[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
/* global plupload, pluploadL10n, ajaxurl, post_id, wpUploaderInit, deleteUserSetting, setUserSetting, getUserSetting, shortform */
var topWin = window.dialogArguments || opener || parent || top, uploader, uploader_init;

// Progress and success handlers for media multi uploads.
function fileQueued( fileObj ) {
	// Get rid of unused form.
	jQuery( '.media-blank' ).remove();

	var items = jQuery( '#media-items' ).children(), postid = post_id || 0;

	// Collapse a single item.
	if ( items.length == 1 ) {
		items.removeClass( 'open' ).find( '.slidetoggle' ).slideUp( 200 );
	// Create a progress bar containing the filename.
	jQuery( '<div class="media-item">' )
		.attr( 'id', 'media-item-' + fileObj.id )
		.addClass( 'child-of-' + postid )
		.append( jQuery( '<div class="filename original">' ).text( ' ' + fileObj.name ),
			'<div class="progress"><div class="percent">0%</div><div class="bar"></div></div>' )
		.appendTo( jQuery( '#media-items' ) );

	// Disable submit.
	jQuery( '#insert-gallery' ).prop( 'disabled', true );

function uploadStart() {
	try {
		if ( typeof topWin.tb_remove != 'undefined' )
			topWin.jQuery( '#TB_overlay' ).unbind( 'click', topWin.tb_remove );
	} catch( e ){}

	return true;

function uploadProgress( up, file ) {
	var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + file.id );

	jQuery( '.bar', item ).width( ( 200 * file.loaded ) / file.size );
	jQuery( '.percent', item ).html( file.percent + '%' );

// Check to see if a large file failed to upload.
function fileUploading( up, file ) {
	var hundredmb = 100 * 1024 * 1024,
		max = parseInt( up.settings.max_file_size, 10 );

	if ( max > hundredmb && file.size > hundredmb ) {
		setTimeout( function() {
			if ( file.status < 3 && file.loaded === 0 ) { // Not uploading.
				wpFileError( file, pluploadL10n.big_upload_failed.replace( '%1$s', '<a class="uploader-html" href="#">' ).replace( '%2$s', '</a>' ) );
				up.stop();  // Stop the whole queue.
				up.removeFile( file );
				up.start(); // Restart the queue.
		}, 10000 ); // Wait for 10 seconds for the file to start uploading.

function updateMediaForm() {
	var items = jQuery( '#media-items' ).children();

	// Just one file, no need for collapsible part.
	if ( items.length == 1 ) {
		items.addClass( 'open' ).find( '.slidetoggle' ).show();
		jQuery( '.insert-gallery' ).hide();
	} else if ( items.length > 1 ) {
		items.removeClass( 'open' );
		// Only show Gallery/Playlist buttons when there are at least two files.
		jQuery( '.insert-gallery' ).show();

	// Only show Save buttons when there is at least one file.
	if ( items.not( '.media-blank' ).length > 0 )
		jQuery( '.savebutton' ).show();
		jQuery( '.savebutton' ).hide();

function uploadSuccess( fileObj, serverData ) {
	var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id );

	// On success serverData should be numeric,
	// fix bug in html4 runtime returning the serverData wrapped in a <pre> tag.
	if ( typeof serverData === 'string' ) {
		serverData = serverData.replace( /^<pre>(\d+)<\/pre>$/, '$1' );

		// If async-upload returned an error message, place it in the media item div and return.
		if ( /media-upload-error|error-div/.test( serverData ) ) {
			item.html( serverData );

	item.find( '.percent' ).html( pluploadL10n.crunching );

	prepareMediaItem( fileObj, serverData );

