//(c) W-Shadow
/*global wsEditorData, defaultMenu, customMenu, _:false */
* @property wsEditorData
* @property {boolean} wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro
* @property {object} wsEditorData.blankMenuItem
* @property {object} wsEditorData.itemTemplates
* @property {object} wsEditorData.customItemTemplate
* @property {string} wsEditorData.adminAjaxUrl
* @property {string} wsEditorData.imagesUrl
* @property {string} wsEditorData.menuFormatName
* @property {string} wsEditorData.menuFormatVersion
* @property {boolean} wsEditorData.hideAdvancedSettings
* @property {boolean} wsEditorData.showExtraIcons
* @property {boolean} wsEditorData.dashiconsAvailable
* @property {string} wsEditorData.submenuIconsEnabled
* @property {Object} wsEditorData.showHints
* @property {string} wsEditorData.hideHintNonce
* @property {string} wsEditorData.hideAdvancedSettingsNonce
* @property {string} wsEditorData.getPagesNonce
* @property {string} wsEditorData.getPageDetailsNonce
* @property {string} wsEditorData.disableDashboardConfirmationNonce
* @property {string} wsEditorData.captionShowAdvanced
* @property {string} wsEditorData.captionHideAdvanced
* @property {string} wsEditorData.unclickableTemplateId
* @property {string} wsEditorData.unclickableTemplateClass
* @property {string} wsEditorData.embeddedPageTemplateId
* @property {string} wsEditorData.currentUserLogin
* @property {string|null} wsEditorData.selectedActor
* @property {object} wsEditorData.actors
* @property {string[]} wsEditorData.visibleUsers
* @property {object} wsEditorData.postTypes
* @property {object} wsEditorData.taxonomies
* @property {string|null} wsEditorData.selectedMenu
* @property {string|null} wsEditorData.selectedSubmenu
* @property {string} wsEditorData.setTestConfigurationNonce
* @property {string} wsEditorData.testAccessNonce
* @property {string|null} wsEditorData.deepNestingEnabled
* @property {object} wsEditorData.auxDataConfig
* @property {boolean} wsEditorData.isDemoMode
* @property {boolean} wsEditorData.isMasterMode
wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro = !!wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro; //Cast to boolean.
var wsIdCounter = 0;
//A bit of black magic/hack to convince my IDE that wsAmeLodash is an alias for lodash.
window.wsAmeLodash = (function() {
'use strict';
if (typeof wsAmeLodash !== 'undefined') {
return wsAmeLodash;
return _.noConflict();
//These two properties must be objects, not arrays.
jQuery.each(['grant_access', 'hidden_from_actor'], function(unused, key) {
'use strict';
if (wsEditorData.blankMenuItem.hasOwnProperty(key) && !jQuery.isPlainObject(wsEditorData.blankMenuItem[key])) {
wsEditorData.blankMenuItem[key] = {};
AmeCapabilityManager = AmeActors;
* A utility for retrieving post and page titles.
var AmePageTitles = (function($) {
'use strict';
var me = {}, cache = {};
function getCacheKey(pageId, blogId) {
return blogId + '_' + pageId;
* Add a page title to the cache.
* @param {Number} pageId Post or page ID.
* @param {Number} blogId Blog ID.
* @param {String} title The title of the post or page.
me.add = function(pageId, blogId, title) {
cache[getCacheKey(pageId, blogId)] = title;
* Get page title.
* Note: This method does not return the title. Instead, it calls the provided callback with the title
* as the first argument. The callback will be executed asynchronously if the title hasn't been cached yet.
* @param {Number} pageId
* @param {Number} blogId
* @param {Function} callback
me.get = function(pageId, blogId, callback) {
var key = getCacheKey(pageId, blogId);
if (typeof cache[key] !== 'undefined') {
callback(cache[key], pageId, blogId);
'action' : 'ws_ame_get_page_details',
'_ajax_nonce' : wsEditorData.getPageDetailsNonce,
'post_id' : pageId,
'blog_id' : blogId
function(details) {
var title;
if (typeof details.error !== 'undefined'){
title = details.error;
} else if ((typeof details !== 'object') || (typeof details.post_title === 'undefined')) {
title = '< Server error >';
} else {
title = details.post_title;
cache[key] = title;
callback(cache[key], pageId, blogId);
return me;
var AmeEditorApi = {};
window.AmeEditorApi = AmeEditorApi;
(function ($, _){
'use strict';
var actorSelectorWidget = new AmeActorSelector(AmeActors, wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro);
AmeEditorApi.actorSelectorWidget = actorSelectorWidget;
var itemTemplates = {
templates: wsEditorData.itemTemplates,
getTemplateById: function(templateId) {
if (wsEditorData.itemTemplates.hasOwnProperty(templateId)) {
return wsEditorData.itemTemplates[templateId];
} else if ((templateId === '') || (templateId === 'custom')) {
return wsEditorData.customItemTemplate;
return null;
getDefaults: function (templateId) {
var template = this.getTemplateById(templateId);
if (template) {
return template.defaults;
} else {
return null;
getDefaultValue: function (templateId, fieldName) {
if (fieldName === 'template_id') {
return null;
var defaults = this.getDefaults(templateId);
if (defaults && (typeof defaults[fieldName] !== 'undefined')) {
return defaults[fieldName];
return null;
hasDefaultValue: function(templateId, fieldName) {
return (this.getDefaultValue(templateId, fieldName) !== null);
* @type {AmeMenuPresenter}
let menuPresenter;
* Set an input field to a value. The only difference from jQuery.val() is that
* setting a checkbox to true/false will check/clear it.
* @param input
* @param value
function setInputValue(input, value) {
if (input.attr('type') === 'checkbox'){
input.prop('checked', value);
} else {
* Get the value of an input field. The only difference from jQuery.val() is that
* checked/unchecked checkboxes will return true/false.
* @param input
* @return {*}
function getInputValue(input) {
if (input.attr('type') === 'checkbox'){
return input.is(':checked');
return input.val();
* Utility function for generating pseudo-random alphanumeric menu IDs.
* Rationale: Simpler than atomically auto-incrementing or globally unique IDs.
function randomMenuId(prefix, size){
prefix = (typeof prefix === 'undefined') ? 'custom_item_' : prefix;
size = (typeof size === 'undefined') ? 5 : size;
var suffix = "";
var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
for( var i=0; i < size; i++ ) {
suffix += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return prefix + suffix;
AmeEditorApi.randomMenuId = randomMenuId;
function outputWpMenu(menu){
const menuCopy = $.extend(true, {}, menu);
//Remove the current menu data
//Display the new menu
const firstColumn = menuPresenter.getColumnImmediate(1);
const itemList = firstColumn.getVisibleItemList();
for (let filename in menuCopy){
if (!menuCopy.hasOwnProperty(filename)){
firstColumn.outputItem(menuCopy[filename], null, itemList);
//Automatically select the first top-level menu
if (itemList) {
* Load a menu configuration in the editor.
* Note: All previous settings will be discarded without warning. Unsaved changes will be lost.
* @param {Object} adminMenu The menu structure to load.
function loadMenuConfiguration(adminMenu) {
//There are some menu properties that need to be objects, but PHP JSON-encodes empty associative
//arrays as numeric arrays. We want them to be empty objects instead.
if (adminMenu.hasOwnProperty('color_presets') && !$.isPlainObject(adminMenu.color_presets)) {
adminMenu.color_presets = {};
var objectProperties = ['grant_access', 'hidden_from_actor'];
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
function fixEmptyObjects(unused, menuItem) {
for (var i = 0; i < objectProperties.length; i++) {
var key = objectProperties[i];
if (menuItem.hasOwnProperty(key) && !$.isPlainObject(menuItem[key])) {
menuItem[key] = {};
if (menuItem.hasOwnProperty('items')) {
$.each(menuItem.items, fixEmptyObjects);
$.each(adminMenu.tree, fixEmptyObjects);
//Load color presets from the new configuration.
if (typeof adminMenu.color_presets === 'object') {
colorPresets = $.extend(true, {}, adminMenu.color_presets);
} else {
colorPresets = {};
wasPresetDropdownPopulated = false;
//Load capabilities.
AmeCapabilityManager.setGrantedCapabilities(_.get(adminMenu, 'granted_capabilities', {}));
//Load general menu visibility.
generalComponentVisibility = _.get(adminMenu, 'component_visibility', {});
//Display the new admin menu.
$(document).trigger('menuConfigurationLoaded.adminMenuEditor', adminMenu);
* Check if it's possible to delete a menu item.
* @param {JQuery} containerNode
* @returns {boolean}
function canDeleteItem(containerNode) {
if (!containerNode || (containerNode.length < 1)) {
return false;
var menuItem = containerNode.data('menu_item');
var isDefaultItem =
( menuItem.template_id !== '')
&& ( menuItem.template_id !== wsEditorData.unclickableTemplateId)
&& ( menuItem.template_id !== wsEditorData.embeddedPageTemplateId)
&& (!menuItem.separator);
var otherCopiesExist = false;
if (isDefaultItem) {
//Check if there are any other menus with the same template ID.
$('#ws_menu_editor').find('.ws_container').each(function() {
var otherItem = $(this).data('menu_item');
if ((menuItem !== otherItem) && (menuItem.template_id === otherItem.template_id)) {
otherCopiesExist = true;
return false;
return true;
return (!isDefaultItem || otherCopiesExist);
* Get or create the submenu container of a menu item.
* @param {JQuery|null} container
* @param {AmeEditorColumn} [nextColumn]
* @return {JQuery|null}
function getSubmenuOf(container, nextColumn) {
if (!container || (container.length < 1)) {
return null;
const submenuId = container.data('submenu_id');
if (submenuId) {
let $submenu = $('#' + submenuId).first();
if ($submenu.length > 0) {
return $submenu;
//If a submenu doesn't exist yet, create it in the next column.
if (nextColumn) {
return createSubmenuFor(container, nextColumn);
} else {
return null;
* Create a submenu container for a menu item.
* @param {JQuery} container
* @param {AmeEditorColumn} nextColumn
* @return {JQuery}
function createSubmenuFor(container, nextColumn) {
const $submenu = nextColumn.buildSubmenuContainer(container.attr('id'));
container.data('submenu_id', $submenu.attr('id'))
return $submenu;
* @param {Number} level
* @param {JQuery|null} predecessor
* @param {JQuery|null} [container]
* @param {Function} [getNextColumn]
* @constructor
function AmeEditorColumn(level, predecessor, container, getNextColumn) {
const self = this;
this.level = level;
this.usesSubmenuContainers = (this.level > 1);
if ((typeof container === 'undefined') || (container === null)) {
container = $('#ame-submenu-column-template').first().clone();
container.attr('id', '');
container.find('.ws_box').first().attr('id', '');
container.data('ame-menu-level', level);
container.addClass('ame-editor-column-' + level);
this.container = container;
this.menuBox = container.find('.ws_box').first();
this.dropZone = container.children('.ws_dropzone').first();
this.visibleItemList = null;
if (!this.usesSubmenuContainers) {
if (typeof getNextColumn !== 'undefined') {
this.getNextColumn = getNextColumn;
} else {
this.getNextColumn = function(callback) {
this.container.children('.ws_toolbar').on('click', '.ws_button', function() {
const $button = $(this);
let buttonAction = $button.data('ame-button-action') || 'unknown';
let selectedItem = self.getSelectedItem();
'adminMenuEditor:action-' + buttonAction,
[(selectedItem.length > 0) ? selectedItem : null, self, $button]
return false;
* Create editor widgets for a menu item and its submenus.
* @param {Object} itemData An object containing menu data.
* @param {JQuery|null|number} [insertPosition] Insert the widget after this node. If it's NULL, the widget
* will be added to the end fo the list. If it's -1, the widget will be added to the beginning.
* @param {JQuery} [itemList] The container where to insert the widget. Defaults to the currently
* visible item list. For columns that don't use submenu containers, it's always the menuBox.
* @return {Object} Object with two fields - 'menu' and 'submenu' - containing the jQuery objects
* of the created widgets.
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.outputItem = function(itemData, insertPosition, itemList) {
if (!itemList) {
itemList = this.getVisibleItemList();
const self = this;
//Create the menu widget
const isTopLevel = this.level <= 1;
const $item = buildMenuItem(itemData, isTopLevel);
if (typeof insertPosition === 'undefined') {
insertPosition = null;
if (insertPosition === null) {
} else if (insertPosition === -1) {
} else {
//phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.HTMLExecutingFunctions -- buildMenuItem() should be safe.
const children = (typeof itemData.items !== 'undefined') ? itemData.items : [];
const hasChildren = !_.isEmpty(children);
let $submenu = null;
* @param {AmeEditorColumn|null} nextColumn
function (nextColumn) {
if (nextColumn) {
//Create a submenu container even if this item doesn't have children.
//The user could add submenu items later.
$submenu = createSubmenuFor($item, nextColumn);
//Output children.
if (hasChildren) {
$.each(children, function (index, item) {
nextColumn.outputItem(item, null, $submenu);
} else {
//TODO: This branch could be optimized by letting the recursive outputItem call know that there is no next column.
//There is no next column, so any submenu items that belong to this item will be
//displayed in the same column, below the item.
if (hasChildren) {
let $previousItem = $item;
$.each(children, function (index, child) {
const result = self.outputItem(child, $previousItem, itemList);
if (result && result.menu) {
$previousItem = result.menu;
//Note: Update the menu only after its children are ready. It needs the submenu items to decide
//whether to display the access checkbox as checked or indeterminate.
//Note that $submenu could still be NULL at this point if the "get next column" callback
//is called asynchronously.
return {
'menu': $item,
'submenu': $submenu
* Paste a menu item in this column.
* @param {Object} item
* @param {JQuery|null|number} [insertPosition] Defaults to inserting the item below the current selection.
* Set to NULL to paste at the end of the list, or -1 to paste at the beginning.
* @param {JQuery} [itemList]
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.pasteItem = function (item, insertPosition, itemList) {
if (typeof insertPosition === 'undefined') {
insertPosition = this.getSelectedItem();
if (insertPosition.length < 1) {
insertPosition = null;
if (!itemList) {
itemList = this.getVisibleItemList();
//The user shouldn't need to worry about giving separators a unique filename.
if (item.separator) {
item.defaults.file = randomMenuId('separator_');
//If we're pasting from a sub-menu into the top level, we may need to fix some properties
//that are blank for sub-menu items but required for top level menus.
const isTopLevel = this.level <= 1;
if (isTopLevel) {
function isNonEmptyString(value) {
return (typeof value === 'string') && (value !== '');
if (!isNonEmptyString(getFieldValue(item, 'css_class', ''))) {
item.css_class = 'menu-top';
if (!isNonEmptyString(getFieldValue(item, 'icon_url', ''))) {
item.icon_url = 'dashicons-admin-generic';
if (!isNonEmptyString(getFieldValue(item, 'hookname', ''))) {
item.hookname = randomMenuId();
const result = this.outputItem(item, insertPosition, itemList);
if (this.level > 1) {
return result;
* @return {JQuery|null}
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.getVisibleItemList = function() {
if (this.usesSubmenuContainers) {
if (this.visibleItemList) {
return this.visibleItemList;
const $list = this.menuBox.children('.ws_submenu:visible').first().addClass('ame-visible-item-list');
if ($list && ($list.length > 0)) {
this.visibleItemList = $list;
return $list;
} else {
return this.menuBox;
* @param {JQuery|null} $submenu
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.setVisibleItemList = function($submenu) {
//Do nothing if the new list is the same as the old one.
if (($submenu === this.visibleItemList) || ($submenu && ($submenu.is(this.visibleItemList)))) {
if (this.visibleItemList) {
this.visibleItemList = $submenu;
if (this.visibleItemList) {
//Each item list/submenu has its own own selected item, so switching to a different item list
//also effectively changes the selected item.
* @return {JQuery}
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.getAllItemLists = function() {
if (this.usesSubmenuContainers) {
return this.menuBox.children('.ws_submenu');
return this.menuBox;
* @return {JQuery}
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.getSelectedItem = function() {
const list = this.getVisibleItemList();
if (list && (list.length > 0)) {
return list.children('.ws_active').first();
return $([]);
* @param {JQuery} container
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.selectItem = function(container) {
if (container.hasClass('ws_active')) {
//The menu item is already selected.
//Highlight the active item and un-highlight the previous one
* @param {JQuery|null} [$item]
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.selectionHasChanged = function($item) {
if (typeof $item === 'undefined') {
$item = this.getSelectedItem();
if (!$item || ($item.length < 1)) {
$item = null;
//Make the "delete" button appear disabled if you can't delete this item.
this.container.find('.ws_toolbar .ws_delete_menu_button')
.toggleClass('ws_button_disabled', !canDeleteItem($item))
const self = this;
this.getNextColumn(function(nextColumn) {
if (nextColumn) {
nextColumn.setVisibleItemList(getSubmenuOf($item, nextColumn));
if ($item) {
self.updateSubmenuBoxHeight($item, nextColumn);
}, false);
* @param {JQuery} selectedMenu
* @param {AmeEditorColumn} nextColumn
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.updateSubmenuBoxHeight = function updateSubmenuBoxHeight(selectedMenu, nextColumn) {
if (!nextColumn || (nextColumn === this)) {
let mainMenuBox = this.menuBox,
submenuBox = nextColumn.menuBox,
submenuDropZone = nextColumn.dropZone;
//Make the submenu box tall enough to reach the selected item.
//This prevents the menu tip (if any) from floating in empty space.
if (selectedMenu.hasClass('ws_menu_separator')) {
submenuBox.css('min-height', '');
} else {
var menuTipHeight = 30,
empiricalExtraHeight = 4,
verticalBoxOffset = (submenuBox.offset().top - mainMenuBox.offset().top),
minSubmenuHeight = (selectedMenu.offset().top - mainMenuBox.offset().top)
- verticalBoxOffset
+ menuTipHeight - (submenuDropZone.outerHeight() || 0) + empiricalExtraHeight;
minSubmenuHeight = Math.max(minSubmenuHeight, 0);
submenuBox.css('min-height', minSubmenuHeight);
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.buildSubmenuContainer = function(parentMenuId) {
//Create a container for menu items.
const submenu = $('<div class="ws_submenu" style="display:none;"></div>');
submenu.attr('id', 'ws-submenu-'+(wsIdCounter++));
if (parentMenuId) {
submenu.data('parent_menu_id', parentMenuId);
//Make the submenu sortable
return submenu;
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.appendSubmenuContainer = function($submenu) {
this.usesSubmenuContainers = true;
* Delete a menu item and all of its children.
