[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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/*! bdtUIkit 3.21.7 | https://www.getuikit.com | (c) 2014 - 2024 YOOtheme | MIT License */

(function (global, factory) {
    typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
    typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define('uikit', factory) :
    (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.bdtUIkit = factory());
})(this, (function () { 'use strict';

    const { hasOwnProperty, toString } = Object.prototype;
    function hasOwn(obj, key) {
      return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);
    const hyphenateRe = /\B([A-Z])/g;
    const hyphenate = memoize((str) => str.replace(hyphenateRe, "-$1").toLowerCase());
    const camelizeRe = /-(\w)/g;
    const camelize = memoize(
      (str) => (str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.slice(1)).replace(camelizeRe, (_, c) => c.toUpperCase())
    const ucfirst = memoize((str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1));
    function startsWith(str, search) {
      var _a;
      return (_a = str == null ? void 0 : str.startsWith) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(str, search);
    function endsWith(str, search) {
      var _a;
      return (_a = str == null ? void 0 : str.endsWith) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(str, search);
    function includes(obj, search) {
      var _a;
      return (_a = obj == null ? void 0 : obj.includes) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(obj, search);
    function findIndex(array, predicate) {
      var _a;
      return (_a = array == null ? void 0 : array.findIndex) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(array, predicate);
    const { isArray, from: toArray } = Array;
    const { assign } = Object;
    function isFunction(obj) {
      return typeof obj === "function";
    function isObject(obj) {
      return obj !== null && typeof obj === "object";
    function isPlainObject(obj) {
      return toString.call(obj) === "[object Object]";
    function isWindow(obj) {
      return isObject(obj) && obj === obj.window;
    function isDocument(obj) {
      return nodeType(obj) === 9;
    function isNode(obj) {
      return nodeType(obj) >= 1;
    function isElement(obj) {
      return nodeType(obj) === 1;
    function nodeType(obj) {
      return !isWindow(obj) && isObject(obj) && obj.nodeType;
    function isBoolean(value) {
      return typeof value === "boolean";
    function isString(value) {
      return typeof value === "string";
    function isNumber(value) {
      return typeof value === "number";
    function isNumeric(value) {
      return isNumber(value) || isString(value) && !isNaN(value - parseFloat(value));
    function isEmpty(obj) {
      return !(isArray(obj) ? obj.length : isObject(obj) ? Object.keys(obj).length : false);
    function isUndefined(value) {
      return value === void 0;
    function toBoolean(value) {
      return isBoolean(value) ? value : value === "true" || value === "1" || value === "" ? true : value === "false" || value === "0" ? false : value;
    function toNumber(value) {
      const number = Number(value);
      return isNaN(number) ? false : number;
    function toFloat(value) {
      return parseFloat(value) || 0;
    function toNode(element) {
      return element && toNodes(element)[0];
    function toNodes(element) {
      return isNode(element) ? [element] : Array.from(element || []).filter(isNode);
    function toWindow(element) {
      if (isWindow(element)) {
        return element;
      element = toNode(element);
      const document = isDocument(element) ? element : element == null ? void 0 : element.ownerDocument;
      return (document == null ? void 0 : document.defaultView) || window;
    function isEqual(value, other) {
      return value === other || isObject(value) && isObject(other) && Object.keys(value).length === Object.keys(other).length && each(value, (val, key) => val === other[key]);
    function swap(value, a, b) {
      return value.replace(new RegExp(`${a}|${b}`, "g"), (match) => match === a ? b : a);
    function last(array) {
      return array[array.length - 1];
    function each(obj, cb) {
      for (const key in obj) {
        if (false === cb(obj[key], key)) {
          return false;
      return true;
    function sortBy(array, prop) {
      return array.slice().sort(
        ({ [prop]: propA = 0 }, { [prop]: propB = 0 }) => propA > propB ? 1 : propB > propA ? -1 : 0
    function sumBy(array, iteratee) {
      return array.reduce(
        (sum, item) => sum + toFloat(isFunction(iteratee) ? iteratee(item) : item[iteratee]),
    function uniqueBy(array, prop) {
      const seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
      return array.filter(({ [prop]: check }) => seen.has(check) ? false : seen.add(check));
    function pick(obj, props) {
      return props.reduce((res, prop) => ({ ...res, [prop]: obj[prop] }), {});
    function clamp(number, min = 0, max = 1) {
      return Math.min(Math.max(toNumber(number) || 0, min), max);
    function noop() {
    function intersectRect(...rects) {
      return [
        ["bottom", "top"],
        ["right", "left"]
        ([minProp, maxProp]) => Math.min(...rects.map(({ [minProp]: min }) => min)) - Math.max(...rects.map(({ [maxProp]: max }) => max)) > 0
    function pointInRect(point, rect) {
      return point.x <= rect.right && point.x >= rect.left && point.y <= rect.bottom && point.y >= rect.top;
    function ratio(dimensions, prop, value) {
      const aProp = prop === "width" ? "height" : "width";
      return {
        [aProp]: dimensions[prop] ? Math.round(value * dimensions[aProp] / dimensions[prop]) : dimensions[aProp],
        [prop]: value
    function contain(dimensions, maxDimensions) {
      dimensions = { ...dimensions };
      for (const prop in dimensions) {
        dimensions = dimensions[prop] > maxDimensions[prop] ? ratio(dimensions, prop, maxDimensions[prop]) : dimensions;
      return dimensions;
    function cover$1(dimensions, maxDimensions) {
      dimensions = contain(dimensions, maxDimensions);
      for (const prop in dimensions) {
        dimensions = dimensions[prop] < maxDimensions[prop] ? ratio(dimensions, prop, maxDimensions[prop]) : dimensions;
      return dimensions;
    const Dimensions = { ratio, contain, cover: cover$1 };
    function getIndex(i, elements, current = 0, finite = false) {
      elements = toNodes(elements);
      const { length } = elements;
      if (!length) {
        return -1;
      i = isNumeric(i) ? toNumber(i) : i === "next" ? current + 1 : i === "previous" ? current - 1 : i === "last" ? length - 1 : elements.indexOf(toNode(i));
      if (finite) {
        return clamp(i, 0, length - 1);
      i %= length;
      return i < 0 ? i + length : i;
    function memoize(fn) {
      const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
      return (key, ...args) => cache[key] || (cache[key] = fn(key, ...args));

    function addClass(element, ...classes) {
      for (const node of toNodes(element)) {
        const add = toClasses(classes).filter((cls) => !hasClass(node, cls));
        if (add.length) {
    function removeClass(element, ...classes) {
      for (const node of toNodes(element)) {
        const remove = toClasses(classes).filter((cls) => hasClass(node, cls));
        if (remove.length) {
    function replaceClass(element, oldClass, newClass) {
      newClass = toClasses(newClass);
      oldClass = toClasses(oldClass).filter((cls) => !includes(newClass, cls));
      removeClass(element, oldClass);
      addClass(element, newClass);
    function hasClass(element, cls) {
      [cls] = toClasses(cls);
      return toNodes(element).some((node) => node.classList.contains(cls));
    function toggleClass(element, cls, force) {
      const classes = toClasses(cls);
      if (!isUndefined(force)) {
        force = !!force;
      for (const node of toNodes(element)) {
        for (const cls2 of classes) {
          node.classList.toggle(cls2, force);
    function toClasses(str) {
      return str ? isArray(str) ? str.map(toClasses).flat() : String(str).split(" ").filter(Boolean) : [];

    function attr(element, name, value) {
      var _a;
      if (isObject(name)) {
        for (const key in name) {
          attr(element, key, name[key]);
      if (isUndefined(value)) {
        return (_a = toNode(element)) == null ? void 0 : _a.getAttribute(name);
      } else {
        for (const el of toNodes(element)) {
          if (isFunction(value)) {
            value = value.call(el, attr(el, name));
          if (value === null) {
            removeAttr(el, name);
          } else {
            el.setAttribute(name, value);
    function hasAttr(element, name) {
      return toNodes(element).some((element2) => element2.hasAttribute(name));
    function removeAttr(element, name) {
      toNodes(element).forEach((element2) => element2.removeAttribute(name));
    function data(element, attribute) {
      for (const name of [attribute, `data-${attribute}`]) {
        if (hasAttr(element, name)) {
          return attr(element, name);

    const inBrowser = typeof window !== "undefined";
    const isRtl = inBrowser && document.dir === "rtl";
    const hasTouch = inBrowser && "ontouchstart" in window;
    const hasPointerEvents = inBrowser && window.PointerEvent;
    const pointerDown$1 = hasPointerEvents ? "pointerdown" : hasTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown";
    const pointerMove$1 = hasPointerEvents ? "pointermove" : hasTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove";
    const pointerUp$1 = hasPointerEvents ? "pointerup" : hasTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup";
    const pointerEnter = hasPointerEvents ? "pointerenter" : hasTouch ? "" : "mouseenter";
    const pointerLeave = hasPointerEvents ? "pointerleave" : hasTouch ? "" : "mouseleave";
    const pointerCancel = hasPointerEvents ? "pointercancel" : "touchcancel";

    const voidElements = {
      area: true,
      base: true,
      br: true,
      col: true,
      embed: true,
      hr: true,
      img: true,
      input: true,
      keygen: true,
      link: true,
      meta: true,
      param: true,
      source: true,
      track: true,
      wbr: true
    function isVoidElement(element) {
      return toNodes(element).some((element2) => voidElements[element2.tagName.toLowerCase()]);
    const isVisibleFn = inBrowser && Element.prototype.checkVisibility || function() {
      return this.offsetWidth || this.offsetHeight || this.getClientRects().length;
    function isVisible(element) {
      return toNodes(element).some((element2) => isVisibleFn.call(element2));
    const selInput = "input,select,textarea,button";
    function isInput(element) {
      return toNodes(element).some((element2) => matches(element2, selInput));
    const selFocusable = `${selInput},a[href],[tabindex]`;
    function isFocusable(element) {
      return matches(element, selFocusable);
    function parent(element) {
      var _a;
      return (_a = toNode(element)) == null ? void 0 : _a.parentElement;
    function filter$1(element, selector) {
      return toNodes(element).filter((element2) => matches(element2, selector));
    function matches(element, selector) {
      return toNodes(element).some((element2) => element2.matches(selector));
    function parents(element, selector) {
      const elements = [];
      while (element = parent(element)) {
        if (!selector || matches(element, selector)) {
      return elements;
    function children(element, selector) {
      element = toNode(element);
      const children2 = element ? toArray(element.children) : [];
      return selector ? filter$1(children2, selector) : children2;
    function index(element, ref) {
      return ref ? toNodes(element).indexOf(toNode(ref)) : children(parent(element)).indexOf(element);
    function isSameSiteAnchor(el) {
      el = toNode(el);
      return el && ["origin", "pathname", "search"].every((part) => el[part] === location[part]);
    function getTargetedElement(el) {
      if (isSameSiteAnchor(el)) {
        const { hash, ownerDocument } = toNode(el);
        const id = decodeURIComponent(hash).slice(1);
        return ownerDocument.getElementById(id) || ownerDocument.getElementsByName(id)[0];

    function query(selector, context) {
      return find(selector, getContext(selector, context));
    function queryAll(selector, context) {
      return findAll(selector, getContext(selector, context));
    function find(selector, context) {
      return toNode(_query(selector, toNode(context), "querySelector"));
    function findAll(selector, context) {
      return toNodes(_query(selector, toNode(context), "querySelectorAll"));
    function getContext(selector, context = document) {
      return isString(selector) && parseSelector(selector).isContextSelector || isDocument(context) ? context : context.ownerDocument;
    const addStarRe = /([!>+~-])(?=\s+[!>+~-]|\s*$)/g;
    const splitSelectorRe = /(\([^)]*\)|[^,])+/g;
    const parseSelector = memoize((selector) => {
      selector = selector.replace(addStarRe, "$1 *");
      let isContextSelector = false;
      const selectors = [];
      for (let sel of selector.match(splitSelectorRe)) {
        sel = sel.trim();
        isContextSelector || (isContextSelector = ["!", "+", "~", "-", ">"].includes(sel[0]));
      return {
        selector: selectors.join(","),
    const positionRe = /(\([^)]*\)|\S)*/;
    const parsePositionSelector = memoize((selector) => {
      selector = selector.slice(1).trim();
      const [position] = selector.match(positionRe);
      return [position, selector.slice(position.length + 1)];
    function _query(selector, context = document, queryFn) {
      if (!selector || !isString(selector)) {
        return selector;
      const parsed = parseSelector(selector);
      if (!parsed.isContextSelector) {
        return _doQuery(context, queryFn, parsed.selector);
      selector = "";
      const isSingle = parsed.selectors.length === 1;
      for (let sel of parsed.selectors) {
        let positionSel;
        let ctx = context;
        if (sel[0] === "!") {
          [positionSel, sel] = parsePositionSelector(sel);
          ctx = context.parentElement.closest(positionSel);
          if (!sel && isSingle) {
            return ctx;
        if (ctx && sel[0] === "-") {
          [positionSel, sel] = parsePositionSelector(sel);
          ctx = ctx.previousElementSibling;
          ctx = matches(ctx, positionSel) ? ctx : null;
          if (!sel && isSingle) {
            return ctx;
        if (!ctx) {
        if (isSingle) {
          if (sel[0] === "~" || sel[0] === "+") {
            sel = `:scope > :nth-child(${index(ctx) + 1}) ${sel}`;
            ctx = ctx.parentElement;
          } else if (sel[0] === ">") {
            sel = `:scope ${sel}`;
          return _doQuery(ctx, queryFn, sel);
        selector += `${selector ? "," : ""}${domPath(ctx)} ${sel}`;
      if (!isDocument(context)) {
        context = context.ownerDocument;
      return _doQuery(context, queryFn, selector);
    function _doQuery(context, queryFn, selector) {
      try {
        return context[queryFn](selector);
      } catch (e) {
        return null;
    function domPath(element) {
      const names = [];
      while (element.parentNode) {
        const id = attr(element, "id");
        if (id) {
        } else {
          let { tagName } = element;
          if (tagName !== "HTML") {
            tagName += `:nth-child(${index(element) + 1})`;
          element = element.parentNode;
      return names.join(" > ");
    function escape(css) {
      return isString(css) ? CSS.escape(css) : "";

    function on(...args) {
      let [targets, types, selector, listener, useCapture = false] = getArgs(args);
      if (listener.length > 1) {
        listener = detail(listener);
      if (useCapture == null ? void 0 : useCapture.self) {
        listener = selfFilter(listener);
      if (selector) {
        listener = delegate(selector, listener);
      for (const type of types) {
        for (const target of targets) {
          target.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
      return () => off(targets, types, listener, useCapture);
    function off(...args) {
      let [targets, types, , listener, useCapture = false] = getArgs(args);
      for (const type of types) {
        for (const target of targets) {
          target.removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
    function once(...args) {
      const [element, types, selector, listener, useCapture = false, condition] = getArgs(args);
      const off2 = on(
        (e) => {
          const result = !condition || condition(e);
          if (result) {
            listener(e, result);
      return off2;
    function trigger(targets, event, detail2) {
      return toEventTargets(targets).every(
        (target) => target.dispatchEvent(createEvent(event, true, true, detail2))
    function createEvent(e, bubbles = true, cancelable = false, detail2) {
      if (isString(e)) {
        e = new CustomEvent(e, { bubbles, cancelable, detail: detail2 });
      return e;
    function getArgs(args) {
      args[0] = toEventTargets(args[0]);
      if (isString(args[1])) {
        args[1] = args[1].split(" ");
      if (isFunction(args[2])) {
        args.splice(2, 0, false);
      return args;
    function delegate(selector, listener) {
      return (e) => {
        const current = selector[0] === ">" ? findAll(selector, e.currentTarget).reverse().find((element) => element.contains(e.target)) : e.target.closest(selector);
        if (current) {
          e.current = current;
          listener.call(this, e);
          delete e.current;
    function detail(listener) {
      return (e) => isArray(e.detail) ? listener(e, ...e.detail) : listener(e);
    function selfFilter(listener) {
      return function(e) {
        if (e.target === e.currentTarget || e.target === e.current) {
          return listener.call(null, e);
    function isEventTarget(target) {
      return target && "addEventListener" in target;
    function toEventTarget(target) {
      return isEventTarget(target) ? target : toNode(target);
    function toEventTargets(target) {
      return isArray(target) ? target.map(toEventTarget).filter(Boolean) : isString(target) ? findAll(target) : isEventTarget(target) ? [target] : toNodes(target);
    function isTouch(e) {
      return e.pointerType === "touch" || !!e.touches;
    function getEventPos(e) {
      var _a, _b;
      const { clientX: x, clientY: y } = ((_a = e.touches) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) || ((_b = e.changedTouches) == null ? void 0 : _b[0]) || e;
      return { x, y };

    const cssNumber = {
      "animation-iteration-count": true,
      "column-count": true,
      "fill-opacity": true,
      "flex-grow": true,
      "flex-shrink": true,
      "font-weight": true,
      "line-height": true,
      opacity: true,
      order: true,
      orphans: true,
      "stroke-dasharray": true,
      "stroke-dashoffset": true,
      widows: true,
      "z-index": true,
      zoom: true
    function css(element, property, value, priority) {
      const elements = toNodes(element);
      for (const element2 of elements) {
        if (isString(property)) {
          property = propName(property);
          if (isUndefined(value)) {
            return getComputedStyle(element2).getPropertyValue(property);
          } else {
              isNumeric(value) && !cssNumber[property] ? `${value}px` : value || isNumber(value) ? value : "",
        } else if (isArray(property)) {
          const props = {};
          for (const prop of property) {
            props[prop] = css(element2, prop);
          return props;
        } else if (isObject(property)) {
          for (const prop in property) {
            css(element2, prop, property[prop], value);
      return elements[0];
    const propName = memoize((name) => {
      if (startsWith(name, "--")) {
        return name;
      name = hyphenate(name);
      const { style } = document.documentElement;
      if (name in style) {
        return name;
      for (const prefix of ["webkit", "moz"]) {
        const prefixedName = `-${prefix}-${name}`;
        if (prefixedName in style) {
          return prefixedName;

    const clsTransition = "bdt-transition";
    const transitionEnd = "transitionend";
    const transitionCanceled = "transitioncanceled";
    function transition$1(element, props, duration = 400, timing = "linear") {
      duration = Math.round(duration);
      return Promise.all(
          (element2) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            for (const name in props) {
              css(element2, name);
            const timer = setTimeout(() => trigger(element2, transitionEnd), duration);
              [transitionEnd, transitionCanceled],
              ({ type }) => {
                removeClass(element2, clsTransition);
                css(element2, {
                  transitionProperty: "",
                  transitionDuration: "",
                  transitionTimingFunction: ""
                type === transitionCanceled ? reject() : resolve(element2);
              { self: true }
            addClass(element2, clsTransition);
            css(element2, {
              transitionProperty: Object.keys(props).map(propName).join(","),
              transitionDuration: `${duration}ms`,
              transitionTimingFunction: timing,
    const Transition = {
      start: transition$1,
      async stop(element) {
        trigger(element, transitionEnd);
        await Promise.resolve();
      async cancel(element) {
        trigger(element, transitionCanceled);
        await Promise.resolve();
      inProgress(element) {
        return hasClass(element, clsTransition);
    const clsAnimation = "bdt-animation";
    const animationEnd = "animationend";
    const animationCanceled = "animationcanceled";
    function animate$2(element, animation, duration = 200, origin, out) {
      return Promise.all(
          (element2) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            if (hasClass(element2, clsAnimation)) {
              trigger(element2, animationCanceled);
            const classes = [
              `${clsAnimation}-${out ? "leave" : "enter"}`,
              origin && `bdt-transform-origin-${origin}`,
              out && `${clsAnimation}-reverse`
            const timer = setTimeout(() => trigger(element2, animationEnd), duration);
              [animationEnd, animationCanceled],
              ({ type }) => {
                type === animationCanceled ? reject() : resolve(element2);
                css(element2, "animationDuration", "");
                removeClass(element2, classes);
              { self: true }
            css(element2, "animationDuration", `${duration}ms`);
            addClass(element2, classes);
    const Animation = {
      in: animate$2,
      out(element, animation, duration, origin) {
        return animate$2(element, animation, duration, origin, true);
      inProgress(element) {
        return hasClass(element, clsAnimation);
      cancel(element) {
        trigger(element, animationCanceled);

    function ready(fn) {
      if (document.readyState !== "loading") {
      once(document, "DOMContentLoaded", fn);
    function isTag(element, ...tagNames) {
      return tagNames.some((tagName) => {
        var _a;
        return ((_a = element == null ? void 0 : element.tagName) == null ? void 0 : _a.toLowerCase()) === tagName.toLowerCase();
    function empty(element) {
      element = $(element);
      element.innerHTML = "";
      return element;
    function html(parent2, html2) {
      return isUndefined(html2) ? $(parent2).innerHTML : append(empty(parent2), html2);
    const prepend = applyFn("prepend");
    const append = applyFn("append");
    const before = applyFn("before");
    const after = applyFn("after");
    function applyFn(fn) {
      return function(ref, element) {
        var _a;
        const nodes = toNodes(isString(element) ? fragment(element) : element);
        (_a = $(ref)) == null ? void 0 : _a[fn](...nodes);
        return unwrapSingle(nodes);
    function remove$1(element) {
      toNodes(element).forEach((element2) => element2.remove());
    function wrapAll(element, structure) {
      structure = toNode(before(element, structure));
      while (structure.firstElementChild) {
        structure = structure.firstElementChild;
      append(structure, element);
      return structure;
    function wrapInner(element, structure) {
      return toNodes(
          (element2) => element2.hasChildNodes() ? wrapAll(toArray(element2.childNodes), structure) : append(element2, structure)
    function unwrap(element) {
      toNodes(element).map(parent).filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index).forEach((parent2) => parent2.replaceWith(...parent2.childNodes));
    const singleTagRe = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/;
    function fragment(html2) {
      const matches = singleTagRe.exec(html2);
      if (matches) {
        return document.createElement(matches[1]);
      const container = document.createElement("template");
      container.innerHTML = html2.trim();
      return unwrapSingle(container.content.childNodes);
    function unwrapSingle(nodes) {
      return nodes.length > 1 ? nodes : nodes[0];
    function apply(node, fn) {
      if (!isElement(node)) {
      node = node.firstElementChild;
      while (node) {
        apply(node, fn);
        node = node.nextElementSibling;
    function $(selector, context) {
      return isHtml(selector) ? toNode(fragment(selector)) : find(selector, context);
    function $$(selector, context) {
      return isHtml(selector) ? toNodes(fragment(selector)) : findAll(selector, context);
    function isHtml(str) {
      return isString(str) && startsWith(str.trim(), "<");

    const dirs$1 = {
      width: ["left", "right"],
      height: ["top", "bottom"]
    function dimensions$1(element) {
      const rect = isElement(element) ? toNode(element).getBoundingClientRect() : { height: height(element), width: width(element), top: 0, left: 0 };
      return {
        height: rect.height,
        width: rect.width,
        top: rect.top,
        left: rect.left,
        bottom: rect.top + rect.height,
        right: rect.left + rect.width
    function offset(element, coordinates) {
      if (coordinates) {
        css(element, { left: 0, top: 0 });
      const currentOffset = dimensions$1(element);
      if (element) {
        const { scrollY, scrollX } = toWindow(element);
        const offsetBy = { height: scrollY, width: scrollX };
        for (const dir in dirs$1) {
          for (const prop of dirs$1[dir]) {
            currentOffset[prop] += offsetBy[dir];
      if (!coordinates) {
        return currentOffset;
      for (const prop of ["left", "top"]) {
        css(element, prop, coordinates[prop] - currentOffset[prop]);
    function position(element) {
      let { top, left } = offset(element);
      const {
        ownerDocument: { body, documentElement },
      } = toNode(element);
      let parent = offsetParent || documentElement;
      while (parent && (parent === body || parent === documentElement) && css(parent, "position") === "static") {
        parent = parent.parentNode;
      if (isElement(parent)) {
        const parentOffset = offset(parent);
        top -= parentOffset.top + toFloat(css(parent, "borderTopWidth"));
        left -= parentOffset.left + toFloat(css(parent, "borderLeftWidth"));
      return {
        top: top - toFloat(css(element, "marginTop")),
        left: left - toFloat(css(element, "marginLeft"))
    function offsetPosition(element) {
      element = toNode(element);
      const offset2 = [element.offsetTop, element.offsetLeft];
      while (element = element.offsetParent) {
        offset2[0] += element.offsetTop + toFloat(css(element, `borderTopWidth`));
        offset2[1] += element.offsetLeft + toFloat(css(element, `borderLeftWidth`));
        if (css(element, "position") === "fixed") {
          const win = toWindow(element);
          offset2[0] += win.scrollY;
          offset2[1] += win.scrollX;
          return offset2;
      return offset2;
    const height = dimension("height");
    const width = dimension("width");
    function dimension(prop) {
      const propName = ucfirst(prop);
      return (element, value) => {
        if (isUndefined(value)) {
          if (isWindow(element)) {
            return element[`inner${propName}`];
          if (isDocument(element)) {
            const doc = element.documentElement;
            return Math.max(doc[`offset${propName}`], doc[`scroll${propName}`]);
          element = toNode(element);
          value = css(element, prop);
          value = value === "auto" ? element[`offset${propName}`] : toFloat(value) || 0;
          return value - boxModelAdjust(element, prop);
        } else {
          return css(
            !value && value !== 0 ? "" : +value + boxModelAdjust(element, prop) + "px"
    function boxModelAdjust(element, prop, sizing = "border-box") {
      return css(element, "boxSizing") === sizing ? sumBy(
        (prop2) => toFloat(css(element, `padding${prop2}`)) + toFloat(css(element, `border${prop2}Width`))
      ) : 0;
    function flipPosition(pos) {
      for (const dir in dirs$1) {
        for (const i in dirs$1[dir]) {
          if (dirs$1[dir][i] === pos) {
            return dirs$1[dir][1 - i];
      return pos;
    function toPx(value, property = "width", element = window, offsetDim = false) {
      if (!isString(value)) {
        return toFloat(value);
      return sumBy(parseCalc(value), (value2) => {
        const unit = parseUnit(value2);
        return unit ? percent(
          unit === "vh" ? getViewportHeight() : unit === "vw" ? width(toWindow(element)) : offsetDim ? element[`offset${ucfirst(property)}`] : dimensions$1(element)[property],
        ) : value2;
    const calcRe = /-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:v[wh]|%|px)?/g;
    const parseCalc = memoize((calc) => calc.toString().replace(/\s/g, "").match(calcRe) || []);
    const unitRe$1 = /(?:v[hw]|%)$/;
    const parseUnit = memoize((str) => (str.match(unitRe$1) || [])[0]);
    function percent(base, value) {
      return base * toFloat(value) / 100;
    let vh;
    let vhEl;
    function getViewportHeight() {
      if (vh) {
        return vh;
      if (!vhEl) {
        vhEl = $("<div>");
        css(vhEl, {
          height: "100vh",
          position: "fixed"
        on(window, "resize", () => vh = null);
      append(document.body, vhEl);
      vh = vhEl.clientHeight;
      return vh;

    const fastdom = { read, write, clear, flush };
    const reads = [];
    const writes = [];
    function read(task) {
      return task;
    function write(task) {
      return task;
    function clear(task) {
      remove(reads, task);
      remove(writes, task);
    let scheduled = false;
    function flush() {
      scheduled = false;
      if (reads.length || writes.length) {
    function scheduleFlush() {
      if (!scheduled) {
        scheduled = true;
    function runTasks(tasks) {
      let task;
      while (task = tasks.shift()) {
        try {
        } catch (e) {
    function remove(array, item) {
      const index = array.indexOf(item);
      return ~index && array.splice(index, 1);

    class MouseTracker {
      init() {
        this.positions = [];
        let position;
        this.unbind = on(document, "mousemove", (e) => position = getEventPos(e));
        this.interval = setInterval(() => {
          if (!position) {
          if (this.positions.length > 5) {
        }, 50);
      cancel() {
        var _a;
        (_a = this.unbind) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(this);
      movesTo(target) {
        if (!this.positions || this.positions.length < 2) {
          return false;
        const p = dimensions$1(target);
        const { left, right, top, bottom } = p;
        const [prevPosition] = this.positions;
        const position = last(this.positions);
        const path = [prevPosition, position];
        if (pointInRect(position, p)) {
          return false;
        const diagonals = [
            { x: left, y: top },
            { x: right, y: bottom }
            { x: left, y: bottom },
            { x: right, y: top }
        return diagonals.some((diagonal) => {
          const intersection = intersect(path, diagonal);
          return intersection && pointInRect(intersection, p);
    function intersect([{ x: x1, y: y1 }, { x: x2, y: y2 }], [{ x: x3, y: y3 }, { x: x4, y: y4 }]) {
      const denominator = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1);
      if (denominator === 0) {
        return false;
      const ua = ((x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3)) / denominator;
      if (ua < 0) {
        return false;
      return { x: x1 + ua * (x2 - x1), y: y1 + ua * (y2 - y1) };

    function observeIntersection(targets, cb, options = {}, { intersecting = true } = {}) {
      const observer = new IntersectionObserver(
        intersecting ? (entries, observer2) => {
          if (entries.some((entry) => entry.isIntersecting)) {
            cb(entries, observer2);
        } : cb,
      for (const el of toNodes(targets)) {
      return observer;
    const hasResizeObserver = inBrowser && window.ResizeObserver;
    function observeResize(targets, cb, options = { box: "border-box" }) {
      if (hasResizeObserver) {
        return observe$1(ResizeObserver, targets, cb, options);
      const off = [on(window, "load resize", cb), on(document, "loadedmetadata load", cb, true)];
      return { disconnect: () => off.map((cb2) => cb2()) };
    function observeViewportResize(cb) {
      return { disconnect: on([window, window.visualViewport], "resize", cb) };
    function observeMutation(targets, cb, options) {
      return observe$1(MutationObserver, targets, cb, options);
    function observe$1(Observer, targets, cb, options) {
      const observer = new Observer(cb);
      for (const el of toNodes(targets)) {
        observer.observe(el, options);
      return observer;