	// Increment the counter.
	if ( post_id && item.hasClass( 'child-of-' + post_id ) ) {
		jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text( 1 * jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text() + 1 );

function setResize( arg ) {
	if ( arg ) {
		if ( window.resize_width && window.resize_height ) {
			uploader.settings.resize = {
				enabled: true,
				width: window.resize_width,
				height: window.resize_height,
				quality: 100
		} else {
			uploader.settings.multipart_params.image_resize = true;
	} else {
		delete( uploader.settings.multipart_params.image_resize );

function prepareMediaItem( fileObj, serverData ) {
	var f = ( typeof shortform == 'undefined' ) ? 1 : 2, item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id );
	if ( f == 2 && shortform > 2 )
		f = shortform;

	try {
		if ( typeof topWin.tb_remove != 'undefined' )
			topWin.jQuery( '#TB_overlay' ).click( topWin.tb_remove );
	} catch( e ){}

	if ( isNaN( serverData ) || !serverData ) {
		// Old style: Append the HTML returned by the server -- thumbnail and form inputs.
		item.append( serverData );
		prepareMediaItemInit( fileObj );
	} else {
		// New style: server data is just the attachment ID, fetch the thumbnail and form html from the server.
		item.load( 'async-upload.php', {attachment_id:serverData, fetch:f}, function(){prepareMediaItemInit( fileObj );updateMediaForm();});

function prepareMediaItemInit( fileObj ) {
	var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id );
	// Clone the thumbnail as a "pinkynail" -- a tiny image to the left of the filename.
	jQuery( '.thumbnail', item ).clone().attr( 'class', 'pinkynail toggle' ).prependTo( item );

	// Replace the original filename with the new (unique) one assigned during upload.
	jQuery( '.filename.original', item ).replaceWith( jQuery( '.filename.new', item ) );

	// Bind Ajax to the new Delete button.
	jQuery( 'a.delete', item ).on( 'click', function(){
		// Tell the server to delete it. TODO: Handle exceptions.
			url: ajaxurl,
			type: 'post',
			success: deleteSuccess,
			error: deleteError,
			id: fileObj.id,
			data: {
				id : this.id.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '' ),
				action : 'trash-post',
				_ajax_nonce : this.href.replace(/^.*wpnonce=/,'' )
		return false;

	// Bind Ajax to the new Undo button.
	jQuery( 'a.undo', item ).on( 'click', function(){
		// Tell the server to untrash it. TODO: Handle exceptions.
			url: ajaxurl,
			type: 'post',
			id: fileObj.id,
			data: {
				id : this.id.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'' ),
				action: 'untrash-post',
				_ajax_nonce: this.href.replace(/^.*wpnonce=/,'' )
			success: function( ){
				var type,
					item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id );

				if ( type = jQuery( '#type-of-' + fileObj.id ).val() )
					jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter' ).text( jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter' ).text()-0+1 );

				if ( post_id && item.hasClass( 'child-of-'+post_id ) )
					jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text( jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text()-0+1 );

				jQuery( '.filename .trashnotice', item ).remove();
				jQuery( '.filename .title', item ).css( 'font-weight','normal' );
				jQuery( 'a.undo', item ).addClass( 'hidden' );
				jQuery( '.menu_order_input', item ).show();
				item.css( {backgroundColor:'#ceb'} ).animate( {backgroundColor: '#fff'}, { queue: false, duration: 500, complete: function(){ jQuery( this ).css({backgroundColor:''}); } }).removeClass( 'undo' );
		return false;

	// Open this item if it says to start open (e.g. to display an error).
	jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id + '.startopen' ).removeClass( 'startopen' ).addClass( 'open' ).find( 'slidetoggle' ).fadeIn();

// Generic error message.
function wpQueueError( message ) {
	jQuery( '#media-upload-error' ).show().html( '<div class="error"><p>' + message + '</p></div>' );

// File-specific error messages.
function wpFileError( fileObj, message ) {
	itemAjaxError( fileObj.id, message );

function itemAjaxError( id, message ) {
	var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + id ), filename = item.find( '.filename' ).text(), last_err = item.data( 'last-err' );

	if ( last_err == id ) // Prevent firing an error for the same file twice.

	item.html( '<div class="error-div">' +
				'<a class="dismiss" href="#">' + pluploadL10n.dismiss + '</a>' +
				'<strong>' + pluploadL10n.error_uploading.replace( '%s', jQuery.trim( filename )) + '</strong> ' +
				message +
				'</div>' ).data( 'last-err', id );

function deleteSuccess( data ) {
	var type, id, item;
	if ( data == '-1' )
		return itemAjaxError( this.id, 'You do not have permission. Has your session expired?' );

	if ( data == '0' )
		return itemAjaxError( this.id, 'Could not be deleted. Has it been deleted already?' );

	id = this.id;
	item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + id );