* @param {JQuery} container
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.destroyItem = function(container) {
const wasSelected = container.is('.ws_active');
//Recursively destroy any submenu items.
const submenuId = container.data('submenu_id');
if (submenuId) {
const self = this;
const $submenu = $('#' + submenuId);
$submenu.children('.ws_container').each(function() {
//Destroy the item itself.
if (wasSelected) {
* Check if this column can accept a menu item that's being dragged/moved to it.
* @param {JQuery} $itemNode
* @returns {boolean}
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.canAcceptItem = function($itemNode) {
const visibleSubmenu = this.getVisibleItemList();
if (!visibleSubmenu || (visibleSubmenu.length < 1)) {
return false; //Can't move anything to a non-existent submenu.
return (
//It must actually be a menu item.
//Prevent users from dropping a parent menu on one of its own sub-menus.
&& !isParentMenuNodeOf($itemNode, visibleSubmenu)
* Remove all items and item lists from this column.
* Note: Does not remove item submenus that are in other columns.
AmeEditorColumn.prototype.reset = function() {
this.visibleItemList = null;
* @param {JQuery} editorNode
* @param {Boolean|null|string} [deepNestingEnabled]
* @param {Number} [maxLevels]
* @param {Number} [initialLevels]
* @constructor
function AmeMenuPresenter(editorNode, deepNestingEnabled, maxLevels, initialLevels ) {
const self = this;
this.editorNode = editorNode;
if (typeof deepNestingEnabled === 'string') {
deepNestingEnabled = (deepNestingEnabled === '1');
this.isDeepNestingEnabled = (typeof deepNestingEnabled !== 'undefined') ? deepNestingEnabled : null;
this.nestingQueryPromise = null;
if (typeof maxLevels === 'undefined') {
maxLevels = 3;
if (typeof initialLevels === 'undefined') {
if (this.isDeepNestingEnabled) {
//If additional levels are enabled, show the maximum number of levels.
initialLevels = maxLevels;
} else {
//WordPress only supports up to two levels by default.
initialLevels = Math.min(maxLevels, 2);
if (initialLevels > this.maxLevels) {
initialLevels = this.maxLevels;
this.maxLevels = maxLevels;
const $topLevelContainer = this.editorNode.find('#ws_menu_box').first().closest('.ws_main_container');
this.columns = [
//Empty zeroth column.
new AmeEditorColumn(0, null, $()),
//The first column contains top level menus.
new AmeEditorColumn(1, null, $topLevelContainer, makeNextColumnGetter(1))
this.currentLevels = this.columns.length - 1;
function makeNextColumnGetter(ownLevel) {
if (ownLevel >= self.maxLevels) {
//This column will never have a next column, so we can just use NULL.
return function(callback) {
return function(callback, createIfNotExists) {
self.getColumn(ownLevel + 1, callback, createIfNotExists);
* @param {Number} level
* @return {AmeEditorColumn}
function createColumn(level) {
if (level > self.maxLevels) {
throw new Error('Cannot exceed maximum nesting level: ' + self.maxLevels);
if (typeof self.columns[level] !== 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Cannot overwrite an existing column ' + level);
let predecessor;
if (typeof self.columns[level - 1] !== 'undefined') {
predecessor = self.columns[level - 1].container;
} else {
predecessor = self.columns[self.currentLevels].container;
let newColumn = new AmeEditorColumn(level, predecessor, null, makeNextColumnGetter(level));
if (level > self.currentLevels) {
self.currentLevels = level;
return newColumn;
* Can we create another column?
* @param {Number} level
* @param {Function} callback
function queryCanCreateColumn(level, callback) {
if (
(level > self.maxLevels) //Do not exceed the maximum depth.
|| (typeof self.columns[level] !== 'undefined') //Do not overwrite existing columns.
) {
//WordPress core only supports two admin menu levels. We call anything beyond that "deep".
const isDeep = (level > 2);
if (!isDeep) {
//Do we already know if we can create deeply nested menus?
if (self.isDeepNestingEnabled !== null) {
//If we're already waiting for a decision, just add another callback to the queue.
if (self.nestingQueryPromise !== null) {
self.nestingQueryPromise.always(function() {
//Let's allow other code/plugins to decide this. Scripts can add deferred objects or promises
//to an array. All deferred objects must resolve successfully to enable deep nesting.
let deferreds = [];
self.editorNode.trigger('adminMenuEditor:queryDeepNesting', [deferreds]);
if (deferreds.length > 0) {
self.nestingQueryPromise = $.when.apply($, deferreds)
.done(function() {
self.isDeepNestingEnabled = true;
.fail(function() {
self.isDeepNestingEnabled = false;
.always(function() {
} else {
//Deep nesting is disabled by default.
self.isDeepNestingEnabled = false;
* Get or create a column. The callback will be called with one argument: either the column object,
* or NULL if the column does not exist and could not be created.
* @param {Number} level
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Boolean} [createIfNotExists] Defaults to true.
this.getColumn = function(level, callback, createIfNotExists) {
if (typeof this.columns[level] !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof createIfNotExists === 'undefined') {
createIfNotExists = true;
if (createIfNotExists) {
queryCanCreateColumn(level, function (isAllowed) {
//It could be that another callback has already created the next column,
//so we need to check again if it exists.
if (typeof self.columns[level] !== 'undefined') {
} else if (isAllowed) {
} else {
} else {
* Get or create a column. Like getColumn(), but it will default to not creating deeply nested
* menu levels unless that feature is already enabled.
* @param {Number} level
* @return {AmeEditorColumn|null}
this.getColumnImmediate = function(level) {
if (typeof this.columns[level] !== 'undefined') {
return this.columns[level];
if (level > this.maxLevels) {
return null;
if ((level <= 2) || (this.isDeepNestingEnabled === true)) {
return createColumn(level);
return null;
* Get the column that contains a specific menu item or element.
* @param {JQuery} container Menu item container, or another element that's inside a column.
* @return {AmeEditorColumn|null}
this.getItemColumn = function(container) {
if (!container) {
return null;
const level = container.closest('.ws_main_container').data('ame-menu-level');
if (typeof level === 'undefined') {
return null;
return this.getColumnImmediate(level);
* Create editor widgets for a menu item and its submenus and append them all to the DOM.
* @param {Number} level
* @param {Object} itemData
* @param {JQuery} [afterNode] Insert the widget after this node.
this.outputMenuItem = function(level, itemData, afterNode) {
const column = this.getColumnImmediate(level);
return column.outputItem(itemData, afterNode);
* Select a menu item and show its submenu.
* @param {JQuery} container
this.selectItem = function(container) {
const thisColumn = this.getColumnImmediate(container.closest('.ws_main_container').data('ame-menu-level'));
if (thisColumn) {
* Delete a menu item and all of its children.
* @param {JQuery} container
this.destroyItem = function(container) {
const column = this.getItemColumn(container);
if (column) {
* Delete all items and reset all columns.
this.clear = function() {
for (let level = 0; level < this.columns.length; level++) {
if (typeof this.columns[level] !== 'undefined') {
for (let level = this.currentLevels + 1; level <= initialLevels; level++) {
* Create edit widgets for a top-level menu and its submenus and append them all to the DOM.
* Inputs :
* menu - an object containing menu data
* afterNode - if specified, the new menu widget will be inserted after this node. Otherwise,
* it will be added to the end of the list.
* Outputs :
* Object with two fields - 'menu' and 'submenu' - containing the DOM nodes of the created widgets.
function outputTopMenu(menu, afterNode){
if (!menuPresenter) {
throw new Error('outputTopMenu cannot be called before the menu presenter has been initialised.');
return menuPresenter.outputMenuItem(1, menu, afterNode);
* Create an edit widget for a menu item.
* @param {Object} itemData
* @param {Boolean} [isTopLevel] Specify if this is a top-level menu or a sub-menu item. Defaults to false (= sub-item).
* @return {*} The created widget as a jQuery object.
function buildMenuItem(itemData, isTopLevel) {
isTopLevel = (typeof isTopLevel === 'undefined') ? false : isTopLevel;
const canHaveSubmenuItems = isTopLevel && !itemData.separator;
//Create the menu HTML
var item = $('<div></div>')
.attr('class', "ws_container")
.attr('id', 'ws-menu-item-' + (wsIdCounter++))
.data('menu_item', itemData)
.data('field_editors_created', false);
item.addClass(isTopLevel ? 'ws_menu' : 'ws_item');
if ( itemData.separator ) {
//Add a header and a container for property editors (to improve performance
//the editors themselves are created later, when the user tries to access them
//for the first time).
var contents = [];
var menuTitle = getFieldValue(itemData, 'menu_title', '');
if (menuTitle === '') {
menuTitle = ' ';
'<div class="ws_item_head">',
itemData.separator ? '' : '<a class="ws_edit_link"> </a><div class="ws_flag_container"> </div>',
'<input type="checkbox" class="ws_actor_access_checkbox">',
'<span class="ws_item_title">',
' </span>',
'<div class="ws_editbox" style="display: none;"></div>'
//Apply flags based on the item's state
var flags = ['hidden', 'unused', 'custom'];
for (var i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) {
setMenuFlag(item, flags[i], getFieldValue(itemData, flags[i], false));
if ( canHaveSubmenuItems ){
//Allow the user to drag menu items to top-level menus
'hoverClass' : 'ws_menu_drop_hover',
'accept' : (function(thing){
return thing.hasClass('ws_item');
'drop' : (function(event, ui){
const column = menuPresenter.getItemColumn(item);
if (!column) {
const nextColumn = menuPresenter.getColumnImmediate(column.level + 1);
const submenu = getSubmenuOf(item, nextColumn);
if (!submenu || !nextColumn) {
const droppedItemData = readItemState(ui.draggable);
const sourceSubmenu = ui.draggable.parent();
let result = nextColumn.outputItem(droppedItemData, null, submenu);
if ( !event.ctrlKey ) {
//Moving an item can change aggregate menu permissions. Update the UI accordingly.
if (sourceSubmenu) {
return item;
function jsTrim(str){
return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
//Expose this handy tool to our other scripts.
AmeEditorApi.jsTrim = jsTrim;
function stripAllTags(input) {
//Based on: http://phpjs.org/functions/strip_tags/
var tags = /<\/?([a-z][a-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>/gi,
commentsAndPhpTags = /<!--[\s\S]*?-->|<\?(?:php)?[\s\S]*?\?>/gi;
return input.replace(commentsAndPhpTags, '').replace(tags, '');
function truncateString(input, maxLength, padding) {
if (typeof padding === 'undefined') {
padding = '';
if (input.length > maxLength) {
input = input.substring(0, maxLength - 1) + padding;
return input;
* Format menu title for display in HTML.
* Strips tags and truncates long titles.
* @param {String} title
* @returns {String}
function formatMenuTitle(title) {
title = stripAllTags(title);
//Compact whitespace.
title = title.replace(/[\s\t\r\n]+/g, ' ');
title = jsTrim(title);
//The max. length was chosen empirically.
title = truncateString(title, 34, '\u2026');
return title;
AmeEditorApi.formatMenuTitle = formatMenuTitle;
//Editor field spec template.
var baseField = {
caption : '[No caption]',
standardCaption : true,
advanced : false,
type : 'text',
defaultValue: '',
onlyForTopMenus: false,
addDropdown : false,
visible: true,
write: null,
display: null,
tooltip: null
* List of all menu fields that have an associated editor
var knownMenuFields = {
'menu_title' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption : 'Menu title',
display: function(menuItem, displayValue, input, containerNode) {
//Update the header as well.
containerNode.find('.ws_item_title').text(formatMenuTitle(displayValue) + '\xa0');
return displayValue;
write: function(menuItem, value, input, containerNode) {
menuItem.menu_title = value;
containerNode.find('.ws_item_title').text(stripAllTags(input.val()) + '\xa0');
'template_id' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption : 'Target page',
type : 'select',
options : (function(){
//Generate name => id mappings for all item templates + the special "Custom" template.
var itemTemplateIds = [];
itemTemplateIds.push([wsEditorData.customItemTemplate.name, '']);
for (var template_id in wsEditorData.itemTemplates) {
if (wsEditorData.itemTemplates.hasOwnProperty(template_id)) {
itemTemplateIds.push([wsEditorData.itemTemplates[template_id].name, template_id]);
itemTemplateIds.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a[1] === b[1]) {
return 0;
//The "Custom" item is always first.
if (a[1] === '') {
return -1;
} else if (b[1] === '') {
return 1;
//Top-level items go before submenus.
var aIsTop = (a[1].charAt(0) === '>') ? 1 : 0;
var bIsTop = (b[1].charAt(0) === '>') ? 1 : 0;
if (aIsTop !== bIsTop) {
return bIsTop - aIsTop;
//Everything else is sorted by name, in alphabetical order.
if (a[0] > b[0]) {
return 1;
} else if (a[0] < b[0]) {
return -1;
return 0;
return itemTemplateIds;
write: function(menuItem, value, input, containerNode) {
var oldTemplateId = menuItem.template_id;
menuItem.template_id = value;
menuItem.defaults = itemTemplates.getDefaults(menuItem.template_id);
menuItem.custom = (menuItem.template_id === '');
// The file/URL of non-custom items is read-only and equal to the default
// value. Rationale: simplifies menu generation, prevents some user mistakes.
if (menuItem.template_id !== '') {
menuItem.file = null;
// The new template might not have default values for some of the fields
// currently set to null (= "default"). In those cases, we need to make
// the current values explicit.
containerNode.find('.ws_edit_field').each(function(index, field){
field = $(field);
var fieldName = field.data('field_name');
var isSetToDefault = (menuItem[fieldName] === null);
var hasDefaultValue = itemTemplates.hasDefaultValue(menuItem.template_id, fieldName);
if (isSetToDefault && !hasDefaultValue) {
var oldDefaultValue = itemTemplates.getDefaultValue(oldTemplateId, fieldName);
if (oldDefaultValue !== null) {
menuItem[fieldName] = oldDefaultValue;
'embedded_page_id' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'Embedded page ID',
defaultValue: 'Select page to display',
type: 'text',
addDropdown: 'ws_embedded_page_selector',
display: function(menuItem, displayValue, input) {
input.prop('readonly', true);
var pageId = parseInt(getFieldValue(menuItem, 'embedded_page_id', 0), 10),
blogId = parseInt(getFieldValue(menuItem, 'embedded_page_blog_id', 1), 10),
formattedId = 'ID: ' + pageId;
if (pageId <= 0) {
return 'Select page =>';
if (blogId !== 1) {
formattedId = formattedId + ', blog ID: ' + blogId;
displayValue = formattedId;
AmePageTitles.get(pageId, blogId, function(title) {
//If we retrieved the title via AJAX, the user might have selected a different page in the meantime.
//Make sure it's still the same page before displaying the title.
var currentPageId = parseInt(getFieldValue(menuItem, 'embedded_page_id', 0), 10),
currentBlogId = parseInt(getFieldValue(menuItem, 'embedded_page_blog_id', 1), 10);
if ((currentPageId !== pageId) || (currentBlogId !== blogId)) {
displayValue = title + ' (' + formattedId + ')';
return displayValue;
write: function() {
//The user cannot directly edit this field. We deliberately ignore writes.
visible: function(menuItem) {
//Only show this field if the "Embed WP page" template is selected.
return (menuItem.template_id === wsEditorData.embeddedPageTemplateId);
'file' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'URL',
display: function(menuItem, displayValue, input) {
// The URL/file field is read-only for default menus. Also, since the "file"
// field is usually set to a page slug or plugin filename for plugin/hook pages,
// we display the dynamically generated "url" field here (i.e. the actual URL) instead.
if (menuItem.template_id !== '') {
input.prop('readonly', true);
displayValue = itemTemplates.getDefaultValue(menuItem.template_id, 'url');
} else {
input.prop('readonly', false);
return displayValue;
write: function(menuItem, value) {
// A menu must always have a non-empty URL. If the user deletes the current value,
// reset it to the old value.
if (value === '') {
value = menuItem.file;
// Default menus always point to the default file/URL.
if (menuItem.template_id !== '') {
value = null;
menuItem.file = value;
'access_level' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'Permissions',
defaultValue: 'read',
type: 'access_editor',
visible: false, //Will be set to visible only in Pro version.
display: function(menuItem) {
//Permissions display is a little complicated and could use improvement.
var requiredCap = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'access_level', '');
var extraCap = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'extra_capability', '');
var displayValue = (menuItem.template_id === '') ? '< Custom >' : requiredCap;
if (extraCap !== '') {
if (menuItem.template_id === '') {
displayValue = extraCap;
} else {
displayValue = displayValue + '+' + extraCap;
return displayValue;
write: function(menuItem) {
//The required capability can't be directly edited and always equals the default.
menuItem.access_level = null;
//TODO: Never save this field. It just wastes database space.
'required_capability_read_only' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'Required capability',
defaultValue: 'none',
type: 'text',
tooltip: "Only users who have this capability can see the menu. "+
"The capability can't be changed because it's usually hard-coded in WordPress or the plugin that created the menu."+
"<br><br>Use the \"Extra capability\" field to restrict access to this menu.",
visible: function(menuItem) {
//Show only in the free version, on non-custom menus.
return !wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro && (menuItem.template_id !== '');
display: function(menuItem, displayValue, input) {
input.prop('readonly', true);
return getFieldValue(menuItem, 'access_level', '');
write: function(menuItem, value) {
//The required capability is read-only. Ignore writes.
'extra_capability' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'Extra capability',
defaultValue: 'read',
type: 'text',
addDropdown: 'ws_cap_selector',
tooltip: function(menuItem) {
if (menuItem.template_id === '') {
return 'Only users who have this capability can see the menu.';
return 'An additional capability check that is applied on top of the required capability.';
display: function(menuItem) {
var requiredCap = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'access_level', '');
var extraCap = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'extra_capability', '');
//On custom menus, show the default required cap when no extra cap is selected.
//Otherwise there would be no visible capability requirements at all.
var displayValue = extraCap;
if ((menuItem.template_id === '') && (extraCap === '')) {
displayValue = requiredCap;
return displayValue;
write: function(menuItem, value) {
value = jsTrim(value);
//Reset to default if the user clears the input.
if (value === '') {
menuItem.extra_capability = null;
menuItem.extra_capability = value;
'appearance_heading' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'Appearance',
advanced : true,
onlyForTopMenus: false,
type: 'heading',
standardCaption: false,
visible: false //Only visible in the Pro version.