    function play(el) {
      if (isIFrame(el)) {
        call(el, { func: "playVideo", method: "play" });
      if (isHTML5(el)) {
    function pause(el) {
      if (isIFrame(el)) {
        call(el, { func: "pauseVideo", method: "pause" });
      if (isHTML5(el)) {
    function mute(el) {
      if (isIFrame(el)) {
        call(el, { func: "mute", method: "setVolume", value: 0 });
      if (isHTML5(el)) {
        el.muted = true;
    function isVideo(el) {
      return isHTML5(el) || isIFrame(el);
    function isHTML5(el) {
      return isTag(el, "video");
    function isIFrame(el) {
      return isTag(el, "iframe") && (isYoutube(el) || isVimeo(el));
    function isYoutube(el) {
      return !!el.src.match(
    function isVimeo(el) {
      return !!el.src.match(/vimeo\.com\/video\/.*/);
    async function call(el, cmd) {
      await enableApi(el);
      post(el, cmd);
    function post(el, cmd) {
      el.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ event: "command", ...cmd }), "*");
    const stateKey = "_ukPlayer";
    let counter = 0;
    function enableApi(el) {
      if (el[stateKey]) {
        return el[stateKey];
      const youtube = isYoutube(el);
      const vimeo = isVimeo(el);
      const id = ++counter;
      let poller;
      return el[stateKey] = new Promise((resolve) => {
        youtube && once(el, "load", () => {
          const listener = () => post(el, { event: "listening", id });
          poller = setInterval(listener, 100);
        once(window, "message", resolve, false, ({ data }) => {
          try {
            data = JSON.parse(data);
            return youtube && (data == null ? void 0 : data.id) === id && data.event === "onReady" || vimeo && Number(data == null ? void 0 : data.player_id) === id;
          } catch (e) {
        el.src = `${el.src}${includes(el.src, "?") ? "&" : "?"}${youtube ? "enablejsapi=1" : `api=1&player_id=${id}`}`;
      }).then(() => clearInterval(poller));

    function isInView(element, offsetTop = 0, offsetLeft = 0) {
      if (!isVisible(element)) {
        return false;
      return intersectRect(
        ...overflowParents(element).map((parent2) => {
          const { top, left, bottom, right } = offsetViewport(parent2);
          return {
            top: top - offsetTop,
            left: left - offsetLeft,
            bottom: bottom + offsetTop,
            right: right + offsetLeft
    function scrollIntoView(element, { offset: offsetBy = 0 } = {}) {
      const parents2 = isVisible(element) ? scrollParents(element, false, ["hidden"]) : [];
      return parents2.reduce(
        (fn, scrollElement, i) => {
          const { scrollTop, scrollHeight, offsetHeight } = scrollElement;
          const viewport = offsetViewport(scrollElement);
          const maxScroll = scrollHeight - viewport.height;
          const { height: elHeight, top: elTop } = parents2[i - 1] ? offsetViewport(parents2[i - 1]) : offset(element);
          let top = Math.ceil(elTop - viewport.top - offsetBy + scrollTop);
          if (offsetBy > 0 && offsetHeight < elHeight + offsetBy) {
            top += offsetBy;
          } else {
            offsetBy = 0;
          if (top > maxScroll) {
            offsetBy -= top - maxScroll;
            top = maxScroll;
          } else if (top < 0) {
            offsetBy -= top;
            top = 0;
          return () => scrollTo(scrollElement, top - scrollTop, element, maxScroll).then(fn);
        () => Promise.resolve()
      function scrollTo(element2, top, targetEl, maxScroll) {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
          const scroll = element2.scrollTop;
          const duration = getDuration(Math.abs(top));
          const start = Date.now();
          const isScrollingElement = scrollingElement(element2) === element2;
          const targetTop = offset(targetEl).top + (isScrollingElement ? 0 : scroll);
          let prev = 0;
          let frames = 15;
          (function step() {
            const percent = ease(clamp((Date.now() - start) / duration));
            let diff = 0;
            if (parents2[0] === element2 && scroll + top < maxScroll) {
              diff = offset(targetEl).top + (isScrollingElement ? 0 : element2.scrollTop) - targetTop - dimensions$1(getCoveringElement(targetEl)).height;
            element2.scrollTop = scroll + (top + diff) * percent;
            if (percent === 1 && (prev === diff || !frames--)) {
            } else {
              prev = diff;
      function getDuration(dist) {
        return 40 * Math.pow(dist, 0.375);
      function ease(k) {
        return 0.5 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * k));
    function scrolledOver(element, startOffset = 0, endOffset = 0) {
      if (!isVisible(element)) {
        return 0;
      const scrollElement = scrollParent(element, true);
      const { scrollHeight, scrollTop } = scrollElement;
      const { height: viewportHeight } = offsetViewport(scrollElement);
      const maxScroll = scrollHeight - viewportHeight;
      const elementOffsetTop = offsetPosition(element)[0] - offsetPosition(scrollElement)[0];
      const start = Math.max(0, elementOffsetTop - viewportHeight + startOffset);
      const end = Math.min(maxScroll, elementOffsetTop + element.offsetHeight - endOffset);
      return start < end ? clamp((scrollTop - start) / (end - start)) : 1;
    function scrollParents(element, scrollable = false, props = []) {
      const scrollEl = scrollingElement(element);
      let ancestors = parents(element).reverse();
      ancestors = ancestors.slice(ancestors.indexOf(scrollEl) + 1);
      const fixedIndex = findIndex(ancestors, (el) => css(el, "position") === "fixed");
      if (~fixedIndex) {
        ancestors = ancestors.slice(fixedIndex);
      return [scrollEl].concat(
          (parent2) => css(parent2, "overflow").split(" ").some((prop) => includes(["auto", "scroll", ...props], prop)) && (!scrollable || parent2.scrollHeight > offsetViewport(parent2).height)
    function scrollParent(...args) {
      return scrollParents(...args)[0];
    function overflowParents(element) {
      return scrollParents(element, false, ["hidden", "clip"]);
    function offsetViewport(scrollElement) {
      const window = toWindow(scrollElement);
      const documentScrollingElement = scrollingElement(scrollElement);
      const useWindow = scrollElement.contains(documentScrollingElement);
      if (useWindow && window.visualViewport) {
        let { height, width, scale, pageTop: top, pageLeft: left } = window.visualViewport;
        height = Math.round(height * scale);
        width = Math.round(width * scale);
        return { height, width, top, left, bottom: top + height, right: left + width };
      let rect = offset(useWindow ? window : scrollElement);
      if (css(scrollElement, "display") === "inline") {
        return rect;
      const { body, documentElement } = window.document;
      const viewportElement = useWindow ? documentScrollingElement === documentElement || // In quirks mode the scrolling element is body, even though the viewport is html
      documentScrollingElement.clientHeight < body.clientHeight ? documentScrollingElement : body : scrollElement;
      for (let [prop, dir, start, end] of [
        ["width", "x", "left", "right"],
        ["height", "y", "top", "bottom"]
      ]) {
        const subpixel = rect[prop] % 1;
        rect[start] += toFloat(css(viewportElement, `border-${start}-width`));
        rect[prop] = rect[dir] = viewportElement[`client${ucfirst(prop)}`] - (subpixel ? subpixel < 0.5 ? -subpixel : 1 - subpixel : 0);
        rect[end] = rect[prop] + rect[start];
      return rect;
    function getCoveringElement(target) {
      const { left, width, top } = dimensions$1(target);
      for (const position of top ? [0, top] : [0]) {
        let coverEl;
        for (const el of toWindow(target).document.elementsFromPoint(left + width / 2, position)) {
          if (!el.contains(target) && // If e.g. Offcanvas is not yet closed
          !hasClass(el, "bdt-togglable-leave") && (hasPosition(el, "fixed") && zIndex(
              (parent2) => !parent2.contains(el) && !hasPosition(parent2, "static")
          ) < zIndex(el) || hasPosition(el, "sticky") && parent(el).contains(target)) && (!coverEl || dimensions$1(coverEl).height < dimensions$1(el).height)) {
            coverEl = el;
        if (coverEl) {
          return coverEl;
    function zIndex(element) {
      return toFloat(css(element, "zIndex"));
    function hasPosition(element, position) {
      return css(element, "position") === position;
    function scrollingElement(element) {
      return toWindow(element).document.scrollingElement;

    const dirs = [
      ["width", "x", "left", "right"],
      ["height", "y", "top", "bottom"]
    function positionAt(element, target, options) {
      options = {
        attach: {
          element: ["left", "top"],
          target: ["left", "top"],
        offset: [0, 0],
        placement: [],
      if (!isArray(target)) {
        target = [target, target];
      offset(element, getPosition(element, target, options));
    function getPosition(element, target, options) {
      const position = attachTo(element, target, options);
      const { boundary, viewportOffset = 0, placement } = options;
      let offsetPosition = position;
      for (const [i, [prop, , start, end]] of Object.entries(dirs)) {
        const viewport = getViewport$2(element, target[i], viewportOffset, boundary, i);
        if (isWithin(position, viewport, i)) {
        let offsetBy = 0;
        if (placement[i] === "flip") {
          const attach = options.attach.target[i];
          if (attach === end && position[end] <= viewport[end] || attach === start && position[start] >= viewport[start]) {
          offsetBy = flip(element, target, options, i)[start] - position[start];
          const scrollArea = getScrollArea(element, target[i], viewportOffset, i);
          if (!isWithin(applyOffset(position, offsetBy, i), scrollArea, i)) {
            if (isWithin(position, scrollArea, i)) {
            if (options.recursion) {
              return false;
            const newPos = flipAxis(element, target, options);
            if (newPos && isWithin(newPos, scrollArea, 1 - i)) {
              return newPos;
        } else if (placement[i] === "shift") {
          const targetDim = offset(target[i]);
          const { offset: elOffset } = options;
          offsetBy = clamp(
            clamp(position[start], viewport[start], viewport[end] - position[prop]),
            targetDim[start] - position[prop] + elOffset[i],
            targetDim[end] - elOffset[i]
          ) - position[start];
        offsetPosition = applyOffset(offsetPosition, offsetBy, i);
      return offsetPosition;
    function attachTo(element, target, options) {
      let { attach, offset: offsetBy } = {
        attach: {
          element: ["left", "top"],
          target: ["left", "top"],
        offset: [0, 0],
      let elOffset = offset(element);
      for (const [i, [prop, , start, end]] of Object.entries(dirs)) {
        const targetOffset = attach.target[i] === attach.element[i] ? offsetViewport(target[i]) : offset(target[i]);
        elOffset = applyOffset(
          targetOffset[start] - elOffset[start] + moveBy(attach.target[i], end, targetOffset[prop]) - moveBy(attach.element[i], end, elOffset[prop]) + +offsetBy[i],
      return elOffset;
    function applyOffset(position, offset2, i) {
      const [, dir, start, end] = dirs[i];
      const newPos = { ...position };
      newPos[start] = position[dir] = position[start] + offset2;
      newPos[end] += offset2;
      return newPos;
    function moveBy(attach, end, dim) {
      return attach === "center" ? dim / 2 : attach === end ? dim : 0;
    function getViewport$2(element, target, viewportOffset, boundary, i) {
      let viewport = getIntersectionArea(...commonScrollParents(element, target).map(offsetViewport));
      if (viewportOffset) {
        viewport[dirs[i][2]] += viewportOffset;
        viewport[dirs[i][3]] -= viewportOffset;
      if (boundary) {
        viewport = getIntersectionArea(
          offset(isArray(boundary) ? boundary[i] : boundary)
      return viewport;
    function getScrollArea(element, target, viewportOffset, i) {
      const [prop, axis, start, end] = dirs[i];
      const [scrollElement] = commonScrollParents(element, target);
      const viewport = offsetViewport(scrollElement);
      if (["auto", "scroll"].includes(css(scrollElement, `overflow-${axis}`))) {
        viewport[start] -= scrollElement[`scroll${ucfirst(start)}`];
        viewport[end] = viewport[start] + scrollElement[`scroll${ucfirst(prop)}`];
      viewport[start] += viewportOffset;
      viewport[end] -= viewportOffset;
      return viewport;
    function commonScrollParents(element, target) {
      return overflowParents(target).filter((parent) => parent.contains(element));
    function getIntersectionArea(...rects) {
      let area = {};
      for (const rect of rects) {
        for (const [, , start, end] of dirs) {
          area[start] = Math.max(area[start] || 0, rect[start]);
          area[end] = Math.min(...[area[end], rect[end]].filter(Boolean));
      return area;
    function isWithin(positionA, positionB, i) {
      const [, , start, end] = dirs[i];
      return positionA[start] >= positionB[start] && positionA[end] <= positionB[end];
    function flip(element, target, { offset: offset2, attach }, i) {
      return attachTo(element, target, {
        attach: {
          element: flipAttach(attach.element, i),
          target: flipAttach(attach.target, i)
        offset: flipOffset(offset2, i)
    function flipAxis(element, target, options) {
      return getPosition(element, target, {
        attach: {
          element: options.attach.element.map(flipAttachAxis).reverse(),
          target: options.attach.target.map(flipAttachAxis).reverse()
        offset: options.offset.reverse(),
        placement: options.placement.reverse(),
        recursion: true
    function flipAttach(attach, i) {
      const newAttach = [...attach];
      const index = dirs[i].indexOf(attach[i]);
      if (~index) {
        newAttach[i] = dirs[i][1 - index % 2 + 2];
      return newAttach;
    function flipAttachAxis(prop) {
      for (let i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
        const index = dirs[i].indexOf(prop);
        if (~index) {
          return dirs[1 - i][index % 2 + 2];
    function flipOffset(offset2, i) {
      offset2 = [...offset2];
      offset2[i] *= -1;
      return offset2;

    var util = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
        __proto__: null,
        $: $,
        $$: $$,
        Animation: Animation,
        Dimensions: Dimensions,
        MouseTracker: MouseTracker,
        Transition: Transition,
        addClass: addClass,
        after: after,
        append: append,
        apply: apply,
        assign: assign,
        attr: attr,
        before: before,
        boxModelAdjust: boxModelAdjust,
        camelize: camelize,
        children: children,
        clamp: clamp,
        createEvent: createEvent,
        css: css,
        data: data,
        dimensions: dimensions$1,
        each: each,
        empty: empty,
        endsWith: endsWith,
        escape: escape,
        fastdom: fastdom,
        filter: filter$1,
        find: find,
        findAll: findAll,
        findIndex: findIndex,
        flipPosition: flipPosition,
        fragment: fragment,
        getCoveringElement: getCoveringElement,
        getEventPos: getEventPos,
        getIndex: getIndex,
        getTargetedElement: getTargetedElement,
        hasAttr: hasAttr,
        hasClass: hasClass,
        hasOwn: hasOwn,
        hasTouch: hasTouch,
        height: height,
        html: html,
        hyphenate: hyphenate,
        inBrowser: inBrowser,
        includes: includes,
        index: index,
        intersectRect: intersectRect,
        isArray: isArray,
        isBoolean: isBoolean,
        isDocument: isDocument,
        isElement: isElement,
        isEmpty: isEmpty,
        isEqual: isEqual,
        isFocusable: isFocusable,
        isFunction: isFunction,
        isInView: isInView,
        isInput: isInput,
        isNode: isNode,
        isNumber: isNumber,
        isNumeric: isNumeric,
        isObject: isObject,
        isPlainObject: isPlainObject,
        isRtl: isRtl,
        isSameSiteAnchor: isSameSiteAnchor,
        isString: isString,
        isTag: isTag,
        isTouch: isTouch,
        isUndefined: isUndefined,
        isVideo: isVideo,
        isVisible: isVisible,
        isVoidElement: isVoidElement,
        isWindow: isWindow,
        last: last,
        matches: matches,
        memoize: memoize,
        mute: mute,
        noop: noop,
        observeIntersection: observeIntersection,
        observeMutation: observeMutation,
        observeResize: observeResize,
        observeViewportResize: observeViewportResize,
        off: off,
        offset: offset,
        offsetPosition: offsetPosition,
        offsetViewport: offsetViewport,
        on: on,
        once: once,
        overflowParents: overflowParents,
        parent: parent,
        parents: parents,
        pause: pause,
        pick: pick,
        play: play,
        pointInRect: pointInRect,
        pointerCancel: pointerCancel,
        pointerDown: pointerDown$1,
        pointerEnter: pointerEnter,
        pointerLeave: pointerLeave,
        pointerMove: pointerMove$1,
        pointerUp: pointerUp$1,
        position: position,
        positionAt: positionAt,
        prepend: prepend,
        propName: propName,
        query: query,
        queryAll: queryAll,
        ready: ready,
        remove: remove$1,
        removeAttr: removeAttr,
        removeClass: removeClass,
        replaceClass: replaceClass,
        scrollIntoView: scrollIntoView,
        scrollParent: scrollParent,
        scrollParents: scrollParents,
        scrolledOver: scrolledOver,
        selFocusable: selFocusable,
        selInput: selInput,
        sortBy: sortBy,
        startsWith: startsWith,
        sumBy: sumBy,
        swap: swap,
        toArray: toArray,
        toBoolean: toBoolean,
        toEventTargets: toEventTargets,
        toFloat: toFloat,
        toNode: toNode,
        toNodes: toNodes,
        toNumber: toNumber,
        toPx: toPx,
        toWindow: toWindow,
        toggleClass: toggleClass,
        trigger: trigger,
        ucfirst: ucfirst,
        uniqueBy: uniqueBy,
        unwrap: unwrap,
        width: width,
        wrapAll: wrapAll,
        wrapInner: wrapInner

    var Class = {
      connected() {
        addClass(this.$el, this.$options.id);

    const units = ["days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"];
    var countdown = {
      mixins: [Class],
      props: {
        date: String,
        clsWrapper: String,
        role: String
      data: {
        date: "",
        clsWrapper: ".bdt-countdown-%unit%",
        role: "timer"
      connected() {
        attr(this.$el, "role", this.role);
        this.date = toFloat(Date.parse(this.$props.date));
        this.end = false;
      disconnected() {
      events: {
        name: "visibilitychange",
        el: () => document,
        handler() {
          if (document.hidden) {
          } else {
      methods: {
        start() {
          if (!this.timer) {
            trigger(this.$el, "countdownstart");
            this.timer = setInterval(this.update, 1e3);
        stop() {
          if (this.timer) {
            trigger(this.$el, "countdownstop");
            this.timer = null;
        update() {
          const timespan = getTimeSpan(this.date);
          if (!timespan.total) {
            if (!this.end) {
              trigger(this.$el, "countdownend");
              this.end = true;
          for (const unit of units) {
            const el = $(this.clsWrapper.replace("%unit%", unit), this.$el);
            if (!el) {
            let digits = Math.trunc(timespan[unit]).toString().padStart(2, "0");
            if (el.textContent !== digits) {
              digits = digits.split("");
              if (digits.length !== el.children.length) {
                html(el, digits.map(() => "<span></span>").join(""));
              digits.forEach((digit, i) => el.children[i].textContent = digit);
    function getTimeSpan(date) {
      const total = Math.max(0, date - Date.now()) / 1e3;
      return {
        seconds: total % 60,
        minutes: total / 60 % 60,
        hours: total / 60 / 60 % 24,
        days: total / 60 / 60 / 24

    const strats = {};
    strats.events = strats.watch = strats.observe = strats.created = strats.beforeConnect = strats.connected = strats.beforeDisconnect = strats.disconnected = strats.destroy = concatStrat;
    strats.args = function(parentVal, childVal) {
      return childVal !== false && concatStrat(childVal || parentVal);
    strats.update = function(parentVal, childVal) {
      return sortBy(
        concatStrat(parentVal, isFunction(childVal) ? { read: childVal } : childVal),
    strats.props = function(parentVal, childVal) {
      if (isArray(childVal)) {
        const value = {};
        for (const key of childVal) {
          value[key] = String;
        childVal = value;
      return strats.methods(parentVal, childVal);
    strats.computed = strats.methods = function(parentVal, childVal) {
      return childVal ? parentVal ? { ...parentVal, ...childVal } : childVal : parentVal;
    strats.i18n = strats.data = function(parentVal, childVal, vm) {
      if (!vm) {
        if (!childVal) {
          return parentVal;
        if (!parentVal) {
          return childVal;
        return function(vm2) {
          return mergeFnData(parentVal, childVal, vm2);
      return mergeFnData(parentVal, childVal, vm);
    function mergeFnData(parentVal, childVal, vm) {
      return strats.computed(
        isFunction(parentVal) ? parentVal.call(vm, vm) : parentVal,
        isFunction(childVal) ? childVal.call(vm, vm) : childVal
    function concatStrat(parentVal, childVal) {
      parentVal = parentVal && !isArray(parentVal) ? [parentVal] : parentVal;
      return childVal ? parentVal ? parentVal.concat(childVal) : isArray(childVal) ? childVal : [childVal] : parentVal;
    function defaultStrat(parentVal, childVal) {
      return isUndefined(childVal) ? parentVal : childVal;
    function mergeOptions(parent, child, vm) {
      const options = {};
      if (isFunction(child)) {
        child = child.options;
      if (child.extends) {
        parent = mergeOptions(parent, child.extends, vm);
      if (child.mixins) {
        for (const mixin of child.mixins) {
          parent = mergeOptions(parent, mixin, vm);
      for (const key in parent) {
      for (const key in child) {
        if (!hasOwn(parent, key)) {
      function mergeKey(key) {
        options[key] = (strats[key] || defaultStrat)(parent[key], child[key], vm);
      return options;
    function parseOptions(options, args = []) {
      try {
        return options ? startsWith(options, "{") ? JSON.parse(options) : args.length && !includes(options, ":") ? { [args[0]]: options } : options.split(";").reduce((options2, option) => {
          const [key, value] = option.split(/:(.*)/);
          if (key && !isUndefined(value)) {
            options2[key.trim()] = value.trim();
          return options2;
        }, {}) : {};
      } catch (e) {
        return {};
    function coerce$1(type, value) {
      if (type === Boolean) {
        return toBoolean(value);
      } else if (type === Number) {
        return toNumber(value);
      } else if (type === "list") {
        return toList(value);
      } else if (type === Object && isString(value)) {
        return parseOptions(value);
      return type ? type(value) : value;
    const listRe = /,(?![^(]*\))/;
    function toList(value) {
      return isArray(value) ? value : isString(value) ? value.split(listRe).map((value2) => isNumeric(value2) ? toNumber(value2) : toBoolean(value2.trim())) : [value];

    function initUpdates(instance) {
      instance._data = {};
      instance._updates = [...instance.$options.update || []];
    function prependUpdate(instance, update) {
    function clearUpdateData(instance) {
      instance._data = null;
    function callUpdate(instance, e = "update") {
      if (!instance._connected) {
      if (!instance._updates.length) {
      if (!instance._queued) {
        instance._queued = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
        fastdom.read(() => {
          if (instance._connected) {
            runUpdates(instance, instance._queued);
          instance._queued = null;
      instance._queued.add(e.type || e);
    function runUpdates(instance, types) {
      for (const { read, write, events = [] } of instance._updates) {
        if (!types.has("update") && !events.some((type) => types.has(type))) {
        let result;
        if (read) {
          result = read.call(instance, instance._data, types);
          if (result && isPlainObject(result)) {
            assign(instance._data, result);
        if (write && result !== false) {
          fastdom.write(() => {
            if (instance._connected) {
              write.call(instance, instance._data, types);

    function resize(options) {
      return observe(observeResize, options, "resize");
    function intersection(options) {
      return observe(observeIntersection, options);
    function mutation(options) {
      return observe(observeMutation, options);
    function lazyload(options = {}) {
      return intersection({
        handler: function(entries, observer) {
          const { targets = this.$el, preload = 5 } = options;
          for (const el of toNodes(isFunction(targets) ? targets(this) : targets)) {
            $$('[loading="lazy"]', el).slice(0, preload - 1).forEach((el2) => removeAttr(el2, "loading"));
          for (const el of entries.filter(({ isIntersecting }) => isIntersecting).map(({ target }) => target)) {
    function viewport(options) {
      return observe((target, handler) => observeViewportResize(handler), options, "resize");
    function scroll$1(options) {
      return observe(
        (target, handler) => ({
          disconnect: on(toScrollTargets(target), "scroll", handler, { passive: true })
    function swipe(options) {
      return {
        observe(target, handler) {
          return {
            observe: noop,
            unobserve: noop,
            disconnect: on(target, pointerDown$1, handler, { passive: true })
        handler(e) {
          if (!isTouch(e)) {
          const pos = getEventPos(e);
          const target = "tagName" in e.target ? e.target : parent(e.target);
          once(document, `${pointerUp$1} ${pointerCancel} scroll`, (e2) => {
            const { x, y } = getEventPos(e2);
            if (e2.type !== "scroll" && target && x && Math.abs(pos.x - x) > 100 || y && Math.abs(pos.y - y) > 100) {
              setTimeout(() => {
                trigger(target, "swipe");
                trigger(target, `swipe${swipeDirection(pos.x, pos.y, x, y)}`);
    function observe(observe2, options, emit) {
      return {
        observe: observe2,
        handler() {
          callUpdate(this, emit);
    function swipeDirection(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
      return Math.abs(x1 - x2) >= Math.abs(y1 - y2) ? x1 - x2 > 0 ? "Left" : "Right" : y1 - y2 > 0 ? "Up" : "Down";
    function toScrollTargets(elements) {
      return toNodes(elements).map((node) => {
        const { ownerDocument } = node;
        const parent2 = scrollParent(node, true);
        return parent2 === ownerDocument.scrollingElement ? ownerDocument : parent2;

    var Margin = {
      props: {
        margin: String,
        firstColumn: Boolean
      data: {
        margin: "bdt-margin-small-top",
        firstColumn: "bdt-first-column"
      observe: [
          options: {
            childList: true
          options: {
            attributes: true,
            attributeFilter: ["style"]
          target: ({ $el }) => [$el, ...children($el)]
          target: ({ $el }) => [$el, ...children($el)]
      update: {
        read() {
          return {
            rows: getRows(children(this.$el))
        write({ rows }) {
          for (const row of rows) {
            for (const el of row) {
              toggleClass(el, this.margin, rows[0] !== row);
              toggleClass(el, this.firstColumn, row[isRtl ? row.length - 1 : 0] === el);
        events: ["resize"]
    function getRows(elements) {
      const sorted = [[]];
      const withOffset = elements.some(
        (el, i) => i && elements[i - 1].offsetParent !== el.offsetParent
      for (const el of elements) {
        if (!isVisible(el)) {
        const offset = getOffset(el, withOffset);
        for (let i = sorted.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          const current = sorted[i];
          if (!current[0]) {
          const offsetCurrent = getOffset(current[0], withOffset);
          if (offset.top >= offsetCurrent.bottom - 1 && offset.top !== offsetCurrent.top) {
          if (offset.bottom - 1 > offsetCurrent.top || offset.top === offsetCurrent.top) {
            let j = current.length - 1;
            for (; j >= 0; j--) {
              const offsetCurrent2 = getOffset(current[j], withOffset);
              if (offset.left >= offsetCurrent2.left) {
            current.splice(j + 1, 0, el);
          if (i === 0) {
      return sorted;
    function getOffset(element, offset = false) {
      let { offsetTop, offsetLeft, offsetHeight, offsetWidth } = element;
      if (offset) {
        [offsetTop, offsetLeft] = offsetPosition(element);
      return {
        top: offsetTop,
        left: offsetLeft,
        bottom: offsetTop + offsetHeight,
        right: offsetLeft + offsetWidth

    async function slide(action, target, duration) {
      await awaitFrame();
      let nodes = children(target);
      const currentProps = nodes.map((el) => getProps$1(el, true));
      const targetProps = { ...css(target, ["height", "padding"]), display: "block" };
      const targets = nodes.concat(target);
      await Promise.all(targets.map(Transition.cancel));
      css(targets, "transitionProperty", "none");
      await action();
      nodes = nodes.concat(children(target).filter((el) => !includes(nodes, el)));
      await Promise.resolve();
      css(targets, "transitionProperty", "");
      const targetStyle = attr(target, "style");
      const targetPropsTo = css(target, ["height", "padding"]);
      const [propsTo, propsFrom] = getTransitionProps(target, nodes, currentProps);
      const attrsTo = nodes.map((el) => ({ style: attr(el, "style") }));
      nodes.forEach((el, i) => propsFrom[i] && css(el, propsFrom[i]));
      css(target, targetProps);
      trigger(target, "scroll");
      await awaitFrame();
      const transitions = nodes.map((el, i) => parent(el) === target && Transition.start(el, propsTo[i], duration, "ease")).concat(Transition.start(target, targetPropsTo, duration, "ease"));
      try {
        await Promise.all(transitions);
        nodes.forEach((el, i) => {
          attr(el, attrsTo[i]);
          if (parent(el) === target) {
            css(el, "display", propsTo[i].opacity === 0 ? "none" : "");
        attr(target, "style", targetStyle);
      } catch (e) {
        attr(nodes, "style", "");
        resetProps(target, targetProps);
    function getProps$1(el, opacity) {
      const zIndex = css(el, "zIndex");
      return isVisible(el) ? {
        display: "",
        opacity: opacity ? css(el, "opacity") : "0",
        pointerEvents: "none",
        position: "absolute",
        zIndex: zIndex === "auto" ? index(el) : zIndex,
      } : false;
    function getTransitionProps(target, nodes, currentProps) {
      const propsTo = nodes.map(
        (el, i) => parent(el) && i in currentProps ? currentProps[i] ? isVisible(el) ? getPositionWithMargin(el) : { opacity: 0 } : { opacity: isVisible(el) ? 1 : 0 } : false
      const propsFrom = propsTo.map((props, i) => {
        const from = parent(nodes[i]) === target && (currentProps[i] || getProps$1(nodes[i]));
        if (!from) {
          return false;
        if (!props) {
          delete from.opacity;
        } else if (!("opacity" in props)) {
          const { opacity } = from;
          if (opacity % 1) {
            props.opacity = 1;
          } else {
            delete from.opacity;
        return from;
      return [propsTo, propsFrom];
    function resetProps(el, props) {
      for (const prop in props) {
        css(el, prop, "");
    function getPositionWithMargin(el) {
      const { height, width } = dimensions$1(el);
      return {
        transform: "",
        ...css(el, ["marginTop", "marginLeft"])
    function awaitFrame() {
      return new Promise((resolve) => requestAnimationFrame(resolve));

