* Miscellaneous utility functions.
class ameUtils {
* HTML tags allowed in WP_Error messages and titles.
* This is based on the default list of allowed tags in /wp-includes/kses.php.
const ALLOWED_WP_ERROR_TAGS = array(
'abbr' => array(
'title' => true,
'acronym' => array(
'title' => true,
'b' => array(),
'blockquote' => array(
'cite' => true,
'cite' => array(),
'code' => array(),
'del' => array(
'datetime' => true,
'em' => array(),
'i' => array(),
'q' => array(
'cite' => true,
's' => array(),
'strong' => array(),
* Get a value from a nested array or object based on a path.
* @param array|object $array Get an entry from this array.
* @param array|string $path A list of array keys in hierarchy order, or a string path like "foo.bar.baz".
* @param mixed $default The value to return if the specified path is not found. Defaults to NULL.
* @param string $separator Path element separator. Only applies to string paths.
* @return mixed
public static function get($array, $path, $default = null, $separator = '.') {
if ( is_string($path) ) {
$path = explode($separator, $path);
if ( empty($path) ) {
return $default;
//Follow the $path into $input as far as possible.
$currentValue = $array;
$pathExists = true;
foreach ($path as $node) {
if ( ($currentValue instanceof ArrayAccess) && $currentValue->offsetExists($node) ) {
$currentValue = $currentValue[$node];
} else if ( is_array($currentValue) && array_key_exists($node, $currentValue) ) {
$currentValue = $currentValue[$node];
} else if ( is_object($currentValue) && property_exists($currentValue, $node) ) {
$currentValue = $currentValue->$node;
} else {
$pathExists = false;
if ( $pathExists ) {
return $currentValue;
return $default;
* Get the first non-root directory from a path.
* Examples:
* "foo/bar" => "foo"
* "/foo/bar/baz.txt" => "foo"
* "bar" => null
* "baz/" => "baz"
* "/" => null
* @param string $fileName
* @return string|null
public static function getFirstDirectory($fileName) {
$fileName = ltrim($fileName, '/');
$segments = explode('/', $fileName, 2);
if ( (count($segments) > 1) && ($segments[0] !== '') ) {
return $segments[0];
return null;
* Capitalize the first character of every word. Supports UTF-8.
* @param string $input
* @return string
public static function ucWords($input) {
static $hasUnicodeSupport = null, $charset = 'UTF-8';
if ( $hasUnicodeSupport === null ) {
//We need the mbstring extension and PCRE UTF-8 support.
$hasUnicodeSupport = function_exists('mb_list_encodings')
&& (@preg_match('/\pL/u', 'a') === 1)
&& function_exists('get_bloginfo');
if ( $hasUnicodeSupport ) {
//Technically, the encoding can change if something switches WP to a different site
//in the middle of a request, but we'll ignore that possibility.
$charset = get_bloginfo('charset');
$hasUnicodeSupport = in_array($charset, mb_list_encodings()) && ($charset === 'UTF-8');
if ( $hasUnicodeSupport ) {
$totalLength = mb_strlen($input);
$words = preg_split('/([\s\-_]++)/u', $input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$output = array();
foreach ($words as $word) {
$firstCharacter = mb_substr($word, 0, 1, $charset);
//In old PHP versions, you must specify a non-null length to get the rest of the string.
$remainder = mb_substr($word, 1, $totalLength, $charset);
$output[] = mb_strtoupper($firstCharacter, $charset) . $remainder;
return implode('', $output);
return ucwords($input);
* Check if two arrays have the same keys and values. Arrays with string keys
* or mixed keys can be in different order and still be considered "equal".
* @param array $a
* @param array $b
* @return bool
public static function areAssocArraysEqual($a, $b) {
$secondArraySize = count($b);
if ( count($a) !== $secondArraySize ) {
return false;
$sameItems = array_intersect_assoc($a, $b);
return count($sameItems) === $secondArraySize;
* Escape a WP_Error object for passing it to wp_die().
* Converts special characters in error messages to HTML entities.
* Returns a new WP_Error instance. Does not modify the input object.
* @param WP_Error $error
* @return WP_Error New WP_Error instance.
public static function escapeWpError($error) {
return self::copyErrorWithFilter($error, 'esc_html');
* Strip disallowed HTML from a WP_Error object.
* @param WP_Error $error
* @return WP_Error New WP_Error instance.
public static function ksesWpError($error) {
return self::copyErrorWithFilter($error, array(__CLASS__, 'ksesCallbackForErrors'));
protected static function ksesCallbackForErrors($message) {
return wp_kses($message, self::ALLOWED_WP_ERROR_TAGS);
* Copy a WP_Error object and apply a filter callback to each message.