	// Decrement the counters.
	if ( type = jQuery( '#type-of-' + id ).val() )
		jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter' ).text( jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter' ).text() - 1 );

	if ( post_id && item.hasClass( 'child-of-'+post_id ) )
		jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text( jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text() - 1 );

	if ( jQuery( 'form.type-form #media-items' ).children().length == 1 && jQuery( '.hidden', '#media-items' ).length > 0 ) {
		jQuery( '.toggle' ).toggle();
		jQuery( '.slidetoggle' ).slideUp( 200 ).siblings().removeClass( 'hidden' );

	// Vanish it.
	jQuery( '.toggle', item ).toggle();
	jQuery( '.slidetoggle', item ).slideUp( 200 ).siblings().removeClass( 'hidden' );
	item.css( {backgroundColor:'#faa'} ).animate( {backgroundColor:'#f4f4f4'}, {queue:false, duration:500} ).addClass( 'undo' );

	jQuery( '.filename:empty', item ).remove();
	jQuery( '.filename .title', item ).css( 'font-weight','bold' );
	jQuery( '.filename', item ).append( '<span class="trashnotice"> ' + pluploadL10n.deleted + ' </span>' ).siblings( 'a.toggle' ).hide();
	jQuery( '.filename', item ).append( jQuery( 'a.undo', item ).removeClass( 'hidden' ) );
	jQuery( '.menu_order_input', item ).hide();


function deleteError() {

function uploadComplete() {
	jQuery( '#insert-gallery' ).prop( 'disabled', false );

function switchUploader( s ) {
	if ( s ) {
		deleteUserSetting( 'uploader' );
		jQuery( '.media-upload-form' ).removeClass( 'html-uploader' );

		if ( typeof( uploader ) == 'object' )
	} else {
		setUserSetting( 'uploader', '1' ); // 1 == html uploader.
		jQuery( '.media-upload-form' ).addClass( 'html-uploader' );

function uploadError( fileObj, errorCode, message, up ) {
	var hundredmb = 100 * 1024 * 1024, max;

	switch ( errorCode ) {
		case plupload.FAILED:
			wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.upload_failed );
		case plupload.FILE_EXTENSION_ERROR:
			wpFileExtensionError( up, fileObj, pluploadL10n.invalid_filetype );
		case plupload.FILE_SIZE_ERROR:
			uploadSizeError( up, fileObj );
		case plupload.IMAGE_FORMAT_ERROR:
			wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.not_an_image );
		case plupload.IMAGE_MEMORY_ERROR:
			wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.image_memory_exceeded );
			wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.image_dimensions_exceeded );
		case plupload.GENERIC_ERROR:
			wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.upload_failed );
		case plupload.IO_ERROR:
			max = parseInt( up.settings.filters.max_file_size, 10 );

			if ( max > hundredmb && fileObj.size > hundredmb ) {
				wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.big_upload_failed.replace( '%1$s', '<a class="uploader-html" href="#">' ).replace( '%2$s', '</a>' ) );
			} else {
				wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.io_error );

		case plupload.HTTP_ERROR:
			wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.http_error );
		case plupload.INIT_ERROR:
			jQuery( '.media-upload-form' ).addClass( 'html-uploader' );
		case plupload.SECURITY_ERROR:
			wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.security_error );
			jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id ).remove();
			wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.default_error );

function uploadSizeError( up, file ) {
	var message, errorDiv;

	message = pluploadL10n.file_exceeds_size_limit.replace( '%s', file.name );

	// Construct the error div.
	errorDiv = jQuery( '<div />' )
		.attr( {
			'id':    'media-item-' + file.id,
			'class': 'media-item error'
		} )
			jQuery( '<p />' )
				.text( message )

	// Append the error.
	jQuery( '#media-items' ).append( errorDiv );
	up.removeFile( file );

function wpFileExtensionError( up, file, message ) {
	jQuery( '#media-items' ).append( '<div id="media-item-' + file.id + '" class="media-item error"><p>' + message + '</p></div>' );
	up.removeFile( file );