    const clsLeave = "bdt-transition-leave";
    const clsEnter = "bdt-transition-enter";
    function fade(action, target, duration, stagger = 0) {
      const index = transitionIndex(target, true);
      const propsIn = { opacity: 1 };
      const propsOut = { opacity: 0 };
      const wrapIndexFn = (fn) => () => index === transitionIndex(target) ? fn() : Promise.reject();
      const leaveFn = wrapIndexFn(async () => {
        addClass(target, clsLeave);
        await Promise.all(
            (child, i) => new Promise(
              (resolve) => setTimeout(
                () => Transition.start(child, propsOut, duration / 2, "ease").then(
                i * stagger
        removeClass(target, clsLeave);
      const enterFn = wrapIndexFn(async () => {
        const oldHeight = height(target);
        addClass(target, clsEnter);
        css(children(target), { opacity: 0 });
        await awaitFrame();
        const nodes = children(target);
        const newHeight = height(target);
        css(target, "alignContent", "flex-start");
        height(target, oldHeight);
        const transitionNodes = getTransitionNodes(target);
        css(nodes, propsOut);
        const transitions = transitionNodes.map(async (child, i) => {
          await awaitTimeout(i * stagger);
          await Transition.start(child, propsIn, duration / 2, "ease");
        if (oldHeight !== newHeight) {
              { height: newHeight },
              duration / 2 + transitionNodes.length * stagger,
        await Promise.all(transitions).then(() => {
          removeClass(target, clsEnter);
          if (index === transitionIndex(target)) {
            css(target, { height: "", alignContent: "" });
            css(nodes, { opacity: "" });
            delete target.dataset.transition;
      return hasClass(target, clsLeave) ? waitTransitionend(target).then(enterFn) : hasClass(target, clsEnter) ? waitTransitionend(target).then(leaveFn).then(enterFn) : leaveFn().then(enterFn);
    function transitionIndex(target, next) {
      if (next) {
        target.dataset.transition = 1 + transitionIndex(target);
      return toNumber(target.dataset.transition) || 0;
    function waitTransitionend(target) {
      return Promise.all(
          (el) => new Promise((resolve) => once(el, "transitionend transitioncanceled", resolve))
    function getTransitionNodes(target) {
      return getRows(children(target)).flat().filter(isVisible);
    function awaitTimeout(timeout) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, timeout));

    var Animate = {
      props: {
        duration: Number,
        animation: Boolean
      data: {
        duration: 150,
        animation: "slide"
      methods: {
        animate(action, target = this.$el) {
          const name = this.animation;
          const animationFn = name === "fade" ? fade : name === "delayed-fade" ? (...args) => fade(...args, 40) : name ? slide : () => {
            return Promise.resolve();
          return animationFn(action, target, this.duration).catch(noop);

    const keyMap = {
      TAB: 9,
      ESC: 27,
      SPACE: 32,
      END: 35,
      HOME: 36,
      LEFT: 37,
      UP: 38,
      RIGHT: 39,
      DOWN: 40

    var filter = {
      mixins: [Animate],
      args: "target",
      props: {
        target: String,
        selActive: Boolean
      data: {
        target: "",
        selActive: false,
        attrItem: "bdt-filter-control",
        cls: "bdt-active",
        duration: 250
      computed: {
        children: ({ target }, $el) => $$(`${target} > *`, $el),
        toggles: ({ attrItem }, $el) => $$(`[${attrItem}],[data-${attrItem}]`, $el)
      watch: {
        toggles(toggles) {
          const actives = $$(this.selActive, this.$el);
          for (const toggle of toggles) {
            if (this.selActive !== false) {
              toggleClass(toggle, this.cls, includes(actives, toggle));
            const button = findButton(toggle);
            if (isTag(button, "a")) {
              attr(button, "role", "button");
        children(list, prev) {
          if (prev) {
      events: {
        name: "click keydown",
        delegate: ({ attrItem }) => `[${attrItem}],[data-${attrItem}]`,
        handler(e) {
          if (e.type === "keydown" && e.keyCode !== keyMap.SPACE) {
          if (e.target.closest("a,button")) {
      methods: {
        apply(el) {
          const prevState = this.getState();
          const newState = mergeState(el, this.attrItem, this.getState());
          if (!isEqualState(prevState, newState)) {
        getState() {
          return this.toggles.filter((item) => hasClass(item, this.cls)).reduce((state, el) => mergeState(el, this.attrItem, state), {
            filter: { "": "" },
            sort: []
        async setState(state, animate = true) {
          state = { filter: { "": "" }, sort: [], ...state };
          trigger(this.$el, "beforeFilter", [this, state]);
          for (const toggle of this.toggles) {
            toggleClass(toggle, this.cls, matchFilter(toggle, this.attrItem, state));
          await Promise.all(
            $$(this.target, this.$el).map((target) => {
              const filterFn = () => applyState(state, target, children(target));
              return animate ? this.animate(filterFn, target) : filterFn();
          trigger(this.$el, "afterFilter", [this]);
        updateState() {
          fastdom.write(() => this.setState(this.getState(), false));
    function getFilter(el, attr2) {
      return parseOptions(data(el, attr2), ["filter"]);
    function isEqualState(stateA, stateB) {
      return ["filter", "sort"].every((prop) => isEqual(stateA[prop], stateB[prop]));
    function applyState(state, target, children) {
      const selector = Object.values(state.filter).join("");
      for (const el of children) {
        css(el, "display", selector && !matches(el, selector) ? "none" : "");
      const [sort, order] = state.sort;
      if (sort) {
        const sorted = sortItems(children, sort, order);
        if (!isEqual(sorted, children)) {
          append(target, sorted);
    function mergeState(el, attr2, state) {
      const { filter, group, sort, order = "asc" } = getFilter(el, attr2);
      if (filter || isUndefined(sort)) {
        if (group) {
          if (filter) {
            delete state.filter[""];
            state.filter[group] = filter;
          } else {
            delete state.filter[group];
            if (isEmpty(state.filter) || "" in state.filter) {
              state.filter = { "": filter || "" };
        } else {
          state.filter = { "": filter || "" };
      if (!isUndefined(sort)) {
        state.sort = [sort, order];
      return state;
    function matchFilter(el, attr2, { filter: stateFilter = { "": "" }, sort: [stateSort, stateOrder] }) {
      const { filter = "", group = "", sort, order = "asc" } = getFilter(el, attr2);
      return isUndefined(sort) ? group in stateFilter && filter === stateFilter[group] || !filter && group && !(group in stateFilter) && !stateFilter[""] : stateSort === sort && stateOrder === order;
    function sortItems(nodes, sort, order) {
      return [...nodes].sort(
        (a, b) => data(a, sort).localeCompare(data(b, sort), void 0, { numeric: true }) * (order === "asc" || -1)
    function findButton(el) {
      return $("a,button", el) || el;

    let prevented;
    function preventBackgroundScroll(el) {
      const off = on(
        (e) => {
          if (e.targetTouches.length !== 1 || matches(e.target, 'input[type="range"')) {
          let prev = getEventPos(e).y;
          const offMove = on(
            (e2) => {
              const pos = getEventPos(e2).y;
              if (pos === prev) {
              prev = pos;
              if (!scrollParents(e2.target).some((scrollParent) => {
                if (!el.contains(scrollParent)) {
                  return false;
                let { scrollHeight, clientHeight } = scrollParent;
                return clientHeight < scrollHeight;
              })) {
            { passive: false }
          once(el, "scroll touchend touchcanel", offMove, { capture: true });
        { passive: true }
      if (prevented) {
        return off;
      prevented = true;
      const { scrollingElement } = document;
      css(scrollingElement, {
        overflowY: CSS.supports("overflow", "clip") ? "clip" : "hidden",
        touchAction: "none",
        paddingRight: width(window) - scrollingElement.clientWidth || ""
      return () => {
        prevented = false;
        css(scrollingElement, { overflowY: "", touchAction: "", paddingRight: "" });

    var Container = {
      props: {
        container: Boolean
      data: {
        container: true
      computed: {
        container({ container }) {
          return container === true && this.$container || container && $(container);

    var Togglable = {
      props: {
        cls: Boolean,
        animation: "list",
        duration: Number,
        velocity: Number,
        origin: String,
        transition: String
      data: {
        cls: false,
        animation: [false],
        duration: 200,
        velocity: 0.2,
        origin: false,
        transition: "ease",
        clsEnter: "bdt-togglable-enter",
        clsLeave: "bdt-togglable-leave"
      computed: {
        hasAnimation: ({ animation }) => !!animation[0],
        hasTransition: ({ animation }) => ["slide", "reveal"].some((transition) => startsWith(animation[0], transition))
      methods: {
        async toggleElement(targets, toggle, animate) {
          try {
            await Promise.all(
              toNodes(targets).map((el) => {
                const show = isBoolean(toggle) ? toggle : !this.isToggled(el);
                if (!trigger(el, `before${show ? "show" : "hide"}`, [this])) {
                  return Promise.reject();
                const promise = (isFunction(animate) ? animate : animate === false || !this.hasAnimation ? toggleInstant : this.hasTransition ? toggleTransition : toggleAnimation)(el, show, this);
                const cls = show ? this.clsEnter : this.clsLeave;
                addClass(el, cls);
                trigger(el, show ? "show" : "hide", [this]);
                const done = () => {
                  removeClass(el, cls);
                  trigger(el, show ? "shown" : "hidden", [this]);
                return promise ? promise.then(done, () => {
                  removeClass(el, cls);
                  return Promise.reject();
                }) : done();
            return true;
          } catch (e) {
            return false;
        isToggled(el = this.$el) {
          el = toNode(el);
          return hasClass(el, this.clsEnter) ? true : hasClass(el, this.clsLeave) ? false : this.cls ? hasClass(el, this.cls.split(" ")[0]) : isVisible(el);
        _toggle(el, toggled) {
          if (!el) {
          toggled = Boolean(toggled);
          let changed;
          if (this.cls) {
            changed = includes(this.cls, " ") || toggled !== hasClass(el, this.cls);
            changed && toggleClass(el, this.cls, includes(this.cls, " ") ? void 0 : toggled);
          } else {
            changed = toggled === el.hidden;
            changed && (el.hidden = !toggled);
          $$("[autofocus]", el).some((el2) => isVisible(el2) ? el2.focus() || true : el2.blur());
          if (changed) {
            trigger(el, "toggled", [toggled, this]);
    function toggleInstant(el, show, { _toggle }) {
      return _toggle(el, show);
    async function toggleTransition(el, show, { animation, duration, velocity, transition, _toggle }) {
      var _a;
      const [mode = "reveal", startProp = "top"] = ((_a = animation[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.split("-")) || [];
      const dirs = [
        ["left", "right"],
        ["top", "bottom"]
      const dir = dirs[includes(dirs[0], startProp) ? 0 : 1];
      const end = dir[1] === startProp;
      const props = ["width", "height"];
      const dimProp = props[dirs.indexOf(dir)];
      const marginProp = `margin-${dir[0]}`;
      const marginStartProp = `margin-${startProp}`;
      let currentDim = dimensions$1(el)[dimProp];
      const inProgress = Transition.inProgress(el);
      await Transition.cancel(el);
      if (show) {
        _toggle(el, true);
      const prevProps = Object.fromEntries(
        ].map((key) => [key, el.style[key]])
      const dim = dimensions$1(el);
      const currentMargin = toFloat(css(el, marginProp));
      const marginStart = toFloat(css(el, marginStartProp));
      const endDim = dim[dimProp] + marginStart;
      if (!inProgress && !show) {
        currentDim += marginStart;
      const [wrapper] = wrapInner(el, "<div>");
      css(wrapper, {
        boxSizing: "border-box",
        height: dim.height,
        width: dim.width,
        ...css(el, [
      css(el, {
        padding: 0,
        border: 0,
        minWidth: 0,
        minHeight: 0,
        [marginStartProp]: 0,
        width: dim.width,
        height: dim.height,
        overflow: "hidden",
        [dimProp]: currentDim
      const percent = currentDim / endDim;
      duration = (velocity * endDim + duration) * (show ? 1 - percent : percent);
      const endProps = { [dimProp]: show ? endDim : 0 };
      if (end) {
        css(el, marginProp, endDim - currentDim + currentMargin);
        endProps[marginProp] = show ? currentMargin : endDim + currentMargin;
      if (!end ^ mode === "reveal") {
        css(wrapper, marginProp, -endDim + currentDim);
        Transition.start(wrapper, { [marginProp]: show ? 0 : -endDim }, duration, transition);
      try {
        await Transition.start(el, endProps, duration, transition);
      } finally {
        css(el, prevProps);
        if (!show) {
          _toggle(el, false);
    function toggleAnimation(el, show, cmp) {
      const { animation, duration, _toggle } = cmp;
      if (show) {
        _toggle(el, true);
        return Animation.in(el, animation[0], duration, cmp.origin);
      return Animation.out(el, animation[1] || animation[0], duration, cmp.origin).then(
        () => _toggle(el, false)

    const active$1 = [];
    var Modal = {
      mixins: [Class, Container, Togglable],
      props: {
        selPanel: String,
        selClose: String,
        escClose: Boolean,
        bgClose: Boolean,
        stack: Boolean,
        role: String
      data: {
        cls: "bdt-open",
        escClose: true,
        bgClose: true,
        overlay: true,
        stack: false,
        role: "dialog"
      computed: {
        panel: ({ selPanel }, $el) => $(selPanel, $el),
        transitionElement() {
          return this.panel;
        bgClose({ bgClose }) {
          return bgClose && this.panel;
      connected() {
        attr(this.panel || this.$el, "role", this.role);
        if (this.overlay) {
          attr(this.panel || this.$el, "aria-modal", true);
      beforeDisconnect() {
        if (includes(active$1, this)) {
          this.toggleElement(this.$el, false, false);
      events: [
          name: "click",
          delegate: ({ selClose }) => `${selClose},a[href*="#"]`,
          handler(e) {
            const { current, defaultPrevented } = e;
            const { hash } = current;
            if (!defaultPrevented && hash && isSameSiteAnchor(current) && !this.$el.contains($(hash))) {
            } else if (matches(current, this.selClose)) {
          name: "toggle",
          self: true,
          handler(e) {
            if (e.defaultPrevented) {
            if (this.isToggled() === includes(active$1, this)) {
          name: "beforeshow",
          self: true,
          handler(e) {
            if (includes(active$1, this)) {
              return false;
            if (!this.stack && active$1.length) {
              Promise.all(active$1.map((modal) => modal.hide())).then(this.show);
            } else {
          name: "show",
          self: true,
          handler() {
            if (this.stack) {
              css(this.$el, "zIndex", toFloat(css(this.$el, "zIndex")) + active$1.length);
            const handlers = [
              this.overlay && preventBackgroundFocus(this),
              this.overlay && preventBackgroundScroll(this.$el),
              this.bgClose && listenForBackgroundClose$1(this),
              this.escClose && listenForEscClose$1(this)
              () => handlers.forEach((handler) => handler && handler()),
              { self: true }
            addClass(document.documentElement, this.clsPage);
          name: "shown",
          self: true,
          handler() {
            if (!isFocusable(this.$el)) {
              attr(this.$el, "tabindex", "-1");
            if (!matches(this.$el, ":focus-within")) {
          name: "hidden",
          self: true,
          handler() {
            if (includes(active$1, this)) {
              active$1.splice(active$1.indexOf(this), 1);
            css(this.$el, "zIndex", "");
            if (!active$1.some((modal) => modal.clsPage === this.clsPage)) {
              removeClass(document.documentElement, this.clsPage);
      methods: {
        toggle() {
          return this.isToggled() ? this.hide() : this.show();
        show() {
          if (this.container && parent(this.$el) !== this.container) {
            append(this.container, this.$el);
            return new Promise(
              (resolve) => requestAnimationFrame(() => this.show().then(resolve))
          return this.toggleElement(this.$el, true, animate$1);
        hide() {
          return this.toggleElement(this.$el, false, animate$1);
    function animate$1(el, show, { transitionElement, _toggle }) {
      return new Promise(
        (resolve, reject) => once(el, "show hide", () => {
          var _a;
          (_a = el._reject) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(el);
          el._reject = reject;
          _toggle(el, show);
          const off = once(
            () => {
              once(transitionElement, "transitionend transitioncancel", resolve, {
                self: true
            { self: true }
          const timer = setTimeout(
            () => {
            toMs(css(transitionElement, "transitionDuration"))
      ).then(() => delete el._reject);
    function toMs(time) {
      return time ? endsWith(time, "ms") ? toFloat(time) : toFloat(time) * 1e3 : 0;
    function preventBackgroundFocus(modal) {
      return on(document, "focusin", (e) => {
        if (last(active$1) === modal && !modal.$el.contains(e.target)) {
    function listenForBackgroundClose$1(modal) {
      return on(document, pointerDown$1, ({ target }) => {
        if (last(active$1) !== modal || modal.overlay && !modal.$el.contains(target) || modal.panel.contains(target)) {
          `${pointerUp$1} ${pointerCancel} scroll`,
          ({ defaultPrevented, type, target: newTarget }) => {
            if (!defaultPrevented && type === pointerUp$1 && target === newTarget) {
    function listenForEscClose$1(modal) {
      return on(document, "keydown", (e) => {
        if (e.keyCode === 27 && last(active$1) === modal) {

    var Animations$2 = {
      slide: {
        show(dir) {
          return [{ transform: translate(dir * -100) }, { transform: translate() }];
        percent(current) {
          return translated(current);
        translate(percent, dir) {
          return [
            { transform: translate(dir * -100 * percent) },
            { transform: translate(dir * 100 * (1 - percent)) }
    function translated(el) {
      return Math.abs(new DOMMatrix(css(el, "transform")).m41 / el.offsetWidth);
    function translate(value = 0, unit = "%") {
      value += value ? unit : "";
      return `translate3d(${value}, 0, 0)`;
    function scale3d(value) {
      return `scale3d(${value}, ${value}, 1)`;

    function Transitioner$1(prev, next, dir, { animation, easing }) {
      const { percent, translate, show = noop } = animation;
      const props = show(dir);
      const { promise, resolve } = withResolvers();
      return {
        show(duration, percent2 = 0, linear) {
          const timing = linear ? "linear" : easing;
          duration -= Math.round(duration * clamp(percent2, -1, 1));
          triggerUpdate(next, "itemin", { percent: percent2, duration, timing, dir });
          triggerUpdate(prev, "itemout", { percent: 1 - percent2, duration, timing, dir });
            Transition.start(next, props[1], duration, timing),
            Transition.start(prev, props[0], duration, timing)
          ]).then(() => {
          }, noop);
          return promise;
        cancel() {
          return Transition.cancel([next, prev]);
        reset() {
          for (const prop in props[0]) {
            css([next, prev], prop, "");
        async forward(duration, percent2 = this.percent()) {
          await this.cancel();
          return this.show(duration, percent2, true);
        translate(percent2) {
          const props2 = translate(percent2, dir);
          css(next, props2[1]);
          css(prev, props2[0]);
          triggerUpdate(next, "itemtranslatein", { percent: percent2, dir });
          triggerUpdate(prev, "itemtranslateout", { percent: 1 - percent2, dir });
        percent() {
          return percent(prev || next, next, dir);
        getDistance() {
          return prev == null ? void 0 : prev.offsetWidth;
    function triggerUpdate(el, type, data) {
      trigger(el, createEvent(type, false, false, data));
    function withResolvers() {
      let resolve;
      return { promise: new Promise((res) => resolve = res), resolve };

    var I18n = {
      props: {
        i18n: Object
      data: {
        i18n: null
      methods: {
        t(key, ...params) {
          var _a, _b, _c;
          let i = 0;
          return ((_c = ((_a = this.i18n) == null ? void 0 : _a[key]) || ((_b = this.$options.i18n) == null ? void 0 : _b[key])) == null ? void 0 : _c.replace(
            () => params[i++] || ""
          )) || "";

    var SliderAutoplay = {
      props: {
        autoplay: Boolean,
        autoplayInterval: Number,
        pauseOnHover: Boolean
      data: {
        autoplay: false,
        autoplayInterval: 7e3,
        pauseOnHover: true
      connected() {
        attr(this.list, "aria-live", this.autoplay ? "off" : "polite");
        this.autoplay && this.startAutoplay();
      disconnected() {
      update() {
        attr(this.slides, "tabindex", "-1");
      events: [
          name: "visibilitychange",
          el: () => document,
          filter: ({ autoplay }) => autoplay,
          handler() {
            if (document.hidden) {
            } else {
      methods: {
        startAutoplay() {
          this.interval = setInterval(() => {
            if (!(this.stack.length || this.draggable && matches(this.$el, ":focus-within") && !matches(this.$el, ":focus") || this.pauseOnHover && matches(this.$el, ":hover"))) {
          }, this.autoplayInterval);
        stopAutoplay() {

    const pointerOptions = { passive: false, capture: true };
    const pointerUpOptions = { passive: true, capture: true };
    const pointerDown = "touchstart mousedown";
    const pointerMove = "touchmove mousemove";
    const pointerUp = "touchend touchcancel mouseup click input scroll";
    const preventClick = (e) => e.preventDefault();
    var SliderDrag = {
      props: {
        draggable: Boolean
      data: {
        draggable: true,
        threshold: 10
      created() {
        for (const key of ["start", "move", "end"]) {
          const fn = this[key];
          this[key] = (e) => {
            const pos = getEventPos(e).x * (isRtl ? -1 : 1);
            this.prevPos = pos === this.pos ? this.prevPos : this.pos;
            this.pos = pos;
      events: [
          name: pointerDown,
          passive: true,
          delegate: ({ selList }) => `${selList} > *`,
          handler(e) {
            if (!this.draggable || this.parallax || !isTouch(e) && hasSelectableText(e.target) || e.target.closest(selInput) || e.button > 0 || this.length < 2) {
          name: "dragstart",
          handler(e) {
          // iOS workaround for slider stopping if swiping fast
          name: pointerMove,
          el: ({ list }) => list,
          handler: noop,
      methods: {
        start() {
          this.drag = this.pos;
          if (this._transitioner) {
            this.percent = this._transitioner.percent();
            this.drag += this._transitioner.getDistance() * this.percent * this.dir;
            this.dragging = true;
            this.stack = [];
          } else {
            this.prevIndex = this.index;
          on(document, pointerMove, this.move, pointerOptions);
          on(document, pointerUp, this.end, pointerUpOptions);
          css(this.list, "userSelect", "none");
        move(e) {
          const distance = this.pos - this.drag;
          if (distance === 0 || this.prevPos === this.pos || !this.dragging && Math.abs(distance) < this.threshold) {
          if (!this.dragging) {
            on(this.list, "click", preventClick, pointerOptions);
          e.cancelable && e.preventDefault();
          this.dragging = true;
          this.dir = distance < 0 ? 1 : -1;
          let { slides, prevIndex } = this;
          let dis = Math.abs(distance);
          let nextIndex = this.getIndex(prevIndex + this.dir);
          let width = getDistance.call(this, prevIndex, nextIndex);
          while (nextIndex !== prevIndex && dis > width) {
            this.drag -= width * this.dir;
            prevIndex = nextIndex;
            dis -= width;
            nextIndex = this.getIndex(prevIndex + this.dir);
            width = getDistance.call(this, prevIndex, nextIndex);
          this.percent = dis / width;
          const prev = slides[prevIndex];
          const next = slides[nextIndex];
          const changed = this.index !== nextIndex;
          const edge = prevIndex === nextIndex;
          let itemShown;
          for (const i of [this.index, this.prevIndex]) {
            if (!includes([nextIndex, prevIndex], i)) {
              trigger(slides[i], "itemhidden", [this]);
              if (edge) {
                itemShown = true;
                this.prevIndex = prevIndex;
          if (this.index === prevIndex && this.prevIndex !== prevIndex || itemShown) {
            trigger(slides[this.index], "itemshown", [this]);
          if (changed) {
            this.prevIndex = prevIndex;
            this.index = nextIndex;
            if (!edge) {
              trigger(prev, "beforeitemhide", [this]);
              trigger(prev, "itemhide", [this]);
            trigger(next, "beforeitemshow", [this]);
            trigger(next, "itemshow", [this]);
          this._transitioner = this._translate(Math.abs(this.percent), prev, !edge && next);
        end() {
          off(document, pointerMove, this.move, pointerOptions);
          off(document, pointerUp, this.end, pointerUpOptions);
          if (this.dragging) {
            this.dragging = null;
            if (this.index === this.prevIndex) {
              this.percent = 1 - this.percent;
              this.dir *= -1;
              this._show(false, this.index, true);
              this._transitioner = null;
            } else {
              const dirChange = (isRtl ? this.dir * (isRtl ? 1 : -1) : this.dir) < 0 === this.prevPos > this.pos;
              this.index = dirChange ? this.index : this.prevIndex;
              if (dirChange) {
                this.percent = 1 - this.percent;
                this.dir > 0 && !dirChange || this.dir < 0 && dirChange ? "next" : "previous",
          setTimeout(() => off(this.list, "click", preventClick, pointerOptions));
          css(this.list, { userSelect: "" });
          this.drag = this.percent = null;
    function getDistance(prev, next) {
      return this._getTransitioner(prev, prev !== next && next).getDistance() || this.slides[prev].offsetWidth;
    function hasSelectableText(el) {
      return css(el, "userSelect") !== "none" && toArray(el.childNodes).some((el2) => el2.nodeType === 3 && el2.textContent.trim());

    function initWatches(instance) {
      instance._watches = [];
      for (const watches of instance.$options.watch || []) {
        for (const [name, watch] of Object.entries(watches)) {
          registerWatch(instance, watch, name);
      instance._initial = true;
    function registerWatch(instance, watch, name) {
        ...isPlainObject(watch) ? watch : { handler: watch }
    function runWatches(instance, values) {
      for (const { name, handler, immediate = true } of instance._watches) {
        if (instance._initial && immediate || hasOwn(values, name) && !isEqual(values[name], instance[name])) {
          handler.call(instance, instance[name], values[name]);
      instance._initial = false;

    function initComputed(instance) {
      const { computed } = instance.$options;
      instance._computed = {};
      if (computed) {
        for (const key in computed) {
          registerComputed(instance, key, computed[key]);
    const mutationOptions = { subtree: true, childList: true };
    function registerComputed(instance, key, cb) {
      instance._hasComputed = true;
      Object.defineProperty(instance, key, {
        enumerable: true,
        get() {
          const { _computed, $props, $el } = instance;
          if (!hasOwn(_computed, key)) {
            _computed[key] = (cb.get || cb).call(instance, $props, $el);
            if (cb.observe && instance._computedObserver) {
              const selector = cb.observe.call(instance, $props);
                ["~", "+", "-"].includes(selector[0]) ? $el.parentElement : $el.getRootNode(),
          return _computed[key];
        set(value) {
          const { _computed } = instance;
          _computed[key] = cb.set ? cb.set.call(instance, value) : value;
          if (isUndefined(_computed[key])) {
            delete _computed[key];
    function initComputedUpdates(instance) {
      if (!instance._hasComputed) {
      prependUpdate(instance, {
        read: () => runWatches(instance, resetComputed(instance)),
        events: ["resize", "computed"]
      instance._computedObserver = observeMutation(
        () => callUpdate(instance, "computed"),
    function disconnectComputedUpdates(instance) {
      var _a;
      (_a = instance._computedObserver) == null ? void 0 : _a.disconnect();
      delete instance._computedObserver;
    function resetComputed(instance) {
      const values = { ...instance._computed };
      instance._computed = {};
      return values;

    function initEvents(instance) {
      instance._events = [];
      for (const event of instance.$options.events || []) {
        if (hasOwn(event, "handler")) {
          registerEvent(instance, event);
        } else {
          for (const key in event) {
            registerEvent(instance, event[key], key);
    function unbindEvents(instance) {
      instance._events.forEach((unbind) => unbind());
      delete instance._events;
    function registerEvent(instance, event, key) {
      let { name, el, handler, capture, passive, delegate, filter, self } = isPlainObject(event) ? event : { name: key, handler: event };
      el = isFunction(el) ? el.call(instance, instance) : el || instance.$el;
      if (!el || isArray(el) && !el.length || filter && !filter.call(instance, instance)) {
          delegate ? isString(delegate) ? delegate : delegate.call(instance, instance) : null,
          isString(handler) ? instance[handler] : handler.bind(instance),
          { passive, capture, self }