* Also, if an error has a data item that's an array with a 'title' key,
* this escapes HTML in the title.
* @param \WP_Error $error
* @param callable $callback
* @return \WP_Error
protected static function copyErrorWithFilter($error, $callback) {
$result = new WP_Error();
$canGetAllData = method_exists($error, 'get_all_error_data'); //WP 5.6+
foreach ($error->get_error_codes() as $code) {
foreach ($error->get_error_messages($code) as $message) {
$result->add($code, call_user_func($callback, $message));
if ( $canGetAllData ) {
$dataItems = $error->get_all_error_data($code);
} else {
$data = $error->get_error_data($code);
if ( $data !== null ) {
$dataItems = array($data);
} else {
$dataItems = array();
foreach ($dataItems as $data) {
//Page titles should never contain unescaped HTML tags.
//As of this writing, this plugin doesn't put titles in error data,
//but other code might, and wp_die() supports it.
if ( isset($data['title']) ) {
$data['title'] = esc_html($data['title']);
$result->add_data($data, $code);
return $result;
* Get the first element of an iterable collection.
* @param iterable $collection Array, Traversable, Generator, etc.
* @param mixed $defaultValue Value to return if the collection is empty.
* @return mixed
public static function getFirstItem($collection, $defaultValue = null) {
foreach ($collection as $value) {
return $value;
return $defaultValue;
* Get the first key of an iterable collection.
* @param iterable $collection
* @param iterable $defaultValue
* @return int|string|null
public static function getFirstKey($collection, $defaultValue = null) {
foreach ($collection as $key => $value) {
return $key;
return $defaultValue;
* Send HTTP caching headers.
* @param int|null $lastModified Unix timestamp for the last modification time.
* @param int $cacheLifetime Cache lifetime in seconds.
* @return bool True if the response body should be omitted because an If-Modified-Since header
* was sent and the resource hasn't changed.
public static function sendCachingHeaders($lastModified, $cacheLifetime = 30 * 24 * 3600) {
//Support the If-Modified-Since header.
$omitResponseBody = false;
if (
) {
//strtotime() should be able to handle invalid strings safely.
//phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
$threshold = strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']);
if ( $threshold >= $lastModified ) {
header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
$omitResponseBody = true;
//Enable browser caching.
//Note that admin-ajax.php always adds HTTP headers that prevent caching, so we will
//override all of them even though we don't actually need some of them, like "Expires".
if ( !empty($lastModified) ) {
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s ', $lastModified) . 'GMT');
$expires = !empty($lastModified) ? ($lastModified + $cacheLifetime) : (time() + $cacheLifetime);
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s ', $expires) . 'GMT');
header('Cache-Control: public, max-age=' . $cacheLifetime);
return $omitResponseBody;
* Pass through the selected actor from the request to the new query parameters.
* @param array $outputQueryParams Array of query params, usually for a redirect URL.
* @param array|null $inputRequestParams Array of form fields from the current request. Defaults to $_POST.
* @param array|null $queryParameterName Name of the input field/parameter to use.
* @return array Modified $outputQueryParams.
public static function withSelectedActor(
$inputRequestParams = null,
$queryParameterName = 'selected_actor'
) {
if ( $inputRequestParams === null ) {
//This is a utility method; the caller is responsible for nonce verification.
//phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
$inputRequestParams = $_POST;
if ( !isset($inputRequestParams[$queryParameterName]) ) {
return $outputQueryParams;
$selectedActor = $inputRequestParams[$queryParameterName];
//Basic actor ID validation.
$isValid =
&& (strlen($selectedActor) <= 200)
&& (
($selectedActor === 'special:super_admin')
|| preg_match('/^(role|user):[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $selectedActor)
if ( $isValid ) {
$outputQueryParams['selected_actor'] = $selectedActor;
return $outputQueryParams;
* Check if a string starts with a specific substring.
* @param string $haystack
* @param string $needle
* @return bool
public static function stringStartsWith($haystack, $needle) {
return (substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)) === $needle);
* @see ameUtils::escapeWpError
* This function exists because the "EscapeOutput" sniff in the WordPress coding standards
* doesn't understand class methods.
* @param \WP_Error $error
* @return \WP_Error
function wsAmeEscapeWpError($error) {
return ameUtils::escapeWpError($error);
class ameFileLock {
protected $fileName;
protected $handle = null;
public function __construct($fileName) {
$this->fileName = $fileName;
//fopen() and flock() should be fine here because we only need read permissions.