 * Copies the attachment URL to the clipboard.
 * @since 5.8.0
 * @param {MouseEvent} event A click event.
 * @return {void}
function copyAttachmentUploadURLClipboard() {
	var clipboard = new ClipboardJS( '.copy-attachment-url' ),

	clipboard.on( 'success', function( event ) {
		var triggerElement = jQuery( event.trigger ),
			successElement = jQuery( '.success', triggerElement.closest( '.copy-to-clipboard-container' ) );

		// Clear the selection and move focus back to the trigger.
		// Show success visual feedback.
		clearTimeout( successTimeout );
		successElement.removeClass( 'hidden' );
		// Hide success visual feedback after 3 seconds since last success.
		successTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
			successElement.addClass( 'hidden' );
		}, 3000 );
		// Handle success audible feedback.
		wp.a11y.speak( pluploadL10n.file_url_copied );
	} );

jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
	var tryAgainCount = {};
	var tryAgain;

	$( '.media-upload-form' ).on( 'click.uploader', function( e ) {
		var target = $( e.target ), tr, c;

		if ( target.is( 'input[type="radio"]' ) ) { // Remember the last used image size and alignment.
			tr = target.closest( 'tr' );

			if ( tr.hasClass( 'align' ) )
				setUserSetting( 'align', target.val() );
			else if ( tr.hasClass( 'image-size' ) )
				setUserSetting( 'imgsize', target.val() );

		} else if ( target.is( 'button.button' ) ) { // Remember the last used image link url.
			c = e.target.className || '';
			c = c.match( /url([^ '"]+)/ );

			if ( c && c[1] ) {
				setUserSetting( 'urlbutton', c[1] );
				target.siblings( '.urlfield' ).val( target.data( 'link-url' ) );
		} else if ( target.is( 'a.dismiss' ) ) {
			target.parents( '.media-item' ).fadeOut( 200, function() {
				$( this ).remove();
			} );
		} else if ( target.is( '.upload-flash-bypass a' ) || target.is( 'a.uploader-html' ) ) { // Switch uploader to html4.
			$( '#media-items, p.submit, span.big-file-warning' ).css( 'display', 'none' );
			switchUploader( 0 );
		} else if ( target.is( '.upload-html-bypass a' ) ) { // Switch uploader to multi-file.
			$( '#media-items, p.submit, span.big-file-warning' ).css( 'display', '' );
			switchUploader( 1 );
		} else if ( target.is( 'a.describe-toggle-on' ) ) { // Show.
			target.parent().addClass( 'open' );
			target.siblings( '.slidetoggle' ).fadeIn( 250, function() {
				var S = $( window ).scrollTop(),
					H = $( window ).height(),
					top = $( this ).offset().top,
					h = $( this ).height(),

				if ( H && top && h ) {
					b = top + h;
					B = S + H;

					if ( b > B ) {
						if ( b - B < top - S )
							window.scrollBy( 0, ( b - B ) + 10 );
							window.scrollBy( 0, top - S - 40 );
			} );

		} else if ( target.is( 'a.describe-toggle-off' ) ) { // Hide.
			target.siblings( '.slidetoggle' ).fadeOut( 250, function() {
				target.parent().removeClass( 'open' );
			} );


	// Attempt to create image sub-sizes when an image was uploaded successfully
	// but the server responded with an HTTP 5xx error.
	tryAgain = function( up, error ) {
		var file = error.file;
		var times;
		var id;

		if ( ! error || ! error.responseHeaders ) {
			wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.http_error_image );

		id = error.responseHeaders.match( /x-wp-upload-attachment-id:\s*(\d+)/i );

		if ( id && id[1] ) {
			id = id[1];
		} else {
			wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.http_error_image );

		times = tryAgainCount[ file.id ];

		if ( times && times > 4 ) {
			 * The file may have been uploaded and attachment post created,
			 * but post-processing and resizing failed...
			 * Do a cleanup then tell the user to scale down the image and upload it again.
				type: 'post',
				url: ajaxurl,
				dataType: 'json',
				data: {
					action: 'media-create-image-subsizes',
					_wpnonce: wpUploaderInit.multipart_params._wpnonce,
					attachment_id: id,
					_wp_upload_failed_cleanup: true,

			if ( error.message && ( error.status < 500 || error.status >= 600 ) ) {
				wpQueueError( error.message );
			} else {
				wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.http_error_image );


		if ( ! times ) {
			tryAgainCount[ file.id ] = 1;
		} else {
			tryAgainCount[ file.id ] = ++times;