    function initObservers(instance) {
      instance._observers = [];
      for (const observer of instance.$options.observe || []) {
        registerObservable(instance, observer);
    function registerObserver(instance, ...observer) {
    function disconnectObservers(instance) {
      for (const observer of instance._observers) {
    function registerObservable(instance, observable) {
      let { observe, target = instance.$el, handler, options, filter, args } = observable;
      if (filter && !filter.call(instance, instance)) {
      const key = `_observe${instance._observers.length}`;
      if (isFunction(target) && !hasOwn(instance, key)) {
        registerComputed(instance, key, () => {
          const targets2 = target.call(instance, instance);
          return isArray(targets2) ? toNodes(targets2) : targets2;
      handler = isString(handler) ? instance[handler] : handler.bind(instance);
      if (isFunction(options)) {
        options = options.call(instance, instance);
      const targets = hasOwn(instance, key) ? instance[key] : target;
      const observer = observe(targets, handler, options, args);
      if (isFunction(target) && isArray(instance[key])) {
          { handler: updateTargets(observer, options), immediate: false },
      registerObserver(instance, observer);
    function updateTargets(observer, options) {
      return (targets, prev) => {
        for (const target of prev) {
          if (!includes(targets, target)) {
            if (observer.unobserve) {
            } else if (observer.observe) {
        for (const target of targets) {
          if (!includes(prev, target) || !observer.unobserve) {
            observer.observe(target, options);

    function initProps(instance) {
      const { $options, $props } = instance;
      const props = getProps($options);
      assign($props, props);
      const { computed, methods } = $options;
      for (let key in $props) {
        if (key in props && (!computed || !hasOwn(computed, key)) && (!methods || !hasOwn(methods, key))) {
          instance[key] = $props[key];
    function getProps(opts) {
      const data$1 = {};
      const { args = [], props = {}, el, id } = opts;
      if (!props) {
        return data$1;
      for (const key in props) {
        const prop = hyphenate(key);
        let value = data(el, prop);
        if (isUndefined(value)) {
        value = props[key] === Boolean && value === "" ? true : coerce$1(props[key], value);
        if (prop === "target" && startsWith(value, "_")) {
        data$1[key] = value;
      const options = parseOptions(data(el, id), args);
      for (const key in options) {
        const prop = camelize(key);
        if (!isUndefined(props[prop])) {
          data$1[prop] = coerce$1(props[prop], options[key]);
      return data$1;
    const getAttributes = memoize((id, props) => {
      const attributes = Object.keys(props);
      const filter = attributes.concat(id).map((key) => [hyphenate(key), `data-${hyphenate(key)}`]).flat();
      return { attributes, filter };
    function initPropsObserver(instance) {
      const { $options, $props } = instance;
      const { id, props, el } = $options;
      if (!props) {
      const { attributes, filter } = getAttributes(id, props);
      const observer = new MutationObserver((records) => {
        const data = getProps($options);
        if (records.some(({ attributeName }) => {
          const prop = attributeName.replace("data-", "");
          return (prop === id ? attributes : [camelize(prop), camelize(attributeName)]).some(
            (prop2) => !isUndefined(data[prop2]) && data[prop2] !== $props[prop2]
        })) {
      observer.observe(el, {
        attributes: true,
        attributeFilter: filter
      registerObserver(instance, observer);

    function callHook(instance, hook) {
      var _a;
      (_a = instance.$options[hook]) == null ? void 0 : _a.forEach((handler) => handler.call(instance));
    function callConnected(instance) {
      if (instance._connected) {
      callHook(instance, "beforeConnect");
      instance._connected = true;
      callHook(instance, "connected");
    function callDisconnected(instance) {
      if (!instance._connected) {
      callHook(instance, "beforeDisconnect");
      callHook(instance, "disconnected");
      instance._connected = false;

    let uid = 0;
    function init$1(instance, options = {}) {
      options.data = normalizeData(options, instance.constructor.options);
      instance.$options = mergeOptions(instance.constructor.options, options, instance);
      instance.$props = {};
      instance._uid = uid++;
      callHook(instance, "created");
      if (options.el) {
    function initData(instance) {
      const { data = {} } = instance.$options;
      for (const key in data) {
        instance.$props[key] = instance[key] = data[key];
    function initMethods(instance) {
      const { methods } = instance.$options;
      if (methods) {
        for (const key in methods) {
          instance[key] = methods[key].bind(instance);
    function normalizeData({ data = {} }, { args = [], props = {} }) {
      if (isArray(data)) {
        data = data.slice(0, args.length).reduce((data2, value, index) => {
          if (isPlainObject(value)) {
            assign(data2, value);
          } else {
            data2[args[index]] = value;
          return data2;
        }, {});
      for (const key in data) {
        if (isUndefined(data[key])) {
          delete data[key];
        } else if (props[key]) {
          data[key] = coerce$1(props[key], data[key]);
      return data;

    const App = function(options) {
      init$1(this, options);
    App.util = util;
    App.options = {};
    App.version = "3.21.7";

    const PREFIX = "bdt-";
    const DATA = "__uikit__";
    const components$2 = {};
    function component(name, options) {
      var _a, _b;
      const id = PREFIX + hyphenate(name);
      if (!options) {
        if (!components$2[id].options) {
          components$2[id] = App.extend(components$2[id]);
        return components$2[id];
      name = camelize(name);
      App[name] = (element, data) => createComponent(name, element, data);
      const opt = (_a = options.options) != null ? _a : { ...options };
      opt.id = id;
      opt.name = name;
      (_b = opt.install) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(opt, App, opt, name);
      if (App._initialized && !opt.functional) {
        requestAnimationFrame(() => createComponent(name, `[${id}],[data-${id}]`));
      return components$2[id] = opt;
    function createComponent(name, element, data, ...args) {
      const Component = component(name);
      return Component.options.functional ? new Component({ data: isPlainObject(element) ? element : [element, data, ...args] }) : element ? $$(element).map(init)[0] : init();
      function init(element2) {
        const instance = getComponent(element2, name);
        if (instance) {
          if (data) {
          } else {
            return instance;
        return new Component({ el: element2, data });
    function getComponents(element) {
      return (element == null ? void 0 : element[DATA]) || {};
    function getComponent(element, name) {
      return getComponents(element)[name];
    function attachToElement(element, instance) {
      if (!element[DATA]) {
        element[DATA] = {};
      element[DATA][instance.$options.name] = instance;
    function detachFromElement(element, instance) {
      var _a;
      (_a = element[DATA]) == null ? true : delete _a[instance.$options.name];
      if (isEmpty(element[DATA])) {
        delete element[DATA];

    function globalApi(App) {
      App.component = component;
      App.getComponents = getComponents;
      App.getComponent = getComponent;
      App.update = update;
      App.use = function(plugin) {
        if (plugin.installed) {
        plugin.call(null, this);
        plugin.installed = true;
        return this;
      App.mixin = function(mixin, component2) {
        component2 = (isString(component2) ? this.component(component2) : component2) || this;
        component2.options = mergeOptions(component2.options, mixin);
      App.extend = function(options) {
        options || (options = {});
        const Super = this;
        const Sub = function bdtUIkitComponent(options2) {
          init$1(this, options2);
        Sub.prototype = Object.create(Super.prototype);
        Sub.prototype.constructor = Sub;
        Sub.options = mergeOptions(Super.options, options);
        Sub.super = Super;
        Sub.extend = Super.extend;
        return Sub;
      let container;
      Object.defineProperty(App, "container", {
        get() {
          return container || document.body;
        set(element) {
          container = $(element);
    function update(element, e) {
      element = element ? toNode(element) : document.body;
      for (const parentEl of parents(element).reverse()) {
        updateElement(parentEl, e);
      apply(element, (element2) => updateElement(element2, e));
    function updateElement(element, e) {
      const components = getComponents(element);
      for (const name in components) {
        callUpdate(components[name], e);

    function instanceApi(App) {
      App.prototype.$mount = function(el) {
        const instance = this;
        attachToElement(el, instance);
        instance.$options.el = el;
        if (document.contains(el)) {
      App.prototype.$destroy = function(removeEl = false) {
        const instance = this;
        const { el } = instance.$options;
        if (el) {
        callHook(instance, "destroy");
        detachFromElement(el, instance);
        if (removeEl) {
      App.prototype.$create = createComponent;
      App.prototype.$emit = function(e) {
        callUpdate(this, e);
      App.prototype.$update = function(element = this.$el, e) {
        update(element, e);
      App.prototype.$reset = function() {
      App.prototype.$getComponent = getComponent;
      Object.defineProperties(App.prototype, {
        $el: {
          get() {
            return this.$options.el;
        $container: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(App, "container")
    let id = 1;
    function generateId(instance, el = null) {
      return (el == null ? void 0 : el.id) || `${instance.$options.id}-${id++}`;

    var SliderNav = {
      i18n: {
        next: "Next slide",
        previous: "Previous slide",
        slideX: "Slide %s",
        slideLabel: "%s of %s",
        role: "String"
      data: {
        selNav: false,
        role: "region"
      computed: {
        nav: ({ selNav }, $el) => $(selNav, $el),
        navChildren() {
          return children(this.nav);
        selNavItem: ({ attrItem }) => `[${attrItem}],[data-${attrItem}]`,
        navItems(_, $el) {
          return $$(this.selNavItem, $el);
      watch: {
        nav(nav, prev) {
          attr(nav, "role", "tablist");
          if (prev) {
        list(list) {
          if (isTag(list, "ul")) {
            attr(list, "role", "presentation");
        navChildren(children2) {
          attr(children2, "role", "presentation");
        navItems(items) {
          for (const el of items) {
            const cmd = data(el, this.attrItem);
            const button = $("a,button", el) || el;
            let ariaLabel;
            let ariaControls = null;
            if (isNumeric(cmd)) {
              const item = toNumber(cmd);
              const slide = this.slides[item];
              if (slide) {
                if (!slide.id) {
                  slide.id = generateId(this, slide);
                ariaControls = slide.id;
              ariaLabel = this.t("slideX", toFloat(cmd) + 1);
              attr(button, "role", "tab");
            } else {
              if (this.list) {
                if (!this.list.id) {
                  this.list.id = generateId(this, this.list);
                ariaControls = this.list.id;
              ariaLabel = this.t(cmd);
            attr(button, {
              "aria-controls": ariaControls,
              "aria-label": attr(button, "aria-label") || ariaLabel
        slides(slides) {
            (slide, i) => attr(slide, {
              role: this.nav ? "tabpanel" : "group",
              "aria-label": this.t("slideLabel", i + 1, this.length),
              "aria-roledescription": this.nav ? null : "slide"
      connected() {
        attr(this.$el, {
          role: this.role,
          "aria-roledescription": "carousel"
      update: [
          write() {
            this.navItems.concat(this.nav).forEach((el) => el && (el.hidden = !this.maxIndex));
          events: ["resize"]
      events: [
          name: "click keydown",
          delegate: ({ selNavItem }) => selNavItem,
          filter: ({ parallax }) => !parallax,
          handler(e) {
            if (e.target.closest("a,button") && (e.type === "click" || e.keyCode === keyMap.SPACE)) {
              this.show(data(e.current, this.attrItem));
          name: "itemshow",
          handler: "updateNav"
          name: "keydown",
          delegate: ({ selNavItem }) => selNavItem,
          filter: ({ parallax }) => !parallax,
          handler(e) {
            const { current, keyCode } = e;
            const cmd = data(current, this.attrItem);
            if (!isNumeric(cmd)) {
            let i = keyCode === keyMap.HOME ? 0 : keyCode === keyMap.END ? "last" : keyCode === keyMap.LEFT ? "previous" : keyCode === keyMap.RIGHT ? "next" : -1;
            if (~i) {
      methods: {
        updateNav() {
          const index = this.getValidIndex();
          for (const el of this.navItems) {
            const cmd = data(el, this.attrItem);
            const button = $("a,button", el) || el;
            if (isNumeric(cmd)) {
              const item = toNumber(cmd);
              const active = item === index;
              toggleClass(el, this.clsActive, active);
              toggleClass(button, "bdt-disabled", this.parallax);
              attr(button, {
                "aria-selected": active,
                tabindex: active && !this.parallax ? null : -1
              if (active && button && matches(parent(el), ":focus-within")) {
            } else {
                this.finite && (cmd === "previous" && index === 0 || cmd === "next" && index >= this.maxIndex)
        padNavitems() {
          if (!this.nav) {
          const children2 = [];
          for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
            const attr2 = `${this.attrItem}="${i}"`;
            children2[i] = this.navChildren.findLast((el) => el.matches(`[${attr2}]`)) || $(`<li ${attr2}><a href></a></li>`);
          if (!isEqual(children2, this.navChildren)) {
            html(this.nav, children2);

    const easeOutQuad = "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94)";
    const easeOutQuart = "cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1)";
    var Slider = {
      mixins: [SliderAutoplay, SliderDrag, SliderNav, I18n],
      props: {
        clsActivated: String,
        easing: String,
        index: Number,
        finite: Boolean,
        velocity: Number
      data: () => ({
        easing: "ease",
        finite: false,
        velocity: 1,
        index: 0,
        prevIndex: -1,
        stack: [],
        percent: 0,
        clsActive: "bdt-active",
        clsActivated: "",
        clsEnter: "bdt-slide-enter",
        clsLeave: "bdt-slide-leave",
        clsSlideActive: "bdt-slide-active",
        Transitioner: false,
        transitionOptions: {}
      connected() {
        this.prevIndex = -1;
        this.index = this.getValidIndex(this.$props.index);
        this.stack = [];
      disconnected() {
        removeClass(this.slides, this.clsActive);
      computed: {
        duration: ({ velocity }, $el) => speedUp($el.offsetWidth / velocity),
        list: ({ selList }, $el) => $(selList, $el),
        maxIndex() {
          return this.length - 1;
        slides() {
          return children(this.list);
        length() {
          return this.slides.length;
      watch: {
        slides(slides, prev) {
          if (prev) {
      events: {
        itemshow({ target }) {
          addClass(target, this.clsEnter, this.clsSlideActive);
        itemshown({ target }) {
          removeClass(target, this.clsEnter);
        itemhide({ target }) {
          addClass(target, this.clsLeave);
        itemhidden({ target }) {
          removeClass(target, this.clsLeave, this.clsSlideActive);
      methods: {
        show(index, force = false) {
          var _a;
          if (this.dragging || !this.length || this.parallax) {
          const { stack } = this;
          const queueIndex = force ? 0 : stack.length;
          const reset = () => {
            stack.splice(queueIndex, 1);
            if (stack.length) {
              this.show(stack.shift(), true);
          stack[force ? "unshift" : "push"](index);
          if (!force && stack.length > 1) {
            if (stack.length === 2) {
              (_a = this._transitioner) == null ? void 0 : _a.forward(Math.min(this.duration, 200));
          const prevIndex = this.getIndex(this.index);
          const prev = hasClass(this.slides, this.clsActive) && this.slides[prevIndex];
          const nextIndex = this.getIndex(index, this.index);
          const next = this.slides[nextIndex];
          if (prev === next) {
          this.dir = getDirection(index, prevIndex);
          this.prevIndex = prevIndex;
          this.index = nextIndex;
          if (prev && !trigger(prev, "beforeitemhide", [this]) || !trigger(next, "beforeitemshow", [this, prev])) {
            this.index = this.prevIndex;
          const promise = this._show(prev, next, force).then(() => {
            prev && trigger(prev, "itemhidden", [this]);
            trigger(next, "itemshown", [this]);
            this._transitioner = null;
            if (stack.length) {
              requestAnimationFrame(() => stack.length && this.show(stack.shift(), true));
          prev && trigger(prev, "itemhide", [this]);
          trigger(next, "itemshow", [this]);
          return promise;
        getIndex(index = this.index, prev = this.index) {
          return clamp(
            getIndex(index, this.slides, prev, this.finite),
            Math.max(0, this.maxIndex)
        getValidIndex(index = this.index, prevIndex = this.prevIndex) {
          return this.getIndex(index, prevIndex);
        async _show(prev, next, force) {
          this._transitioner = this._getTransitioner(prev, next, this.dir, {
            easing: force ? next.offsetWidth < 600 ? easeOutQuad : easeOutQuart : this.easing,
          if (!force && !prev) {
          const { length } = this.stack;
          return this._transitioner[length > 1 ? "forward" : "show"](
            length > 1 ? Math.min(this.duration, 75 + 75 / (length - 1)) : this.duration,
        _translate(percent, prev = this.prevIndex, next = this.index) {
          const transitioner = this._getTransitioner(prev === next ? false : prev, next);
          return transitioner;
        _getTransitioner(prev = this.prevIndex, next = this.index, dir = this.dir || 1, options = this.transitionOptions) {
          return new this.Transitioner(
            isNumber(prev) ? this.slides[prev] : prev,
            isNumber(next) ? this.slides[next] : next,
            dir * (isRtl ? -1 : 1),
    function getDirection(index, prevIndex) {
      return index === "next" ? 1 : index === "previous" ? -1 : index < prevIndex ? -1 : 1;
    function speedUp(x) {
      return 0.5 * x + 300;

    var Slideshow = {
      mixins: [Slider],
      props: {
        animation: String
      data: {
        animation: "slide",
        clsActivated: "bdt-transition-active",
        Animations: Animations$2,
        Transitioner: Transitioner$1
      computed: {
        animation({ animation, Animations: Animations2 }) {
          return { ...Animations2[animation] || Animations2.slide, name: animation };
        transitionOptions() {
          return { animation: this.animation };
      observe: resize(),
      events: {
        beforeitemshow({ target }) {
          addClass(target, this.clsActive);
        itemshown({ target }) {
          addClass(target, this.clsActivated);
        itemhidden({ target }) {
          removeClass(target, this.clsActive, this.clsActivated);

    var Animations$1 = {
      fade: {
        show() {
          return [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1 }];
        percent(current) {
          return 1 - css(current, "opacity");
        translate(percent) {
          return [{ opacity: 1 - percent }, { opacity: percent }];
      scale: {
        show() {
          return [
            { opacity: 0, transform: scale3d(1 - 0.2) },
            { opacity: 1, transform: scale3d(1) }
        percent(current) {
          return 1 - css(current, "opacity");
        translate(percent) {
          return [
            { opacity: 1 - percent, transform: scale3d(1 - 0.2 * percent) },
            { opacity: percent, transform: scale3d(1 - 0.2 + 0.2 * percent) }

    var LightboxPanel = {
      mixins: [Modal, Slideshow],
      functional: true,
      props: {
        delayControls: Number,
        preload: Number,
        videoAutoplay: Boolean,
        template: String
      data: () => ({
        preload: 1,
        videoAutoplay: false,
        delayControls: 3e3,
        items: [],
        cls: "bdt-open",
        clsPage: "bdt-lightbox-page",
        selList: ".bdt-lightbox-items",
        attrItem: "bdt-lightbox-item",
        selClose: ".bdt-close-large",
        selCaption: ".bdt-lightbox-caption",
        pauseOnHover: false,
        velocity: 2,
        Animations: Animations$1,
        template: `<div class="bdt-lightbox bdt-overflow-hidden"> <div class="bdt-lightbox-items"></div> <div class="bdt-lightbox-toolbar bdt-position-top bdt-text-right bdt-transition-slide-top bdt-transition-opaque"> <button class="bdt-lightbox-toolbar-icon bdt-close-large" type="button" bdt-close></button> </div> <a class="bdt-lightbox-button bdt-position-center-left bdt-position-medium bdt-transition-fade" href bdt-slidenav-previous bdt-lightbox-item="previous"></a> <a class="bdt-lightbox-button bdt-position-center-right bdt-position-medium bdt-transition-fade" href bdt-slidenav-next bdt-lightbox-item="next"></a> <div class="bdt-lightbox-toolbar bdt-lightbox-caption bdt-position-bottom bdt-text-center bdt-transition-slide-bottom bdt-transition-opaque"></div> </div>`
      created() {
        const $el = $(this.template);
        const list = $(this.selList, $el);
        this.items.forEach(() => append(list, "<div>"));
        const close = $("[bdt-close]", $el);
        const closeLabel = this.t("close");
        if (close && closeLabel) {
          close.dataset.i18n = JSON.stringify({ label: closeLabel });
        this.$mount(append(this.container, $el));
      events: [
          name: `${pointerMove$1} ${pointerDown$1} keydown`,
          handler: "showControls"
          name: "click",
          self: true,
          delegate: ({ selList }) => `${selList} > *`,
          handler(e) {
            if (!e.defaultPrevented) {
          name: "shown",
          self: true,
          handler: "showControls"
          name: "hide",
          self: true,
          handler() {
            removeClass(this.slides, this.clsActive);
          name: "hidden",
          self: true,
          handler() {
          name: "keyup",
          el: () => document,
          handler({ keyCode }) {
            if (!this.isToggled(this.$el) || !this.draggable) {
            let i = -1;
            if (keyCode === keyMap.LEFT) {
              i = "previous";
            } else if (keyCode === keyMap.RIGHT) {
              i = "next";
            } else if (keyCode === keyMap.HOME) {
              i = 0;
            } else if (keyCode === keyMap.END) {
              i = "last";
            if (~i) {
          name: "beforeitemshow",
          handler(e) {
            if (this.isToggled()) {
            this.draggable = false;
            this.toggleElement(this.$el, true, false);
            this.animation = Animations$1["scale"];
            removeClass(e.target, this.clsActive);
            this.stack.splice(1, 0, this.index);
          name: "itemshow",
          handler() {
            html($(this.selCaption, this.$el), this.getItem().caption || "");
            for (let j = -this.preload; j <= this.preload; j++) {
              this.loadItem(this.index + j);
          name: "itemshown",
          handler() {
            this.draggable = this.$props.draggable;
          name: "itemload",
          async handler(_, item) {
            const { source: src, type, alt = "", poster, attrs = {} } = item;
            this.setItem(item, "<span bdt-spinner></span>");
            if (!src) {
            let matches;
            const iframeAttrs = {
              allowfullscreen: "",
              style: "max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box;",
              "bdt-responsive": "",
              "bdt-video": `${this.videoAutoplay}`
            if (type === "image" || src.match(/\.(avif|jpe?g|jfif|a?png|gif|svg|webp)($|\?)/i)) {
              const img = createEl("img", { src, alt, ...attrs });
              on(img, "load", () => this.setItem(item, img));
              on(img, "error", () => this.setError(item));
            } else if (type === "video" || src.match(/\.(mp4|webm|ogv)($|\?)/i)) {
              const video = createEl("video", {
                controls: "",
                playsinline: "",
                "bdt-video": `${this.videoAutoplay}`,
              on(video, "loadedmetadata", () => this.setItem(item, video));
              on(video, "error", () => this.setError(item));
            } else if (type === "iframe" || src.match(/\.(html|php)($|\?)/i)) {
                createEl("iframe", {
                  allowfullscreen: "",
                  class: "bdt-lightbox-iframe",
            } else if (matches = src.match(
            )) {
                createEl("iframe", {
                  src: `https://www.youtube${matches[1] || ""}.com/embed/${matches[2]}${matches[3] ? `?${matches[3]}` : ""}`,
                  width: 1920,
                  height: 1080,
            } else if (matches = src.match(/\/\/.*?vimeo\.[a-z]+\/(\d+)[&?]?(.*)?/)) {
              try {
                const { height, width } = await (await fetch(
                  { credentials: "omit" }
                  createEl("iframe", {
                    src: `https://player.vimeo.com/video/${matches[1]}${matches[2] ? `?${matches[2]}` : ""}`,
              } catch (e) {
      methods: {
        loadItem(index = this.index) {
          const item = this.getItem(index);
          if (!this.getSlide(item).childElementCount) {
            trigger(this.$el, "itemload", [item]);
        getItem(index = this.index) {
          return this.items[getIndex(index, this.slides)];
        setItem(item, content) {
          trigger(this.$el, "itemloaded", [this, html(this.getSlide(item), content)]);
        getSlide(item) {
          return this.slides[this.items.indexOf(item)];
        setError(item) {
          this.setItem(item, '<span bdt-icon="icon: bolt; ratio: 2"></span>');
        showControls() {
          this.controlsTimer = setTimeout(this.hideControls, this.delayControls);
          addClass(this.$el, "bdt-active", "bdt-transition-active");
        hideControls() {
          removeClass(this.$el, "bdt-active", "bdt-transition-active");
    function createEl(tag, attrs) {
      const el = fragment(`<${tag}>`);
      attr(el, attrs);
      return el;

    var lightbox = {
      install: install$3,
      props: { toggle: String },
      data: { toggle: "a" },
      computed: {
        toggles: ({ toggle }, $el) => $$(toggle, $el)
      watch: {
        toggles(toggles) {
          for (const toggle of toggles) {
            if (isTag(toggle, "a")) {
              attr(toggle, "role", "button");
      disconnected() {
      events: {
        name: "click",
        delegate: ({ toggle }) => `${toggle}:not(.bdt-disabled)`,
        handler(e) {
          if (!e.defaultPrevented) {
      methods: {
        show(index) {
          const items = uniqueBy(this.toggles.map(toItem), "source");
          if (isElement(index)) {
            const { source } = toItem(index);
            index = findIndex(items, ({ source: src }) => source === src);
          this.panel = this.panel || this.$create("lightboxPanel", { ...this.$props, items });
          on(this.panel.$el, "hidden", () => this.panel = null);
          return this.panel.show(index);
        hide() {
          var _a;
          return (_a = this.panel) == null ? void 0 : _a.hide();
    function install$3(bdtUIkit, Lightbox) {
      if (!bdtUIkit.lightboxPanel) {
        bdtUIkit.component("lightboxPanel", LightboxPanel);
      assign(Lightbox.props, bdtUIkit.component("lightboxPanel").options.props);
    function toItem(el) {
      const item = {};
      for (const attr2 of ["href", "caption", "type", "poster", "alt", "attrs"]) {
        item[attr2 === "href" ? "source" : attr2] = data(el, attr2);
      item.attrs = parseOptions(item.attrs);
      return item;

    var notification = {
      mixins: [Container],
      functional: true,
      args: ["message", "status"],
      data: {
        message: "",
        status: "",
        timeout: 5e3,
        group: "",
        pos: "top-center",
        clsContainer: "bdt-notification",
        clsClose: "bdt-notification-close",
        clsMsg: "bdt-notification-message"
      install: install$2,
      computed: {
        marginProp: ({ pos }) => `margin-${pos.match(/[a-z]+(?=-)/)[0]}`,
        startProps() {
          return { opacity: 0, [this.marginProp]: -this.$el.offsetHeight };
      created() {
        const posClass = `${this.clsContainer}-${this.pos}`;
        const containerAttr = `data-${this.clsContainer}-container`;
        const container = $(`.${posClass}[${containerAttr}]`, this.container) || append(
          `<div class="${this.clsContainer} ${posClass}" ${containerAttr}></div>`
            `<div class="${this.clsMsg}${this.status ? ` ${this.clsMsg}-${this.status}` : ""}" role="alert"> <a href class="${this.clsClose}" data-bdt-close></a> <div>${this.message}</div> </div>`
      async connected() {
        const margin = toFloat(css(this.$el, this.marginProp));
        await Transition.start(css(this.$el, this.startProps), {
          opacity: 1,
          [this.marginProp]: margin
        if (this.timeout) {
          this.timer = setTimeout(this.close, this.timeout);
      events: {
        click(e) {
          if (e.target.closest('a[href="#"],a[href=""]')) {
        [pointerEnter]() {
          if (this.timer) {
        [pointerLeave]() {
          if (this.timeout) {
            this.timer = setTimeout(this.close, this.timeout);
      methods: {
        async close(immediate) {
          const removeFn = (el) => {
            const container = parent(el);
            trigger(el, "close", [this]);
            if (!(container == null ? void 0 : container.hasChildNodes())) {
          if (this.timer) {
          if (!immediate) {
            await Transition.start(this.$el, this.startProps);
    function install$2(bdtUIkit) {
      bdtUIkit.notification.closeAll = function(group, immediate) {
        apply(document.body, (el) => {
          const notification = bdtUIkit.getComponent(el, "notification");
          if (notification && (!group || group === notification.group)) {

    var Media = {
      props: {
        media: Boolean
      data: {
        media: false
      connected() {
        const media = toMedia(this.media, this.$el);
        this.matchMedia = true;
        if (media) {
          this.mediaObj = window.matchMedia(media);
          const handler = () => {
            this.matchMedia = this.mediaObj.matches;
            trigger(this.$el, createEvent("mediachange", false, true, [this.mediaObj]));
          this.offMediaObj = on(this.mediaObj, "change", () => {
      disconnected() {
        var _a;
        (_a = this.offMediaObj) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(this);
    function toMedia(value, element) {
      if (isString(value)) {
        if (startsWith(value, "@")) {
          value = toFloat(css(element, `--bdt-breakpoint-${value.slice(1)}`));
        } else if (isNaN(value)) {
          return value;
      return value && isNumeric(value) ? `(min-width: ${value}px)` : "";

    function getMaxPathLength(el) {
      return isVisible(el) ? Math.ceil(
        Math.max(0, ...$$("[stroke]", el).map((stroke) => {
          var _a;
          return ((_a = stroke.getTotalLength) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(stroke)) || 0;
      ) : 0;