'icon_url' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'Icon URL',
type : 'icon_selector',
advanced : true,
defaultValue: 'div',
onlyForTopMenus: true,
display: function(menuItem, displayValue, input, containerNode) {
//Display the current icon in the selector.
var cssClass = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'css_class', '');
var iconUrl = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'icon_url', '', containerNode);
displayValue = iconUrl;
//When submenu icon visibility is set to "only if manually selected",
//don't show the default submenu icons.
var isDefault = (typeof menuItem.icon_url === 'undefined') || (menuItem.icon_url === null);
if (isDefault && (wsEditorData.submenuIconsEnabled === 'if_custom') && containerNode.hasClass('ws_item')) {
iconUrl = 'none';
cssClass = '';
var selectButton = input.closest('.ws_edit_field').find('.ws_select_icon');
var cssIcon = selectButton.find('.ws_icon_image');
var imageIcon = selectButton.find('img');
var matches = cssClass.match(/\b(ame-)?menu-icon-([^\s]+)\b/);
var iconFontMatches = iconUrl && iconUrl.match(/^\s*((dashicons|ame-fa)-[a-z0-9\-]+)/);
//Icon URL takes precedence over icon class.
if ( iconUrl && iconUrl !== 'none' && iconUrl !== 'div' && !iconFontMatches ) {
//Regular image icon.
imageIcon.prop('src', iconUrl).show();
} else if ( iconFontMatches ) {
if ( iconFontMatches[2] === 'dashicons' ) {
cssIcon.addClass('dashicons ' + iconFontMatches[1]);
} else if ( iconFontMatches[2] === 'ame-fa' ) {
//FontAwesome icon.
cssIcon.addClass('ame-fa ' + iconFontMatches[1]);
} else if ( matches ) {
//Other CSS-based icon.
var iconClass = (matches[1] ? matches[1] : '') + 'icon-' + matches[2];
cssIcon.removeClass().addClass('ws_icon_image ' + iconClass).show();
} else {
//This menu has no icon at all. This is actually a valid state
//and WordPress will display a menu like that correctly.
return displayValue;
'colors' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'Color scheme',
defaultValue: 'Default',
type: 'color_scheme_editor',
onlyForTopMenus: true,
visible: false,
advanced : true,
display: function(menuItem, displayValue, input, containerNode) {
var colors = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'colors', {}) || {};
var colorList = containerNode.find('.ws_color_scheme_display');
var count = 0, maxColorsToShow = 7;
$.each(colors, function(name, value) {
if ( !value || (count >= maxColorsToShow) ) {
$('<span></span>').addClass('ws_color_display_item').css('background-color', value)
if (count === 0) {
return 'Placeholder. You should never see this.';
write: function(menuItem) {
//Menu colors can't be directly edited.
'html_heading' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'HTML',
advanced : true,
onlyForTopMenus: true,
type: 'heading',
standardCaption: false
'open_in' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'Open in',
advanced : true,
type : 'select',
options : [
['Same window or tab', 'same_window'],
['New window', 'new_window'],
['Frame', 'iframe']
defaultValue: 'same_window',
visible: false
'iframe_height' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'Frame height (pixels)',
advanced : true,
visible: function(menuItem) {
return wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro && (getFieldValue(menuItem, 'open_in') === 'iframe');
display: function(menuItem, displayValue, input) {
input.prop('placeholder', 'Auto');
if (displayValue === 0 || displayValue === '0') {
displayValue = '';
return displayValue;
write: function(menuItem, value) {
value = parseInt(value, 10);
if (isNaN(value) || (value < 0)) {
value = 0;
value = Math.round(value);
if (value > 10000) {
value = 10000;
if (value === 0) {
menuItem.iframe_height = null;
} else {
menuItem.iframe_height = value;
'css_class' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'CSS classes',
advanced : true,
onlyForTopMenus: true
'hookname' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'ID attribute',
advanced : true,
onlyForTopMenus: true
'page_properties_heading' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'Page',
advanced : true,
onlyForTopMenus: true,
type: 'heading',
standardCaption: false
'page_heading' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'Page heading',
advanced : true,
onlyForTopMenus: false,
visible: false
'page_title' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: "Window title",
standardCaption : true,
advanced : true
'is_always_open' : $.extend({}, baseField, {
caption: 'Keep this menu expanded',
advanced : true,
onlyForTopMenus: true,
type: 'checkbox',
standardCaption: false
var visibleMenuFieldsByType = {};
AmeEditorApi.getItemDisplayUrl = function(menuItem) {
var url = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'file', '');
if (menuItem.template_id !== '') {
//Use the template URL. It's a preset that can't be overridden.
var defaultUrl = itemTemplates.getDefaultValue(menuItem.template_id, 'url');
if (defaultUrl) {
url = defaultUrl;
return url;
* Create editors for the visible fields of a menu entry and append them to the specified node.
function buildEditboxFields(fieldContainer, entry, isTopLevel){
isTopLevel = (typeof isTopLevel === 'undefined') ? false : isTopLevel;
var basicFields = $('<div class="ws_edit_panel ws_basic"></div>').appendTo(fieldContainer);
var advancedFields = $('<div class="ws_edit_panel ws_advanced"></div>').appendTo(fieldContainer);
if ( wsEditorData.hideAdvancedSettings ){
advancedFields.css('display', 'none');
for (var field_name in knownMenuFields){
if (!knownMenuFields.hasOwnProperty(field_name)) {
var fieldSpec = knownMenuFields[field_name];
if (fieldSpec.onlyForTopMenus && !isTopLevel) {
var field = buildEditboxField(entry, field_name, fieldSpec);
if (field){
if (fieldSpec.advanced){
} else {
//Add a link that shows/hides advanced fields
$('<a></a>', {href: '#'})
? wsEditorData.captionShowAdvanced
: wsEditorData.captionHideAdvanced
.toggle(!!wsEditorData.hideAdvancedSettings) //Conver to boolean because it could be a string ("1" or "0").
* Create an editor for a specified field.
//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
function buildEditboxField(entry, field_name, field_settings){
//Build a form field of the appropriate type
var inputBox;
var basicTextField = '<input type="text" class="ws_field_value">';
//noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS
case 'select':
inputBox = $('<select class="ws_field_value">');
var option = null;
for( var index = 0; index < field_settings.options.length; index++ ){
var optionTitle = field_settings.options[index][0];
var optionValue = field_settings.options[index][1];
option = $('<option>')
case 'checkbox':
inputBox = $('<label></label>')
.append($('<input>', {type: 'checkbox', "class": 'ws_field_value'}))
.append(' ')
.append($('<span></span>', {"class": 'ws_field_label_text'}).text(field_settings.caption))
case 'access_editor':
inputBox = $('<input type="text" class="ws_field_value" readonly="readonly">')
.add('<input type="button" class="button ws_launch_access_editor" value="Edit...">');
case 'icon_selector':
//noinspection HtmlUnknownTag
inputBox = $(basicTextField)
.add('<button class="button ws_select_icon" title="Select icon"><div class="ws_icon_image dashicons dashicons-admin-generic"></div><img src="" style="display:none;" alt="Icon"></button>');
case 'color_scheme_editor':
inputBox = $('<span class="ws_color_scheme_display">Placeholder</span>')
.add('<input type="button" class="button ws_open_color_editor" value="Edit...">');
case 'heading':
inputBox = $('<span></span>').text(field_settings.caption);
case 'text':
/* falls through */
inputBox = $(basicTextField);
var className = "ws_edit_field ws_edit_field-"+field_name;
if (field_settings.addDropdown){
className += ' ws_has_dropdown';
if (!field_settings.standardCaption) {
className += ' ws_no_field_caption';
if (field_settings.type === 'heading') {
className += ' ws_field_group_heading';
var caption = $(); //Empty set by default.
if (field_settings.standardCaption) {
var $labelText = $('<span></span>')
.text(field_settings.caption + ' ');
if (field_settings.tooltip !== null) {
'<a class="ws_field_tooltip_trigger"><div class="dashicons dashicons-info"></div></a>'
caption = caption.add($labelText).add('<br>'); //Note: add(), not append().
var editField = $('<div></div>')
.attr('class', className)
if (field_settings.addDropdown) {
//Add a dropdown button
var dropdownId = field_settings.addDropdown;
$('<input type="button" value="">')
.addClass('button ws_dropdown_button ' + dropdownId + '_trigger')
.attr('tabindex', '-1')
.data('dropdownId', dropdownId)
$('<img class="ws_reset_button" title="Reset to default value" src="" alt="Reset">')
.attr('src', wsEditorData.imagesUrl + '/transparent16.png')
).data('field_name', field_name);
var visible;
if (typeof field_settings.visible === 'function') {
visible = field_settings.visible(entry, field_name);
} else {
visible = field_settings.visible;
if (!visible) {
editField.css('display', 'none');
return editField;
* Get the parent menu of a menu item.
* @param containerNode A DOM element as a jQuery object.
* @return {JQuery} Parent container node, or an empty jQuery set.
function getParentMenuNode(containerNode) {
var submenu = containerNode.closest('.ws_submenu', '#ws_menu_editor'),
parentId = submenu.data('parent_menu_id');
if (parentId) {
return $('#' + parentId);
} else {
return $([]);
* Check if a menu item is the parent of another item or a submenu list.
* @param {JQuery} menuItem
* @param {JQuery} something
* @returns {boolean}
function isParentMenuNodeOf(menuItem, something) {
const parent = getParentMenuNode(something)
if (menuItem.is(parent)) {
return true;
} else if (parent.length > 0) {
return isParentMenuNodeOf(menuItem, parent);
return false;
* Get all submenu items of a menu item.
* @param {JQuery} containerNode
* @return {JQuery} A list of submenu item container nodes, or an empty set.
function getSubmenuItemNodes(containerNode) {
var subMenuId = containerNode.data('submenu_id');
if (subMenuId) {
return $('#' + subMenuId).find('.ws_container');
} else {
return $([]);
* Apply a callback recursively to a menu item and all of its children, in depth-first order.
* The callback will be invoked with two arguments: (containerNode, menuItem).
* @param containerNode
* @param {Function} callback
function walkMenuTree(containerNode, callback) {
getSubmenuItemNodes(containerNode).each(function() {
walkMenuTree($(this), callback);
callback(containerNode, containerNode.data('menu_item'));
* Update the UI elements that that indicate whether the currently selected
* actor can access a menu item.
* @param containerNode
function updateActorAccessUi(containerNode) {
//Update the permissions checkbox & UI
var menuItem = containerNode.data('menu_item');
if (actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor !== null) {
var hasAccess = actorCanAccessMenu(menuItem, actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor);
var hasCustomPermissions = actorHasCustomPermissions(menuItem, actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor);
var isOverrideActive = !hasAccess && getFieldValue(menuItem, 'restrict_access_to_items', false);
//Check if the parent menu has the "hide all submenus if this is hidden" override in effect.
var currentChild = containerNode, parentNode, parentItem;
do {
parentNode = getParentMenuNode(currentChild);
parentItem = parentNode.data('menu_item');
if (
&& getFieldValue(parentItem, 'restrict_access_to_items', false)
&& !actorCanAccessMenu(parentItem, actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor)
) {
hasAccess = false;
isOverrideActive = true;
currentChild = parentNode;
} while (parentNode.length > 0);
var checkbox = containerNode.find('.ws_actor_access_checkbox');
checkbox.prop('checked', hasAccess);
//Display the checkbox in an indeterminate state if the actual menu permissions are unknown
//because it uses meta capabilities.
var isIndeterminate = (hasAccess === null);
//Also show it as indeterminate if some items of this menu are hidden and some are visible,
//or if their permissions don't match this menu's permissions.
var submenuItems = getSubmenuItemNodes(containerNode);
if ((submenuItems.length > 0) && !isOverrideActive) {
var differentPermissions = false;
submenuItems.each(function() {
var item = $(this).data('menu_item');
if ( !item ) { //Skip placeholder items created by drag & drop operations.
return true;
var hasSubmenuAccess = actorCanAccessMenu(item, actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor);
if (hasSubmenuAccess !== hasAccess) {
differentPermissions = true;
return false;
return true;
if (differentPermissions) {
isIndeterminate = true;
checkbox.prop('indeterminate', isIndeterminate);
if (isIndeterminate && (hasAccess === null)) {
"This item might be visible.\n"
+ "The plugin cannot reliably detect if \"" + actorSelectorWidget.selectedDisplayName
+ "\" has the \"" + getFieldValue(menuItem, 'access_level', '[No capability]')
+ "\" capability. If you need to hide the item, try checking and then unchecking it."
} else {
setMenuFlag(containerNode, 'uncertain_meta_cap', false);
containerNode.toggleClass('ws_is_hidden_for_actor', !hasAccess);
containerNode.toggleClass('ws_has_custom_permissions_for_actor', hasCustomPermissions);
setMenuFlag(containerNode, 'custom_actor_permissions', hasCustomPermissions);
setMenuFlag(containerNode, 'hidden_from_others', false);
} else {
containerNode.removeClass('ws_is_hidden_for_actor ws_has_custom_permissions_for_actor');
setMenuFlag(containerNode, 'custom_actor_permissions', false);
setMenuFlag(containerNode, 'uncertain_meta_cap', false);
var currentUserActor = 'user:' + wsEditorData.currentUserLogin;
var otherActors = _(wsEditorData.actors).keys().without(currentUserActor, 'special:super_admin').value(),
hiddenFromCurrentUser = ! actorCanAccessMenu(menuItem, currentUserActor),
hasAccessToThisItem = _.curry(actorCanAccessMenu, 2)(menuItem),
hiddenFromOthers = _.every(otherActors, function(actorId) {
return (hasAccessToThisItem(actorId) === false);
visibleForSuperAdmin = AmeActors.isMultisite && actorCanAccessMenu(menuItem, 'special:super_admin');
? 'Hidden from everyone'
: ('Hidden from everyone except you' + (visibleForSuperAdmin ? ' and Super Admins' : ''))
//Update the "hidden" flag.
setMenuFlag(containerNode, 'hidden', itemHasHiddenFlag(menuItem, actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor));
* Like updateActorAccessUi() except it updates the specified menu's parent, not the menu itself.
* If the menu has no parent (i.e. it's a top-level menu), this function does nothing.
* @param containerNode Either a menu item or a submenu container.
function updateParentAccessUi(containerNode) {
var submenu;
if ( containerNode.is('.ws_submenu') ) {
submenu = containerNode;
} else {
submenu = containerNode.parent();
var parentId = submenu.data('parent_menu_id');
if (parentId) {
updateActorAccessUi($('#' + parentId));
* Update an edit widget with the current menu item settings.
* @param {JQuery} containerNode
function updateItemEditor(containerNode) {
var menuItem = containerNode.data('menu_item');
var itemSubType = (menuItem.hasOwnProperty('sub_type') ? menuItem['sub_type'] : '');
//Apply flags based on the item's state.
var flags = ['hidden', 'unused', 'custom'];
for (var i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) {
setMenuFlag(containerNode, flags[i], getFieldValue(menuItem, flags[i], false));
if (itemSubType) {
var typeTitle = itemSubType.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + itemSubType.slice(1);
setMenuFlag(containerNode, 'subtype_' + itemSubType, true, typeTitle);
//Update the permissions checkbox & other actor-specific UI
//Update all input fields with the current values.
containerNode.find('.ws_edit_field').each(function(index, field) {
field = $(field);
var fieldName = field.data('field_name');
var input = field.find('.ws_field_value').first();
var hasADefaultValue = itemTemplates.hasDefaultValue(menuItem.template_id, fieldName);
var defaultValue = getDefaultValue(menuItem, fieldName, null, containerNode);
var isDefault = hasADefaultValue && ((typeof menuItem[fieldName] === 'undefined') || (menuItem[fieldName] === null));
if (fieldName === 'access_level') {
isDefault = (getFieldValue(menuItem, 'extra_capability', '') === '')
&& isEmptyObject(menuItem.grant_access)
&& (!getFieldValue(menuItem, 'restrict_access_to_items', false));
} else if (fieldName === 'required_capability_read_only') {
isDefault = true;
hasADefaultValue = true;
field.toggleClass('ws_has_no_default', !hasADefaultValue);
field.toggleClass('ws_input_default', isDefault);
var displayValue = isDefault ? defaultValue : menuItem[fieldName];
if (knownMenuFields[fieldName].display !== null) {
displayValue = knownMenuFields[fieldName].display(menuItem, displayValue, input, containerNode);
setInputValue(input, displayValue);
//Store the value to help with change detection.
if (input.length > 0) {
$.data(input.get(0), 'ame_last_display_value', displayValue);
var isFieldVisible = _.get(visibleMenuFieldsByType, [itemSubType, fieldName], true);
if (typeof (knownMenuFields[fieldName].visible) === 'function') {
isFieldVisible = isFieldVisible && knownMenuFields[fieldName].visible(menuItem, fieldName);
} else {
isFieldVisible = isFieldVisible && knownMenuFields[fieldName].visible;
if (isFieldVisible) {
field.css('display', '');
} else {
field.css('display', 'none');
AmeEditorApi.updateParentAccessUi = updateParentAccessUi;
AmeEditorApi.updateItemEditor = updateItemEditor;
function isEmptyObject(obj) {
for (var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
return false;
return true;
* Get the current value of a single menu field.
* If the specified field is not set, this function will attempt to retrieve it
* from the "defaults" property of the menu object. If *that* fails, it will return
* the value of the optional third argument defaultValue.
* @param {Object} entry
* @param {string} fieldName
* @param {*} [defaultValue]
* @param {JQuery} [containerNode]
* @return {*}
function getFieldValue(entry, fieldName, defaultValue, containerNode){
if ( (typeof entry[fieldName] === 'undefined') || (entry[fieldName] === null) ) {
return getDefaultValue(entry, fieldName, defaultValue, containerNode);
} else {
return entry[fieldName];
AmeEditorApi.getFieldValue = getFieldValue;
* Get the default value of a menu field.
* @param {Object} entry
* @param {String} fieldName
* @param {*} [defaultValue]
* @param {JQuery} [containerNode]
* @returns {*}
function getDefaultValue(entry, fieldName, defaultValue, containerNode) {
//By default, a submenu item has the same icon as its parent.
if ((fieldName === 'icon_url') && containerNode && (wsEditorData.submenuIconsEnabled !== 'never')) {
var parentContainerNode = getParentMenuNode(containerNode),
parentMenuItem = parentContainerNode.data('menu_item');
if (parentMenuItem) {
return getFieldValue(parentMenuItem, fieldName, defaultValue, parentContainerNode);
//Use the custom menu title as the page title if the default page title matches the default menu title.