		// Try to create the missing image sizes.
			type: 'post',
			url: ajaxurl,
			dataType: 'json',
			data: {
				action: 'media-create-image-subsizes',
				_wpnonce: wpUploaderInit.multipart_params._wpnonce,
				attachment_id: id,
				_legacy_support: 'true',
		}).done( function( response ) {
			var message;

			if ( response.success ) {
				uploadSuccess( file, response.data.id );
			} else {
				if ( response.data && response.data.message ) {
					message = response.data.message;

				wpQueueError( message || pluploadL10n.http_error_image );
		}).fail( function( jqXHR ) {
			// If another HTTP 5xx error, try try again...
			if ( jqXHR.status >= 500 && jqXHR.status < 600 ) {
				tryAgain( up, error );

			wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.http_error_image );

	// Init and set the uploader.
	uploader_init = function() {
		uploader = new plupload.Uploader( wpUploaderInit );

		$( '#image_resize' ).on( 'change', function() {
			var arg = $( this ).prop( 'checked' );

			setResize( arg );

			if ( arg )
				setUserSetting( 'upload_resize', '1' );
				deleteUserSetting( 'upload_resize' );

		uploader.bind( 'Init', function( up ) {
			var uploaddiv = $( '#plupload-upload-ui' );

			setResize( getUserSetting( 'upload_resize', false ) );

			if ( up.features.dragdrop && ! $( document.body ).hasClass( 'mobile' ) ) {
				uploaddiv.addClass( 'drag-drop' );

				$( '#drag-drop-area' ).on( 'dragover.wp-uploader', function() { // dragenter doesn't fire right :(
					uploaddiv.addClass( 'drag-over' );
				}).on( 'dragleave.wp-uploader, drop.wp-uploader', function() {
					uploaddiv.removeClass( 'drag-over' );
			} else {
				uploaddiv.removeClass( 'drag-drop' );
				$( '#drag-drop-area' ).off( '.wp-uploader' );

			if ( up.runtime === 'html4' ) {
				$( '.upload-flash-bypass' ).hide();

		uploader.bind( 'postinit', function( up ) {


		uploader.bind( 'FilesAdded', function( up, files ) {
			$( '#media-upload-error' ).empty();

			plupload.each( files, function( file ) {
				if ( file.type === 'image/heic' && up.settings.heic_upload_error ) {
					// Show error but do not block uploading.
					wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.unsupported_image );
				} else if ( file.type === 'image/webp' && up.settings.webp_upload_error ) {
					// Disallow uploading of WebP images if the server cannot edit them.
					wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.noneditable_image );
					up.removeFile( file );
				} else if ( file.type === 'image/avif' && up.settings.avif_upload_error ) {
					// Disallow uploading of AVIF images if the server cannot edit them.
					wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.noneditable_image );
					up.removeFile( file );

				fileQueued( file );


		uploader.bind( 'UploadFile', function( up, file ) {
			fileUploading( up, file );

		uploader.bind( 'UploadProgress', function( up, file ) {
			uploadProgress( up, file );

		uploader.bind( 'Error', function( up, error ) {
			var isImage = error.file && error.file.type && error.file.type.indexOf( 'image/' ) === 0;
			var status  = error && error.status;

			// If the file is an image and the error is HTTP 5xx try to create sub-sizes again.
			if ( isImage && status >= 500 && status < 600 ) {
				tryAgain( up, error );

			uploadError( error.file, error.code, error.message, up );

		uploader.bind( 'FileUploaded', function( up, file, response ) {
			uploadSuccess( file, response.response );

		uploader.bind( 'UploadComplete', function() {

	if ( typeof( wpUploaderInit ) == 'object' ) {



Name Type Size Permission Actions
handlers.js File 19.93 KB 0644
handlers.min.js File 11.65 KB 0644
license.txt File 17.57 KB 0644
moxie.js File 248.13 KB 0644
moxie.min.js File 85.35 KB 0644
plupload.js File 58.9 KB 0644
plupload.min.js File 15.24 KB 0644
wp-plupload.js File 16.31 KB 0644
wp-plupload.min.js File 5.89 KB 0644