    const props = {
      x: transformFn,
      y: transformFn,
      rotate: transformFn,
      scale: transformFn,
      color: colorFn,
      backgroundColor: colorFn,
      borderColor: colorFn,
      blur: filterFn,
      hue: filterFn,
      fopacity: filterFn,
      grayscale: filterFn,
      invert: filterFn,
      saturate: filterFn,
      sepia: filterFn,
      opacity: cssPropFn,
      stroke: strokeFn,
      bgx: backgroundFn,
      bgy: backgroundFn
    const { keys } = Object;
    var Parallax = {
      mixins: [Media],
      props: fillObject(keys(props), "list"),
      data: fillObject(keys(props), void 0),
      computed: {
        props(properties, $el) {
          const stops = {};
          for (const prop in properties) {
            if (prop in props && !isUndefined(properties[prop])) {
              stops[prop] = properties[prop].slice();
          const result = {};
          for (const prop in stops) {
            result[prop] = props[prop](prop, $el, stops[prop], stops);
          return result;
      events: {
        load() {
      methods: {
        reset() {
          for (const prop in this.getCss(0)) {
            css(this.$el, prop, "");
        getCss(percent) {
          const css2 = {};
          for (const prop in this.props) {
            this.props[prop](css2, clamp(percent));
          css2.willChange = Object.keys(css2).map(propName).join(",");
          return css2;
    function transformFn(prop, el, stops) {
      let unit = getUnit(stops) || { x: "px", y: "px", rotate: "deg" }[prop] || "";
      let transformFn2;
      if (prop === "x" || prop === "y") {
        prop = `translate${ucfirst(prop)}`;
        transformFn2 = (stop) => toFloat(toFloat(stop).toFixed(unit === "px" ? 0 : 6));
      } else if (prop === "scale") {
        unit = "";
        transformFn2 = (stop) => {
          var _a;
          return getUnit([stop]) ? toPx(stop, "width", el, true) / el[`offset${((_a = stop.endsWith) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(stop, "vh")) ? "Height" : "Width"}`] : toFloat(stop);
      if (stops.length === 1) {
        stops.unshift(prop === "scale" ? 1 : 0);
      stops = parseStops(stops, transformFn2);
      return (css2, percent) => {
        css2.transform = `${css2.transform || ""} ${prop}(${getValue(stops, percent)}${unit})`;
    function colorFn(prop, el, stops) {
      if (stops.length === 1) {
        stops.unshift(getCssValue(el, prop, ""));
      stops = parseStops(stops, (stop) => parseColor(el, stop));
      return (css2, percent) => {
        const [start, end, p] = getStop(stops, percent);
        const value = start.map((value2, i) => {
          value2 += p * (end[i] - value2);
          return i === 3 ? toFloat(value2) : parseInt(value2, 10);
        css2[prop] = `rgba(${value})`;
    function parseColor(el, color) {
      return getCssValue(el, "color", color).split(/[(),]/g).slice(1, -1).concat(1).slice(0, 4).map(toFloat);
    function filterFn(prop, el, stops) {
      if (stops.length === 1) {
      const unit = getUnit(stops) || { blur: "px", hue: "deg" }[prop] || "%";
      prop = { fopacity: "opacity", hue: "hue-rotate" }[prop] || prop;
      stops = parseStops(stops);
      return (css2, percent) => {
        const value = getValue(stops, percent);
        css2.filter = `${css2.filter || ""} ${prop}(${value + unit})`;
    function cssPropFn(prop, el, stops) {
      if (stops.length === 1) {
        stops.unshift(getCssValue(el, prop, ""));
      stops = parseStops(stops);
      return (css2, percent) => {
        css2[prop] = getValue(stops, percent);
    function strokeFn(prop, el, stops) {
      if (stops.length === 1) {
      const unit = getUnit(stops);
      const length = getMaxPathLength(el);
      stops = parseStops(stops.reverse(), (stop) => {
        stop = toFloat(stop);
        return unit === "%" ? stop * length / 100 : stop;
      if (!stops.some(([value]) => value)) {
        return noop;
      css(el, "strokeDasharray", length);
      return (css2, percent) => {
        css2.strokeDashoffset = getValue(stops, percent);
    function backgroundFn(prop, el, stops, props2) {
      if (stops.length === 1) {
      const attr = prop === "bgy" ? "height" : "width";
      props2[prop] = parseStops(stops, (stop) => toPx(stop, attr, el));
      const bgProps = ["bgx", "bgy"].filter((prop2) => prop2 in props2);
      if (bgProps.length === 2 && prop === "bgx") {
        return noop;
      if (getCssValue(el, "backgroundSize", "") === "cover") {
        return backgroundCoverFn(prop, el, stops, props2);
      const positions = {};
      for (const prop2 of bgProps) {
        positions[prop2] = getBackgroundPos(el, prop2);
      return setBackgroundPosFn(bgProps, positions, props2);
    function backgroundCoverFn(prop, el, stops, props2) {
      const dimImage = getBackgroundImageDimensions(el);
      if (!dimImage.width) {
        return noop;
      const dimEl = {
        width: el.offsetWidth,
        height: el.offsetHeight
      const bgProps = ["bgx", "bgy"].filter((prop2) => prop2 in props2);
      const positions = {};
      for (const prop2 of bgProps) {
        const values = props2[prop2].map(([value]) => value);
        const min = Math.min(...values);
        const max = Math.max(...values);
        const down = values.indexOf(min) < values.indexOf(max);
        const diff = max - min;
        positions[prop2] = `${(down ? -diff : 0) - (down ? min : max)}px`;
        dimEl[prop2 === "bgy" ? "height" : "width"] += diff;
      const dim = Dimensions.cover(dimImage, dimEl);
      for (const prop2 of bgProps) {
        const attr = prop2 === "bgy" ? "height" : "width";
        const overflow = dim[attr] - dimEl[attr];
        positions[prop2] = `max(${getBackgroundPos(el, prop2)},-${overflow}px) + ${positions[prop2]}`;
      const fn = setBackgroundPosFn(bgProps, positions, props2);
      return (css2, percent) => {
        fn(css2, percent);
        css2.backgroundSize = `${dim.width}px ${dim.height}px`;
        css2.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
    function getBackgroundPos(el, prop) {
      return getCssValue(el, `background-position-${prop.slice(-1)}`, "");
    function setBackgroundPosFn(bgProps, positions, props2) {
      return function(css2, percent) {
        for (const prop of bgProps) {
          const value = getValue(props2[prop], percent);
          css2[`background-position-${prop.slice(-1)}`] = `calc(${positions[prop]} + ${value}px)`;
    const loading = {};
    const dimensions = {};
    function getBackgroundImageDimensions(el) {
      const src = css(el, "backgroundImage").replace(/^none|url\(["']?(.+?)["']?\)$/, "$1");
      if (dimensions[src]) {
        return dimensions[src];
      const image = new Image();
      if (src) {
        image.src = src;
        if (!image.naturalWidth && !loading[src]) {
          once(image, "error load", () => {
            dimensions[src] = toDimensions(image);
            trigger(el, createEvent("load", false));
          loading[src] = true;
          return toDimensions(image);
      return dimensions[src] = toDimensions(image);
    function toDimensions(image) {
      return {
        width: image.naturalWidth,
        height: image.naturalHeight
    function parseStops(stops, fn = toFloat) {
      const result = [];
      const { length } = stops;
      let nullIndex = 0;
      for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        let [value, percent] = isString(stops[i]) ? stops[i].trim().split(/ (?![^(]*\))/) : [stops[i]];
        value = fn(value);
        percent = percent ? toFloat(percent) / 100 : null;
        if (i === 0) {
          if (percent === null) {
            percent = 0;
          } else if (percent) {
            result.push([value, 0]);
        } else if (i === length - 1) {
          if (percent === null) {
            percent = 1;
          } else if (percent !== 1) {
            result.push([value, percent]);
            percent = 1;
        result.push([value, percent]);
        if (percent === null) {
        } else if (nullIndex) {
          const leftPercent = result[i - nullIndex - 1][1];
          const p = (percent - leftPercent) / (nullIndex + 1);
          for (let j = nullIndex; j > 0; j--) {
            result[i - j][1] = leftPercent + p * (nullIndex - j + 1);
          nullIndex = 0;
      return result;
    function getStop(stops, percent) {
      const index = findIndex(stops.slice(1), ([, targetPercent]) => percent <= targetPercent) + 1;
      return [
        stops[index - 1][0],
        (percent - stops[index - 1][1]) / (stops[index][1] - stops[index - 1][1])
    function getValue(stops, percent) {
      const [start, end, p] = getStop(stops, percent);
      return start + Math.abs(start - end) * p * (start < end ? 1 : -1);
    const unitRe = /^-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(\S+)?/;
    function getUnit(stops, defaultUnit) {
      var _a;
      for (const stop of stops) {
        const match = (_a = stop.match) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(stop, unitRe);
        if (match) {
          return match[1];
      return defaultUnit;
    function getCssValue(el, prop, value) {
      const prev = el.style[prop];
      const val = css(css(el, prop, value), prop);
      el.style[prop] = prev;
      return val;
    function fillObject(keys2, value) {
      return keys2.reduce((data, prop) => {
        data[prop] = value;
        return data;
      }, {});
    function ease(percent, easing) {
      return easing >= 0 ? Math.pow(percent, easing + 1) : 1 - Math.pow(1 - percent, 1 - easing);

    var parallax = {
      mixins: [Parallax],
      props: {
        target: String,
        viewport: Number,
        // Deprecated
        easing: Number,
        start: String,
        end: String
      data: {
        target: false,
        viewport: 1,
        easing: 1,
        start: 0,
        end: 0
      computed: {
        target: ({ target }, $el) => getOffsetElement(target && query(target, $el) || $el),
        start({ start }) {
          return toPx(start, "height", this.target, true);
        end({ end, viewport: viewport2 }) {
          return toPx(
            end || (viewport2 = (1 - viewport2) * 100) && `${viewport2}vh+${viewport2}%`,
      observe: [
        scroll$1({ target: ({ target }) => target }),
        resize({ target: ({ $el, target }) => [$el, target, scrollParent(target, true)] })
      update: {
        read({ percent }, types) {
          if (!types.has("scroll")) {
            percent = false;
          if (!isVisible(this.$el)) {
            return false;
          if (!this.matchMedia) {
          const prev = percent;
          percent = ease(scrolledOver(this.target, this.start, this.end), this.easing);
          return {
            style: prev === percent ? false : this.getCss(percent)
        write({ style }) {
          if (!this.matchMedia) {
          style && css(this.$el, style);
        events: ["scroll", "resize"]
    function getOffsetElement(el) {
      return el ? "offsetTop" in el ? el : getOffsetElement(parent(el)) : document.documentElement;

    var SliderParallax = {
      props: {
        parallax: Boolean,
        parallaxTarget: Boolean,
        parallaxStart: String,
        parallaxEnd: String,
        parallaxEasing: Number
      data: {
        parallax: false,
        parallaxTarget: false,
        parallaxStart: 0,
        parallaxEnd: 0,
        parallaxEasing: 0
      observe: [
          target: ({ $el, parallaxTarget }) => [$el, parallaxTarget],
          filter: ({ parallax }) => parallax
        scroll$1({ filter: ({ parallax }) => parallax })
      computed: {
        parallaxTarget({ parallaxTarget }, $el) {
          return parallaxTarget && query(parallaxTarget, $el) || this.list;
      update: {
        read() {
          if (!this.parallax) {
            return false;
          const target = this.parallaxTarget;
          if (!target) {
            return false;
          const start = toPx(this.parallaxStart, "height", target, true);
          const end = toPx(this.parallaxEnd, "height", target, true);
          const percent = ease(scrolledOver(target, start, end), this.parallaxEasing);
          return { parallax: this.getIndexAt(percent) };
        write({ parallax }) {
          const [prevIndex, slidePercent] = parallax;
          const nextIndex = this.getValidIndex(prevIndex + Math.ceil(slidePercent));
          const prev = this.slides[prevIndex];
          const next = this.slides[nextIndex];
          const { triggerShow, triggerShown, triggerHide, triggerHidden } = useTriggers(this);
          if (~this.prevIndex) {
            for (const i of /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([this.index, this.prevIndex])) {
              if (!includes([nextIndex, prevIndex], i)) {
          const changed = this.prevIndex !== prevIndex || this.index !== nextIndex;
          this.dir = 1;
          this.prevIndex = prevIndex;
          this.index = nextIndex;
          if (prev !== next) {
          if (changed) {
          this._translate(prev === next ? 1 : slidePercent, prev, next);
        events: ["scroll", "resize"]
      methods: {
        getIndexAt(percent) {
          const index = percent * (this.length - 1);
          return [Math.floor(index), index % 1];
    function useTriggers(cmp) {
      const { clsSlideActive, clsEnter, clsLeave } = cmp;
      return { triggerShow, triggerShown, triggerHide, triggerHidden };
      function triggerShow(el) {
        if (hasClass(el, clsLeave)) {
        if (!hasClass(el, clsSlideActive)) {
          trigger(el, "beforeitemshow", [cmp]);
          trigger(el, "itemshow", [cmp]);
      function triggerShown(el) {
        if (hasClass(el, clsEnter)) {
          trigger(el, "itemshown", [cmp]);
      function triggerHide(el) {
        if (!hasClass(el, clsSlideActive)) {
        if (hasClass(el, clsEnter)) {
        if (!hasClass(el, clsLeave)) {
          trigger(el, "beforeitemhide", [cmp]);
          trigger(el, "itemhide", [cmp]);
      function triggerHidden(el) {
        if (hasClass(el, clsLeave)) {
          trigger(el, "itemhidden", [cmp]);

    var SliderReactive = {
      update: {
        write() {
          if (this.stack.length || this.dragging || this.parallax) {
          const index = this.getValidIndex();
          if (!~this.prevIndex || this.index !== index) {
          } else {
        events: ["resize"]

    var SliderPreload = {
      observe: lazyload({
        target: ({ slides }) => slides,
        targets: (instance) => instance.getAdjacentSlides()
      methods: {
        getAdjacentSlides() {
          return [1, -1].map((i) => this.slides[this.getIndex(this.index + i)]);

    function Transitioner(prev, next, dir, { center, easing, list }) {
      const from = prev ? getLeft(prev, list, center) : getLeft(next, list, center) + dimensions$1(next).width * dir;
      const to = next ? getLeft(next, list, center) : from + dimensions$1(prev).width * dir * (isRtl ? -1 : 1);
      const { promise, resolve } = withResolvers();
      return {
        show(duration, percent = 0, linear) {
          const timing = linear ? "linear" : easing;
          duration -= Math.round(duration * clamp(percent, -1, 1));
          css(list, "transitionProperty", "none");
          css(list, "transitionProperty", "");
          percent = prev ? percent : clamp(percent, 0, 1);
          triggerUpdate(this.getItemIn(), "itemin", { percent, duration, timing, dir });
          prev && triggerUpdate(this.getItemIn(true), "itemout", {
            percent: 1 - percent,
            { transform: translate(-to * (isRtl ? -1 : 1), "px") },
          ).then(resolve, noop);
          return promise;
        cancel() {
          return Transition.cancel(list);
        reset() {
          css(list, "transform", "");
        async forward(duration, percent = this.percent()) {
          await this.cancel();
          return this.show(duration, percent, true);
        translate(percent) {
          if (percent === this.percent()) {
          const distance = this.getDistance() * dir * (isRtl ? -1 : 1);
                -to + (distance - distance * percent),
              ) * (isRtl ? -1 : 1),
          const actives = this.getActives();
          const itemIn = this.getItemIn();
          const itemOut = this.getItemIn(true);
          percent = prev ? clamp(percent, -1, 1) : 0;
          for (const slide of children(list)) {
            const isActive = includes(actives, slide);
            const isIn = slide === itemIn;
            const isOut = slide === itemOut;
            const translateIn = isIn || !isOut && (isActive || dir * (isRtl ? -1 : 1) === -1 ^ getElLeft(slide, list) > getElLeft(prev || next));
            triggerUpdate(slide, `itemtranslate${translateIn ? "in" : "out"}`, {
              percent: isOut ? 1 - percent : isIn ? percent : isActive ? 1 : 0
        percent() {
          return Math.abs(
            (new DOMMatrix(css(list, "transform")).m41 * (isRtl ? -1 : 1) + from) / (to - from)
        getDistance() {
          return Math.abs(to - from);
        getItemIn(out = false) {
          let actives = this.getActives();
          let nextActives = inView(list, getLeft(next || prev, list, center));
          if (out) {
            const temp = actives;
            actives = nextActives;
            nextActives = temp;
          return nextActives[findIndex(nextActives, (el) => !includes(actives, el))];
        getActives() {
          return inView(list, getLeft(prev || next, list, center));
    function getLeft(el, list, center) {
      const left = getElLeft(el, list);
      return center ? left - centerEl(el, list) : Math.min(left, getMax(list));
    function getMax(list) {
      return Math.max(0, getWidth(list) - dimensions$1(list).width);
    function getWidth(list, index) {
      return sumBy(children(list).slice(0, index), (el) => dimensions$1(el).width);
    function centerEl(el, list) {
      return dimensions$1(list).width / 2 - dimensions$1(el).width / 2;
    function getElLeft(el, list) {
      return el && (position(el).left + (isRtl ? dimensions$1(el).width - dimensions$1(list).width : 0)) * (isRtl ? -1 : 1) || 0;
    function inView(list, listLeft) {
      listLeft -= 1;
      const listWidth = dimensions$1(list).width;
      const listRight = listLeft + listWidth + 2;
      return children(list).filter((slide) => {
        const slideLeft = getElLeft(slide, list);
        const slideRight = slideLeft + Math.min(dimensions$1(slide).width, listWidth);
        return slideLeft >= listLeft && slideRight <= listRight;

    var slider = {
      mixins: [Class, Slider, SliderReactive, SliderParallax, SliderPreload],
      props: {
        center: Boolean,
        sets: Boolean,
        active: String
      data: {
        center: false,
        sets: false,
        attrItem: "bdt-slider-item",
        selList: ".bdt-slider-items",
        selNav: ".bdt-slider-nav",
        clsContainer: "bdt-slider-container",
        active: "all",
      computed: {
        finite({ finite }) {
          return finite || isFinite(this.list, this.center);
        maxIndex() {
          if (!this.finite || this.center && !this.sets) {
            return this.length - 1;
          if (this.center) {
            return last(this.sets);
          let lft = 0;
          const max = getMax(this.list);
          const index = findIndex(this.slides, (el) => {
            if (lft >= max) {
              return true;
            lft += dimensions$1(el).width;
          return ~index ? index : this.length - 1;
        sets({ sets: enabled }) {
          if (!enabled || this.parallax) {
          let left = 0;
          const sets = [];
          const width = dimensions$1(this.list).width;
          for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
            const slideWidth = dimensions$1(this.slides[i]).width;
            if (left + slideWidth > width) {
              left = 0;
            if (this.center) {
              if (left < width / 2 && left + slideWidth + dimensions$1(this.slides[getIndex(i + 1, this.slides)]).width / 2 > width / 2) {
                left = width / 2 - slideWidth / 2;
            } else if (left === 0) {
              sets.push(Math.min(i, this.maxIndex));
            left += slideWidth;
          if (sets.length) {
            return sets;
        transitionOptions() {
          return {
            center: this.center,
            list: this.list
        slides() {
          return children(this.list).filter(isVisible);
      connected() {
        toggleClass(this.$el, this.clsContainer, !$(`.${this.clsContainer}`, this.$el));
      observe: resize({
        target: ({ slides, $el }) => [$el, ...slides]
      update: {
        write() {
          for (const el of this.navItems) {
            const index = toNumber(data(el, this.attrItem));
            if (index !== false) {
              el.hidden = !this.maxIndex || index > this.maxIndex || this.sets && !includes(this.sets, index);
          if (!this.parallax) {
        events: ["resize"]
      events: {
        beforeitemshow(e) {
          if (!this.dragging && this.sets && this.stack.length < 2 && !includes(this.sets, this.index)) {
            this.index = this.getValidIndex();
          const diff = Math.abs(
            this.index - this.prevIndex + (this.dir > 0 && this.index < this.prevIndex || this.dir < 0 && this.index > this.prevIndex ? (this.maxIndex + 1) * this.dir : 0)
          if (!this.dragging && diff > 1) {
            for (let i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
              this.stack.splice(1, 0, this.dir > 0 ? "next" : "previous");
          const index = this.dir < 0 || !this.slides[this.prevIndex] ? this.index : this.prevIndex;
          const avgWidth = getWidth(this.list) / this.length;
          this.duration = speedUp(avgWidth / this.velocity) * (dimensions$1(this.slides[index]).width / avgWidth);
        itemshow() {
          if (~this.prevIndex) {
            addClass(this._getTransitioner().getItemIn(), this.clsActive);
        itemshown() {
      methods: {
        reorder() {
          if (this.finite) {
            css(this.slides, "order", "");
          const index = this.dir > 0 && this.slides[this.prevIndex] ? this.prevIndex : this.index;
            (slide, i) => css(
              this.dir > 0 && i < index ? 1 : this.dir < 0 && i >= this.index ? -1 : ""
          if (!this.center || !this.length) {
          const next = this.slides[index];
          let width = dimensions$1(this.list).width / 2 - dimensions$1(next).width / 2;
          let j = 0;
          while (width > 0) {
            const slideIndex = this.getIndex(--j + index, index);
            const slide = this.slides[slideIndex];
            css(slide, "order", slideIndex > index ? -2 : -1);
            width -= dimensions$1(slide).width;
        updateActiveClasses(currentIndex = this.index) {
          let actives = this._getTransitioner(currentIndex).getActives();
          if (this.active !== "all") {
            actives = [this.slides[this.getValidIndex(currentIndex)]];
          const activeClasses = [
            !this.sets || includes(this.sets, toFloat(this.index)) ? this.clsActivated : ""
          for (const slide of this.slides) {
            const active = includes(actives, slide);
            toggleClass(slide, activeClasses, active);
            attr(slide, "aria-hidden", !active);
            for (const focusable of $$(selFocusable, slide)) {
              if (!hasOwn(focusable, "_tabindex")) {
                focusable._tabindex = attr(focusable, "tabindex");
              attr(focusable, "tabindex", active ? focusable._tabindex : -1);
        getValidIndex(index = this.index, prevIndex = this.prevIndex) {
          index = this.getIndex(index, prevIndex);
          if (!this.sets) {
            return index;
          let prev;
          do {
            if (includes(this.sets, index)) {
              return index;
            prev = index;
            index = this.getIndex(index + this.dir, prevIndex);
          } while (index !== prev);
          return index;
        getAdjacentSlides() {
          const { width } = dimensions$1(this.list);
          const left = -width;
          const right = width * 2;
          const slideWidth = dimensions$1(this.slides[this.index]).width;
          const slideLeft = this.center ? width / 2 - slideWidth / 2 : 0;
          const slides = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
          for (const i of [-1, 1]) {
            let currentLeft = slideLeft + (i > 0 ? slideWidth : 0);
            let j = 0;
            do {
              const slide = this.slides[this.getIndex(this.index + i + j++ * i)];
              currentLeft += dimensions$1(slide).width * i;
            } while (this.length > j && currentLeft > left && currentLeft < right);
          return Array.from(slides);
        getIndexAt(percent) {
          let index = -1;
          const scrollDist = this.center ? getWidth(this.list) - (dimensions$1(this.slides[0]).width / 2 + dimensions$1(last(this.slides)).width / 2) : getWidth(this.list, this.maxIndex);
          let dist = percent * scrollDist;
          let slidePercent = 0;
          do {
            const slideWidth = dimensions$1(this.slides[++index]).width;
            const slideDist = this.center ? slideWidth / 2 + dimensions$1(this.slides[index + 1]).width / 2 : slideWidth;
            slidePercent = dist / slideDist % 1;
            dist -= slideDist;
          } while (dist >= 0 && index < this.maxIndex);
          return [index, slidePercent];
    function isFinite(list, center) {
      if (!list || list.length < 2) {
        return true;
      const { width: listWidth } = dimensions$1(list);
      if (!center) {
        return Math.ceil(getWidth(list)) < Math.trunc(listWidth + getMaxElWidth(list));
      const slides = children(list);
      const listHalf = Math.trunc(listWidth / 2);
      for (const index in slides) {
        const slide = slides[index];
        const slideWidth = dimensions$1(slide).width;
        const slidesInView = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([slide]);
        let diff = 0;
        for (const i of [-1, 1]) {
          let left = slideWidth / 2;
          let j = 0;
          while (left < listHalf) {
            const nextSlide = slides[getIndex(+index + i + j++ * i, slides)];
            if (slidesInView.has(nextSlide)) {
              return true;
            left += dimensions$1(nextSlide).width;
          diff = Math.max(
            slideWidth / 2 + dimensions$1(slides[getIndex(+index + i, slides)]).width / 2 - (left - listHalf)
        if (Math.trunc(diff) > sumBy(
          slides.filter((slide2) => !slidesInView.has(slide2)),
          (slide2) => dimensions$1(slide2).width
        )) {
          return true;
      return false;
    function getMaxElWidth(list) {
      return Math.max(0, ...children(list).map((el) => dimensions$1(el).width));

    var sliderParallax = {
      mixins: [Parallax],
      beforeConnect() {
        this.item = this.$el.closest(`.${this.$options.id.replace("parallax", "items")} > *`);
      disconnected() {
        this.item = null;
      events: [
          name: "itemin itemout",
          self: true,
          el: ({ item }) => item,
          handler({ type, detail: { percent, duration, timing, dir } }) {
            fastdom.read(() => {
              if (!this.matchMedia) {
              const propsFrom = this.getCss(getCurrentPercent(type, dir, percent));
              const propsTo = this.getCss(isIn(type) ? 0.5 : dir > 0 ? 1 : 0);
              fastdom.write(() => {
                css(this.$el, propsFrom);
                Transition.start(this.$el, propsTo, duration, timing).catch(noop);
          name: "transitioncanceled transitionend",
          self: true,
          el: ({ item }) => item,
          handler() {
          name: "itemtranslatein itemtranslateout",
          self: true,
          el: ({ item }) => item,
          handler({ type, detail: { percent, dir } }) {
            fastdom.read(() => {
              if (!this.matchMedia) {
              const props = this.getCss(getCurrentPercent(type, dir, percent));
              fastdom.write(() => css(this.$el, props));
    function isIn(type) {
      return endsWith(type, "in");
    function getCurrentPercent(type, dir, percent) {
      percent /= 2;
      return isIn(type) ^ dir < 0 ? percent : 1 - percent;

    var Animations = {
      fade: {
        show() {
          return [{ opacity: 0, zIndex: 0 }, { zIndex: -1 }];
        percent(current) {
          return 1 - css(current, "opacity");
        translate(percent) {
          return [{ opacity: 1 - percent, zIndex: 0 }, { zIndex: -1 }];
      scale: {
        show() {
          return [{ opacity: 0, transform: scale3d(1 + 0.5), zIndex: 0 }, { zIndex: -1 }];
        percent(current) {
          return 1 - css(current, "opacity");
        translate(percent) {
          return [
            { opacity: 1 - percent, transform: scale3d(1 + 0.5 * percent), zIndex: 0 },
            { zIndex: -1 }
      pull: {
        show(dir) {
          return dir < 0 ? [
            { transform: translate(30), zIndex: -1 },
            { transform: translate(), zIndex: 0 }
          ] : [
            { transform: translate(-100), zIndex: 0 },
            { transform: translate(), zIndex: -1 }
        percent(current, next, dir) {
          return dir < 0 ? 1 - translated(next) : translated(current);
        translate(percent, dir) {
          return dir < 0 ? [
            { transform: translate(30 * percent), zIndex: -1 },
            { transform: translate(-100 * (1 - percent)), zIndex: 0 }
          ] : [
            { transform: translate(-percent * 100), zIndex: 0 },
            { transform: translate(30 * (1 - percent)), zIndex: -1 }
      push: {
        show(dir) {
          return dir < 0 ? [
            { transform: translate(100), zIndex: 0 },
            { transform: translate(), zIndex: -1 }
          ] : [
            { transform: translate(-30), zIndex: -1 },
            { transform: translate(), zIndex: 0 }
        percent(current, next, dir) {
          return dir > 0 ? 1 - translated(next) : translated(current);
        translate(percent, dir) {
          return dir < 0 ? [
            { transform: translate(percent * 100), zIndex: 0 },
            { transform: translate(-30 * (1 - percent)), zIndex: -1 }
          ] : [
            { transform: translate(-30 * percent), zIndex: -1 },
            { transform: translate(100 * (1 - percent)), zIndex: 0 }

    var slideshow = {
      mixins: [Class, Slideshow, SliderReactive, SliderParallax, SliderPreload],
      props: {
        ratio: String,
        minHeight: String,
        maxHeight: String
      data: {
        ratio: "16:9",
        minHeight: void 0,
        maxHeight: void 0,
        selList: ".bdt-slideshow-items",
        attrItem: "bdt-slideshow-item",
        selNav: ".bdt-slideshow-nav",
      watch: {
        list(list) {
          css(list, {
            aspectRatio: this.ratio ? this.ratio.replace(":", "/") : void 0,
            minHeight: this.minHeight,
            maxHeight: this.maxHeight,
            minWidth: "100%",
            maxWidth: "100%"
      methods: {
        getAdjacentSlides() {
          return [1, -1].map((i) => this.slides[this.getIndex(this.index + i)]);