//Note that if the page title is an empty string (''), WP automatically uses the menu title. So we do the same.
if ((fieldName === 'page_title') && (entry.template_id !== '')) {
var defaultPageTitle = itemTemplates.getDefaultValue(entry.template_id, 'page_title'),
defaultMenuTitle = itemTemplates.getDefaultValue(entry.template_id, 'menu_title'),
customMenuTitle = entry['menu_title'];
if (
(customMenuTitle !== null)
&& (customMenuTitle !== '')
&& ((defaultPageTitle === '') || (defaultMenuTitle === defaultPageTitle))
) {
return customMenuTitle;
if (typeof defaultValue === 'undefined') {
defaultValue = null;
//Known templates take precedence.
if ((entry.template_id === '') || (typeof itemTemplates.templates[entry.template_id] !== 'undefined')) {
var templateDefault = itemTemplates.getDefaultValue(entry.template_id, fieldName);
return (templateDefault !== null) ? templateDefault : defaultValue;
if (fieldName === 'template_id') {
return null;
//Separators can have their own defaults, independent of templates.
var hasDefault = (typeof entry.defaults !== 'undefined') && (typeof entry.defaults[fieldName] !== 'undefined');
if (hasDefault){
return entry.defaults[fieldName];
return defaultValue;
* Make a menu container sortable
function makeBoxSortable(menuBox){
//Make the submenu sortable
items: '> .ws_container',
cursor: 'move',
dropOnEmpty: true,
cancel : '.ws_editbox, .ws_edit_link',
placeholder: 'ws_container ws_sortable_placeholder',
forcePlaceholderSize: true,
connectWith: '.ws_submenu',
stop: function(even, ui) {
//Fix incorrect item overlap caused by jQuery.sortable applying the initial z-index as an inline style.
ui.item.css('z-index', '');
//Fix submenu container height. It should be tall enough to reach the selected parent menu.
if (ui.item.hasClass('ws_menu') && ui.item.hasClass('ws_active')) {
over: function(event, ui) {
//Provide visual feedback if the user drags an unacceptable item over the list.
const $list = $(this);
const targetColumn = menuPresenter.getItemColumn($list);
if (!targetColumn) {
out: function() {
receive: function(event, ui) {
//Receive a menu item from another column.
const $sender = $(ui.sender);
const $itemNode = ui.item;
const targetColumn = menuPresenter.getItemColumn($itemNode);
const sourceColumn = menuPresenter.getItemColumn($sender);
if (!targetColumn || !sourceColumn) {
if (!targetColumn.canAcceptItem($itemNode)) {
//The way that inter-column drag & drop actually works is that we copy the item
//to the target column and then delete the original item. This way all the internal
//data structures are updated correctly.
//Remember where the item was dropped in the target column.
const $previousItem = $itemNode.prev('.ws_container');
//Move the original item back.
//Copy & paste the item to the target column.
const droppedItemData = readItemState($itemNode);
targetColumn.pasteItem(droppedItemData, ($previousItem.length > 0) ? $previousItem : -1);
//Delete the original. Optionally, the user can hold Ctrl to avoid this
//(i.e. to copy the item instead of moving it).
if ( !event.ctrlKey ) {
* Iterates over all menu items invoking a callback for each item.
* The callback will be passed two arguments: the menu item and its UI container node (a jQuery object).
* You can stop iteration by returning false from the callback.
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {boolean} [skipSeparators] Defaults to true. Set to false to include separators in the iteration.
AmeEditorApi.forEachMenuItem = function(callback, skipSeparators) {
if (typeof skipSeparators === 'undefined') {
skipSeparators = true;
$('#ws_menu_editor').find('.ws_container').each(function() {
var containerNode = $(this);
if ( !(skipSeparators && containerNode.hasClass('ws_menu_separator')) ) {
return callback(containerNode.data('menu_item'), containerNode);
* Select the first menu item that has the specified URL.
* @param {number|string} selectorOrLevel
* @param {string} url
* @param {null|Boolean} [expandProperties]
* @returns {JQuery}
AmeEditorApi.selectMenuItemByUrl = function(selectorOrLevel, url, expandProperties) {
if (typeof expandProperties === 'undefined') {
expandProperties = null;
let level;
if (selectorOrLevel === '#ws_menu_box') {
level = 1;
} else if (selectorOrLevel === '#ws_submenu_box') {
level = 2;
} else {
level = selectorOrLevel;
const column = menuPresenter.getColumnImmediate(level);
if (!column) {
return $([]);
const box = column.getVisibleItemList();
const containerNode =
.filter(function() {
const itemUrl = AmeEditorApi.getItemDisplayUrl($(this).data('menu_item'));
return (itemUrl === url);
if (containerNode.length > 0) {
if (expandProperties !== null) {
const expandLink = containerNode.find('.ws_edit_link').first();
if (expandLink.hasClass('ws_edit_link_expanded') !== expandProperties) {
return containerNode;
Parsing & encoding menu inputs
* Encode the current menu structure as JSON
* @return {String} A JSON-encoded string representing the current menu tree loaded in the editor.
function encodeMenuAsJSON(tree){
if (typeof tree === 'undefined' || !tree) {
tree = readMenuTreeState();
tree.format = {
name: wsEditorData.menuFormatName,
version: wsEditorData.menuFormatVersion
//Compress the admin menu.
tree = compressMenu(tree);
return JSON.stringify(tree);
function readMenuTreeState(){
var tree = {};
var menuPosition = 0;
var itemsByFilename = {};
//Gather all menus and their items
$('#ws_menu_box').find('.ws_menu').each(function() {
var containerNode = this;
var menu = readItemState(containerNode, menuPosition++);
//Attach the current menu to the main structure.
var filename = getFieldValue(menu, 'file');
//Give unclickable items unique keys.
if (menu.template_id === wsEditorData.unclickableTemplateId) {
filename = '#' + wsEditorData.unclickableTemplateClass + '-' + ws_paste_count;
} else if (menu.template_id === wsEditorData.embeddedPageTemplateId) {
filename = '#embedded-page-' + ws_paste_count;
//Prevent the user from saving top level items with duplicate URLs.
//WordPress indexes the submenu array by parent URL and AME uses a {url : menu_data} hashtable internally.
//Duplicate URLs would cause problems for both.
if (itemsByFilename.hasOwnProperty(filename)) {
throw {
code: 'duplicate_top_level_url',
message: 'Error: Found a duplicate URL! All top level menus must have unique URLs.',
duplicates: [itemsByFilename[filename], containerNode]
tree[filename] = menu;
itemsByFilename[filename] = containerNode;
// Ensure items that need auto-generated slugs have unique IDs. The IDs only
// need to be unique within the same menu configuration, not globally.
let localIdCounter = 0;
const usedLocalIds = {};
function ensureUniqueIdIfNeeded(menuItem) {
// Recurse into children.
if (menuItem.items) {
_.forEach(menuItem.items, ensureUniqueIdIfNeeded);
const needsUniqueId = (menuItem.template_id === wsEditorData.embeddedPageTemplateId)
|| (menuItem.open_in === 'iframe');
const currentLocalId = (typeof menuItem.local_id === 'string') ? menuItem.local_id : '';
// Assign a new ID if the item needs one and doesn't have it, or if the current ID
// is a duplicate. IDs can get duplicated if the user copies and pastes items.
if ((needsUniqueId && (currentLocalId === '')) || usedLocalIds.hasOwnProperty(currentLocalId)) {
menuItem.local_id = randomMenuId(localIdCounter + 'C', 8);
if (typeof menuItem.local_id === 'string') {
usedLocalIds[menuItem.local_id] = true;
_.forEach(tree, ensureUniqueIdIfNeeded);
var result = {
tree: tree,
granted_capabilities: AmeCapabilityManager.getGrantedCapabilities(),
component_visibility: $.extend(true, {}, generalComponentVisibility)
$(document).trigger('getMenuConfiguration.adminMenuEditor', result);
return result;
* Losslessly compress the admin menu configuration.
* This is a JS port of the ameMenu::compress() function defined in /includes/menu.php.
* @param {Object} adminMenu
* @returns {Object}
function compressMenu(adminMenu) {
var common = {
properties: _.omit(wsEditorData.blankMenuItem, ['defaults']),
basic_defaults: _.clone(_.get(wsEditorData.blankMenuItem, 'defaults', {})),
custom_item_defaults: _.clone(itemTemplates.getTemplateById('').defaults)
adminMenu.format.compressed = true;
adminMenu.format.common = common;
function compressItem(item) {
//These empty arrays can be dropped.
if ( _.isEmpty(item['grant_access']) ) {
delete item['grant_access'];
if ( _.isEmpty(item['items']) ) {
delete item['items'];
//Normal and custom menu items have different defaults.
//Remove defaults that are the same for all items of that type.
var defaults = _.get(item, 'custom', false) ? common['custom_item_defaults'] : common['basic_defaults'];
if ( _.has(item, 'defaults') ) {
_.forEach(defaults, function(value, key) {
if (_.has(item['defaults'], key) && (item['defaults'][key] === value)) {
delete item['defaults'][key];
//Remove properties that match the common values.
_.forEach(common['properties'], function(value, key) {
if (_.has(item, key) && (item[key] === value)) {
delete item[key];
return item;
adminMenu.tree = _.mapValues(adminMenu.tree, function(topMenu) {
topMenu = compressItem(topMenu);
if (typeof topMenu.items !== 'undefined') {
topMenu.items = _.map(topMenu.items, compressItem);
return topMenu;
return adminMenu;
AmeEditorApi.readMenuTreeState = readMenuTreeState;
AmeEditorApi.encodeMenuAsJson = encodeMenuAsJSON;
* Extract the current menu item settings from its editor widget.
* @param itemDiv DOM node containing the editor widget, usually with the .ws_item or .ws_menu class.
* @param {Number} [position] Menu item position among its sibling menu items. Defaults to zero.
* @return {Object} A menu object in the tree format.
function readItemState(itemDiv, position){
position = (typeof position === 'undefined') ? 0 : position;
itemDiv = $(itemDiv);
var item = $.extend(true, {}, wsEditorData.blankMenuItem, itemDiv.data('menu_item'), readAllFields(itemDiv));
item.defaults = itemDiv.data('menu_item').defaults;
//Save the position data
item.position = position;
item.defaults.position = position; //The real default value will later overwrite this
item.separator = itemDiv.hasClass('ws_menu_separator');
item.custom = menuHasFlag(itemDiv, 'custom');
//Gather the menu's sub-items, if any
item.items = [];
var subMenuId = itemDiv.data('submenu_id');
if (subMenuId) {
var itemPosition = 0;
$('#' + subMenuId).find('.ws_item').each(function () {
var sub_item = readItemState(this, itemPosition++);
return item;
* Extract the values of all menu/item fields present in a container node
* Inputs:
* container - a jQuery collection representing the node to read.
function readAllFields(container){
if ( !container.hasClass('ws_container') ){
container = container.closest('.ws_container');
if ( !container.data('field_editors_created') ){
return container.data('menu_item');
var state = {};
//Iterate over all fields of the item
container.find('.ws_edit_field').each(function() {
var field = $(this);
//Get the name of this field
var field_name = field.data('field_name');
//Skip if unnamed
if (!field_name) {
return true;
//Hackety-hack. The "Page" input is for display purposes and contains more than just the ID. Skip it.
//Eventually we'll need a better way to handle this.
if (field_name === 'embedded_page_id') {
return true;
//Headings contain no useful data.
if (field.hasClass('ws_field_group_heading')) {
return true;
//Find the field (usually an input or select element).
var input_box = field.find('.ws_field_value');
//Save null if default used, custom value otherwise
if (field.hasClass('ws_input_default')){
state[field_name] = null;
} else {
state[field_name] = getInputValue(input_box);
return true;
//Permission settings are not stored in the visible access_level field (that's just for show),
//so do not attempt to read them from there.
state.access_level = null;
return state;
Flag manipulation
var item_flags = {
'custom': 'This is a custom menu item',
'unused': 'This item was added since the last time you saved menu settings.',
'hidden': 'Cosmetically hidden',
'custom_actor_permissions': "The selected role has custom permissions for this item.",
'hidden_from_others': 'Hidden from everyone except you.',
'uncertain_meta_cap': 'The plugin cannot detect if this item is visible by default.'
function setMenuFlag(item, flag, state, title) {
title = title || item_flags[flag];
item = $(item);
var item_class = 'ws_' + flag;
var img_class = 'ws_' + flag + '_flag';
item.toggleClass(item_class, state);
if (state) {
//Add the flag image.
var flag_container = item.find('.ws_flag_container');
var image = flag_container.find('.' + img_class);
if (image.length === 0) {
image = $('<div></div>').addClass('ws_flag').addClass(img_class);
image.attr('title', title);
} else {
//Remove the flag image.
item.find('.' + img_class).remove();
function menuHasFlag(item, flag){
return $(item).hasClass('ws_'+flag);
//The "hidden" flag is special. There's both a global version and one that's actor-specific.
* Check if a menu item is hidden from an actor.
* This function only checks the "hidden" and "hidden_from_actor" flags, not permissions.
* @param {Object} menuItem
* @param {string|null} actor
* @returns {boolean}
function itemHasHiddenFlag(menuItem, actor) {
var isHidden = false,
userPrefix = 'user:',
//(Only) A globally hidden item is hidden from everyone.
if ((actor === null) || menuItem.hidden) {
return menuItem.hidden;
if (actor.substr(0, userPrefix.length) === userPrefix) {
//You can set an exception for a specific user. It takes precedence.
if (menuItem.hidden_from_actor.hasOwnProperty(actor)) {
isHidden = menuItem.hidden_from_actor[actor];
} else {
//Otherwise the item is hidden only if it is hidden from all of the user's roles.
userLogin = actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor.substr(userPrefix.length);
userActors = AmeCapabilityManager.getGroupActorsFor(userLogin);
for (var i = 0; i < userActors.length; i++) {
if (menuItem.hidden_from_actor.hasOwnProperty(userActors[i]) && menuItem.hidden_from_actor[userActors[i]]) {
isHidden = true;
} else {
isHidden = false;
} else {
//Roles and the super admin are straightforward.
isHidden = menuItem.hidden_from_actor.hasOwnProperty(actor) && menuItem.hidden_from_actor[actor];
return isHidden;
* Toggle menu visibility without changing its permissions.
* Applies to the selected actor, or all actors if no actor is selected.
* @param {JQuery} selection A menu container node.
* @param {boolean} [isHidden] Optional. True = hide the menu, false = show the menu.
function toggleItemHiddenFlag(selection, isHidden) {
var menuItem = selection.data('menu_item');
//By default, invert the current state.
if (typeof isHidden === 'undefined') {
isHidden = !itemHasHiddenFlag(menuItem, actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor);
//Mark the menu as hidden/visible
if (actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor === null) {
//For ALL roles and users.
menuItem.hidden = isHidden;
menuItem.hidden_from_actor = {};
} else {
//Just for the current role.
if (isHidden) {
menuItem.hidden_from_actor[actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor] = true;
} else {
if (actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor.indexOf('user:') === 0) {
//User-specific exception. Lets you can hide a menu from all admins but leave it visible to yourself.
menuItem.hidden_from_actor[actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor] = false;
} else {
delete menuItem.hidden_from_actor[actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor];
//When the user un-hides a menu that was globally hidden via the "hidden" flag, we must remove
//that flag but also make sure the menu stays hidden from other roles.
if (!isHidden && menuItem.hidden) {
menuItem.hidden = false;
$.each(wsEditorData.actors, function(otherActor) {
if (otherActor !== actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor) {
menuItem.hidden_from_actor[otherActor] = true;
setMenuFlag(selection, 'hidden', isHidden);
//Also mark all of it's submenus as hidden/visible
var submenuId = selection.data('submenu_id');
if (submenuId) {
$('#' + submenuId + ' .ws_item').each(function(){
toggleItemHiddenFlag($(this), isHidden);
Capability manipulation
function actorCanAccessMenu(menuItem, actor) {
if (!$.isPlainObject(menuItem.grant_access)) {
menuItem.grant_access = {};
//By default, any actor that has the required cap has access to the menu.
//Users can override this on a per-menu basis.
var requiredCap = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'access_level', '< Error: access_level is missing! >');
var actorHasAccess;
if (menuItem.grant_access.hasOwnProperty(actor)) {
actorHasAccess = menuItem.grant_access[actor];
} else {
actorHasAccess = AmeCapabilityManager.hasCap(actor, requiredCap, menuItem.grant_access);
return actorHasAccess;
AmeEditorApi.actorCanAccessMenu = actorCanAccessMenu;
function actorHasCustomPermissions(menuItem, actor) {
if (menuItem.grant_access && menuItem.grant_access.hasOwnProperty && menuItem.grant_access.hasOwnProperty(actor)) {
return (menuItem.grant_access[actor] !== null);
return false;
* @param containerNode
* @param {string|Object.<string, boolean>} actor
* @param {boolean} [allowAccess]
function setActorAccess(containerNode, actor, allowAccess) {
var menuItem = containerNode.data('menu_item');
//grant_access comes from PHP, which JSON-encodes empty assoc. arrays as arrays.
//However, we want it to be a dictionary.
if (!$.isPlainObject(menuItem.grant_access)) {
menuItem.grant_access = {};
if (typeof actor === 'string') {
menuItem.grant_access[actor] = Boolean(allowAccess);
} else {
_.assign(menuItem.grant_access, actor);
* Make a menu item inaccessible to everyone except a particular actor.
* Will not change access settings for actors that are more specific than the input actor.
* For example, if the input actor is a "role:", this function will only disable other roles,
* but will leave "user:" actors untouched.
* @param {Object} menuItem
* @param {String} actor
* @return {Object}
function denyAccessForAllExcept(menuItem, actor) {
//grant_access comes from PHP, which JSON-encodes empty assoc. arrays as arrays.
//However, we want it to be a dictionary.
if (!$.isPlainObject(menuItem.grant_access)) {
menuItem.grant_access = {};
$.each(wsEditorData.actors, function(otherActor) {
//If the input actor is more or equally specific...
if ((actor === null) || (AmeActorManager.compareActorSpecificity(actor, otherActor) >= 0)) {
menuItem.grant_access[otherActor] = false;
if (actor !== null) {
menuItem.grant_access[actor] = true;
return menuItem;
Event handlers
//Cut & paste stuff
var menu_in_clipboard = null;
var ws_paste_count = 0;
//Color preset stuff.
var colorPresets = {},
wasPresetDropdownPopulated = false;
//General admin menu visibility.
var generalComponentVisibility = {};
//Combined DOM-ready event handler.
var isDomReadyDone = false;
function ameOnDomReady() {
if (isDomReadyDone) {
isDomReadyDone = true;
//Some editor elements are only available in the Pro version.
if (wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro) {
knownMenuFields.open_in.visible = true;
knownMenuFields.access_level.visible = true;
knownMenuFields.page_heading.visible = true;
knownMenuFields.colors.visible = true;
knownMenuFields.appearance_heading.visible = true;
knownMenuFields.appearance_heading.onlyForTopMenus = false;
knownMenuFields.extra_capability.visible = false; //Superseded by the "access_level" field.
