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///<reference path="knockout.d.ts"/>

type AmeDictionary<T> = Record<string, T>;

// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
type KeysMatchingType<T, V> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends V ? K : never }[keyof T];

type AmeCssBorderStyle = 'none' | 'solid' | 'dashed' | 'dotted' | 'double' | 'groove' | 'ridge' | 'outset';

interface AmeCssBorderSettings {
	style: AmeCssBorderStyle;
	color: string;
	width: number;

type AmeObservablePropertiesOf<T> = {
	[P in keyof T]: KnockoutObservable<T[P]>;

type AmeRecursiveObservablePropertiesOf<T> = {
	[P in keyof T]: T[P] extends object ? AmeRecursiveObservablePropertiesOf<T[P]> : KnockoutObservable<T[P]>;

type Constructor<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;

type WithRequiredKey<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & Required<Pick<T, K>>;

interface JQuery {
	//My jQuery typings are out of date, and are missing this signature for the "off" method
	//where the callback takes additional arguments.
	off(events: string, handler: (eventObject: JQueryEventObject, ...args: any[]) => any): JQuery;

 * Partial type definition for the WordPress "wp" global.
 * Sure would be nice if WordPress provided this.
interface AmePartialWpGlobal {
	codeEditor: {
		//See /wp-admin/js/code-editor.js for basic method documentation.
		initialize: (textarea: string|JQuery|Element, options: object) => any;
	media: {
		(attributes: {
			button: { text: string };
			library: { type: string };
			multiple: boolean;
			title: string
		}): any;

		attachment(id: number): any;
	editor: {
		remove: (id: string) => void;
		initialize: (id: string, settings: Partial<WpEditorInitSettings>) => any;
	hooks: {
		addFilter: (filterName: string, namespace: string, callback: (value: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => unknown, priority?: number) => void;
		addAction: (actionName: string, namespace: string, callback: (...args: unknown[]) => unknown, priority?: number) => void;
		removeFilter: (filterName: string, namespace: string) => void;
		removeAction: (actionName: string, namespace: string) => void;
		applyFilters: (filterName: string, value: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => unknown;
		doAction: (actionName: string, ...args: unknown[]) => void;

declare const wp: AmePartialWpGlobal;

 * Incomplete type definition for the settings object that can be passed to wp.editor.initialize().
interface WpEditorInitSettings {
	tinymce: boolean | {
		wpautop: boolean;
		toolbar1?: string,
		toolbar2?: string,
		toolbar3?: string,
		toolbar4?: string,
	quicktags: boolean | {
		buttons?: string;
	mediaButtons: boolean;

 * Webpack will replace this with a boolean literal. Note that
 * when not using Webpack, it will be undefined, so a typeof check
 * is recommended.
declare const AME_IS_PRODUCTION: boolean;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
actor-manager.js File 32.62 KB 0644
actor-manager.js.map File 24.64 KB 0644
actor-manager.ts File 32.81 KB 0644
admin-helpers.js File 2.78 KB 0644
common.d.ts File 2.72 KB 0644
jquery-json.d.ts File 109 B 0644
jquery.biscuit.d.ts File 455 B 0644
jquery.biscuit.js File 5.37 KB 0644
jquery.color.d.ts File 5.06 KB 0644
jquery.d.ts File 146.39 KB 0644
jquery.form.d.ts File 804 B 0644
jquery.form.js File 40.93 KB 0644
jquery.json.js File 5.13 KB 0644
jquery.qtip.js File 100.34 KB 0644
jquery.qtip.min.js File 43.23 KB 0644
jquery.sort.js File 1.92 KB 0644
jqueryui.d.ts File 77.89 KB 0644
knockout-sortable.js File 22.49 KB 0644
knockout.d.ts File 42.65 KB 0644
knockout.js File 66.65 KB 0644
lazyload.d.ts File 10.2 KB 0644
lazyload.min.js File 8.1 KB 0644
lodash4.min.js File 71.54 KB 0644
menu-editor.d.ts File 662 B 0644
menu-editor.js File 185.29 KB 0644
menu-highlight-fix.js File 11.12 KB 0644
mini-func.js File 4.75 KB 0644
mini-func.js.map File 4.1 KB 0644
mini-func.ts File 5.02 KB 0644
tab-utils.js File 2.25 KB 0644