    var sortable = {
      mixins: [Class, Animate],
      props: {
        group: String,
        threshold: Number,
        clsItem: String,
        clsPlaceholder: String,
        clsDrag: String,
        clsDragState: String,
        clsBase: String,
        clsNoDrag: String,
        clsEmpty: String,
        clsCustom: String,
        handle: String
      data: {
        group: false,
        threshold: 5,
        clsItem: "bdt-sortable-item",
        clsPlaceholder: "bdt-sortable-placeholder",
        clsDrag: "bdt-sortable-drag",
        clsDragState: "bdt-drag",
        clsBase: "bdt-sortable",
        clsNoDrag: "bdt-sortable-nodrag",
        clsEmpty: "bdt-sortable-empty",
        clsCustom: "",
        handle: false,
        pos: {}
      events: {
        name: pointerDown$1,
        passive: false,
        handler: "init"
      computed: {
        target: (_, $el) => ($el.tBodies || [$el])[0],
        items() {
          return children(this.target);
        isEmpty() {
          return !this.items.length;
        handles({ handle }, $el) {
          return handle ? $$(handle, $el) : this.items;
      watch: {
        isEmpty(empty) {
          toggleClass(this.target, this.clsEmpty, empty);
        handles(handles, prev) {
          css(prev, { touchAction: "", userSelect: "" });
          css(handles, { touchAction: "none", userSelect: "none" });
      update: {
        write(data) {
          if (!this.drag || !parent(this.placeholder)) {
          const {
            pos: { x, y },
            origin: { offsetTop, offsetLeft },
          } = this;
          css(this.drag, {
            top: y - offsetTop,
            left: x - offsetLeft
          const sortable = this.getSortable(document.elementFromPoint(x, y));
          if (!sortable) {
          const { items } = sortable;
          if (items.some(Transition.inProgress)) {
          const target = findTarget(items, { x, y });
          if (items.length && (!target || target === placeholder)) {
          const previous = this.getSortable(placeholder);
          const insertTarget = findInsertTarget(
            sortable === previous && data.moved !== target
          if (insertTarget === false) {
          if (insertTarget && placeholder === insertTarget) {
          if (sortable !== previous) {
            data.moved = target;
          } else {
            delete data.moved;
          sortable.insert(placeholder, insertTarget);
        events: ["move"]
      methods: {
        init(e) {
          const { target, button, defaultPrevented } = e;
          const [placeholder] = this.items.filter((el) => el.contains(target));
          if (!placeholder || defaultPrevented || button > 0 || isInput(target) || target.closest(`.${this.clsNoDrag}`) || this.handle && !target.closest(this.handle)) {
          this.pos = getEventPos(e);
          this.touched = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([this]);
          this.placeholder = placeholder;
          this.origin = { target, index: index(placeholder), ...this.pos };
          on(document, pointerMove$1, this.move);
          on(document, pointerUp$1, this.end);
          if (!this.threshold) {
        start(e) {
          this.drag = appendDrag(this.$container, this.placeholder);
          const { left, top } = dimensions$1(this.placeholder);
          assign(this.origin, { offsetLeft: this.pos.x - left, offsetTop: this.pos.y - top });
          addClass(this.drag, this.clsDrag, this.clsCustom);
          addClass(this.placeholder, this.clsPlaceholder);
          addClass(this.items, this.clsItem);
          addClass(document.documentElement, this.clsDragState);
          trigger(this.$el, "start", [this, this.placeholder]);
        move: throttle(function(e) {
          assign(this.pos, getEventPos(e));
          if (!this.drag && (Math.abs(this.pos.x - this.origin.x) > this.threshold || Math.abs(this.pos.y - this.origin.y) > this.threshold)) {
        end() {
          off(document, pointerMove$1, this.move);
          off(document, pointerUp$1, this.end);
          if (!this.drag) {
          const sortable = this.getSortable(this.placeholder);
          if (this === sortable) {
            if (this.origin.index !== index(this.placeholder)) {
              trigger(this.$el, "moved", [this, this.placeholder]);
          } else {
            trigger(sortable.$el, "added", [sortable, this.placeholder]);
            trigger(this.$el, "removed", [this, this.placeholder]);
          trigger(this.$el, "stop", [this, this.placeholder]);
          this.drag = null;
          for (const { clsPlaceholder, clsItem } of this.touched) {
            for (const sortable2 of this.touched) {
              removeClass(sortable2.items, clsPlaceholder, clsItem);
          this.touched = null;
          removeClass(document.documentElement, this.clsDragState);
        insert(element, target) {
          addClass(this.items, this.clsItem);
          if (target && target.previousElementSibling !== element) {
            this.animate(() => before(target, element));
          } else if (!target && this.target.lastElementChild !== element) {
            this.animate(() => append(this.target, element));
        remove(element) {
          if (this.target.contains(element)) {
            this.animate(() => remove$1(element));
        getSortable(element) {
          do {
            const sortable = this.$getComponent(element, "sortable");
            if (sortable && (sortable === this || this.group !== false && sortable.group === this.group)) {
              return sortable;
          } while (element = parent(element));
    let trackTimer;
    function trackScroll(pos) {
      let last = Date.now();
      trackTimer = setInterval(() => {
        let { x, y } = pos;
        y += document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;
        const dist = (Date.now() - last) * 0.3;
        last = Date.now();
        scrollParents(document.elementFromPoint(x, pos.y)).reverse().some((scrollEl) => {
          let { scrollTop: scroll, scrollHeight } = scrollEl;
          const { top, bottom, height: height2 } = offsetViewport(scrollEl);
          if (top < y && top + 35 > y) {
            scroll -= dist;
          } else if (bottom > y && bottom - 35 < y) {
            scroll += dist;
          } else {
          if (scroll > 0 && scroll < scrollHeight - height2) {
            scrollEl.scrollTop = scroll;
            return true;
      }, 15);
    function untrackScroll() {
    function appendDrag(container, element) {
      let clone;
      if (isTag(element, "li", "tr")) {
        clone = $("<div>");
        append(clone, element.cloneNode(true).children);
        for (const attribute of element.getAttributeNames()) {
          attr(clone, attribute, element.getAttribute(attribute));
      } else {
        clone = element.cloneNode(true);
      append(container, clone);
      css(clone, "margin", "0", "important");
      css(clone, {
        boxSizing: "border-box",
        width: element.offsetWidth,
        height: element.offsetHeight,
        padding: css(element, "padding")
      height(clone.firstElementChild, height(element.firstElementChild));
      return clone;
    function findTarget(items, point) {
      return items[findIndex(items, (item) => pointInRect(point, dimensions$1(item)))];
    function findInsertTarget(list, target, placeholder, x, y, sameList) {
      if (!children(list).length) {
      const rect = dimensions$1(target);
      if (!sameList) {
        if (!isHorizontal(list, placeholder)) {
          return y < rect.top + rect.height / 2 ? target : target.nextElementSibling;
        return target;
      const placeholderRect = dimensions$1(placeholder);
      const sameRow = linesIntersect(
        [rect.top, rect.bottom],
        [placeholderRect.top, placeholderRect.bottom]
      const [pointerPos, lengthProp, startProp, endProp] = sameRow ? [x, "width", "left", "right"] : [y, "height", "top", "bottom"];
      const diff = placeholderRect[lengthProp] < rect[lengthProp] ? rect[lengthProp] - placeholderRect[lengthProp] : 0;
      if (placeholderRect[startProp] < rect[startProp]) {
        if (diff && pointerPos < rect[startProp] + diff) {
          return false;
        return target.nextElementSibling;
      if (diff && pointerPos > rect[endProp] - diff) {
        return false;
      return target;
    function isHorizontal(list, placeholder) {
      const single = children(list).length === 1;
      if (single) {
        append(list, placeholder);
      const items = children(list);
      const isHorizontal2 = items.some((el, i) => {
        const rectA = dimensions$1(el);
        return items.slice(i + 1).some((el2) => {
          const rectB = dimensions$1(el2);
          return !linesIntersect([rectA.left, rectA.right], [rectB.left, rectB.right]);
      if (single) {
      return isHorizontal2;
    function linesIntersect(lineA, lineB) {
      return lineA[1] > lineB[0] && lineB[1] > lineA[0];
    function throttle(fn) {
      let throttled;
      return function(...args) {
        if (!throttled) {
          throttled = true;
          fn.call(this, ...args);
          requestAnimationFrame(() => throttled = false);

    var Position = {
      props: {
        pos: String,
        offset: Boolean,
        flip: Boolean,
        shift: Boolean,
        inset: Boolean
      data: {
        pos: `bottom-${isRtl ? "right" : "left"}`,
        offset: false,
        flip: true,
        shift: true,
        inset: false
      connected() {
        this.pos = this.$props.pos.split("-").concat("center").slice(0, 2);
        [this.dir, this.align] = this.pos;
        this.axis = includes(["top", "bottom"], this.dir) ? "y" : "x";
      methods: {
        positionAt(element, target, boundary) {
          let offset = [this.getPositionOffset(element), this.getShiftOffset(element)];
          const placement = [this.flip && "flip", this.shift && "shift"];
          const attach = {
            element: [this.inset ? this.dir : flipPosition(this.dir), this.align],
            target: [this.dir, this.align]
          if (this.axis === "y") {
            for (const prop in attach) {
          const restoreScrollPosition = storeScrollPosition(element);
          const elDim = dimensions$1(element);
          css(element, { top: -elDim.height, left: -elDim.width });
          positionAt(element, target, {
            viewportOffset: this.getViewportOffset(element)
        getPositionOffset(element = this.$el) {
          return toPx(
            this.offset === false ? css(element, "--bdt-position-offset") : this.offset,
            this.axis === "x" ? "width" : "height",
          ) * (includes(["left", "top"], this.dir) ? -1 : 1) * (this.inset ? -1 : 1);
        getShiftOffset(element = this.$el) {
          return this.align === "center" ? 0 : toPx(
            css(element, "--bdt-position-shift-offset"),
            this.axis === "y" ? "width" : "height",
          ) * (includes(["left", "top"], this.align) ? 1 : -1);
        getViewportOffset(element) {
          return toPx(css(element, "--bdt-position-viewport-offset"));
    function storeScrollPosition(element) {
      const scrollElement = scrollParent(element);
      const { scrollTop } = scrollElement;
      return () => {
        if (scrollTop !== scrollElement.scrollTop) {
          scrollElement.scrollTop = scrollTop;

    var tooltip = {
      mixins: [Container, Togglable, Position],
      data: {
        pos: "top",
        animation: ["bdt-animation-scale-up"],
        duration: 100,
        cls: "bdt-active"
      connected() {
      disconnected() {
      methods: {
        show() {
          if (this.isToggled(this.tooltip || null)) {
          const { delay = 0, title } = parseProps(this.$options);
          if (!title) {
          const titleAttr = attr(this.$el, "title");
          const off = on(this.$el, ["blur", pointerLeave], (e) => !isTouch(e) && this.hide());
          this.reset = () => {
            attr(this.$el, { title: titleAttr, "aria-describedby": null });
          const id = generateId(this);
          attr(this.$el, { title: null, "aria-describedby": id });
          this.showTimer = setTimeout(() => this._show(title, id), delay);
        async hide() {
          var _a;
          if (matches(this.$el, "input:focus")) {
          if (this.isToggled(this.tooltip || null)) {
            await this.toggleElement(this.tooltip, false, false);
          (_a = this.reset) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(this);
          this.tooltip = null;
        async _show(title, id) {
          this.tooltip = append(
            `<div id="${id}" class="bdt-${this.$options.name}" role="tooltip"> <div class="bdt-${this.$options.name}-inner">${title}</div> </div>`
          on(this.tooltip, "toggled", (e, toggled) => {
            if (!toggled) {
            const update = () => this.positionAt(this.tooltip, this.$el);
            const [dir, align] = getAlignment(this.tooltip, this.$el, this.pos);
            this.origin = this.axis === "y" ? `${flipPosition(dir)}-${align}` : `${align}-${flipPosition(dir)}`;
            const handlers = [
                `keydown ${pointerDown$1}`,
                (e2) => e2.type === pointerDown$1 && !this.$el.contains(e2.target) || e2.type === "keydown" && e2.keyCode === keyMap.ESC
              on([document, ...overflowParents(this.$el)], "scroll", update, {
                passive: true
            once(this.tooltip, "hide", () => handlers.forEach((handler) => handler()), {
              self: true
          if (!await this.toggleElement(this.tooltip, true)) {
      events: {
        // Clicking a button does not give it focus on all browsers and platforms
        // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/button#clicking_and_focus
        [`focus ${pointerEnter} ${pointerDown$1}`](e) {
          if (!isTouch(e) || e.type === pointerDown$1) {
    function makeFocusable(el) {
      if (!isFocusable(el)) {
        attr(el, "tabindex", "0");
    function getAlignment(el, target, [dir, align]) {
      const elOffset = offset(el);
      const targetOffset = offset(target);
      const properties = [
        ["left", "right"],
        ["top", "bottom"]
      for (const props2 of properties) {
        if (elOffset[props2[0]] >= targetOffset[props2[1]]) {
          dir = props2[1];
        if (elOffset[props2[1]] <= targetOffset[props2[0]]) {
          dir = props2[0];
      const props = includes(properties[0], dir) ? properties[1] : properties[0];
      align = props.find((prop) => elOffset[prop] === targetOffset[prop]) || "center";
      return [dir, align];
    function parseProps(options) {
      const { el, id, data: data$1 } = options;
      return ["delay", "title"].reduce((obj, key) => ({ [key]: data(el, key), ...obj }), {
        ...parseOptions(data(el, id), ["title"]),

    var upload = {
      mixins: [I18n],
      i18n: {
        invalidMime: "Invalid File Type: %s",
        invalidName: "Invalid File Name: %s",
        invalidSize: "Invalid File Size: %s Kilobytes Max"
      props: {
        allow: String,
        clsDragover: String,
        concurrent: Number,
        maxSize: Number,
        method: String,
        mime: String,
        multiple: Boolean,
        name: String,
        params: Object,
        type: String,
        url: String
      data: {
        allow: false,
        clsDragover: "bdt-dragover",
        concurrent: 1,
        maxSize: 0,
        method: "POST",
        mime: false,
        multiple: false,
        name: "files[]",
        params: {},
        type: "",
        url: "",
        abort: noop,
        beforeAll: noop,
        beforeSend: noop,
        complete: noop,
        completeAll: noop,
        error: noop,
        fail: noop,
        load: noop,
        loadEnd: noop,
        loadStart: noop,
        progress: noop
      events: {
        change(e) {
          if (!matches(e.target, 'input[type="file"]')) {
          if (e.target.files) {
          e.target.value = "";
        drop(e) {
          const transfer = e.dataTransfer;
          if (!(transfer == null ? void 0 : transfer.files)) {
          removeClass(this.$el, this.clsDragover);
        dragenter(e) {
        dragover(e) {
          addClass(this.$el, this.clsDragover);
        dragleave(e) {
          removeClass(this.$el, this.clsDragover);
      methods: {
        async upload(files) {
          files = toArray(files);
          if (!files.length) {
          trigger(this.$el, "upload", [files]);
          for (const file of files) {
            if (this.maxSize && this.maxSize * 1e3 < file.size) {
              this.fail(this.t("invalidSize", this.maxSize));
            if (this.allow && !match$1(this.allow, file.name)) {
              this.fail(this.t("invalidName", this.allow));
            if (this.mime && !match$1(this.mime, file.type)) {
              this.fail(this.t("invalidMime", this.mime));
          if (!this.multiple) {
            files = files.slice(0, 1);
          this.beforeAll(this, files);
          const chunks = chunk(files, this.concurrent);
          const upload = async (files2) => {
            const data = new FormData();
            files2.forEach((file) => data.append(this.name, file));
            for (const key in this.params) {
              data.append(key, this.params[key]);
            try {
              const xhr = await ajax(this.url, {
                method: this.method,
                responseType: this.type,
                beforeSend: (env) => {
                  const { xhr: xhr2 } = env;
                  on(xhr2.upload, "progress", this.progress);
                  for (const type of ["loadStart", "load", "loadEnd", "abort"]) {
                    on(xhr2, type.toLowerCase(), this[type]);
                  return this.beforeSend(env);
              if (chunks.length) {
                await upload(chunks.shift());
              } else {
            } catch (e) {
          await upload(chunks.shift());
    function match$1(pattern, path) {
      return path.match(
        new RegExp(
          `^${pattern.replace(/\//g, "\\/").replace(/\*\*/g, "(\\/[^\\/]+)*").replace(/\*/g, "[^\\/]+").replace(/((?!\\))\?/g, "$1.")}$`,
    function chunk(files, size) {
      const chunks = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i += size) {
        chunks.push(files.slice(i, i + size));
      return chunks;
    function stop(e) {
    async function ajax(url, options) {
      const env = {
        data: null,
        method: "GET",
        headers: {},
        xhr: new XMLHttpRequest(),
        beforeSend: noop,
        responseType: "",
      await env.beforeSend(env);
      return send(url, env);
    function send(url, env) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const { xhr } = env;
        for (const prop in env) {
          if (prop in xhr) {
            try {
              xhr[prop] = env[prop];
            } catch (e) {
        xhr.open(env.method.toUpperCase(), url);
        for (const header in env.headers) {
          xhr.setRequestHeader(header, env.headers[header]);
        on(xhr, "load", () => {
          if (xhr.status === 0 || xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304) {
          } else {
              assign(Error(xhr.statusText), {
                status: xhr.status
        on(xhr, "error", () => reject(assign(Error("Network Error"), { xhr })));
        on(xhr, "timeout", () => reject(assign(Error("Network Timeout"), { xhr })));

    var components$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
        __proto__: null,
        Countdown: countdown,
        Filter: filter,
        Lightbox: lightbox,
        LightboxPanel: LightboxPanel,
        Notification: notification,
        Parallax: parallax,
        Slider: slider,
        SliderParallax: sliderParallax,
        Slideshow: slideshow,
        SlideshowParallax: sliderParallax,
        Sortable: sortable,
        Tooltip: tooltip,
        Upload: upload

    function boot(App) {
      if (inBrowser && window.MutationObserver) {
        if (document.body) {
          requestAnimationFrame(() => init(App));
        } else {
          new MutationObserver((records, observer) => {
            if (document.body) {
          }).observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true });
    function init(App) {
      trigger(document, "uikit:init", App);
      if (document.body) {
        apply(document.body, connect);
      new MutationObserver((records) => records.forEach(applyChildListMutation)).observe(document, {
        subtree: true,
        childList: true
      new MutationObserver((records) => records.forEach(applyAttributeMutation)).observe(document, {
        subtree: true,
        attributes: true
      App._initialized = true;
    function applyChildListMutation({ addedNodes, removedNodes }) {
      for (const node of addedNodes) {
        apply(node, connect);
      for (const node of removedNodes) {
        apply(node, disconnect);
    function applyAttributeMutation({ target, attributeName }) {
      var _a;
      const name = getComponentName(attributeName);
      if (name) {
        if (hasAttr(target, attributeName)) {
          createComponent(name, target);
        } else {
          (_a = getComponent(target, name)) == null ? void 0 : _a.$destroy();
    function connect(node) {
      const components2 = getComponents(node);
      for (const name in components2) {
      for (const attributeName of node.getAttributeNames()) {
        const name = getComponentName(attributeName);
        name && createComponent(name, node);
    function disconnect(node) {
      const components2 = getComponents(node);
      for (const name in components2) {
    function getComponentName(attribute) {
      if (startsWith(attribute, "data-")) {
        attribute = attribute.slice(5);
      const cmp = components$2[attribute];
      return cmp && (cmp.options || cmp).name;


    var Accordion = {
      mixins: [Class, Togglable],
      props: {
        animation: Boolean,
        targets: String,
        active: null,
        collapsible: Boolean,
        multiple: Boolean,
        toggle: String,
        content: String,
        offset: Number
      data: {
        targets: "> *",
        active: false,
        animation: true,
        collapsible: true,
        multiple: false,
        clsOpen: "bdt-open",
        toggle: "> .bdt-accordion-title",
        content: "> .bdt-accordion-content",
        offset: 0
      computed: {
        items: ({ targets }, $el) => $$(targets, $el),
        toggles({ toggle }) {
          return this.items.map((item) => $(toggle, item));
        contents({ content }) {
          return this.items.map((item) => {
            var _a;
            return ((_a = item._wrapper) == null ? void 0 : _a.firstElementChild) || $(content, item);
      watch: {
        items(items, prev) {
          if (prev || hasClass(items, this.clsOpen)) {
          const active = this.active !== false && items[Number(this.active)] || !this.collapsible && items[0];
          if (active) {
            this.toggle(active, false);
        toggles() {
        contents(items) {
          for (const el of items) {
            const isOpen = hasClass(
              this.items.find((item) => item.contains(el)),
            hide(el, !isOpen);
      observe: lazyload(),
      events: [
          name: "click keydown",
          delegate: ({ targets, $props }) => `${targets} ${$props.toggle}`,
          async handler(e) {
            var _a;
            if (e.type === "keydown" && e.keyCode !== keyMap.SPACE) {
            (_a = this._off) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(this);
            this._off = keepScrollPosition(e.target);
            await this.toggle(index(this.toggles, e.current));
          name: "shown hidden",
          self: true,
          delegate: ({ targets }) => targets,
          handler() {
      update() {
        const activeItems = filter$1(this.items, `.${this.clsOpen}`);
        for (const index2 in this.items) {
          const toggle = this.toggles[index2];
          const content = this.contents[index2];
          if (!toggle || !content) {
          toggle.id = generateId(this, toggle);
          content.id = generateId(this, content);
          const active = includes(activeItems, this.items[index2]);
          attr(toggle, {
            role: isTag(toggle, "a") ? "button" : null,
            "aria-controls": content.id,
            "aria-expanded": active,
            "aria-disabled": !this.collapsible && activeItems.length < 2 && active
          attr(content, { role: "region", "aria-labelledby": toggle.id });
          if (isTag(content, "ul")) {
            attr(children(content), "role", "presentation");
      methods: {
        toggle(item, animate) {
          item = this.items[getIndex(item, this.items)];
          let items = [item];
          const activeItems = filter$1(this.items, `.${this.clsOpen}`);
          if (!this.multiple && !includes(activeItems, items[0])) {
            items = items.concat(activeItems);
          if (!this.collapsible && activeItems.length < 2 && includes(activeItems, item)) {
          return Promise.all(
              (el) => this.toggleElement(el, !includes(activeItems, el), (el2, show) => {
                toggleClass(el2, this.clsOpen, show);
                if (animate === false || !this.animation) {
                  hide($(this.content, el2), !show);
                return transition(el2, show, this);
    function hide(el, hide2) {
      el && (el.hidden = hide2);
    async function transition(el, show, { content, duration, velocity, transition: transition2 }) {
      var _a;
      content = ((_a = el._wrapper) == null ? void 0 : _a.firstElementChild) || $(content, el);
      if (!el._wrapper) {
        el._wrapper = wrapAll(content, "<div>");
      const wrapper = el._wrapper;
      css(wrapper, "overflow", "hidden");
      const currentHeight = toFloat(css(wrapper, "height"));
      await Transition.cancel(wrapper);
      hide(content, false);
      const endHeight = sumBy(["marginTop", "marginBottom"], (prop) => css(content, prop)) + dimensions$1(content).height;
      const percent = currentHeight / endHeight;
      duration = (velocity * endHeight + duration) * (show ? 1 - percent : percent);
      css(wrapper, "height", currentHeight);
      await Transition.start(wrapper, { height: show ? endHeight : 0 }, duration, transition2);
      delete el._wrapper;
      if (!show) {
        hide(content, true);
    function keepScrollPosition(el) {
      const scrollElement = scrollParent(el, true);
      let frame;
      (function scroll() {
        frame = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
          const { top } = dimensions$1(el);
          if (top < 0) {
            scrollElement.scrollTop += top;
      return () => requestAnimationFrame(() => cancelAnimationFrame(frame));

    var alert = {
      mixins: [Class, Togglable],
      args: "animation",
      props: {
        animation: Boolean,
        close: String
      data: {
        animation: true,
        selClose: ".bdt-alert-close",
        duration: 150
      events: {
        name: "click",
        delegate: ({ selClose }) => selClose,
        handler(e) {
      methods: {
        async close() {
          await this.toggleElement(this.$el, false, animate);
    function animate(el, show, { duration, transition, velocity }) {
      const height = toFloat(css(el, "height"));
      css(el, "height", height);
      return Transition.start(
          height: 0,
          marginTop: 0,
          marginBottom: 0,
          paddingTop: 0,
          paddingBottom: 0,
          borderTop: 0,
          borderBottom: 0,
          opacity: 0
        velocity * height + duration,

    var Video = {
      args: "autoplay",
      props: {
        automute: Boolean,
        autoplay: Boolean
      data: {
        automute: false,
        autoplay: true
      beforeConnect() {
        if (this.autoplay === "inview" && !hasAttr(this.$el, "preload")) {
          this.$el.preload = "none";
        if (isTag(this.$el, "iframe") && !hasAttr(this.$el, "allow")) {
          this.$el.allow = "autoplay";
        if (this.autoplay === "hover") {
          if (isTag(this.$el, "video")) {
            this.$el.tabindex = 0;
          } else {
            this.autoplay = true;
        if (this.automute) {
      events: [
          name: `${pointerEnter} focusin`,
          filter: ({ autoplay }) => includes(autoplay, "hover"),
          handler(e) {
            if (!isTouch(e) || !isPlaying(this.$el)) {
            } else {
          name: `${pointerLeave} focusout`,
          filter: ({ autoplay }) => includes(autoplay, "hover"),
          handler(e) {
            if (!isTouch(e)) {
      observe: [
          filter: ({ $el, autoplay }) => autoplay && autoplay !== "hover" && isVideo($el),
          handler([{ isIntersecting }]) {
            if (!document.fullscreenElement) {
              if (isIntersecting) {
              } else {
          args: { intersecting: false },
          options: ({ $el, autoplay }) => ({ root: autoplay === "inview" ? null : parent($el) })
    function isPlaying(videoEl) {
      return !videoEl.paused && !videoEl.ended;

    var cover = {
      mixins: [Video],
      props: {
        width: Number,
        height: Number
      data: {
        automute: true
      created() {
        this.useObjectFit = isTag(this.$el, "img", "video");
      observe: resize({
        target: ({ $el }) => getPositionedParent($el) || parent($el),
        filter: ({ useObjectFit }) => !useObjectFit
      update: {
        read() {
          if (this.useObjectFit) {
            return false;
          const { ratio, cover } = Dimensions;
          const { $el, width, height } = this;
          let dim = { width, height };
          if (!width || !height) {
            const intrinsic = {
              width: $el.naturalWidth || $el.videoWidth || $el.clientWidth,
              height: $el.naturalHeight || $el.videoHeight || $el.clientHeight
            if (width) {
              dim = ratio(intrinsic, "width", width);
            } else if (height) {
              dim = ratio(intrinsic, "height", height);
            } else {
              dim = intrinsic;
          const { offsetHeight: coverHeight, offsetWidth: coverWidth } = getPositionedParent($el) || parent($el);
          const coverDim = cover(dim, { width: coverWidth, height: coverHeight });
          if (!coverDim.width || !coverDim.height) {
            return false;
          return coverDim;
        write({ height, width }) {
          css(this.$el, { height, width });
        events: ["resize"]
    function getPositionedParent(el) {
      while (el = parent(el)) {
        if (css(el, "position") !== "static") {
          return el;

