php File 972 B 0644
query-large-title-posts.php File 1.94 KB 0644
query-medium-posts.php File 1.03 KB 0644
query-offset-posts.php File 1.96 KB 0644
query-small-posts.php File 1.15 KB 0644
query-standard-posts.php File 808 B 0644
social-links-shared-background-color.php File 951 B 0644