//phpcs:disable WordPressVIPMinimum.Functions.RestrictedFunctions.file_ops_flock,WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_read_fopen
public function acquire($timeout = null) {
if ( $this->handle !== null ) {
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot acquire a lock that is already held.');
if ( !function_exists('flock') ) {
return false;
$this->handle = @fopen(__FILE__, 'r');
if ( !$this->handle ) {
$this->handle = null;
return false;
$success = @flock($this->handle, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB, $wouldBlock);
if ( !$success && $wouldBlock && ($timeout !== null) ) {
$timeout = max(min($timeout, 0.1), 600);
$endTime = microtime(true) + $timeout;
//Wait for a short, random time and try again.
do {
$canWaitMore = $this->waitRandom($endTime);
$success = @flock($this->handle, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB, $wouldBlock);
} while (!$success && $wouldBlock && $canWaitMore);
if ( !$success ) {
$this->handle = null;
return false;
return true;
public function release() {
if ( $this->handle !== null ) {
@flock($this->handle, LOCK_UN);
$this->handle = null;
* Wait for a random interval without going over $endTime.
* @param float|int $endTime Unix timestamp.
* @return bool TRUE if there's still time until $endTime, FALSE otherwise.
protected function waitRandom($endTime) {
$now = microtime(true);
if ( $now >= $endTime ) {
return false;
$delayMs = wp_rand(80, 300);
$remainingTimeMs = ($endTime - $now) * 1000;
if ( $delayMs < $remainingTimeMs ) {
usleep($delayMs * 1000);
return true;
} else {
usleep($remainingTimeMs * 1000);
return false;
public static function create($fileName) {
return new self($fileName);
public function __destruct() {
class ameOrderedMap implements Iterator, Countable {
* @var ameLinkedListNode[]
private $nodesByKey = array();
* @var ameLinkedListNode|null
private $head = null;
* @var ameLinkedListNode|null
private $tail = null;
* @var ameLinkedListNode|null
private $currentNode = null;
* @param array $items
* @return $this
public function addAll($items) {
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
$this->set($key, $item);
return $this;
* @param string $previousKey
* @param array $items
* @return $this
public function insertAllAfter($previousKey, $items) {
if ( !isset($this->nodesByKey[$previousKey]) ) {
return $this->addAll($items);
$previousNode = $this->nodesByKey[$previousKey];
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
if ( isset($this->nodesByKey[$key]) ) {
$node = $this->nodesByKey[$key];
} else {
$node = new ameLinkedListNode($value, $key);
$this->nodesByKey[$key] = $node;
$this->insertNodeAfter($previousNode, $node);
$previousNode = $node;
return $this;
* @param string $previousKey
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $item
* @return $this
public function insertAfter($previousKey, $key, $item) {
return $this->insertAllAfter($previousKey, array($key => $item));
private function insertNodeAfter($previousNode, $newNode) {
$newNode->previous = $previousNode;
$newNode->next = $previousNode->next;
if ( $newNode->next !== null ) {
$newNode->next->previous = $newNode;
$previousNode->next = $newNode;
if ( $this->tail === $previousNode ) {
$this->tail = $newNode;
* @param string $nextKey
* @param string $key
* @param $item
* @return $this
public function insertBefore($nextKey, $key, $item) {
if ( !isset($this->nodesByKey[$nextKey]) ) {
return $this->set($key, $item);
$nextNode = $this->nodesByKey[$nextKey];
$previousNode = $nextNode->previous;
if ( isset($this->nodesByKey[$key]) ) {
$node = $this->nodesByKey[$key];
} else {
$node = new ameLinkedListNode($item, $key);
$this->nodesByKey[$key] = $node;
$node->next = $nextNode;
$node->previous = $previousNode;
$nextNode->previous = $node;
if ( $previousNode !== null ) {
$previousNode->next = $node;
if ( $this->head === $nextNode ) {
$this->head = $node;
return $this;
public function set($key, $item) {
if ( isset($this->nodesByKey[$key]) ) {
$this->nodesByKey[$key]->value = $item;
} else {
$this->append($key, $item);
return $this;
private function append($key, $item) {
$node = new ameLinkedListNode($item, $key);
$this->nodesByKey[$key] = $node;
if ( $this->tail === null ) {
$this->head = $node;
$this->tail = $node;
} else {
$this->insertNodeAfter($this->tail, $node);
$this->tail = $node;
return $this;
public function current() {
return $this->currentNode->value;
public function next() {
if ( $this->currentNode !== null ) {
$this->currentNode = $this->currentNode->next;
public function key() {
return $this->currentNode->key;
public function valid() {
return ($this->currentNode !== null);
public function rewind() {
$this->currentNode = $this->head;
public function count() {
return count($this->nodesByKey);
* Filter the map using a callback function.
* Returns a new map that contains only the items for which the callback function returns a truthy value.