    let active;
    var drop = {
      mixins: [Container, Position, Togglable],
      args: "pos",
      props: {
        mode: "list",
        toggle: Boolean,
        boundary: Boolean,
        boundaryX: Boolean,
        boundaryY: Boolean,
        target: Boolean,
        targetX: Boolean,
        targetY: Boolean,
        stretch: Boolean,
        delayShow: Number,
        delayHide: Number,
        autoUpdate: Boolean,
        clsDrop: String,
        animateOut: Boolean,
        bgScroll: Boolean,
        closeOnScroll: Boolean
      data: {
        mode: ["click", "hover"],
        toggle: "- *",
        boundary: false,
        boundaryX: false,
        boundaryY: false,
        target: false,
        targetX: false,
        targetY: false,
        stretch: false,
        delayShow: 0,
        delayHide: 800,
        autoUpdate: true,
        clsDrop: false,
        animateOut: false,
        bgScroll: true,
        animation: ["bdt-animation-fade"],
        cls: "bdt-open",
        container: false,
        closeOnScroll: false
      computed: {
        boundary({ boundary, boundaryX, boundaryY }, $el) {
          return [
            query(boundaryX || boundary, $el) || window,
            query(boundaryY || boundary, $el) || window
        target({ target, targetX, targetY }, $el) {
          targetX || (targetX = target || this.targetEl);
          targetY || (targetY = target || this.targetEl);
          return [
            targetX === true ? window : query(targetX, $el),
            targetY === true ? window : query(targetY, $el)
      created() {
        this.tracker = new MouseTracker();
      beforeConnect() {
        this.clsDrop = this.$props.clsDrop || this.$options.id;
      connected() {
        addClass(this.$el, "bdt-drop", this.clsDrop);
        if (this.toggle && !this.targetEl) {
          this.targetEl = createToggleComponent(this);
        this._style = pick(this.$el.style, ["width", "height"]);
      disconnected() {
        if (this.isActive()) {
          active = null;
        css(this.$el, this._style);
      events: [
          name: "click",
          delegate: () => ".bdt-drop-close",
          handler(e) {
          name: "click",
          delegate: () => 'a[href*="#"]',
          handler({ defaultPrevented, current }) {
            const { hash } = current;
            if (!defaultPrevented && hash && isSameSiteAnchor(current) && !this.$el.contains($(hash))) {
          name: "beforescroll",
          handler() {
          name: "toggle",
          self: true,
          handler(e, toggle) {
            if (this.isToggled()) {
            } else {
              this.show(toggle == null ? void 0 : toggle.$el, false);
          name: "toggleshow",
          self: true,
          handler(e, toggle) {
            this.show(toggle == null ? void 0 : toggle.$el);
          name: "togglehide",
          self: true,
          handler(e) {
            if (!matches(this.$el, ":focus,:hover")) {
          name: `${pointerEnter} focusin`,
          filter: ({ mode }) => includes(mode, "hover"),
          handler(e) {
            if (!isTouch(e)) {
          name: `${pointerLeave} focusout`,
          filter: ({ mode }) => includes(mode, "hover"),
          handler(e) {
            if (!isTouch(e) && e.relatedTarget) {
          name: "toggled",
          self: true,
          handler(e, toggled) {
            if (toggled) {
          name: "show",
          self: true,
          handler() {
            active = this;
            attr(this.targetEl, "aria-expanded", true);
            const handlers = [
              this.autoUpdate && listenForScroll(this),
              this.closeOnScroll && listenForScrollClose(this)
            once(this.$el, "hide", () => handlers.forEach((handler) => handler && handler()), {
              self: true
            if (!this.bgScroll) {
              once(this.$el, "hidden", preventBackgroundScroll(this.$el), { self: true });
          name: "beforehide",
          self: true,
          handler: "clearTimers"
          name: "hide",
          handler({ target }) {
            if (this.$el !== target) {
              active = active === null && this.$el.contains(target) && this.isToggled() ? this : active;
            active = this.isActive() ? null : active;
            attr(this.targetEl, "aria-expanded", null);
      update: {
        write() {
          if (this.isToggled() && !hasClass(this.$el, this.clsEnter)) {
      methods: {
        show(target = this.targetEl, delay = true) {
          if (this.isToggled() && target && this.targetEl && target !== this.targetEl) {
            this.hide(false, false);
          this.targetEl = target;
          if (this.isActive()) {
          if (active) {
            if (delay && active.isDelaying()) {
              this.showTimer = setTimeout(() => matches(target, ":hover") && this.show(), 10);
            let prev;
            while (active && prev !== active && !active.$el.contains(this.$el)) {
              prev = active;
              active.hide(false, false);
          if (this.container && parent(this.$el) !== this.container) {
            append(this.container, this.$el);
          this.showTimer = setTimeout(
            () => this.toggleElement(this.$el, true),
            delay && this.delayShow || 0
        hide(delay = true, animate = true) {
          const hide = () => this.toggleElement(this.$el, false, this.animateOut && animate);
          this.isDelayedHide = delay;
          if (delay && this.isDelaying()) {
            this.hideTimer = setTimeout(this.hide, 50);
          } else if (delay && this.delayHide) {
            this.hideTimer = setTimeout(hide, this.delayHide);
          } else {
        clearTimers() {
          this.showTimer = null;
          this.hideTimer = null;
        isActive() {
          return active === this;
        isDelaying() {
          return [this.$el, ...$$(".bdt-drop", this.$el)].some((el) => this.tracker.movesTo(el));
        position() {
          const restoreScrollPosition = storeScrollPosition(this.$el);
          removeClass(this.$el, "bdt-drop-stack");
          css(this.$el, this._style);
          this.$el.hidden = true;
          const viewports = this.target.map((target) => getViewport$1(this.$el, target));
          const viewportOffset = this.getViewportOffset(this.$el);
          const dirs = [
            [0, ["x", "width", "left", "right"]],
            [1, ["y", "height", "top", "bottom"]]
          for (const [i, [axis, prop]] of dirs) {
            if (this.axis !== axis && includes([axis, true], this.stretch)) {
              css(this.$el, {
                [prop]: Math.min(
                  viewports[i][prop] - 2 * viewportOffset
                [`overflow-${axis}`]: "auto"
          const maxWidth = viewports[0].width - 2 * viewportOffset;
          this.$el.hidden = false;
          css(this.$el, "maxWidth", "");
          if (this.$el.offsetWidth > maxWidth) {
            addClass(this.$el, "bdt-drop-stack");
          css(this.$el, "maxWidth", maxWidth);
          this.positionAt(this.$el, this.target, this.boundary);
          for (const [i, [axis, prop, start, end]] of dirs) {
            if (this.axis === axis && includes([axis, true], this.stretch)) {
              const positionOffset = Math.abs(this.getPositionOffset());
              const targetOffset = offset(this.target[i]);
              const elOffset = offset(this.$el);
              css(this.$el, {
                [prop]: (targetOffset[start] > elOffset[start] ? targetOffset[this.inset ? end : start] - Math.max(
                  viewports[i][start] + viewportOffset
                ) : Math.min(
                  viewports[i][end] - viewportOffset
                ) - targetOffset[this.inset ? start : end]) - positionOffset,
                [`overflow-${axis}`]: "auto"
              this.positionAt(this.$el, this.target, this.boundary);
    function getViewport$1(el, target) {
      return offsetViewport(overflowParents(target).find((parent2) => parent2.contains(el)));
    function createToggleComponent(drop) {
      const { $el } = drop.$create("toggle", query(drop.toggle, drop.$el), {
        target: drop.$el,
        mode: drop.mode
      attr($el, "aria-haspopup", true);
      return $el;
    function listenForResize(drop) {
      const update = () => drop.$emit();
      const off = [
        observeResize(overflowParents(drop.$el).concat(drop.target), update)
      return () => off.map((observer) => observer.disconnect());
    function listenForScroll(drop, fn = () => drop.$emit()) {
      return on([document, ...overflowParents(drop.$el)], "scroll", fn, {
        passive: true
    function listenForEscClose(drop) {
      return on(document, "keydown", (e) => {
        if (e.keyCode === keyMap.ESC) {
    function listenForScrollClose(drop) {
      return listenForScroll(drop, () => drop.hide(false));
    function listenForBackgroundClose(drop) {
      return on(document, pointerDown$1, ({ target }) => {
        if (drop.$el.contains(target)) {
          `${pointerUp$1} ${pointerCancel} scroll`,
          ({ defaultPrevented, type, target: newTarget }) => {
            var _a;
            if (!defaultPrevented && type === pointerUp$1 && target === newTarget && !((_a = drop.targetEl) == null ? void 0 : _a.contains(target))) {

    var Dropnav = {
      mixins: [Class, Container],
      props: {
        align: String,
        clsDrop: String,
        boundary: Boolean,
        dropbar: Boolean,
        dropbarAnchor: Boolean,
        duration: Number,
        mode: Boolean,
        offset: Boolean,
        stretch: Boolean,
        delayShow: Boolean,
        delayHide: Boolean,
        target: Boolean,
        targetX: Boolean,
        targetY: Boolean,
        animation: Boolean,
        animateOut: Boolean,
        closeOnScroll: Boolean
      data: {
        align: isRtl ? "right" : "left",
        clsDrop: "bdt-dropdown",
        clsDropbar: "bdt-dropnav-dropbar",
        boundary: true,
        dropbar: false,
        dropbarAnchor: false,
        duration: 200,
        container: false,
        selNavItem: "> li > a, > ul > li > a"
      computed: {
        dropbarAnchor: ({ dropbarAnchor }, $el) => query(dropbarAnchor, $el) || $el,
        dropbar({ dropbar }) {
          if (!dropbar) {
            return null;
          dropbar = this._dropbar || query(dropbar, this.$el) || $(`+ .${this.clsDropbar}`, this.$el);
          return dropbar ? dropbar : this._dropbar = $("<div></div>");
        dropContainer(_, $el) {
          return this.container || $el;
        dropdowns({ clsDrop }, $el) {
          var _a;
          const dropdowns = $$(`.${clsDrop}`, $el);
          if (this.dropContainer !== $el) {
            for (const el of $$(`.${clsDrop}`, this.dropContainer)) {
              const target = (_a = this.getDropdown(el)) == null ? void 0 : _a.targetEl;
              if (!includes(dropdowns, el) && target && this.$el.contains(target)) {
          return dropdowns;
        items({ selNavItem }, $el) {
          return $$(selNavItem, $el);
      watch: {
        dropbar(dropbar) {
        dropdowns() {
      connected() {
      disconnected() {
        delete this._dropbar;
      events: [
          name: "mouseover focusin",
          delegate: ({ selNavItem }) => selNavItem,
          handler({ current }) {
            const active2 = this.getActive();
            if (active2 && includes(active2.mode, "hover") && active2.targetEl && !current.contains(active2.targetEl) && !active2.isDelaying()) {
          name: "keydown",
          self: true,
          delegate: ({ selNavItem }) => selNavItem,
          handler(e) {
            var _a;
            const { current, keyCode } = e;
            const active2 = this.getActive();
            if (keyCode === keyMap.DOWN && (active2 == null ? void 0 : active2.targetEl) === current) {
              (_a = $(selFocusable, active2.$el)) == null ? void 0 : _a.focus();
            handleNavItemNavigation(e, this.items, active2);
          name: "keydown",
          el: ({ dropContainer }) => dropContainer,
          delegate: ({ clsDrop }) => `.${clsDrop}`,
          handler(e) {
            var _a;
            const { current, keyCode, target } = e;
            if (isInput(target) || !includes(this.dropdowns, current)) {
            const active2 = this.getActive();
            let next = -1;
            if (keyCode === keyMap.HOME) {
              next = 0;
            } else if (keyCode === keyMap.END) {
              next = "last";
            } else if (keyCode === keyMap.UP) {
              next = "previous";
            } else if (keyCode === keyMap.DOWN) {
              next = "next";
            } else if (keyCode === keyMap.ESC) {
              (_a = active2.targetEl) == null ? void 0 : _a.focus();
            if (~next) {
              const elements = $$(selFocusable, current);
                findIndex(elements, (el) => matches(el, ":focus"))
            handleNavItemNavigation(e, this.items, active2);
          name: "mouseleave",
          el: ({ dropbar }) => dropbar,
          filter: ({ dropbar }) => dropbar,
          handler() {
            const active2 = this.getActive();
            if (active2 && includes(active2.mode, "hover") && !this.dropdowns.some((el) => matches(el, ":hover"))) {
          name: "beforeshow",
          el: ({ dropContainer }) => dropContainer,
          filter: ({ dropbar }) => dropbar,
          handler({ target }) {
            if (!this.isDropbarDrop(target)) {
            if (this.dropbar.previousElementSibling !== this.dropbarAnchor) {
              after(this.dropbarAnchor, this.dropbar);
            addClass(target, `${this.clsDrop}-dropbar`);
          name: "show",
          el: ({ dropContainer }) => dropContainer,
          filter: ({ dropbar }) => dropbar,
          handler({ target }) {
            if (!this.isDropbarDrop(target)) {
            const drop = this.getDropdown(target);
            const adjustHeight = () => {
              const maxBottom = Math.max(
                ...parents(target, `.${this.clsDrop}`).concat(target).map((el) => offset(el).bottom)
              offset(this.dropbar, {
                left: offset(this.dropbar).left,
                top: this.getDropbarOffset(drop.getPositionOffset())
                maxBottom - offset(this.dropbar).top + toFloat(css(target, "marginBottom")),
            this._observer = observeResize([drop.$el, ...drop.target], adjustHeight);
          name: "beforehide",
          el: ({ dropContainer }) => dropContainer,
          filter: ({ dropbar }) => dropbar,
          handler(e) {
            const active2 = this.getActive();
            if (matches(this.dropbar, ":hover") && active2.$el === e.target && this.isDropbarDrop(active2.$el) && includes(active2.mode, "hover") && active2.isDelayedHide && !this.items.some((el) => active2.targetEl !== el && matches(el, ":focus"))) {
          name: "hide",
          el: ({ dropContainer }) => dropContainer,
          filter: ({ dropbar }) => dropbar,
          handler({ target }) {
            var _a;
            if (!this.isDropbarDrop(target)) {
            (_a = this._observer) == null ? void 0 : _a.disconnect();
            const active2 = this.getActive();
            if (!active2 || active2.$el === target) {
      methods: {
        getActive() {
          var _a;
          return includes(this.dropdowns, (_a = active) == null ? void 0 : _a.$el) && active;
        async transitionTo(newHeight, el) {
          const { dropbar } = this;
          const oldHeight = height(dropbar);
          el = oldHeight < newHeight && el;
          await Transition.cancel([el, dropbar]);
          if (el) {
            const diff = offset(el).top - offset(dropbar).top - oldHeight;
            if (diff > 0) {
              css(el, "transitionDelay", `${diff / newHeight * this.duration}ms`);
          css(el, "clipPath", `polygon(0 0,100% 0,100% ${oldHeight}px,0 ${oldHeight}px)`);
          height(dropbar, oldHeight);
          await Promise.all([
            Transition.start(dropbar, { height: newHeight }, this.duration),
              { clipPath: `polygon(0 0,100% 0,100% ${newHeight}px,0 ${newHeight}px)` },
            ).finally(() => css(el, { clipPath: "", transitionDelay: "" }))
        getDropdown(el) {
          return this.$getComponent(el, "drop") || this.$getComponent(el, "dropdown");
        isDropbarDrop(el) {
          return includes(this.dropdowns, el) && hasClass(el, this.clsDrop);
        getDropbarOffset(offsetTop) {
          const { $el, target, targetY } = this;
          const { top, height: height2 } = offset(query(targetY || target || $el, $el));
          return top + height2 + offsetTop;
        initializeDropdowns() {
            this.dropdowns.filter((el) => !this.getDropdown(el)),
              flip: false,
              shift: true,
              pos: `bottom-${this.align}`,
              boundary: this.boundary === true ? this.$el : this.boundary
    function handleNavItemNavigation(e, toggles, active2) {
      var _a, _b, _c;
      const { current, keyCode } = e;
      let next = -1;
      if (keyCode === keyMap.HOME) {
        next = 0;
      } else if (keyCode === keyMap.END) {
        next = "last";
      } else if (keyCode === keyMap.LEFT) {
        next = "previous";
      } else if (keyCode === keyMap.RIGHT) {
        next = "next";
      } else if (keyCode === keyMap.TAB) {
        (_a = active2.targetEl) == null ? void 0 : _a.focus();
        (_b = active2.hide) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(active2, false);
      if (~next) {
        (_c = active2.hide) == null ? void 0 : _c.call(active2, false);
        toggles[getIndex(next, toggles, toggles.indexOf(active2.targetEl || current))].focus();

    var formCustom = {
      mixins: [Class],
      args: "target",
      props: {
        target: Boolean
      data: {
        target: false
      computed: {
        input: (_, $el) => $(selInput, $el),
        state() {
          return this.input.nextElementSibling;
        target({ target }, $el) {
          return target && (target === true && parent(this.input) === $el && this.input.nextElementSibling || $(target, $el));
      update() {
        var _a;
        const { target, input } = this;
        if (!target) {
        let option;
        const prop = isInput(target) ? "value" : "textContent";
        const prev = target[prop];
        const value = ((_a = input.files) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) ? input.files[0].name : matches(input, "select") && (option = $$("option", input).filter((el) => el.selected)[0]) ? option.textContent : input.value;
        if (prev !== value) {
          target[prop] = value;
      events: [
          name: "change",
          handler() {
          name: "reset",
          el: ({ $el }) => $el.closest("form"),
          handler() {

    var grid = {
      extends: Margin,
      mixins: [Class],
      name: "grid",
      props: {
        masonry: Boolean,
        parallax: String,
        parallaxStart: String,
        parallaxEnd: String,
        parallaxJustify: Boolean
      data: {
        margin: "bdt-grid-margin",
        clsStack: "bdt-grid-stack",
        masonry: false,
        parallax: 0,
        parallaxStart: 0,
        parallaxEnd: 0,
        parallaxJustify: false
      connected() {
        this.masonry && addClass(this.$el, "bdt-flex-top", "bdt-flex-wrap-top");
      observe: scroll$1({ filter: ({ parallax, parallaxJustify }) => parallax || parallaxJustify }),
      update: [
          write({ rows }) {
            toggleClass(this.$el, this.clsStack, !rows.some((row) => row.length > 1));
          events: ["resize"]
          read(data) {
            const { rows } = data;
            let { masonry, parallax, parallaxJustify, margin } = this;
            parallax = Math.max(0, toPx(parallax));
            if (!(masonry || parallax || parallaxJustify) || positionedAbsolute(rows) || rows[0].some(
              (el, i) => rows.some((row) => row[i] && row[i].offsetWidth !== el.offsetWidth)
            )) {
              return data.translates = data.scrollColumns = false;
            let gutter = getGutter(rows, margin);
            let columns;
            let translates;
            if (masonry) {
              [columns, translates] = applyMasonry(rows, gutter, masonry === "next");
            } else {
              columns = transpose(rows);
            const columnHeights = columns.map(
              (column) => sumBy(column, "offsetHeight") + gutter * (column.length - 1)
            const height = Math.max(0, ...columnHeights);
            let scrollColumns;
            let parallaxStart;
            let parallaxEnd;
            if (parallax || parallaxJustify) {
              scrollColumns = columnHeights.map(
                (hgt, i) => parallaxJustify ? height - hgt + parallax : parallax / (i % 2 || 8)
              if (!parallaxJustify) {
                parallax = Math.max(
                  ...columnHeights.map((hgt, i) => hgt + scrollColumns[i] - height)
              parallaxStart = toPx(this.parallaxStart, "height", this.$el, true);
              parallaxEnd = toPx(this.parallaxEnd, "height", this.$el, true);
            return {
              padding: parallax,
              height: translates ? height : ""
          write({ height, padding }) {
            css(this.$el, "paddingBottom", padding || "");
            height !== false && css(this.$el, "height", height);
          events: ["resize"]
          read({ rows, scrollColumns, parallaxStart, parallaxEnd }) {
            return {
              scrolled: scrollColumns && !positionedAbsolute(rows) ? scrolledOver(this.$el, parallaxStart, parallaxEnd) : false
          write({ columns, scrolled, scrollColumns, translates }) {
            if (!scrolled && !translates) {
              (column, i) => column.forEach((el, j) => {
                let [x, y] = translates && translates[i][j] || [0, 0];
                if (scrolled) {
                  y += scrolled * scrollColumns[i];
                css(el, "transform", `translate(${x}px, ${y}px)`);
          events: ["scroll", "resize"]
    function positionedAbsolute(rows) {
      return rows.flat().some((el) => css(el, "position") === "absolute");
    function applyMasonry(rows, gutter, next) {
      const columns = [];
      const translates = [];
      const columnHeights = Array(rows[0].length).fill(0);
      let rowHeights = 0;
      for (let row of rows) {
        if (isRtl) {
          row = row.reverse();
        let height = 0;
        for (const j in row) {
          const { offsetWidth, offsetHeight } = row[j];
          const index = next ? j : columnHeights.indexOf(Math.min(...columnHeights));
          push(columns, index, row[j]);
          push(translates, index, [
            (index - j) * offsetWidth * (isRtl ? -1 : 1),
            columnHeights[index] - rowHeights
          columnHeights[index] += offsetHeight + gutter;
          height = Math.max(height, offsetHeight);
        rowHeights += height + gutter;
      return [columns, translates];
    function getGutter(rows, cls) {
      const node = rows.flat().find((el) => hasClass(el, cls));
      return toFloat(node ? css(node, "marginTop") : css(rows[0][0], "paddingLeft"));
    function transpose(rows) {
      const columns = [];
      for (const row of rows) {
        for (const i in row) {
          push(columns, i, row[i]);
      return columns;
    function push(array, index, value) {
      if (!array[index]) {
        array[index] = [];

    var heightMatch = {
      args: "target",
      props: {
        target: String,
        row: Boolean
      data: {
        target: "> *",
        row: true
      computed: {
        elements: ({ target }, $el) => $$(target, $el)
      observe: resize({
        target: ({ $el, elements }) => elements.reduce((elements2, el) => elements2.concat(el, ...el.children), [$el])
      events: {
        // Hidden elements may change height when fonts load
        name: "loadingdone",
        el: () => document.fonts,
        handler() {
      update: {
        read() {
          return {
            rows: (this.row ? getRows(this.elements) : [this.elements]).map(match)
        write({ rows }) {
          for (const { heights, elements } of rows) {
            elements.forEach((el, i) => css(el, "minHeight", heights[i]));
        events: ["resize"]
    function match(elements) {
      if (elements.length < 2) {
        return { heights: [""], elements };
      let heights = elements.map(getHeight);
      const max = Math.max(...heights);
      return {
        heights: elements.map((el, i) => heights[i].toFixed(2) === max.toFixed(2) ? "" : max),
    function getHeight(element) {
      const style = pick(element.style, ["display", "minHeight"]);
      if (!isVisible(element)) {
        css(element, "display", "block", "important");
      css(element, "minHeight", "");
      const height = dimensions$1(element).height - boxModelAdjust(element, "height", "content-box");
      css(element, style);
      return height;

    var heightPlaceholder = {
      args: "target",
      props: {
        target: String
      data: {
        target: ""
      computed: {
        target: {
          get: ({ target }, $el) => query(target, $el),
          observe: ({ target }) => target
      observe: resize({ target: ({ target }) => target }),
      update: {
        read() {
          return this.target ? { height: this.target.offsetHeight } : false;
        write({ height }) {
          css(this.$el, { minHeight: height });
        events: ["resize"]

    var heightViewport = {
      props: {
        expand: Boolean,
        offsetTop: Boolean,
        offsetBottom: Boolean,
        minHeight: Number
      data: {
        expand: false,
        offsetTop: false,
        offsetBottom: false,
        minHeight: 0
      // check for offsetTop change
      observe: [
        viewport({ filter: ({ expand }) => expand }),
        resize({ target: ({ $el }) => scrollParents($el) })
      update: {
        read() {
          if (!isVisible(this.$el)) {
            return false;
          let minHeight = "";
          const box = boxModelAdjust(this.$el, "height", "content-box");
          const { body, scrollingElement } = document;
          const scrollElement = scrollParent(this.$el);
          const { height: viewportHeight } = offsetViewport(
            scrollElement === body ? scrollingElement : scrollElement
          const isScrollingElement = scrollingElement === scrollElement || body === scrollElement;
          minHeight = `calc(${isScrollingElement ? "100vh" : `${viewportHeight}px`}`;
          if (this.expand) {
            const diff = dimensions$1(scrollElement).height - dimensions$1(this.$el).height;
            minHeight += ` - ${diff}px`;
          } else {
            if (this.offsetTop) {
              if (isScrollingElement) {
                const offsetTopEl = this.offsetTop === true ? this.$el : query(this.offsetTop, this.$el);
                const { top } = offset(offsetTopEl);
                minHeight += top > 0 && top < viewportHeight / 2 ? ` - ${top}px` : "";
              } else {
                minHeight += ` - ${boxModelAdjust(scrollElement, "height", css(scrollElement, "boxSizing"))}px`;
            if (this.offsetBottom === true) {
              minHeight += ` - ${dimensions$1(this.$el.nextElementSibling).height}px`;
            } else if (isNumeric(this.offsetBottom)) {
              minHeight += ` - ${this.offsetBottom}vh`;
            } else if (this.offsetBottom && endsWith(this.offsetBottom, "px")) {
              minHeight += ` - ${toFloat(this.offsetBottom)}px`;
            } else if (isString(this.offsetBottom)) {
              minHeight += ` - ${dimensions$1(query(this.offsetBottom, this.$el)).height}px`;
          minHeight += `${box ? ` - ${box}px` : ""})`;
          return { minHeight };
        write({ minHeight }) {
          css(this.$el, "minHeight", `max(${this.minHeight || 0}px, ${minHeight})`);
        events: ["resize"]

    var closeIcon = "<svg width=\"14\" height=\"14\" viewBox=\"0 0 14 14\"><line fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.1\" x1=\"1\" y1=\"1\" x2=\"13\" y2=\"13\"/><line fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.1\" x1=\"13\" y1=\"1\" x2=\"1\" y2=\"13\"/></svg>";

    var closeLarge = "<svg width=\"20\" height=\"20\" viewBox=\"0 0 20 20\"><line fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.4\" x1=\"1\" y1=\"1\" x2=\"19\" y2=\"19\"/><line fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.4\" x1=\"19\" y1=\"1\" x2=\"1\" y2=\"19\"/></svg>";

    var dropParentIcon = "<svg width=\"12\" height=\"12\" viewBox=\"0 0 12 12\"><polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.1\" points=\"1 3.5 6 8.5 11 3.5\"/></svg>";

    var marker = "<svg width=\"20\" height=\"20\" viewBox=\"0 0 20 20\"><rect width=\"1\" height=\"11\" x=\"9\" y=\"4\"/><rect width=\"11\" height=\"1\" x=\"4\" y=\"9\"/></svg>";

    var navParentIconLarge = "<svg width=\"14\" height=\"14\" viewBox=\"0 0 14 14\"><polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.1\" points=\"1 4 7 10 13 4\"/></svg>";

    var navParentIcon = "<svg width=\"12\" height=\"12\" viewBox=\"0 0 12 12\"><polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.1\" points=\"1 3.5 6 8.5 11 3.5\"/></svg>";

    var navbarParentIcon = "<svg width=\"12\" height=\"12\" viewBox=\"0 0 12 12\"><polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.1\" points=\"1 3.5 6 8.5 11 3.5\"/></svg>";

    var navbarToggleIcon = "<svg width=\"20\" height=\"20\" viewBox=\"0 0 20 20\"><style>.bdt-navbar-toggle-icon svg&gt;[class*=&quot;line-&quot;]{transition:0.2s ease-in-out;transition-property:transform, opacity;transform-origin:center;opacity:1}.bdt-navbar-toggle-icon svg&gt;.line-3{opacity:0}.bdt-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-3{opacity:1}.bdt-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-2{transform:rotate(45deg)}.bdt-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-3{transform:rotate(-45deg)}.bdt-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-1,.bdt-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-4{opacity:0}.bdt-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-1{transform:translateY(6px) scaleX(0)}.bdt-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-4{transform:translateY(-6px) scaleX(0)}</style><rect width=\"20\" height=\"2\" y=\"3\" class=\"line-1\"/><rect width=\"20\" height=\"2\" y=\"9\" class=\"line-2\"/><rect width=\"20\" height=\"2\" y=\"9\" class=\"line-3\"/><rect width=\"20\" height=\"2\" y=\"15\" class=\"line-4\"/></svg>";

    var overlayIcon = "<svg width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><rect width=\"1\" height=\"40\" x=\"19\" y=\"0\"/><rect width=\"40\" height=\"1\" x=\"0\" y=\"19\"/></svg>";

    var paginationNext = "<svg width=\"7\" height=\"12\" viewBox=\"0 0 7 12\"><polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.2\" points=\"1 1 6 6 1 11\"/></svg>";

    var paginationPrevious = "<svg width=\"7\" height=\"12\" viewBox=\"0 0 7 12\"><polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.2\" points=\"6 1 1 6 6 11\"/></svg>";

    var searchIcon = "<svg width=\"20\" height=\"20\" viewBox=\"0 0 20 20\"><circle fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.1\" cx=\"9\" cy=\"9\" r=\"7\"/><path fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.1\" d=\"M14,14 L18,18 L14,14 Z\"/></svg>";

    var searchLarge = "<svg width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.8\" cx=\"17.5\" cy=\"17.5\" r=\"16.5\"/><line fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.8\" x1=\"38\" y1=\"39\" x2=\"29\" y2=\"30\"/></svg>";

    var searchMedium = "<svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"><circle fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.1\" cx=\"10.5\" cy=\"10.5\" r=\"9.5\"/><line fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.1\" x1=\"23\" y1=\"23\" x2=\"17\" y2=\"17\"/></svg>";

    var slidenavNextLarge = "<svg width=\"25\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 25 40\"><polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"2\" points=\"4.002,38.547 22.527,20.024 4,1.5\"/></svg>";

    var slidenavNext = "<svg width=\"14\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 14 24\"><polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.4\" points=\"1.225,23 12.775,12 1.225,1\"/></svg>";

    var slidenavPreviousLarge = "<svg width=\"25\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 25 40\"><polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"2\" points=\"20.527,1.5 2,20.024 20.525,38.547\"/></svg>";

    var slidenavPrevious = "<svg width=\"14\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 14 24\"><polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.4\" points=\"12.775,1 1.225,12 12.775,23\"/></svg>";

    var spinner = "<svg width=\"30\" height=\"30\" viewBox=\"0 0 30 30\"><circle fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" cx=\"15\" cy=\"15\" r=\"14\"/></svg>";

    var totop = "<svg width=\"18\" height=\"10\" viewBox=\"0 0 18 10\"><polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#000\" stroke-width=\"1.2\" points=\"1 9 9 1 17 9\"/></svg>";

    var Svg = {
      args: "src",
      props: {
        width: Number,
        height: Number,
        ratio: Number
      data: {
        ratio: 1
      connected() {
        this.svg = this.getSvg().then((el) => {
          if (!this._connected) {
          const svg = insertSVG(el, this.$el);
          if (this.svgEl && svg !== this.svgEl) {
          applyWidthAndHeight.call(this, svg, el);
          return this.svgEl = svg;
        }, noop);
      disconnected() {
        this.svg.then((svg) => {
          if (this._connected) {
          if (isVoidElement(this.$el)) {
            this.$el.hidden = false;
          this.svgEl = null;
        this.svg = null;
      methods: {
        async getSvg() {
    function insertSVG(el, root) {
      if (isVoidElement(root) || isTag(root, "canvas")) {
        root.hidden = true;
        const next = root.nextElementSibling;
        return equals(el, next) ? next : after(root, el);
      const last = root.lastElementChild;
      return equals(el, last) ? last : append(root, el);
    function equals(el, other) {
      return isTag(el, "svg") && isTag(other, "svg") && el.innerHTML === other.innerHTML;
    function applyWidthAndHeight(el, ref) {
      const props = ["width", "height"];
      let dimensions = props.map((prop) => this[prop]);
      if (!dimensions.some((val) => val)) {
        dimensions = props.map((prop) => attr(ref, prop));
      const viewBox = attr(ref, "viewBox");
      if (viewBox && !dimensions.some((val) => val)) {
        dimensions = viewBox.split(" ").slice(2);
      dimensions.forEach((val, i) => attr(el, props[i], toFloat(val) * this.ratio || null));