//The Pro version supports submenu icons, but they can be disabled by the user.
knownMenuFields.icon_url.onlyForTopMenus = (wsEditorData.submenuIconsEnabled === 'never');
//Let other plugins filter knownMenuFields and menu fields by type.
$(document).trigger('filterMenuFields.adminMenuEditor', [knownMenuFields, baseField]);
$(document).trigger('filterVisibleMenuFields.adminMenuEditor', [visibleMenuFieldsByType]);
//Make the top menu box sortable (we only need to do this once)
var mainMenuBox = $('#ws_menu_box');
Event handlers for editor widgets
const menuEditorNode = $('#ws_menu_editor');
menuPresenter = new AmeMenuPresenter(menuEditorNode, wsEditorData.deepNestingEnabled);
* Select a menu item and show its submenu.
* @param {JQuery|HTMLElement} container Menu container node.
function selectItem(container) {
AmeEditorApi.selectItem = selectItem;
//Select the clicked menu item and show its submenu
menuEditorNode.on('click', '.ws_container', (function () {
function updateSubmenuBoxHeight(selectedMenu) {
//TODO: Eliminate this duplication. Maybe we could just call the corresponding column method.
const myColumn = menuPresenter.getColumnImmediate(selectedMenu.closest('.ws_main_container').data('ame-menu-level') || 1);
const nextColumn = menuPresenter.getColumnImmediate(myColumn.level + 1);
if (!nextColumn || (nextColumn === myColumn)) {
let mainMenuBox = myColumn.menuBox,
submenuBox = nextColumn.menuBox,
submenuDropZone = nextColumn.container.find('.ws_dropzone').first();
//Make the submenu box tall enough to reach the selected item.
//This prevents the menu tip (if any) from floating in empty space.
if (selectedMenu.hasClass('ws_menu_separator')) {
submenuBox.css('min-height', '');
} else {
var menuTipHeight = 30,
empiricalExtraHeight = 4,
verticalBoxOffset = (submenuBox.offset().top - mainMenuBox.offset().top),
minSubmenuHeight = (selectedMenu.offset().top - mainMenuBox.offset().top)
- verticalBoxOffset
+ menuTipHeight - (submenuDropZone.outerHeight() || 0) + empiricalExtraHeight;
minSubmenuHeight = Math.max(minSubmenuHeight, 0);
submenuBox.css('min-height', minSubmenuHeight);
AmeEditorApi.updateSubmenuBoxHeight = updateSubmenuBoxHeight;
//Show a notification icon next to the "Permissions" field when the menu item supports extended permissions.
function updateExtPermissionsIndicator(container, menuItem) {
var extPermissions = AmeItemAccessEditor.detectExtPermissions(AmeEditorApi.getItemDisplayUrl(menuItem)),
fieldTitle = container.find('.ws_edit_field-access_level .ws_field_label_text'),
indicator = fieldTitle.find('.ws_ext_permissions_indicator');
if (wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro && (extPermissions !== null)) {
if (indicator.length < 1) {
indicator = $('<div class="dashicons dashicons-info ws_ext_permissions_indicator"></div>');
fieldTitle.append(" ").append(indicator);
//Idea: Change the icon based on the kind of permissions available (post type, tags, etc).
indicator.show().data('ext_permissions', extPermissions);
} else {
menuEditorNode.on('adminMenuEditor:fieldChange', function(event, menuItem, fieldName) {
if ((fieldName === 'template_id') || (fieldName === 'file')) {
updateExtPermissionsIndicator($(event.target), menuItem);
//Show/hide a menu's properties
menuEditorNode.on('click', '.ws_edit_link', (function (event) {
var container = $(this).parents('.ws_container').first();
var box = container.find('.ws_editbox');
//For performance, the property editors for each menu are only created
//when the user tries to access access them for the first time.
if ( !container.data('field_editors_created') ){
var menuItem = container.data('menu_item');
buildEditboxFields(box, menuItem, container.hasClass('ws_menu'));
container.data('field_editors_created', true);
updateExtPermissionsIndicator(container, menuItem);
//show/hide the editbox
if ($(this).hasClass('ws_edit_link_expanded')){
} else {
//Make sure changes are applied before the menu is collapsed
//The "Default" button : Reset to default value when clicked
menuEditorNode.on('click', '.ws_reset_button', (function () {
//Find the field div (it holds the field name)
var field = $(this).parents('.ws_edit_field');
var fieldName = field.data('field_name');
if ( (field.length > 0) && fieldName ) {
//Extract the default value from the menu item.
var containerNode = field.closest('.ws_container');
var menuItem = containerNode.data('menu_item');
if (fieldName === 'access_level') {
//This is a pretty nasty hack.
menuItem.grant_access = {};
menuItem.extra_capability = null;
menuItem.restrict_access_to_items = false;
delete menuItem.had_access_before_hiding;
if (itemTemplates.hasDefaultValue(menuItem.template_id, fieldName)) {
menuItem[fieldName] = null;
//When a field is edited, change it's appearance if it's contents don't match the default value.
function fieldValueChange(){
/* jshint validthis:true */
var input = $(this);
var field = input.parents('.ws_edit_field').first();
var fieldName = field.data('field_name');
if ((fieldName === 'access_level') || (fieldName === 'embedded_page_id')) {
//These fields are read-only and can never be directly edited by the user.
//Ignore spurious change events.
var containerNode = field.parents('.ws_container').first();
var menuItem = containerNode.data('menu_item');
var oldValue = menuItem[fieldName];
var oldDisplayValue = $.data(this, 'ame_last_display_value');
var value = getInputValue(input);
var defaultValue = getDefaultValue(menuItem, fieldName, null, containerNode);
var hasADefaultValue = (defaultValue !== null);
//Some fields/templates have no default values.
field.toggleClass('ws_has_no_default', !hasADefaultValue);
if (!hasADefaultValue) {
// noinspection EqualityComparisonWithCoercionJS It's been like this so long that I'm afraid to change it.
if (field.hasClass('ws_input_default') && (value == defaultValue)) {
value = null; //null = use default.
//Ignore changes where the new value is the same as the old one.
if ((value === oldValue) || (value === oldDisplayValue)) {
//Update the item.
if (knownMenuFields[fieldName].write !== null) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.HTMLExecutingFunctions.write -- Misdetected. Not document.write().
knownMenuFields[fieldName].write(menuItem, value, input, containerNode);
} else {
menuItem[fieldName] = value;
containerNode.trigger('adminMenuEditor:fieldChange', [menuItem, fieldName]);
menuEditorNode.on('click change', '.ws_field_value', fieldValueChange);
//Show/hide advanced fields
menuEditorNode.on('click', '.ws_toggle_advanced_fields', function(){
var self = $(this);
var advancedFields = self.parents('.ws_container').first().find('.ws_advanced');
if ( advancedFields.is(':visible') ){
} else {
return false;
//Allow/forbid items in actor-specific views
menuEditorNode.on('click', 'input.ws_actor_access_checkbox', function() {
if (actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor === null) {
var checked = $(this).is(':checked');
var containerNode = $(this).closest('.ws_container');
var menu = containerNode.data('menu_item');
//Ask for confirmation if the user tries to hide Dashboard -> Home.
if ( !checked && ((menu.template_id === 'index.php>index.php') || (menu.template_id === '>index.php')) ) {
updateItemEditor(containerNode); //Resets the checkbox back to the old value.
confirmDashboardHiding(function(ok) {
if (ok) {
setActorAccessForTreeAndUpdateUi(containerNode, actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor, checked);
} else {
setActorAccessForTreeAndUpdateUi(containerNode, actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor, checked);
* This confusingly named function sets actor access for the specified menu item
* and all of its children (if any). It also updates the UI with the new settings.
* (And it violates SRP in a particularly egregious manner.)
* @param containerNode
* @param {String|Object.<String, Boolean>} actor
* @param {Boolean} [allowAccess]
* @param {Boolean} [skipParentUiRefresh] Whether to skip updating the parent access UI. Defaults to false.
function setActorAccessForTreeAndUpdateUi(containerNode, actor, allowAccess, skipParentUiRefresh) {
setActorAccess(containerNode, actor, allowAccess);
//Apply the same permissions to sub-menus.
const subMenuId = containerNode.data('submenu_id');
if (subMenuId) {
$('.ws_item', '#' + subMenuId).each(function() {
const node = $(this);
setActorAccessForTreeAndUpdateUi(node, actor, allowAccess, true);
if ( !skipParentUiRefresh ) {
* Insert a new top level menu after the selected menu or at the end of the list.
* @param {Object} menu
function insertMenu(menu) {
const selection = (typeof getSelectedMenu !== 'undefined') ? getSelectedMenu() : null;
if (selection && (selection.length > 0) ) {
outputTopMenu(menu, selection);
} else {
AmeEditorApi.insertMenu = insertMenu;
* Confirm with the user that they want to hide "Dashboard -> Home".
* This particular menu is important because hiding it can cause an "insufficient permissions" error
* to be displayed right when someone logs in, making it look like login failed.
var permissionConfirmationDialog = $('#ws-ame-dashboard-hide-confirmation').dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
closeText: ' ',
width: 380,
title: 'Warning'
var currentConfirmationCallback = function(ok) {};
* Confirm hiding "Dashboard -> Home".
* @param callback Called when the user selects an option. True = confirmed.
function confirmDashboardHiding(callback) {
//The user can disable the confirmation dialog.
if (!wsEditorData.dashboardHidingConfirmationEnabled) {
currentConfirmationCallback = callback;
$('#ws_confirm_menu_hiding, #ws_cancel_menu_hiding').on('click', function() {
var confirmed = $(this).is('#ws_confirm_menu_hiding');
var dontShowAgain = permissionConfirmationDialog.find('.ws_dont_show_again input[type="checkbox"]').is(':checked');
if (dontShowAgain) {
wsEditorData.dashboardHidingConfirmationEnabled = false;
//Run an AJAX request to disable the dialog for this user.
'action' : 'ws_ame_disable_dashboard_hiding_confirmation',
'_ajax_nonce' : wsEditorData.disableDashboardConfirmationNonce
Access editor dialog
api: AmeEditorApi,
actorSelector: actorSelectorWidget,
postTypes: wsEditorData.postTypes,
taxonomies: wsEditorData.taxonomies,
lodash: _,
isPro: wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro,
save: function(menuItem, containerNode, settings) {
//Save the new settings.
menuItem.extra_capability = settings.extraCapability;
menuItem.grant_access = settings.grantAccess;
menuItem.restrict_access_to_items = settings.restrictAccessToItems;
//Save granted capabilities.
var newlyDisabledCaps = {};
_.forEach(settings.grantedCapabilities, function(capabilities, actor) {
_.forEach(capabilities, function(grant, capability) {
if (!_.isArray(grant)) {
grant = [grant, null, null];
AmeCapabilityManager.setCap(actor, capability, grant[0], grant[1], grant[2]);
if (!grant[0]) {
if (!newlyDisabledCaps.hasOwnProperty(capability)) {
newlyDisabledCaps[capability] = [];
AmeEditorApi.forEachMenuItem(function(menuItem, containerNode) {
//When the user unchecks a capability, uncheck ALL menu items associated with that capability.
//Anything less won't actually get rid of the capability as enabled menus auto-grant req. caps.
var requiredCap = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'access_level');
if (newlyDisabledCaps.hasOwnProperty(requiredCap)) {
//It's enough to remove custom "allow" settings. The rest happens automatically - items that
//have no custom per-role settings use capability checks.
_.forEach(newlyDisabledCaps[requiredCap], function(actor) {
if (_.get(menuItem.grant_access, actor) === true) {
delete menuItem.grant_access[actor];
//Due to changed caps and cascading submenu overrides, changes to one item's permissions
//can affect other items. Lets just update all items.
//Refresh the UI.
menuEditorNode.on('click', '.ws_launch_access_editor', function() {
var containerNode = $(this).parents('.ws_container').first();
var menuItem = containerNode.data('menu_item');
menuItem: menuItem,
containerNode: containerNode,
selectedActor: actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor,
itemHasSubmenus: (!!(containerNode.data('submenu_id')) &&
$('#' + containerNode.data('submenu_id')).find('.ws_item').length > 0)
General dialog handlers
$(document).on('click', '.ws_close_dialog', function() {
Drop-down list for combo-box fields
var capSelectorDropdown = $('#ws_cap_selector');
var currentDropdownOwner = null; //The input element that the dropdown is currently associated with.
var currentDropdownOwnerMenu = null; //The menu item that the above input belongs to.
var isDropdownBeingHidden = false, isSuggestionClick = false;
const $extraCapInAccessEditor = $('#ws_extra_capability');
//Show/hide the capability drop-down list when the trigger button is clicked
$('#ws_trigger_capability_dropdown').on('mousedown click', onDropdownTriggerClicked);
menuEditorNode.on('mousedown click', '.ws_cap_selector_trigger', onDropdownTriggerClicked);
function onDropdownTriggerClicked(event){
/* jshint validthis:true */
var inputBox;
var button = $(this);
var isInAccessEditor = false;
isSuggestionClick = false;
//Find the input associated with the button that was clicked.
if ( button.attr('id') === 'ws_trigger_capability_dropdown' ) {
inputBox = $extraCapInAccessEditor;
isInAccessEditor = true;
} else {
inputBox = button.closest('.ws_edit_field').find('.ws_field_value').first();
//If the user clicks the same button again while the dropdown is already visible,
//ignore the click. The dropdown will be hidden by its "blur" handler.
if (event.type === 'mousedown') {
if ( capSelectorDropdown.is(':visible') && inputBox.is(currentDropdownOwner) ) {
isDropdownBeingHidden = true;
} else if (isDropdownBeingHidden) {
isDropdownBeingHidden = false; //Ignore the click event.
//A jQuery UI dialog widget will prevent focus from leaving the dialog. So if we want
//the dropdown to be properly focused when displaying it in a dialog, we must make it
//a child of the dialog's DOM node (and vice versa when it's not in a dialog).
var parentContainer = $(this).closest('.ui-dialog, #ws_menu_editor');
if ((parentContainer.length > 0) && (capSelectorDropdown.closest(parentContainer).length === 0)) {
var oldHeight = capSelectorDropdown.height(); //Height seems to reset when moving to a new parent.
//Pre-select the current capability (will clear selection if there's no match).
//Move the drop-down near the input box.
var inputPos = inputBox.offset();
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 1010 //Must be higher than the permissions dialog overlay.
left: inputPos.left,
top : inputPos.top + inputBox.outerHeight()
currentDropdownOwner = inputBox;
currentDropdownOwnerMenu = null;
if (isInAccessEditor) {
currentDropdownOwnerMenu = AmeItemAccessEditor.getCurrentMenuItem();
} else {
currentDropdownOwnerMenu = currentDropdownOwner.closest('.ws_container').data('menu_item');
//Also show it when the user presses the down arrow in the input field (doesn't work in Opera).
$extraCapInAccessEditor.bind('keyup', function(event){
if ( event.which === 40 ){
function hideCapSelector() {
isSuggestionClick = false;
//Event handlers for the drop-down lists themselves
var dropdownNodes = $('.ws_dropdown');
// Hide capability drop-down when it loses focus.
dropdownNodes.on('blur', function(){
if (!isSuggestionClick) {
dropdownNodes.on('keydown', function(event){
//Hide it when the user presses Esc
if ( event.which === 27 ){
if (currentDropdownOwner) {
//Select an item & hide the list when the user presses Enter or Tab
} else if ( (event.which === 13) || (event.which === 9) ){
if (currentDropdownOwner) {
if ( capSelectorDropdown.val() ){
//Eat Tab keys to prevent focus theft. Required to make the "select item on Tab" thing work.
dropdownNodes.on('keyup', function(event){
if ( event.which === 9 ){
//Update the input & hide the list when an option is clicked
dropdownNodes.on('click', function(){
if (capSelectorDropdown.val()){
if (currentDropdownOwner) {
//Highlight an option when the user mouses over it (doesn't work in IE)
dropdownNodes.on('mousemove', function(event){
if ( !event.target ){
var option = event.target;
if ( (typeof option.selected !== 'undefined') && !option.selected && option.value ){
option.selected = true;
//Preview which roles have this capability and the required cap.
capSuggestionFeature.previewAccessForItem(currentDropdownOwnerMenu, option.value);
* Capability suggestions
var capSuggestionFeature = (function() {
//This feature is not used in the Pro version because it has a different permission UI.
if (wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro) {
return {
previewAccessForItem: function () {},
show: function () {},
hide: function () {}
var capabilitySuggestions = $('#ws_capability_suggestions'),
suggestionBody = capabilitySuggestions.find('table tbody').first().empty(),
suggestedCapabilities = AmeActors.getSuggestedCapabilities();
for (var i = 0; i < suggestedCapabilities.length; i++) {
var role = suggestedCapabilities[i].role, capability = suggestedCapabilities[i].capability;
.data('role', role)
.data('capability', capability)
$('<th>', {text: role.displayName, scope: 'row'}).addClass('ws_ame_role_name')
$('<td>', {text: capability}).addClass('ws_ame_suggested_capability')
var currentPreviewedCaps = null;
* Update the access preview.
* @param {string|string[]|null} capabilities
function previewAccess(capabilities) {
if (typeof capabilities === 'string') {
capabilities = [capabilities];
if (_.isEqual(capabilities, currentPreviewedCaps)) {
currentPreviewedCaps = capabilities;
capabilitySuggestions.find('#ws_previewed_caps').text(currentPreviewedCaps.join(' + '));
//Short-circuit the no-caps case.
if (capabilities === null || capabilities.length === 0) {
suggestionBody.find('tr').each(function() {
var $row = $(this),
role = $row.data('role');
var hasCaps = true;
for (var i = 0; i < capabilities.length; i++) {
hasCaps = hasCaps && AmeActors.hasCap(role.id, capabilities[i]);
$row.toggleClass('ws_preview_has_access', hasCaps);
function previewAccessForItem(menuItem, selectedExtraCap) {
var requiredCap = '', extraCap = '';
if (menuItem) {
requiredCap = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'access_level', '');
extraCap = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'extra_capability', '');
if (typeof selectedExtraCap !== 'undefined') {
extraCap = selectedExtraCap;
var caps = [];
if (menuItem && (menuItem.template_id !== '') || (extraCap === '')) {
if (extraCap !== '') {
suggestionBody.on('mouseenter', 'td.ws_ame_suggested_capability', function() {
var row = $(this).closest('tr');
previewAccessForItem(currentDropdownOwnerMenu, row.data('capability'));
capSelectorDropdown.on('keydown keyup', function() {
previewAccessForItem(currentDropdownOwnerMenu, capSelectorDropdown.val());
suggestionBody.on('mousedown', 'td.ws_ame_suggested_capability', function() {
//Don't immediately hide the list when the user tries to click a suggestion.