* @param callable $predicate
* @return ameOrderedMap
public function filter($predicate) {
$result = new self();
foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
if ( call_user_func($predicate, $value, $key) ) {
$result->append($key, $value);
return $result;
class ameLinkedListNode {
* @var string
public $key;
* @var mixed
public $value;
* @var self|null
public $next = null;
* @var self|null
public $previous = null;
public function __construct($value, $key = '') {
$this->value = $value;
$this->key = $key;
class ameMultiDictionary {
const PATH_SEPARATOR = '.';
const MAX_PATH_DEPTH = 64;
* Get a value from an array or object using a path.
* Supports multidimensional/nested arrays and objects.
* @param array|object $collection
* @param string|string[] $path
* @param mixed $defaultValue
* @param string $separator
* @return mixed|null The value at the specified path, or the default value
* if the path does not exist.
public static function get($collection, $path, $defaultValue = null, $separator = self::PATH_SEPARATOR) {
$path = self::parsePath($path, $separator);
if ( empty($path) ) {
return $collection;
//Follow the $path into the $collection as far as possible.
$currentValue = $collection;
$pathExists = true;
foreach ($path as $key) {
if ( ($currentValue instanceof ArrayAccess) && $currentValue->offsetExists($key) ) {
//Caution: offsetExists() may return false if the key exists but is null.
$currentValue = $currentValue[$key];
} else if ( is_array($currentValue) && array_key_exists($key, $currentValue) ) {
$currentValue = $currentValue[$key];
} else if ( is_object($currentValue) && property_exists($currentValue, $key) ) {
$currentValue = $currentValue->{$key};
} else {
$pathExists = false;
if ( $pathExists ) {
return $currentValue;
return $defaultValue;
public static function set(
$createArrays = true,
$overwriteScalars = false,
$separator = self::PATH_SEPARATOR
) {
$path = self::parsePath($path, $separator);
if ( empty($path) ) {
//An empty path doesn't make sense, we can't replace the collection itself.
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot set a value because the path is empty.');
if ( !self::isCollection($collection) ) {
//The collection is not an array or an object, so we can't set a value in it.
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Collection must be an array or an object.');
$lastKey = array_pop($path);
if ( empty($path) ) {
$target = &$collection;
} else {
$target = &self::acquireNestedCollection(
if ( $target === null ) {
return false;
if ( is_array($target) || ($target instanceof ArrayAccess) ) {
$target[$lastKey] = $value;
} else if ( is_object($target) ) {
$target->{$lastKey} = $value;
return true;
public static function delete(&$collection, $path, $separator = self::PATH_SEPARATOR) {
$path = self::parsePath($path, $separator);
if ( empty($path) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot delete an item because the path is empty.');
if ( !self::isCollection($collection) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Collection must be an array or an object.');
$lastKey = array_pop($path);
$target = &self::acquireNestedCollection($collection, $path, false);
if ( $target !== null ) {
if ( is_array($target) || ($target instanceof ArrayAccess) ) {
} else if ( is_object($target) ) {
public static function parsePath($path, $separator = self::PATH_SEPARATOR) {
if ( is_array($path) ) {
return $path;
} else if ( ($path === '') || ($path === $separator) ) {
return array();
return explode($separator, $path, self::MAX_PATH_DEPTH);
* @param array $prefix
* @param string|array $path
* @return array
public static function addPrefixToPath($prefix, $path, $separator = self::PATH_SEPARATOR) {
return array_merge($prefix, self::parsePath($path, $separator));
protected static function isCollection($collection) {
return is_array($collection) || is_object($collection);
protected static function &acquireNestedCollection(
$createArrays = true,
$overwriteScalars = false
) {
$current = &$collection;
$notFound = null;
$previousNode = null;
$previousKey = null;
foreach ($parsedPath as $key) {
//The array and object branches are functionally identical,
//but they must be separated due to syntax differences.
if ( is_array($current) || ($current instanceof ArrayAccess) ) {
if ( !isset($current[$key]) ) {
if ( $createArrays ) {
$current[$key] = array();
} else {
return $notFound;
$current = &$current[$key];
} else if ( is_object($current) ) {
if ( !isset($current->{$key}) ) {
if ( $createArrays ) {
$current->{$key} = array();
} else {
return $notFound;
$current = &$current->{$key};
//Overwrite scalar values with associative arrays if necessary.
if ( !is_array($current) && !is_object($current) ) {
if ( $overwriteScalars && ($previousNode !== null) ) {
if ( is_array($previousNode) || ($previousNode instanceof ArrayAccess) ) {
$previousNode[$previousKey] = array();
} else if ( is_object($previousNode) ) {
$previousNode->{$previousKey} = array();
$current = &$previousNode[$previousKey];
} else {
return $notFound;
$previousNode = &$current;
$previousKey = $key;
return $current;