//It would prevent the click from registering.
isSuggestionClick = true;
suggestionBody.on('click', 'td.ws_ame_suggested_capability', function() {
var capability = $(this).closest('tr').data('capability');
//Change the input to the selected capability.
if (currentDropdownOwner) {
//Workaround for pressing LMB on a suggestion, then moving the mouse outside the suggestion box and releasing the button.
$(document).on('click', function(event) {
if (
&& capabilitySuggestions.is(':visible')
&& ( $(event.target).closest(capabilitySuggestions).length < 1 )
) {
return {
previewAccessForItem: previewAccessForItem,
show: function() {
//Position the capability suggestion table next to the selector and match heights.
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 1009
my: 'left top',
at: 'right top',
of: capSelectorDropdown,
collision: 'none'
var selectorHeight = capSelectorDropdown.height(),
suggestionsHeight = capabilitySuggestions.height(),
desiredHeight = Math.max(selectorHeight, suggestionsHeight);
if (selectorHeight < desiredHeight) {
if (suggestionsHeight < desiredHeight) {
if (currentDropdownOwnerMenu) {
hide: function() {
Icon selector
var iconSelector = $('#ws_icon_selector');
var currentIconButton = null; //Keep track of the last clicked icon button.
var iconSelectorTabs = iconSelector.find('#ws_icon_source_tabs');
//When the user clicks one of the available icons, update the menu item.
iconSelector.on('click', '.ws_icon_option', function() {
var selectedIcon = $(this).addClass('ws_selected_icon');
//Assign the selected icon to the menu.
if (currentIconButton) {
var container = currentIconButton.closest('.ws_container');
var item = container.data('menu_item');
//Remove the existing icon class, if any.
var cssClass = getFieldValue(item, 'css_class', '');
cssClass = jsTrim( cssClass.replace(/\b(ame-)?menu-icon-[^\s]+\b/, '') );
if (selectedIcon.data('icon-class')) {
//Add the new class.
cssClass = selectedIcon.data('icon-class') + ' ' + cssClass;
//Can't have both a class and an image or we'll get two overlapping icons.
item.icon_url = '';
} else if (selectedIcon.data('icon-url')) {
item.icon_url = selectedIcon.data('icon-url');
item.css_class = cssClass;
currentIconButton = null;
//Show/hide the icon selector when the user clicks the icon button.
menuEditorNode.on('click', '.ws_select_icon', function() {
var button = $(this);
//Clicking the same button a second time hides the icon list.
if ( currentIconButton && button.is(currentIconButton) ) {
//noinspection JSUnusedAssignment
currentIconButton = null;
currentIconButton = button;
var containerNode = currentIconButton.closest('.ws_container');
var menuItem = containerNode.data('menu_item');
var cssClass = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'css_class', '');
var iconUrl = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'icon_url', '', containerNode);
//Clear the search box and restore icons that were hidden by a previous search.
const $searchBoxes = iconSelector.find('.ws_icon_search_box');
$searchBoxes.each(function() {
const $this = $(this);
if ($this.val() !== '') {
//Let's call the search handler directly instead of using $.trigger('keyup').
//The event handler is throttled and might not run until later.
searchMenuIcons('', $this.closest('.ws_tool_tab'));
var customImageOption = iconSelector.find('.ws_custom_image_icon').hide();
iconSelector.data('ame-item-has-custom-image', false);
//Highlight the currently selected icon.
var selectedIcon = null;
var classMatches = cssClass.match(/\b(ame-)?menu-icon-([^\s]+)\b/);
//Dashicons and FontAwesome icons are set via the icon URL field, but they are actually CSS-based.
var iconFontMatches = iconUrl && iconUrl.match('^\s*((?:dashicons|ame-fa)-[a-z0-9\-]+)\s*$');
if ( iconUrl && iconUrl !== 'none' && iconUrl !== 'div' && !iconFontMatches ) {
var currentIcon = iconSelector.find('.ws_icon_option img[src="' + iconUrl + '"]').first().closest('.ws_icon_option');
if ( currentIcon.length > 0 ) {
selectedIcon = currentIcon.addClass('ws_selected_icon').show();
} else {
//Display and highlight the custom image.
customImageOption.find('img').prop('src', iconUrl);
customImageOption.addClass('ws_selected_icon').show().data('icon-url', iconUrl);
iconSelector.data('ame-item-has-custom-image', true);
selectedIcon = customImageOption;
} else if ( classMatches || iconFontMatches ) {
//Highlight the icon that corresponds to the current CSS class or Dashicon/FontAwesome icon.
var iconClass = iconFontMatches ? iconFontMatches[1] : ((classMatches[1] ? classMatches[1] : '') + 'icon-' + classMatches[2]);
selectedIcon = iconSelector.find('.' + iconClass).closest('.ws_icon_option').addClass('ws_selected_icon');
//Activate the tab that contains the icon.
var activeTabId = ((selectedIcon !== null)
? selectedIcon.closest('.ws_tool_tab').prop('id')
: 'ws_core_icons_tab'),
activeTabItem = iconSelectorTabs.find('a[href="#' + activeTabId + '"]').closest('li');
if (activeTabItem.length > 0) {
iconSelectorTabs.tabs('option', 'active', activeTabItem.index());
//Before showing the selector, clear the fixed height that was set when it was last visible.
iconSelector.css('height', '');
//Set a fixed height while the selector is visible. This prevents the selector's
//height from changing when the user filters the icon list.
const initialHeight = iconSelector.height();
iconSelector.css('height', initialHeight);
iconSelector.position({ //Requires jQuery UI.
my: 'left top',
at: 'left bottom',
of: button
//Alternatively, use the WordPress media uploader to select a custom icon.
//This code is based on the header selection script in /wp-admin/js/custom-header.js.
var mediaFrame = null;
$('#ws_choose_icon_from_media').on('click', function(event) {
//This option is not usable on the demo site since the filesystem is usually read-only.
if (wsEditorData.isDemoMode) {
alert('Sorry, image upload is disabled in demo mode!');
//If the media frame already exists, reopen it.
if ( mediaFrame !== null ) {
//Create a custom media frame.
mediaFrame = wp.media.frames.customAdminMenuIcon = wp.media({
//Set the title of the modal.
title: 'Choose a Custom Icon (20x20)',
//Tell it to show only images.
library: {
type: 'image'
//Customize the submit button.
button: {
text: 'Set as icon', //Button text.
close: true //Clicking the button closes the frame.
//When an image is selected, set it as the menu icon.
mediaFrame.on( 'select', function() {
//Grab the selected attachment.
var attachment = mediaFrame.state().get('selection').first();
//TODO: Warn the user if the image exceeds 20x20 pixels.
//Set the menu icon to the attachment URL.
if (currentIconButton) {
var container = currentIconButton.closest('.ws_container');
var item = container.data('menu_item');
//Remove the existing icon class, if any.
var cssClass = getFieldValue(item, 'css_class', '');
item.css_class = jsTrim( cssClass.replace(/\b(ame-)?menu-icon-[^\s]+\b/, '') );
//Set the new icon URL.
item.icon_url = attachment.attributes.url;
currentIconButton = null;
//If the user closes the frame by via Esc or the "X" button, clear up state.
mediaFrame.on('escape', function(){
currentIconButton = null;
//Hide the icon selector if the user clicks outside of it.
//Exception: Clicks on "Select icon" buttons are handled above.
$(document).on('mouseup', function(event) {
if ( !iconSelector.is(':visible') ) {
if (
&& iconSelector.has(event.target).length === 0
&& $(event.target).closest('.ws_select_icon').length === 0
) {
currentIconButton = null;
//Provide search-as-you-type functionality for the icon selector.
function searchMenuIcons(query, $currentTab) {
let $searchableItems = $currentTab.find('.ws_icon_option');
//If the current menu item doesn't have a custom image, exclude the custom image
//option from the search results.
if (!iconSelector.data('ame-item-has-custom-image')) {
$searchableItems = $searchableItems.not('.ws_custom_image_icon');
let foundAnything = false;
$searchableItems.each(function() {
const $icon = $(this);
const name = $icon.prop('title').toLowerCase();
if (name.includes(query)) {
foundAnything = true;
} else {
iconSelectorTabs.find('.ws_icon_search_box').on('keyup', _.throttle(
function() {
const $inputField = $(this);
const $tab = $inputField.closest('.ws_tool_tab');
searchMenuIcons($inputField.val().toLowerCase().trim(), $tab);
Embedded page selector
var pageSelector = $('#ws_embedded_page_selector'),
pageListBox = pageSelector.find('#ws_current_site_pages'),
currentPageSelectorButton = null, //The last page dropdown button that was clicked.
isPageListPopulated = false,
isPageRequestInProgress = false;
heightStyle: 'auto',
hide: false,
show: false
//Hack. The selector needs to be hidden by default, but it can't start out as "display: none" because that makes
//jQuery miscalculate tab heights. So we put it in a hidden container, then hide it on load and move it elsewhere.
* Update the page selector with the current menu item's settings.
function updatePageSelector() {
var menuItem, selectedPageId = 0, selectedBlogId = 1;
if ( currentPageSelectorButton ) {
menuItem = currentPageSelectorButton.closest('.ws_container').data('menu_item');
selectedPageId = parseInt(getFieldValue(menuItem, 'embedded_page_id', 0), 10);
selectedBlogId = parseInt(getFieldValue(menuItem, 'embedded_page_blog_id', 1), 10);
if (selectedPageId === 0) {
} else {
var optionValue = selectedBlogId + '_' + selectedPageId;
if ( pageListBox.val() !== optionValue ) {
menuEditorNode.on('click', '.ws_embedded_page_selector_trigger', function(event) {
var thisButton = $(this),
thisInput = thisButton.closest('.ws_edit_field').find('input.ws_field_value:first');
//Clicking the same button a second time hides the page selector.
if (thisButton.is(currentPageSelectorButton) && pageSelector.is(':visible')) {
//noinspection JSUnusedAssignment
currentPageSelectorButton = null;
currentPageSelectorButton = thisButton;
my: 'left top',
at: 'left bottom',
of: thisInput
if (!isPageListPopulated && !isPageRequestInProgress) {
isPageRequestInProgress = true;
var pageList = pageSelector.find('#ws_current_site_pages');
pageList.prop('readonly', true);
'action' : 'ws_ame_get_pages',
'_ajax_nonce' : wsEditorData.getPagesNonce
isPageRequestInProgress = false;
pageList.prop('readonly', false);
if (typeof data.error !== 'undefined'){
} else if ((typeof data !== 'object') || (typeof data.length === 'undefined')) {
alert('Error: Could not retrieve a list of pages. Unexpected response from the server.');
//An alphabetised list is easier to scan visually.
var pages = data.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.post_title.localeCompare(b.post_title);
//Populate the select box.
$.each(pages, function(index, page) {
pageList.append($('<option>', {
val: page.blog_id + '_' + page.post_id,
text: page.post_title
//Add a "custom" option. Select it when the current setting doesn't match any of the listed pages.
pageList.prepend($('<option>', {
val: 'custom',
text: '< Custom >'
isPageListPopulated = true;
//Open the "Pages" tab by default, or the "Custom" tab if that's what's selected in the list box.
//The updatePageSelector call above sets the pageListBox value.
pageSelector.tabs('option', 'active', (pageListBox.val() === 'custom') ? 1 : 0);
//Hide the page selector if the user clicks outside of it and outside the current button.
$(document).on('mouseup', function(event) {
if ( !pageSelector.is(':visible') ) {
var target = $(event.target);
var isOutsideSelector = target.closest(pageSelector).length === 0;
var isOutsideButton = currentPageSelectorButton && (target.closest(currentPageSelectorButton).length === 0);
if (isOutsideSelector && isOutsideButton) {
currentPageSelectorButton = null;
function setEmbeddedPageForCurrentItem(newPageId, newBlogId, title) {
if ( currentPageSelectorButton ) {
var containerNode = currentPageSelectorButton.closest('.ws_container'),
menuItem = containerNode.data('menu_item');
menuItem.embedded_page_id = newPageId;
menuItem.embedded_page_blog_id = newBlogId;
if (typeof title === 'string') {
//Store the page title for later. It will be displayed in the text box.
AmePageTitles.add(newPageId, newBlogId, title);
//When the user chooses a page from the list, update the menu item and hide the dropdown.
pageListBox.on('change', function() {
var selection = pageListBox.val();
if (selection === 'custom') { // jshint ignore:line
//Do nothing. Presumably, the user will now switch to the "Custom" tab and enter new settings.
//If they don't do that and just close the dropdown, we keep the previous settings.
} else if ( currentPageSelectorButton ) {
//Set the new page and blog IDs. The expected value format is "blogid_postid".
var parts = selection.split('_'),
newBlogId = parseInt(parts[0], 10),
newPageId = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
setEmbeddedPageForCurrentItem(newPageId, newBlogId, pageListBox.children(':selected').text());
pageSelector.find('#ws_custom_embedded_page_tab form').on('submit', function(event) {
var newPageId = parseInt(pageSelector.find('#ws_embedded_page_id').val(), 10),
newBlogId = parseInt(pageSelector.find('#ws_embedded_page_blog_id').val(), 10);
if (isNaN(newPageId) || (newPageId < 0)) {
alert('Error: Invalid post ID');
} else if (isNaN(newBlogId) || (newBlogId < 0)) {
alert('Error: Invalid blog ID');
} else if ( currentPageSelectorButton ) {
setEmbeddedPageForCurrentItem(newPageId, newBlogId);
Unsaved changes indicator
* @param {JQuery} $rootNode
* @constructor
function AmeUnsavedChangesIndicator($rootNode) {
this.rootNode = $rootNode;
this.reportedUnsavedChanges = 0;
.on('adminMenuEditor:menuConfigChanged', () => {
.on('menuConfigurationLoaded.adminMenuEditor', () => {
this.reportedUnsavedChanges = 0;
AmeUnsavedChangesIndicator.prototype.update = function() {
const hasUnsavedChanges = this.reportedUnsavedChanges > 0;
this.rootNode.toggleClass('ws_ame_has_unsaved_changes', hasUnsavedChanges);
const $saveButton = this.rootNode.find('#ws_save_menu');
if (hasUnsavedChanges) {
$saveButton.attr('title', 'Click to save pending changes');
} else {
$saveButton.attr('title', '');
new AmeUnsavedChangesIndicator(menuEditorNode);
//region Toolbar buttons
Menu toolbar buttons
function getSelectedMenu() {
return menuPresenter.getColumnImmediate(1).getSelectedItem();
AmeEditorApi.getSelectedMenu = getSelectedMenu;
//Show/Hide menu
* @param event
* @param {JQuery|null} selectedItem
* @param {AmeEditorColumn} column
function(event, selectedItem, column) {
const selection = column.getSelectedItem();
if (selection.length < 1) {
//Hide a menu and deny access.
* @param event
* @param {JQuery|null} selectedItem
* @param {AmeEditorColumn} column
function(event, selectedItem, column) {
const selection = column.getSelectedItem();
if (selection.length < 1) {
function objectFillKeys(keys, value) {
let result = {};
_.forEach(keys, function(key) {
result[key] = value;
return result;
if (actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor === null) {
//Hide from everyone except Super Admin and the current user.
let menuItem = selection.data('menu_item'),
validActors = _.keys(wsEditorData.actors),
alwaysAllowedActors = _.intersection(
['special:super_admin', 'user:' + wsEditorData.currentUserLogin],
victims = _.difference(validActors, alwaysAllowedActors),
//First, lets check who has access. Maybe this item is already hidden from the victims.
shouldHide = _.some(victims, _.curry(actorCanAccessMenu, 2)(menuItem));
let keepEnabled = objectFillKeys(alwaysAllowedActors, true),
hideAllExceptAllowed = _.assign(objectFillKeys(victims, false), keepEnabled);
walkMenuTree(selection, function(container, item) {
let newAccess;
if (shouldHide) {
//Yay, hide it now!
newAccess = hideAllExceptAllowed;
//Only update had_access_before_hiding if this item isn't hidden yet or the field is missing.
//We don't want to double-hide an item.
let actorsWithAccess = _.filter(victims, function(actor) {
return actorCanAccessMenu(item, actor);
if ((actorsWithAccess.length) > 0 || _.isEmpty(_.get(item, 'had_access_before_hiding', null))) {
item.had_access_before_hiding = actorsWithAccess;
} else {
//Give back access to the roles and users who previously had access.
//Careful, don't give access to roles that no longer exist.
let actorsWhoHadAccess = _.get(item, 'had_access_before_hiding', []) || [];
actorsWhoHadAccess = _.intersection(actorsWhoHadAccess, validActors);
newAccess = _.assign(objectFillKeys(actorsWhoHadAccess, true), keepEnabled);
delete item.had_access_before_hiding;
setActorAccess(container, newAccess);
} else {
//Just toggle the checkbox.
//Delete error dialog. It shows up when the user tries to delete one of the default menus.
var menuDeletionDialog = $('#ws-ame-menu-deletion-error').dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
closeText: ' ',
title: 'Error',
draggable: false
var menuDeletionCallback = function(hide) {
var selection = menuDeletionDialog.data('selected_menu');
function applyCallbackRecursively(containerNode, callback) {
var subMenuId = containerNode.data('submenu_id');
if (subMenuId && containerNode.hasClass('ws_menu')) {
$('.ws_item', '#' + subMenuId).each(function() {
var node = $(this);
function hideRecursively(containerNode, exceptActor) {
var otherActors = _(actorSelectorWidget.getVisibleActors())
applyCallbackRecursively(containerNode, function(menuItem) {
//Remember which actors had access to this item so that it
//can be un-hidden by the toolbar button.
var actorsWithAccess = _.filter(otherActors, function(actor) {
return actorCanAccessMenu(menuItem, actor);
if ((actorsWithAccess.length) > 0) {
menuItem.had_access_before_hiding = actorsWithAccess;
denyAccessForAllExcept(menuItem, exceptActor);
//TODO: Write had_access_before_hiding so that it can be un-hidden using the toolbar button.
if (hide === 'all') {
if (wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro) {
hideRecursively(selection, null);
} else {
//The free version doesn't have role permissions, so use the global "hidden" flag.
applyCallbackRecursively(selection, function(menuItem) {
menuItem.hidden = true;
} else if (hide === 'except_current_user') {
hideRecursively(selection, 'user:' + wsEditorData.currentUserLogin);
} else if (hide === 'except_administrator' && !wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro) {
//Set "required capability" to something only the Administrator role would have.
var adminOnlyCap = 'manage_options';
applyCallbackRecursively(selection, function(menuItem) {
menuItem.extra_capability = adminOnlyCap;
alert('The "required capability" field was set to "' + adminOnlyCap + '".');
//Callbacks for each of the dialog buttons.
$('#ws_cancel_menu_deletion').on('click', function() {
$('#ws_hide_menu_from_everyone').on('click', function() {
const $hideExceptCurrentUser = $('#ws_hide_menu_except_current_user').on('click', function() {
const $hideExceptAdmin = $('#ws_hide_menu_except_administrator').on('click', function() {
* Attempt to delete a menu item. Will check if the item can actually be deleted and ask the user for confirmation.
* UI callback.
* @param {JQuery} selection The selected menu item (DOM node).
function tryDeleteItem(selection) {
var menuItem = selection.data('menu_item');
var shouldDelete = false;
if (canDeleteItem(selection)) {
//Custom and duplicate items can be deleted normally.
shouldDelete = confirm('Delete this menu?');
} else {
//Non-custom items can not be deleted, but they can be hidden. Ask the user if they want to do that.
getDefaultValue(menuItem, 'is_plugin_page') ? 'an item added by another plugin' : 'a built-in menu item'
menuDeletionDialog.data('selected_menu', selection);
//Different versions get slightly different options because only the Pro version has
//role-specific permissions.
$hideExceptCurrentUser.toggleClass('hidden', !wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro);
$hideExceptAdmin.toggleClass('hidden', wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro);
//Select "Cancel" as the default button.
if (shouldDelete) {
const parentSubmenu = selection.closest('.ws_submenu');
//Delete the menu.
if (parentSubmenu && (parentSubmenu.length > 0)) {
//Refresh permissions UI for this menu's parent (if any).
//Delete menu
* @param event
* @param {JQuery|null} selectedItem
* @param {AmeEditorColumn} column
function(event, selectedItem, column) {
const selection = column.getSelectedItem();
if (selection.length < 1) {
//Copy menu
* @param event
* @param {JQuery|null} selectedItem
function (event, selectedItem) {
//Get the selected menu
if (!selectedItem || (selectedItem.lengt < 1)) {
//Store a copy of the current menu state in clipboard
menu_in_clipboard = readItemState(selectedItem);
//Cut menu
* @param event
* @param {JQuery|null} selectedItem
* @param {AmeEditorColumn} column
function (event, selectedItem, column) {
if (selectedItem === null) {
alert('Please select a menu item first.');
const submenu = selectedItem.closest('.ws_submenu');
//Store a copy of the current menu state in clipboard
menu_in_clipboard = readItemState(selectedItem);
//Remove the original menu and submenu
//If this submenu had mixed permissions, that might have changed now that the item is gone.
* @param event
* @param {JQuery|null} selectedItem
* @param {AmeEditorColumn} column
function(event, selectedItem, column) {
//Check if anything has been copied/cut
if (!menu_in_clipboard) {
//You can only add separators to submenus in the Pro version.
if ( menu_in_clipboard.separator && !wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro ) {
const copyOfItem = $.extend(true, {}, menu_in_clipboard);
//Paste the menu after the selection.
column.pasteItem(copyOfItem, selectedItem);
//New menu
* @param event
* @param {JQuery|null} selectedItem
* @param {AmeEditorColumn} column
function(event, selectedItem, column) {
const visibleList = column.getVisibleItemList();
if (!visibleList || (visibleList.length < 1)) {
//Abort if there's no item list in this column. This can happen if nothing is selected
//in the previous column.
//The new menu starts out rather bare.
let item = $.extend(true, {}, wsEditorData.blankMenuItem, {
custom: true, //Important : flag the new menu as custom, or it won't show up after saving.
template_id: '',
menu_title: 'Custom Menu ' + ws_paste_count,
file: randomMenuId(),
items: []
item.defaults = $.extend(true, {}, itemTemplates.getDefaults(''));
//Make it accessible only to the current actor if one is selected.
if (actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor !== null) {
denyAccessForAllExcept(item, actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor);
//Insert the new menu item.
let selection = column.getSelectedItem();
if (!selection || (selection.length < 1)) {
selection = null;
let result = column.outputItem(item, selection);
if (result && result.menu) {
//The menu's editbox is always open
//New separator
* @param event
* @param {JQuery|null} selectedItem
* @param {AmeEditorColumn} column
function(event, selectedItem, column) {
const visibleList = column.getVisibleItemList();
if (!visibleList || (visibleList.length < 1)) {
//Abort if there's no item list in this column. This can happen if nothing is selected
//in the previous column.
const randomId = randomMenuId('separator_');
let item = $.extend(true, {}, wsEditorData.blankMenuItem, {
separator: true, //Flag as a separator
custom: false, //Separators don't need to flagged as custom to be retained.
items: [],
defaults: {
separator: true,
css_class : 'wp-menu-separator',
access_level : 'read',
file : randomId,
hookname : randomId
const selection = column.getSelectedItem();
column.outputItem(item, (selection.length > 0) ? selection : null);
//Toggle all menus for the currently selected actor
function() {
if ( actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor === null ) {
alert("This button enables/disables all menus for the selected role. To use it, click a role and then click this button again.");
//Look at the first menu's permissions and set everything to the opposite.
const firstColumn = menuPresenter.getColumnImmediate(1);
const topMenuNodes = $('.ws_menu', firstColumn.getVisibleItemList());
const allow = ! actorCanAccessMenu(topMenuNodes.eq(0).data('menu_item'), actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor);
topMenuNodes.each(function() {
let containerNode = $(this);
setActorAccessForTreeAndUpdateUi(containerNode, actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor, allow);
//Copy all menu permissions from one role to another.
var copyPermissionsDialog = $('#ws-ame-copy-permissions-dialog').dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
closeText: ' ',
draggable: false
var sourceActorList = $('#ame-copy-source-actor'), destinationActorList = $('#ame-copy-destination-actor');
//The "Copy permissions" toolbar button.
function() {
const previousSource = sourceActorList.val();
//Populate source/destination lists.
$.each(actorSelectorWidget.getVisibleActors(), function(index, actor) {
let option = $('<option>', {
val: actor.id,
text: actorSelectorWidget.getNiceName(actor)
//Pre-select the current actor as the destination.
if (actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor !== null) {
//Restore the previous source selection.
if (previousSource) {
if (!sourceActorList.val()) {
sourceActorList.find('option').first().prop('selected', true); //Fallback.
//Actually copy the permissions when the user click the confirmation button.
var copyConfirmationButton = $('#ws-ame-confirm-copy-permissions');
copyConfirmationButton.on('click', function() {
var sourceActor = sourceActorList.val();
var destinationActor = destinationActorList.val();
if (sourceActor === null || destinationActor === null) {
alert('Select a source and a destination first.');
//Iterate over all menu items and copy the permissions from one actor to the other.
AmeEditorApi.forEachMenuItem(function (menuItem, node) {
//Only change permissions when they don't match. This ensures we won't unnecessarily overwrite default
//permissions and bloat the configuration with extra grant_access entries.
const sourceAccess = actorCanAccessMenu(menuItem, sourceActor);
const destinationAccess = actorCanAccessMenu(menuItem, destinationActor);
if (sourceAccess !== destinationAccess) {
setActorAccess(node, destinationActor, sourceAccess);
//Note: In theory, we could also look at the default permissions for destinationActor and
//revert to default instead of overwriting if that would make the two actors' permissions match.
//todo: copy granted permissions like CPTs.
//If the user is currently looking at the destination actor, force the UI to refresh
//so that they can see the new permissions.
if (actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor === destinationActor) {
//This is a bit of a hack, but right now there's no better way to refresh all items at once.
//All done.
//Only enable the copy button when the user selects a valid source and destination.
copyConfirmationButton.prop('disabled', true);
sourceActorList.add(destinationActorList).on('click', function() {
var sourceActor = sourceActorList.val();
var destinationActor = destinationActorList.val();
var validInputs = (sourceActor !== null) && (destinationActor !== null) && (sourceActor !== destinationActor);
copyConfirmationButton.prop('disabled', !validInputs);
//Sort menus in ascending or descending order.
* @param event
* @param {JQuery|null} selectedItem
* @param {AmeEditorColumn} column
* @param {JQuery} button
function(event, selectedItem, column, button) {
let direction = button.data('sort-direction') || 'asc',
menuBox = column.getVisibleItemList();
if (!menuBox || (menuBox.length < 1)) {
function sortRecursively($box, currentColumn) {
//When indirectly sorting the second menu level (regular submenus), leave the first item unmoved.
//Moving the first item would change the parent menu URL (WP always links it to the first item),
//which can be unexpected and confusing. The user can always move the first item manually.
let leaveFirstItem = ((currentColumn !== column) && (currentColumn.level === 2));
sortMenuItems($box, direction, leaveFirstItem);
//Also sort child items in the next columns.
const nextColumn = menuPresenter.getColumnImmediate(currentColumn.level + 1);
if (nextColumn) {
$box.find('.ws_container').each(function () {
const $submenu = getSubmenuOf($(this), null);
if ($submenu) {
sortRecursively($submenu, nextColumn);
sortRecursively(menuBox, column);
* Sort menu items by title.
* @param $menuBox A DOM node that contains multiple menu items.
* @param {string} direction 'asc' or 'desc'
* @param {boolean} [leaveFirstItem] Leave the first item in its original position. Defaults to false.
function sortMenuItems($menuBox, direction, leaveFirstItem) {
var multiplier = (direction === 'desc') ? -1 : 1,
items = $menuBox.find('.ws_container'),
firstItem = items.first();
//Separators don't have a title, but we don't want them to end up at the top of the list.
//Instead, lets keep their position the same relative to the previous item.
var prevItemTitle = '';
var item = $(this), sortValue;
if (item.is('.ws_menu_separator')) {
sortValue = prevItemTitle;
} else {
sortValue = jsTrim(item.find('.ws_item_title').text());
prevItemTitle = sortValue;
item.data('ame-sort-value', sortValue);
function compareMenus(a, b){
var aTitle = $(a).data('ame-sort-value'),
bTitle = $(b).data('ame-sort-value');
aTitle = aTitle.toLowerCase();
bTitle = bTitle.toLowerCase();
if (aTitle > bTitle) {
return multiplier;
} else if (aTitle < bTitle) {
return -multiplier;
return 0;
if (leaveFirstItem) {
//Move the first item back to the top.
//Toggle the second row of toolbar buttons.
function() {
let visible = menuEditorNode.find('.ws_second_toolbar_row').toggle().is(':visible');
if (typeof $['cookie'] !== 'undefined') {
$.cookie('ame-show-second-toolbar', visible ? '1' : '0', {expires: 90});
Item toolbar buttons
function getSelectedSubmenuItem() {
return menuPresenter.getColumnImmediate(2).getSelectedItem();
// Main buttons
//Save Changes - encode the current menu as JSON and save
$('#ws_save_menu').on('click', function () {
try {
var tree = readMenuTreeState();
} catch (error) {
//Right now the only known error condition is duplicate top level URLs.
if (error.hasOwnProperty('code') && (error.code === 'duplicate_top_level_url')) {
var message = 'Error: Duplicate menu URLs. The following top level menus have the same URL:\n\n' ;
for (var i = 0; i < error.duplicates.length; i++) {
var containerNode = $(error.duplicates[i]);
message += (i + 1) + '. ' + containerNode.find('.ws_item_title').first().text() + '\n';
message += '\nPlease change the URLs to be unique or delete the duplicates.';
} else {
function findItemByTemplateId(items, templateId) {
var foundItem = null;
$.each(items, function(index, item) {
if (item.template_id === templateId) {
foundItem = item;
return false;
if (item.hasOwnProperty('items') && (item.items.length > 0)) {
foundItem = findItemByTemplateId(item.items, templateId);
if (foundItem !== null) {
return false;
return true;
return foundItem;
//Abort the save if it would make the editor inaccessible.
if (wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro) {
var myMenuItem = findItemByTemplateId(tree.tree, 'options-general.php>menu_editor');
if (myMenuItem === null) { // jshint ignore:line
//This is OK - the missing menu item will be re-inserted automatically.
} else if (!actorCanAccessMenu(myMenuItem, 'user:' + wsEditorData.currentUserLogin)) {
"Error: This configuration would make you unable to access the menu editor!\n\n" +
"Please click either your role name or \"Current user (" + wsEditorData.currentUserLogin + ")\" "+
"and enable the \"Menu Editor Pro\" menu item."
var data = encodeMenuAsJSON(tree);
$('#ws_selected_actor').val(actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor === null ? '' : actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor);
var selectedMenu = getSelectedMenu();
if (selectedMenu.length > 0) {
$('#ws_expand_selected_menu').val(selectedMenu.find('.ws_editbox').is(':visible') ? '1' : '');
var selectedSubmenu = getSelectedSubmenuItem();
if (selectedSubmenu.length > 0) {
$('#ws_expand_selected_submenu').val(selectedSubmenu.find('.ws_editbox').is(':visible') ? '1' : '');
//Load default menu - load the default WordPress menu
$('#ws_load_menu').on('click', function () {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to load the default WordPress menu?')){
//Reset menu - re-load the custom menu. Discards any changes made by user.
$('#ws_reset_menu').on('click', function () {
if (confirm('Undo all changes made in the current editing session?')){
//Enable the "load default menu" and "undo changes" buttons only when "All" is selected.
//Otherwise some users incorrectly assume these buttons only affect the currently selected role or user.
actorSelectorWidget.onChange(function (newSelectedActor) {
$('#ws_load_menu, #ws_reset_menu').prop('disabled', newSelectedActor !== null);
$('#ws_load_menu, #ws_reset_menu').prop('disabled', actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor !== null);
$('#ws_toggle_editor_layout').on('click', function () {
var isCompactLayoutEnabled = menuEditorNode.toggleClass('ws_compact_layout').hasClass('ws_compact_layout');
if (typeof $['cookie'] !== 'undefined') {
$.cookie('ame-compact-layout', isCompactLayoutEnabled ? '1' : '0', {expires: 90});
var button = $(this);
if (button.is('input')) {
var checkMark = '\u2713';
button.val(button.val().replace(checkMark, ''));
if (isCompactLayoutEnabled) {
button.val(checkMark + ' ' + button.val());
//Export menu - download the current menu as a file
autoOpen: false,
closeText: ' ',
modal: true,
minHeight: 100
$('#ws_export_menu').on('click', function(){
var button = $(this);
button.prop('disabled', true);
$('#export_complete_notice, #download_menu_button').hide();
var exportDialog = $('#export_dialog');
//Encode the menu.
try {
var exportData = encodeMenuAsJSON();
} catch (error) {
button.prop('disabled', false);
//Store the menu for download.
'data' : exportData,
'action' : 'export_custom_menu',
'_ajax_nonce' : wsEditorData.exportMenuNonce
* @param {Object} data
button.prop('disabled', false);
if ( typeof data.error !== 'undefined' ){
if ( _.has(data, 'download_url') ){
//window.location = data.download_url;
$('#download_menu_button').attr('href', _.get(data, 'download_url')).data('filesize', _.get(data, 'filesize'));
$('#export_complete_notice, #download_menu_button').show();
$('#ws_cancel_export').on('click', function(){
$('#download_menu_button').on('click', function(){
//Import menu - upload an exported menu and show it in the editor
autoOpen: false,
closeText: ' ',
modal: true
const $importMenuForm = $('#import_menu_form');
$('#ws_cancel_import').on('click', function(){
$('#ws_import_menu').on('click', function(){
$('#import_progress_notice, #import_progress_notice2, #import_complete_notice, #ws_import_error').hide();
//The "Upload" button is disabled until the user selects a file
$('#ws_start_import').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
var importDialog = $('#import_dialog');
$('#import_file_selector').on('change', function(){
$('#ws_start_import').prop('disabled', ! $(this).val() );
//This function displays unhandled server side errors. In theory, our upload handler always returns a well-formed
//response even if there's an error. In practice, stuff can go wrong in unexpected ways (e.g. plugin conflicts).
function handleUnexpectedImportError(xhr, errorMessage) {
//The server-side code didn't catch this error, so it's probably something serious
//and retrying won't work.
//Display error information.
$('#ws_import_error_response').text((xhr.responseText !== '') ? xhr.responseText : '[Empty response]');
//AJAXify the upload form
dataType : 'json',
beforeSubmit: function(formData) {
//Check if the user has selected a file
for(var i = 0; i < formData.length; i++){
if ( formData[i].name === 'menu' ){
if ( (typeof formData[i].value === 'undefined') || !formData[i].value){
alert('Select a file first!');
return false;
$('#ws_start_import').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
return true;
success: function(data, status, xhr) {
var importDialog = $('#import_dialog');
if ( !importDialog.dialog('isOpen') ){
//Whoops, the user closed the dialog while the upload was in progress.
//Discard the response silently.
if ( data === null ) {
handleUnexpectedImportError(xhr, 'Invalid response from server. Please check your PHP error log.');
if ( typeof data.error !== 'undefined' ){
//Let the user try again
if ( (typeof data.tree !== 'undefined') && data.tree ){
//Whee, we got back a (seemingly) valid menu. A veritable miracle!
//Lets load it into the editor.
var progressNotice = $('#import_progress_notice2').show();
//Display a success notice, then automatically close the window after a few moments
//Close the import dialog
}), 500);
error: function(xhr, status, errorMessage) {
handleUnexpectedImportError(xhr, errorMessage);
Drag & drop items between menu levels
//Allow the user to drag sub-menu items to the top level.
'hoverClass' : 'ws_dropzone_hover',
'activeClass' : 'ws_dropzone_active',
'accept' : (function(thing){
return thing.hasClass('ws_item');
'drop' : (function(event, ui){
const firstColumn = menuPresenter.getColumnImmediate(1);
if (!firstColumn) {
const nextColumn = menuPresenter.getColumnImmediate(firstColumn.level + 1);
const droppedItemData = readItemState(ui.draggable);
const newItemNodes = firstColumn.pasteItem(droppedItemData, null);
//If the item was originally a top level menu, also move its original submenu items.
if ((getFieldValue(droppedItemData, 'parent') === null) && (newItemNodes.submenu)) {
const droppedItemFile = getFieldValue(droppedItemData, 'file');
const nearbyItems = $(ui.draggable).siblings('.ws_item');
nearbyItems.each(function() {
const containerNode = $(this),
submenuItem = containerNode.data('menu_item');
//Was this item originally a child of the dragged menu?
if (getFieldValue(submenuItem, 'parent') === droppedItemFile) {
nextColumn.pasteItem(submenuItem, null, newItemNodes.submenu);
if ( !event.ctrlKey ) {
if ( !event.ctrlKey ) {
Component visibility settings
var $generalVisBox = $('#ws_ame_general_vis_box'),
$showAdminMenu = $('#ws_ame_show_admin_menu'),
$showWpToolbar = $('#ws_ame_show_toolbar');
AmeEditorApi.actorCanSeeComponent = function(component, actorId) {
if (actorId === null) {
return _.some(actorSelectorWidget.getVisibleActors(), function(actor) {
return AmeEditorApi.actorCanSeeComponent(component, actor.id);
var actorSpecificSetting = _.get(generalComponentVisibility, [component, actorId], null);
if (actorSpecificSetting !== null) {
return actorSpecificSetting;
//Super Admin can see everything by default.
if (actorId === AmeSuperAdmin.permanentActorId) {
return _.get(generalComponentVisibility, [component, AmeSuperAdmin.permanentActorId], true);
var actor = AmeActors.getActor(actorId);
if (actor instanceof AmeUser) {
var grants = _.get(generalComponentVisibility, component, {});
//Super Admin has priority.
if (actor.isSuperAdmin) {
return AmeEditorApi.actorCanSeeComponent(component, AmeSuperAdmin.permanentActorId);
//The user can see the admin menu/Toolbar if at least one of their roles can see it.
var result = null;
_.forEach(actor.roles, function(roleName) {
var allow = _.get(grants, 'role:' + roleName, true);
if (result === null) {
result = allow;
} else {
result = result || allow;
if (result !== null) {
return result;
//Everyone can see the admin menu and the Toolbar by default.
return true;
AmeEditorApi.refreshComponentVisibility = function() {
if ($generalVisBox.length < 1) {
var actorId = actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor;
$showAdminMenu.prop('checked', AmeEditorApi.actorCanSeeComponent('adminMenu', actorId));
$showWpToolbar.prop('checked', AmeEditorApi.actorCanSeeComponent('toolbar', actorId));
AmeEditorApi.setComponentVisibility = function(section, actorId, enabled) {
if (actorId === null) {
_.forEach(actorSelectorWidget.getVisibleActors(), function(actor) {
_.set(generalComponentVisibility, [section, actor.id], enabled);
} else {
_.set(generalComponentVisibility, [section, actorId], enabled);
if ($generalVisBox.length > 0) {
$showAdminMenu.on('click', function() {
$showWpToolbar.on('click', function () {
$generalVisBox.find('.handlediv').on('click', function() {
if (typeof $['cookie'] !== 'undefined') {
($generalVisBox.hasClass('closed') ? '0' : '1'),
{ expires: 90 }
actorSelectorWidget.onChange(function() {
//region Aux menu data adapter
Auxiliary menu data adapter
* Provides read/write access to additional arbitrary data that can be stored
* in the admin menu configuration (i.e. everything that's not the menu tree).
* @constructor
class AuxiliaryConfigDataAdapter {
currentConfig = {};
registeredKeys = {};
settingIdMap = {};
prefixMap = {};
constructor(adapterConfig = {}) {
adapterConfig = adapterConfig || {};
const initialPrefixes = _.get(adapterConfig, 'prefixMap', {});
//Convert dot-separated paths like "a.b.c" to arrays.
this.prefixMap = _.mapValues(initialPrefixes, (value) => {
return _.isString(value) ? value.split('.') : value;
const initialKeys = _.get(adapterConfig, 'keys', {});
for (const key in initialKeys) {
this.registerKey(key, initialKeys[key]);
const initialSettingIdMap = _.get(adapterConfig, 'settingIdMap', {});
for (const key in initialSettingIdMap) {
this.registerSettingId(key, initialSettingIdMap[key]);
.on('menuConfigurationLoaded.adminMenuEditor', (event, menuConfiguration) => {
//To avoid accidentally modifying the original config, make
//a copy of each key except "tree" and "format".
let configCopy = {};
for (const key in menuConfiguration) {
if (!menuConfiguration.hasOwnProperty(key) || (key === 'tree') || (key === 'format')) {
if ((typeof menuConfiguration[key] === 'object') && (menuConfiguration[key] !== null)) {
configCopy[key] = $.extend(true, {}, menuConfiguration[key]);
} else {
configCopy[key] = menuConfiguration[key];
this.currentConfig = configCopy;
.on('getMenuConfiguration.adminMenuEditor', (event, menuConfiguration) => {
//Copy registered settings to the menu configuration.
for (let key in this.registeredKeys) {
if (
|| (key === 'tree')
|| (key === 'format')
) {
//Don't overwrite keys added by other scripts/event callbacks.
if (typeof menuConfiguration[key] !== 'undefined') {
if ((typeof this.currentConfig[key] !== 'undefined') && (this.currentConfig[key] !== null)) {
const newValue = this.currentConfig[key];
if (typeof newValue === 'object') {
menuConfiguration[key] = $.extend(true, {}, newValue);
} else {
menuConfiguration[key] = newValue;
} else {
delete menuConfiguration[key];
* Register a key on the menu configuration object. It will be preserved
* when the menu configuration is saved.
* @param {string} key
* @param {string|null} settingIdPrefix
registerKey(key, settingIdPrefix = null) {
this.registeredKeys[key] = true;
this.prefixMap[settingIdPrefix] = [key];
* Register a setting ID that corresponds to a specific path in the menu configuration object.
* You will be able to use the setting ID to read and write the corresponding value.
* @param {string} settingId
* @param {string|string[]} path
registerSettingId(settingId, path) {
this.settingIdMap[settingId] = path;
* Get a list of all setting prefixes that this adapter may be able to handle.
* @returns {string[]}
getKnownPrefixes() {
return Object.keys(this.prefixMap);
getSettingValue(settingId, defaultValue = null) {
const path = this.mapSettingIdToPath(settingId);
if (path === null) {
return defaultValue;
return _.get(this.currentConfig, path, defaultValue);
* @param {string} settingId
* @returns {null|string|string[]}
mapSettingIdToPath(settingId) {
const knownPath = this.settingIdMap[settingId];
if (typeof knownPath !== 'undefined') {
return knownPath;
//Does this ID start with a known prefix?
for (const prefix in this.prefixMap) {
if (!this.prefixMap.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
if (settingId.indexOf(prefix) === 0) {
const suffix = settingId.substring(prefix.length);
//Strip leading dots and convert to an array.
const suffixPath = suffix.replace(/^\.+/, '').split('.');
//Combine the prefix path with the suffix path.
return this.prefixMap[prefix].concat(suffixPath);
return null;
* Set multiple settings at once.
* @param {object} settingsById Object where keys are setting IDs and values are the new setting values.
updateSettingsById(settingsById) {
for (const settingId in settingsById) {
if (settingsById.hasOwnProperty(settingId)) {
const path = this.mapSettingIdToPath(settingId);
if (path !== null) {
_.set(this.currentConfig, path, settingsById[settingId]);
* Get a value from the menu configuration object. Uses a simple path, not a setting ID.
* @param {string|string[]} path
* @param {*} defaultValue
* @returns {*}
getPath(path, defaultValue = null) {
return _.get(this.currentConfig, path, defaultValue);
* Directly set a value in the menu configuration object. Does not translate setting IDs.
* @param {string|string[]} path Plain path, not a setting ID.
* @param {*} value
setPath(path, value) {
_.set(this.currentConfig, path, value);
AmeEditorApi.configDataAdapter = new AuxiliaryConfigDataAdapter(wsEditorData.auxDataConfig);
Tooltips and hints
//Increase tooltip z-index to avoid a conflict with the Essential Grid plugin.
//That plugin sets the jQuery UI dialog z-index to 100102, making tooltips appear
//underneath the dialog.
$.fn.qtip.zindex = 100200;
//Set up tooltips
style: {
classes: 'qtip qtip-rounded ws_tooltip_node'
hide: {
fixed: true,
delay: 300
//Set up menu field tooltips.
menuEditorNode.on('mouseenter click', '.ws_edit_field .ws_field_tooltip_trigger', function(event) {
var $trigger = $(this),
fieldName = $trigger.closest('.ws_edit_field').data('field_name');
if (knownMenuFields[fieldName].tooltip === null) {
var tooltipText = 'Invalid tooltip';
if (typeof knownMenuFields[fieldName].tooltip === 'string') {
tooltipText = knownMenuFields[fieldName].tooltip;
} else if (typeof knownMenuFields[fieldName].tooltip === 'function') {
tooltipText = function() {
var $theTrigger = $(this),
menuItem = $theTrigger.closest('.ws_container').data('menu_item');
return knownMenuFields[fieldName].tooltip(menuItem);
overwrite: false,
content: {
text: tooltipText
show: {
event: event.type,
ready: true //Show immediately.
style: {
classes: 'qtip qtip-rounded ws_tooltip_node'
hide: {
fixed: true,
delay: 300
position: {
my: 'bottom center',
at: 'top center'
}, event);
//Set up the "additional permissions are available" tooltips.
menuEditorNode.on('mouseenter click', '.ws_ext_permissions_indicator', function() {
var $indicator = $(this);
overwrite: false,
content: {
text: function() {
var indicator = $(this),
extPermissions = indicator.data('ext_permissions'),
text = 'Additional permission settings are available. Click "Edit..." to change them.',
heading = '',
$content = $('<span></span>');
if (extPermissions && extPermissions.hasOwnProperty('title')) {
heading = extPermissions.title;
if (extPermissions.hasOwnProperty('type')) {
heading = _.capitalize(_.startCase(extPermissions.type).toLowerCase()) + ': ' + heading;
return $content;
show: {
ready: true //Show immediately.
style: {
classes: 'qtip qtip-rounded ws_tooltip_node'
hide: {
fixed: true,
delay: 300
position: {
my: 'bottom center',
at: 'top center'
//Flag closed hints as hidden by sending the appropriate AJAX request to the backend.
$('.ws_hint_close').on('click', function() {
var hint = $(this).parents('.ws_hint').first();
wsEditorData.showHints[hint.attr('id')] = false;
'action': 'ws_ame_hide_hint',
'_ajax_nonce': wsEditorData.hideHintNonce,
'hint': hint.attr('id')
//Expand/collapse the "How To" box.
var $howToBox = $("#ws_ame_how_to_box");
$howToBox.find(".handlediv").on('click', function() {
if (typeof $['cookie'] !== 'undefined') {
($howToBox.hasClass('closed') ? '0' : '1'),
{ expires: 180 }
Actor views
if (wsEditorData.wsMenuEditorPro) {
actorSelectorWidget.onChange(function() {
//There are some UI elements that can be visible or hidden depending on whether an actor is selected.
var editorNode = $('#ws_menu_editor');
editorNode.toggleClass('ws_is_actor_view', (actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor !== null));
//Update the menu item states to indicate whether they're accessible.
editorNode.find('.ws_container').each(function() {
if (wsEditorData.hasOwnProperty('selectedActor') && wsEditorData.selectedActor) {
} else {
"Test Access" feature
var testAccessDialog = $('#ws_ame_test_access_screen').dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
closeText: ' ',
title: 'Test access',
width: 900
//draggable: false
testMenuItemList = $('#ws_ame_test_menu_item'),
testActorList = $('#ws_ame_test_relevant_actor'),
testAccessButton = $('#ws_ame_start_access_test'),
testAccessFrame = $('#ws_ame_test_access_frame'),
testConfig = null,
testProgress = $('#ws_ame_test_progress'),
testProgressText = $('#ws_ame_test_progress_text');
$('#ws_test_access').on('click', function () {
testConfig = readMenuTreeState();
var selectedMenuContainer = getSelectedMenu(),
selectedItemContainer = getSelectedSubmenuItem(),
selectedMenu = null,
selectedItem = null,
selectedUrl = null;
if (selectedMenuContainer.length > 0) {
selectedMenu = selectedMenuContainer.data('menu_item');
selectedUrl = getFieldValue(selectedMenu, 'url');
if (selectedItemContainer.length > 0) {
selectedItem = selectedItemContainer.data('menu_item');
selectedUrl = getFieldValue(selectedItem, 'url');
function addMenuItems(collection, parentTitle, parentFile) {
_.each(collection, function (menuItem) {
if (menuItem.separator) {
var title = formatMenuTitle(getFieldValue(menuItem, 'menu_title', '[Untitled menu]'));
if (parentTitle) {
title = parentTitle + ' -> ' + title;
var url = getFieldValue(menuItem, 'url', '[no-url]');
var option = $(
'<option>', {
val: url,
text: title
option.data('menu_item', menuItem);
option.data('parent_file', parentFile || '');
option.prop('selected', (url === selectedUrl));
if (menuItem.items) {
addMenuItems(menuItem.items, title, getFieldValue(menuItem, 'file', ''));
//Populate the list of menu items.
//Populate the actor list.
testActorList.append($('<option>', {text: 'Not selected', val: ''}));
_.each(actorSelectorWidget.getVisibleActors(), function (actor) {
//TODO: Skip anything that isn't a role
var option = $('<option>', {
val: actor.id,
text: actorSelectorWidget.getNiceName(actor)
//Pre-select the current actor.
if (actorSelectorWidget.selectedActor !== null) {
testAccessButton.on('click', function () {
testAccessButton.prop('disabled', true);
testProgressText.text('Sending menu settings...');
var selectedOption = testMenuItemList.find('option:selected').first(),
selectedMenu = selectedOption.data('menu_item');
data: {
'action': 'ws_ame_set_test_configuration',
'data': encodeMenuAsJSON(testConfig),
'_ajax_nonce': wsEditorData.setTestConfigurationNonce
method: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(response) {
if (!response) {
alert('Error: Could not parse the server response.');
testAccessButton.prop('disabled', false);
if (response.error) {
testAccessButton.prop('disabled', false);
if (!response.success) {
alert('Error: The request failed, but there is no error information available.');
testAccessButton.prop('disabled', false);
throw new Error('Not fully implemented yet!');
//Caution: Won't work in IE. Needs compat checks.
//var testPageUrl = new URL(menuUrl, window.location.href);
var testPageUrl = 'fixme';
testPageUrl.searchParams.append('ame-test-menu-access-as', $('#ws_ame_test_access_username').val());
testPageUrl.searchParams.append('_wpnonce', wsEditorData.testAccessNonce);
testPageUrl.searchParams.append('ame-test-relevant-role', testActorList.val());
testPageUrl.searchParams.append('ame-test-target-item', getFieldValue(selectedMenu, 'file', ''));
testPageUrl.searchParams.append('ame-test-target-parent', selectedOption.data('parent_file'));
testProgressText.text('Loading the test page....');
$(window).on('message', receiveTestAccessResults);
.on('load', onAccessTestLoaded)
.prop('src', testPageUrl.href);
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
alert('HTTP Error: ' + textStatus);
testAccessButton.prop('disabled', false);
function onAccessTestLoaded() {
testAccessFrame.off('load', onAccessTestLoaded);
testAccessButton.prop('disabled', false);
function receiveTestAccessResults(event) {
if (event.originalEvent.source !== testAccessFrame.get(0).contentWindow) {
if (console && console.warn) {
console.warn('AME: Received a message from an unexpected source. Message ignored.');
var message = event.originalEvent.data || event.originalEvent.message;
console.log('message received', message);
$(window).off('message', receiveTestAccessResults);
//Finally, show the menu
//Select the previous selected menu, if any.
if (wsEditorData.selectedMenu) {
_.get(wsEditorData, 'expandSelectedMenu') === '1'
if (wsEditorData.selectedSubmenu) {
_.get(wsEditorData, 'expandSelectedSubmenu') === '1'
//... and make the UI visible now that it's fully rendered.
menuEditorNode.css('visibility', 'visible');
//Add an extra class to the editor toolbars when their "position: sticky" triggers.
//This is useful for adding a bottom border and other styles.
if (IntersectionObserver) {
This assumes that the toolbars stick below the admin bar. If that changes,
this code will need to be updated.
How do we detect that?
- We could use IntersectionObserver to detect when the toolbar leaves the viewport,
but since it's sticky, it usually won't.
- We can get around that by using negative root margins. Negative margins effectively shrink
the bounding box of the viewport. If we set the top margin to "-1px", the effective top of
the viewport will be 1px lower, so the observer will fire just *before* the toolbar would
leave the viewport.
- The admin bar is always at the top of the viewport.
- So we can detect when the toolbar is right below the admin bar by using a negative top
margin that is equal to the height of the admin bar + 1px.
let observerRootMargin = '-33px'; //Default admin bar height is 32px.
const adminBarHeight = $('#wpadminbar').outerHeight();
if (adminBarHeight > 0) {
observerRootMargin = (-1 * adminBarHeight - 1) + 'px';
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(
(entries) => {
for (const e of entries) {
e.target.classList.toggle('ws_is_sticky_toolbar', e.intersectionRatio < 1);
threshold: [1],
rootMargin: observerRootMargin + ' 0px 0px 0px'
const editorToolbars = document.querySelectorAll('.ws_main_container .ws_toolbar');
for (const toolbar of editorToolbars) {
//Skip the toolbar that's inside the template column.
if (toolbar.closest && (toolbar.closest('#ame-submenu-column-template') !== null)) {
//Compatibility workaround: If another plugin or theme throws an exception in its jQuery.ready() handler,
//our callback might never get run. As a backup, set a timer and manually check if the DOM is ready.
var domCheckAttempts = 0,
maxDomCheckAttempts = 30;
var domCheckIntervalId = window.setInterval(function () {
if (isDomReadyDone || (domCheckAttempts >= maxDomCheckAttempts)) {
if ($ && $.isReady) {
}, 1000);
})(jQuery, wsAmeLodash);
// Screen options
'use strict';
var screenOptions = $('#ws-ame-screen-meta-contents');
var hideSettingsCheckbox = screenOptions.find('#ws-hide-advanced-settings');
hideSettingsCheckbox.prop('checked', wsEditorData.hideAdvancedSettings);
//Update editor state when settings change
$('#ws-hide-advanced-settings').on('click', function(){
wsEditorData.hideAdvancedSettings = hideSettingsCheckbox.prop('checked');
//Show/hide advanced settings dynamically as the user changes the setting.
if ($(this).is(hideSettingsCheckbox)) {
var menuEditorNode = $('#ws_menu_editor');
if ( wsEditorData.hideAdvancedSettings ){
} else {
'action' : 'ws_ame_save_screen_options',
'hide_advanced_settings' : wsEditorData.hideAdvancedSettings ? 1 : 0,
'show_extra_icons' : wsEditorData.showExtraIcons ? 1 : 0,
'_ajax_nonce' : wsEditorData.hideAdvancedSettingsNonce
//Move our options into the screen meta panel
var advSettings = $('#adv-settings');
if (advSettings.length > 0) {