    var svg = {
      mixins: [Svg],
      args: "src",
      props: {
        src: String,
        icon: String,
        attributes: "list",
        strokeAnimation: Boolean
      data: {
        strokeAnimation: false
      observe: [
          async handler() {
            const svg = await this.svg;
            if (svg) {
              applyAttributes.call(this, svg);
          options: {
            attributes: true,
            attributeFilter: ["id", "class", "style"]
      async connected() {
        if (includes(this.src, "#")) {
          [this.src, this.icon] = this.src.split("#");
        const svg = await this.svg;
        if (svg) {
          applyAttributes.call(this, svg);
          if (this.strokeAnimation) {
      methods: {
        async getSvg() {
          if (isTag(this.$el, "img") && !this.$el.complete && this.$el.loading === "lazy") {
            await new Promise((resolve) => once(this.$el, "load", resolve));
          return parseSVG(await loadSVG(this.src), this.icon) || Promise.reject("SVG not found.");
    function applyAttributes(el) {
      const { $el } = this;
      addClass(el, attr($el, "class"), "bdt-svg");
      for (let i = 0; i < $el.style.length; i++) {
        const prop = $el.style[i];
        css(el, prop, css($el, prop));
      for (const attribute in this.attributes) {
        const [prop, value] = this.attributes[attribute].split(":", 2);
        attr(el, prop, value);
      if (!this.$el.id) {
        removeAttr(el, "id");
    const loadSVG = memoize(async (src) => {
      if (src) {
        if (startsWith(src, "data:")) {
          return decodeURIComponent(src.split(",")[1]);
        } else {
          return (await fetch(src)).text();
      } else {
        return Promise.reject();
    function parseSVG(svg, icon) {
      if (icon && includes(svg, "<symbol")) {
        svg = parseSymbols(svg)[icon] || svg;
      return stringToSvg(svg);
    const symbolRe = /<symbol([^]*?id=(['"])(.+?)\2[^]*?<\/)symbol>/g;
    const parseSymbols = memoize(function(svg) {
      const symbols = {};
      symbolRe.lastIndex = 0;
      let match;
      while (match = symbolRe.exec(svg)) {
        symbols[match[3]] = `<svg ${match[1]}svg>`;
      return symbols;
    function applyAnimation(el) {
      const length = getMaxPathLength(el);
      if (length) {
        css(el, "--bdt-animation-stroke", length);
    function stringToSvg(string) {
      const container = document.createElement("template");
      container.innerHTML = string;
      return container.content.firstElementChild;

    const icons = {
      "close-icon": closeIcon,
      "close-large": closeLarge,
      "drop-parent-icon": dropParentIcon,
      "nav-parent-icon": navParentIcon,
      "nav-parent-icon-large": navParentIconLarge,
      "navbar-parent-icon": navbarParentIcon,
      "navbar-toggle-icon": navbarToggleIcon,
      "overlay-icon": overlayIcon,
      "pagination-next": paginationNext,
      "pagination-previous": paginationPrevious,
      "search-icon": searchIcon,
      "search-medium": searchMedium,
      "search-large": searchLarge,
      "search-toggle-icon": searchIcon,
      "slidenav-next": slidenavNext,
      "slidenav-next-large": slidenavNextLarge,
      "slidenav-previous": slidenavPrevious,
      "slidenav-previous-large": slidenavPreviousLarge
    const Icon = {
      install: install$1,
      mixins: [Svg],
      args: "icon",
      props: { icon: String },
      isIcon: true,
      beforeConnect() {
        addClass(this.$el, "bdt-icon");
      methods: {
        async getSvg() {
          const icon = getIcon(this.icon);
          if (!icon) {
            throw "Icon not found.";
          return icon;
    const IconComponent = {
      args: false,
      extends: Icon,
      data: (vm) => ({
        icon: hyphenate(vm.constructor.options.name)
      beforeConnect() {
        addClass(this.$el, this.$options.id);
    const NavParentIcon = {
      extends: IconComponent,
      beforeConnect() {
        const icon = this.$props.icon;
        this.icon = this.$el.closest(".bdt-nav-primary") ? `${icon}-large` : icon;
    const Search = {
      extends: IconComponent,
      mixins: [I18n],
      i18n: { toggle: "Open Search", submit: "Submit Search" },
      beforeConnect() {
        const isToggle = hasClass(this.$el, "bdt-search-toggle") || hasClass(this.$el, "bdt-navbar-toggle");
        this.icon = isToggle ? "search-toggle-icon" : hasClass(this.$el, "bdt-search-icon") && this.$el.closest(".bdt-search-large") ? "search-large" : this.$el.closest(".bdt-search-medium") ? "search-medium" : this.$props.icon;
        if (hasAttr(this.$el, "aria-label")) {
        if (isToggle) {
          const label = this.t("toggle");
          attr(this.$el, "aria-label", label);
        } else {
          const button = this.$el.closest("a,button");
          if (button) {
            const label = this.t("submit");
            attr(button, "aria-label", label);
    const Spinner = {
      extends: IconComponent,
      beforeConnect() {
        attr(this.$el, "role", "status");
      methods: {
        async getSvg() {
          const icon = await Icon.methods.getSvg.call(this);
          if (this.ratio !== 1) {
            css($("circle", icon), "strokeWidth", 1 / this.ratio);
          return icon;
    const ButtonComponent = {
      extends: IconComponent,
      mixins: [I18n],
      beforeConnect() {
        const button = this.$el.closest("a,button");
        attr(button, "role", this.role !== null && isTag(button, "a") ? "button" : this.role);
        const label = this.t("label");
        if (label && !hasAttr(button, "aria-label")) {
          attr(button, "aria-label", label);
    const Slidenav = {
      extends: ButtonComponent,
      beforeConnect() {
        addClass(this.$el, "bdt-slidenav");
        const icon = this.$props.icon;
        this.icon = hasClass(this.$el, "bdt-slidenav-large") ? `${icon}-large` : icon;
    const NavbarToggleIcon = {
      extends: ButtonComponent,
      i18n: { label: "Open menu" }
    const Close = {
      extends: ButtonComponent,
      i18n: { label: "Close" },
      beforeConnect() {
        this.icon = `close-${hasClass(this.$el, "bdt-close-large") ? "large" : "icon"}`;
    const Marker = {
      extends: ButtonComponent,
      i18n: { label: "Open" }
    const Totop = {
      extends: ButtonComponent,
      i18n: { label: "Back to top" }
    const PaginationNext = {
      extends: ButtonComponent,
      i18n: { label: "Next page" },
      data: { role: null }
    const PaginationPrevious = {
      extends: ButtonComponent,
      i18n: { label: "Previous page" },
      data: { role: null }
    const parsed = {};
    function install$1(bdtUIkit) {
      bdtUIkit.icon.add = (name, svg) => {
        const added = isString(name) ? { [name]: svg } : name;
        each(added, (svg2, name2) => {
          icons[name2] = svg2;
          delete parsed[name2];
        if (bdtUIkit._initialized) {
            (el) => each(bdtUIkit.getComponents(el), (cmp) => {
              cmp.$options.isIcon && cmp.icon in added && cmp.$reset();
    const aliases = { twitter: "x" };
    function getIcon(icon) {
      icon = aliases[icon] || icon;
      if (!icons[icon]) {
        return null;
      if (!parsed[icon]) {
        parsed[icon] = stringToSvg(icons[applyRtl(icon)] || icons[icon]);
      return parsed[icon].cloneNode(true);
    function applyRtl(icon) {
      return isRtl ? swap(swap(icon, "left", "right"), "previous", "next") : icon;

    var img = {
      args: "dataSrc",
      props: {
        dataSrc: String,
        sources: String,
        margin: String,
        target: String,
        loading: String
      data: {
        dataSrc: "",
        sources: false,
        margin: "50%",
        target: false,
        loading: "lazy"
      connected() {
        if (this.loading !== "lazy") {
        } else if (isImg(this.$el)) {
          this.$el.loading = "lazy";
      disconnected() {
        if (this.img) {
          this.img.onload = "";
        delete this.img;
      observe: intersection({
        handler(entries, observer) {
        options: ({ margin }) => ({ rootMargin: margin }),
        filter: ({ loading }) => loading === "lazy",
        target: ({ $el, $props }) => $props.target ? [$el, ...queryAll($props.target, $el)] : $el
      methods: {
        load() {
          if (this.img) {
            return this.img;
          const image = isImg(this.$el) ? this.$el : getImageFromElement(this.$el, this.dataSrc, this.sources);
          removeAttr(image, "loading");
          setSrcAttrs(this.$el, image.currentSrc);
          return this.img = image;
    function setSrcAttrs(el, src) {
      if (isImg(el)) {
        const parentNode = parent(el);
        const elements = isTag(parentNode, "picture") ? children(parentNode) : [el];
        elements.forEach((el2) => setSourceProps(el2, el2));
      } else if (src) {
        const change = !includes(el.style.backgroundImage, src);
        if (change) {
          css(el, "backgroundImage", `url(${escape(src)})`);
          trigger(el, createEvent("load", false));
    const srcProps = ["data-src", "data-srcset", "sizes"];
    function setSourceProps(sourceEl, targetEl) {
      for (const prop of srcProps) {
        const value = data(sourceEl, prop);
        if (value) {
          attr(targetEl, prop.replace(/^(data-)+/, ""), value);
    function getImageFromElement(el, src, sources) {
      const img = new Image();
      wrapInPicture(img, sources);
      setSourceProps(el, img);
      img.onload = () => {
        setSrcAttrs(el, img.currentSrc);
      attr(img, "src", src);
      return img;
    function wrapInPicture(img, sources) {
      sources = parseSources(sources);
      if (sources.length) {
        const picture = fragment("<picture>");
        for (const attrs of sources) {
          const source = fragment("<source>");
          attr(source, attrs);
          append(picture, source);
        append(picture, img);
    function parseSources(sources) {
      if (!sources) {
        return [];
      if (startsWith(sources, "[")) {
        try {
          sources = JSON.parse(sources);
        } catch (e) {
          sources = [];
      } else {
        sources = parseOptions(sources);
      if (!isArray(sources)) {
        sources = [sources];
      return sources.filter((source) => !isEmpty(source));
    function isImg(el) {
      return isTag(el, "img");

    var inverse = {
      props: {
        target: String,
        selActive: String
      data: {
        target: false,
        selActive: false
      computed: {
        target: ({ target }, $el) => target ? $$(target, $el) : $el
      observe: [
          handler(entries) {
            this.isIntersecting = entries.some(({ isIntersecting }) => isIntersecting);
          target: ({ target }) => target,
          args: { intersecting: false }
          target: ({ target }) => target,
          options: { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["class"], attributeOldValue: true }
          target: ({ target }) => target,
          observe: (target, handler) => {
            const observer = observeResize(
              [...toNodes(target), document.documentElement],
            const listener = [
              on(document, "scroll itemshown itemhidden", handler, {
                passive: true,
                capture: true
              on(document, "show hide transitionstart", (e) => {
                return observer.observe(e.target);
              on(document, "shown hidden transitionend transitioncancel", (e) => {
                return observer.unobserve(e.target);
            return {
              observe: observer.observe.bind(observer),
              unobserve: observer.unobserve.bind(observer),
              disconnect() {
                listener.map((off) => off());
          handler() {
      update: {
        read() {
          if (!this.isIntersecting) {
            return false;
          for (const target of toNodes(this.target)) {
            let color = !this.selActive || matches(target, this.selActive) ? findTargetColor(target) : "";
            if (color !== false) {
              replaceClass(target, "bdt-light bdt-dark", color);
    function findTargetColor(target) {
      const dim = dimensions$1(target);
      const viewport = dimensions$1(window);
      if (!intersectRect(dim, viewport)) {
        return false;
      const { left, top, height, width } = dim;
      let last;
      for (const percent of [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]) {
        const elements = target.ownerDocument.elementsFromPoint(
          Math.max(0, Math.min(left + width * percent, viewport.width - 1)),
          Math.max(0, Math.min(top + height / 2, viewport.height - 1))
        for (const element of elements) {
          if (target.contains(element) || !checkVisibility(element) || element.closest('[class*="-leave"]') && elements.some((el) => element !== el && matches(el, '[class*="-enter"]'))) {
          const color = css(element, "--bdt-inverse");
          if (color) {
            if (color === last) {
              return `bdt-${color}`;
            last = color;
      return last ? `bdt-${last}` : "";
    function checkVisibility(element) {
      if (css(element, "visibility") !== "visible") {
        return false;
      while (element) {
        if (css(element, "opacity") === "0") {
          return false;
        element = parent(element);
      return true;

    var leader = {
      mixins: [Class, Media],
      props: {
        fill: String
      data: {
        fill: "",
        clsWrapper: "bdt-leader-fill",
        clsHide: "bdt-leader-hide",
        attrFill: "data-fill"
      computed: {
        fill: ({ fill }, $el) => fill || css($el, "--bdt-leader-fill-content")
      connected() {
        [this.wrapper] = wrapInner(this.$el, `<span class="${this.clsWrapper}">`);
      disconnected() {
      observe: resize(),
      update: {
        read() {
          const width = Math.trunc(this.$el.offsetWidth / 2);
          return {
            fill: this.fill,
            hide: !this.matchMedia
        write({ width, fill, hide }) {
          toggleClass(this.wrapper, this.clsHide, hide);
          attr(this.wrapper, this.attrFill, new Array(width).join(fill));
        events: ["resize"]

    var modal = {
      mixins: [Modal],
      data: {
        clsPage: "bdt-modal-page",
        selPanel: ".bdt-modal-dialog",
        selClose: '[class*="bdt-modal-close"]'
      events: [
          name: "fullscreenchange webkitendfullscreen",
          capture: true,
          handler(e) {
            if (isTag(e.target, "video") && this.isToggled() && !document.fullscreenElement) {
          name: "show",
          self: true,
          handler() {
            if (hasClass(this.panel, "bdt-margin-auto-vertical")) {
              addClass(this.$el, "bdt-flex");
            } else {
              css(this.$el, "display", "block");
          name: "hidden",
          self: true,
          handler() {
            css(this.$el, "display", "");
            removeClass(this.$el, "bdt-flex");
    function install({ modal }) {
      modal.dialog = function(content, options) {
        const dialog = modal($(`<div><div class="bdt-modal-dialog">${content}</div></div>`), {
          stack: true,
          role: "alertdialog",
          async () => {
            await Promise.resolve();
          { self: true }
        return dialog;
      modal.alert = function(message, options) {
        return openDialog(
          ({ i18n }) => `<div class="bdt-modal-body">${isString(message) ? message : html(message)}</div> <div class="bdt-modal-footer bdt-text-right"> <button class="bdt-button bdt-button-primary bdt-modal-close" autofocus>${i18n.ok}</button> </div>`,
      modal.confirm = function(message, options) {
        return openDialog(
          ({ i18n }) => `<form> <div class="bdt-modal-body">${isString(message) ? message : html(message)}</div> <div class="bdt-modal-footer bdt-text-right"> <button class="bdt-button bdt-button-default bdt-modal-close" type="button">${i18n.cancel}</button> <button class="bdt-button bdt-button-primary" autofocus>${i18n.ok}</button> </div> </form>`,
          () => Promise.reject()
      modal.prompt = function(message, value, options) {
        const promise = openDialog(
          ({ i18n }) => `<form class="bdt-form-stacked"> <div class="bdt-modal-body"> <label>${isString(message) ? message : html(message)}</label> <input class="bdt-input" autofocus> </div> <div class="bdt-modal-footer bdt-text-right"> <button class="bdt-button bdt-button-default bdt-modal-close" type="button">${i18n.cancel}</button> <button class="bdt-button bdt-button-primary">${i18n.ok}</button> </div> </form>`,
          () => null,
          () => input.value
        const { $el } = promise.dialog;
        const input = $("input", $el);
        input.value = value || "";
        on($el, "show", () => input.select());
        return promise;
      modal.i18n = {
        ok: "Ok",
        cancel: "Cancel"
      function openDialog(tmpl, options, hideFn = noop, submitFn = noop) {
        options = {
          bgClose: false,
          escClose: true,
          i18n: { ...modal.i18n, ...options == null ? void 0 : options.i18n }
        const dialog = modal.dialog(tmpl(options), options);
        return assign(
          new Promise((resolve) => {
            const off = on(dialog.$el, "hide", () => resolve(hideFn()));
            on(dialog.$el, "submit", "form", (e) => {
          { dialog }

    var nav = {
      extends: Accordion,
      data: {
        targets: "> .bdt-parent",
        toggle: "> a",
        content: "> ul"

    const clsNavbarTransparent = "bdt-navbar-transparent";
    var navbar = {
      extends: Dropnav,
      props: {
        dropbarTransparentMode: Boolean
      data: {
        clsDrop: "bdt-navbar-dropdown",
        selNavItem: ".bdt-navbar-nav > li > a,a.bdt-navbar-item,button.bdt-navbar-item,.bdt-navbar-item a,.bdt-navbar-item button,.bdt-navbar-toggle",
        // Simplify with :where() selector once browser target is Safari 14+
        dropbarTransparentMode: false
      computed: {
        navbarContainer: (_, $el) => $el.closest(".bdt-navbar-container")
      watch: {
        items() {
          const justify = hasClass(this.$el, "bdt-navbar-justify");
          const containers = $$(".bdt-navbar-nav, .bdt-navbar-left, .bdt-navbar-right", this.$el);
          for (const container of containers) {
            const items = justify ? $$(".bdt-navbar-nav > li > a, .bdt-navbar-item, .bdt-navbar-toggle", container).length : "";
            css(container, "flexGrow", items);
      events: [
          name: "show",
          el: ({ dropContainer }) => dropContainer,
          handler({ target }) {
            if (this.getTransparentMode(target) === "remove" && hasClass(this.navbarContainer, clsNavbarTransparent)) {
              removeClass(this.navbarContainer, clsNavbarTransparent);
              this._transparent = true;
          name: "hide",
          el: ({ dropContainer }) => dropContainer,
          async handler() {
            await awaitMacroTask();
            if (!this.getActive() && this._transparent) {
              addClass(this.navbarContainer, clsNavbarTransparent);
              this._transparent = null;
      methods: {
        getTransparentMode(el) {
          if (!this.navbarContainer) {
          if (this.dropbar && this.isDropbarDrop(el)) {
            return this.dropbarTransparentMode;
          const drop = this.getDropdown(el);
          if (drop && hasClass(el, "bdt-dropbar")) {
            return drop.inset ? "behind" : "remove";
        getDropbarOffset(offsetTop) {
          const { top, height } = offset(this.navbarContainer);
          return top + (this.dropbarTransparentMode === "behind" ? 0 : height + offsetTop);
    function awaitMacroTask() {
      return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve));

    var offcanvas = {
      mixins: [Modal],
      args: "mode",
      props: {
        mode: String,
        flip: Boolean,
        overlay: Boolean,
        swiping: Boolean
      data: {
        mode: "slide",
        flip: false,
        overlay: false,
        clsPage: "bdt-offcanvas-page",
        clsContainer: "bdt-offcanvas-container",
        selPanel: ".bdt-offcanvas-bar",
        clsFlip: "bdt-offcanvas-flip",
        clsContainerAnimation: "bdt-offcanvas-container-animation",
        clsSidebarAnimation: "bdt-offcanvas-bar-animation",
        clsMode: "bdt-offcanvas",
        clsOverlay: "bdt-offcanvas-overlay",
        selClose: ".bdt-offcanvas-close",
        container: false,
        swiping: true
      computed: {
        clsFlip: ({ flip, clsFlip }) => flip ? clsFlip : "",
        clsOverlay: ({ overlay, clsOverlay }) => overlay ? clsOverlay : "",
        clsMode: ({ mode, clsMode }) => `${clsMode}-${mode}`,
        clsSidebarAnimation: ({ mode, clsSidebarAnimation }) => mode === "none" || mode === "reveal" ? "" : clsSidebarAnimation,
        clsContainerAnimation: ({ mode, clsContainerAnimation }) => mode !== "push" && mode !== "reveal" ? "" : clsContainerAnimation,
        transitionElement({ mode }) {
          return mode === "reveal" ? parent(this.panel) : this.panel;
      observe: swipe({ filter: ({ swiping }) => swiping }),
      update: {
        read() {
          if (this.isToggled() && !isVisible(this.$el)) {
        events: ["resize"]
      events: [
          name: "touchmove",
          self: true,
          passive: false,
          filter: ({ overlay }) => overlay,
          handler(e) {
            e.cancelable && e.preventDefault();
          name: "show",
          self: true,
          handler() {
            if (this.mode === "reveal" && !hasClass(parent(this.panel), this.clsMode)) {
              wrapAll(this.panel, "<div>");
              addClass(parent(this.panel), this.clsMode);
            const { body, scrollingElement } = document;
            addClass(body, this.clsContainer, this.clsFlip);
            css(body, "touch-action", "pan-y pinch-zoom");
            css(this.$el, "display", "block");
            css(this.panel, "maxWidth", scrollingElement.clientWidth);
            addClass(this.$el, this.clsOverlay);
              this.mode === "reveal" ? "" : this.clsMode
            addClass(body, this.clsContainerAnimation);
            this.clsContainerAnimation && suppressUserScale();
          name: "hide",
          self: true,
          handler() {
            removeClass(document.body, this.clsContainerAnimation);
            css(document.body, "touch-action", "");
          name: "hidden",
          self: true,
          handler() {
            this.clsContainerAnimation && resumeUserScale();
            if (this.mode === "reveal") {
            removeClass(this.panel, this.clsSidebarAnimation, this.clsMode);
            removeClass(this.$el, this.clsOverlay);
            css(this.$el, "display", "");
            css(this.panel, "maxWidth", "");
            removeClass(document.body, this.clsContainer, this.clsFlip);
          name: "swipeLeft swipeRight",
          handler(e) {
            if (this.isToggled() && endsWith(e.type, "Left") ^ this.flip) {
    function suppressUserScale() {
      getViewport().content += ",user-scalable=0";
    function resumeUserScale() {
      const viewport = getViewport();
      viewport.content = viewport.content.replace(/,user-scalable=0$/, "");
    function getViewport() {
      return $('meta[name="viewport"]', document.head) || append(document.head, '<meta name="viewport">');

    var overflowAuto = {
      mixins: [Class],
      props: {
        selContainer: String,
        selContent: String,
        minHeight: Number
      data: {
        selContainer: ".bdt-modal",
        selContent: ".bdt-modal-dialog",
        minHeight: 150
      computed: {
        container: ({ selContainer }, $el) => $el.closest(selContainer),
        content: ({ selContent }, $el) => $el.closest(selContent)
      observe: resize({
        target: ({ container, content }) => [container, content]
      update: {
        read() {
          if (!this.content || !this.container || !isVisible(this.$el)) {
            return false;
          return {
            max: Math.max(
              height(this.container) - (dimensions$1(this.content).height - height(this.$el))
        write({ max }) {
          css(this.$el, { minHeight: this.minHeight, maxHeight: max });
        events: ["resize"]

    var responsive = {
      props: ["width", "height"],
      connected() {
        addClass(this.$el, "bdt-responsive-width");
        css(this.$el, "aspectRatio", `${this.width}/${this.height}`);

    var scroll = {
      props: {
        offset: Number
      data: {
        offset: 0
      connected() {
      disconnected() {
      methods: {
        async scrollTo(el) {
          el = el && $(el) || document.body;
          if (trigger(this.$el, "beforescroll", [this, el])) {
            await scrollIntoView(el, { offset: this.offset });
            trigger(this.$el, "scrolled", [this, el]);
    const instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
    function registerClick(cmp) {
      if (!instances.size) {
        on(document, "click", clickHandler);
    function unregisterClick(cmp) {
      if (!instances.size) {
        off(document, "click", clickHandler);
    function clickHandler(e) {
      if (e.defaultPrevented) {
      for (const instance of instances) {
        if (instance.$el.contains(e.target) && isSameSiteAnchor(instance.$el)) {
          if (window.location.href !== instance.$el.href) {
            window.history.pushState({}, "", instance.$el.href);

    const clsInView = "bdt-scrollspy-inview";
    var scrollspy = {
      args: "cls",
      props: {
        cls: String,
        target: String,
        hidden: Boolean,
        margin: String,
        repeat: Boolean,
        delay: Number
      data: () => ({
        cls: "",
        target: false,
        hidden: true,
        margin: "-1px",
        repeat: false,
        delay: 0
      computed: {
        elements: ({ target }, $el) => target ? $$(target, $el) : [$el]
      watch: {
        elements(elements) {
          if (this.hidden) {
            css(filter$1(elements, `:not(.${clsInView})`), "opacity", 0);
      connected() {
        this.elementData = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
      disconnected() {
        for (const [el, state] of this.elementData.entries()) {
          removeClass(el, clsInView, (state == null ? void 0 : state.cls) || "");
        delete this.elementData;
      observe: intersection({
        target: ({ elements }) => elements,
        handler(records) {
          const elements = this.elementData;
          for (const { target: el, isIntersecting } of records) {
            if (!elements.has(el)) {
              elements.set(el, {
                cls: data(el, "bdt-scrollspy-class") || this.cls
            const state = elements.get(el);
            if (!this.repeat && state.show) {
            state.show = isIntersecting;
        options: ({ margin }) => ({ rootMargin: margin }),
        args: { intersecting: false }
      update: [
          write(data) {
            for (const [el, state] of this.elementData.entries()) {
              if (state.show && !state.inview && !state.queued) {
                state.queued = true;
                data.promise = (data.promise || Promise.resolve()).then(() => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, this.delay))).then(() => {
                  this.toggle(el, true);
                  setTimeout(() => {
                    state.queued = false;
                  }, 300);
              } else if (!state.show && state.inview && !state.queued && this.repeat) {
                this.toggle(el, false);
      methods: {
        toggle(el, inview) {
          var _a, _b;
          const state = (_a = this.elementData) == null ? void 0 : _a.get(el);
          if (!state) {
          (_b = state.off) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(state);
          css(el, "opacity", !inview && this.hidden ? 0 : "");
          toggleClass(el, clsInView, inview);
          toggleClass(el, state.cls);
          let match;
          if (match = state.cls.match(/\bbdt-animation-[\w-]+/g)) {
            const removeAnimationClasses = () => removeClass(el, match);
            if (inview) {
              state.off = once(el, "animationcancel animationend", removeAnimationClasses, {
                self: true
            } else {
          trigger(el, inview ? "inview" : "outview");
          state.inview = inview;

    var scrollspyNav = {
      props: {
        cls: String,
        closest: Boolean,
        scroll: Boolean,
        target: String,
        offset: Number
      data: {
        cls: "bdt-active",
        closest: false,
        scroll: false,
        target: 'a[href]:not([role="button"])',
        offset: 0
      computed: {
        links: ({ target }, $el) => $$(target, $el).filter((el) => isSameSiteAnchor(el)),
        elements({ closest }) {
          return this.links.map((el) => el.closest(closest || "*"));
      watch: {
        links(links) {
          if (this.scroll) {
            this.$create("scroll", links, { offset: this.offset });
      observe: [intersection(), scroll$1()],
      update: [
          read() {
            const targets = this.links.map((el) => getTargetedElement(el) || el.ownerDocument);
            const { length } = targets;
            if (!length || !isVisible(this.$el)) {
              return false;
            const scrollElement = scrollParent(targets, true);
            const { scrollTop, scrollHeight } = scrollElement;
            const viewport = offsetViewport(scrollElement);
            const max = scrollHeight - viewport.height;
            let active = false;
            if (scrollTop >= max) {
              active = length - 1;
            } else {
              const offsetBy = this.offset + dimensions$1(getCoveringElement()).height + viewport.height * 0.1;
              for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
                if (offset(targets[i]).top - viewport.top - offsetBy > 0) {
                active = +i;
            return { active };
          write({ active }) {
            const changed = active !== false && !hasClass(this.elements[active], this.cls);
            this.links.forEach((el) => el.blur());
            for (let i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i++) {
              toggleClass(this.elements[i], this.cls, +i === active);
            if (changed) {
              trigger(this.$el, "active", [active, this.elements[active]]);
          events: ["scroll", "resize"]

    var sticky = {
      mixins: [Class, Media],
      props: {
        position: String,
        top: null,
        bottom: null,
        start: null,
        end: null,
        offset: String,
        overflowFlip: Boolean,
        animation: String,
        clsActive: String,
        clsInactive: String,
        clsFixed: String,
        clsBelow: String,
        selTarget: String,
        showOnUp: Boolean,
        targetOffset: Number
      data: {
        position: "top",
        top: false,
        bottom: false,
        start: false,
        end: false,
        offset: 0,
        overflowFlip: false,
        animation: "",
        clsActive: "bdt-active",
        clsInactive: "",
        clsFixed: "bdt-sticky-fixed",
        clsBelow: "bdt-sticky-below",
        selTarget: "",
        showOnUp: false,
        targetOffset: false
      computed: {
        target: ({ selTarget }, $el) => selTarget && $(selTarget, $el) || $el
      connected() {
        this.start = coerce(this.start || this.top);
        this.end = coerce(this.end || this.bottom);
        this.placeholder = $("+ .bdt-sticky-placeholder", this.$el) || $('<div class="bdt-sticky-placeholder"></div>');
        this.isFixed = false;
      beforeDisconnect() {
        if (this.isFixed) {
          removeClass(this.target, this.clsInactive);
        this.placeholder = null;
      observe: [
        scroll$1({ target: () => document.scrollingElement }),
          target: ({ $el }) => [$el, getVisibleParent($el), document.scrollingElement],
          handler(entries) {
              this._data.resized && entries.some(({ target }) => target === getVisibleParent(this.$el)) ? "update" : "resize"
            this._data.resized = true;
      events: [
          name: "load hashchange popstate",
          el: () => window,
          filter: ({ targetOffset }) => targetOffset !== false,
          handler() {
            const { scrollingElement } = document;
            if (!location.hash || scrollingElement.scrollTop === 0) {
            setTimeout(() => {
              const targetOffset = offset($(location.hash));
              const elOffset = offset(this.$el);
              if (this.isFixed && intersectRect(targetOffset, elOffset)) {
                scrollingElement.scrollTop = Math.ceil(
                  targetOffset.top - elOffset.height - toPx(this.targetOffset, "height", this.placeholder) - toPx(this.offset, "height", this.placeholder)
      update: [
          read({ height: height$1, width, margin, sticky }, types) {
            this.inactive = !this.matchMedia || !isVisible(this.$el) || !this.$el.offsetHeight;
            if (this.inactive) {
            const hide = this.isFixed && types.has("update");
            if (hide) {
            if (!this.active) {
              ({ height: height$1, width } = dimensions$1(this.$el));
              margin = css(this.$el, "margin");
            if (hide) {
            const viewport2 = toPx("100vh", "height");
            const dynamicViewport = height(window);
            const maxScrollHeight = Math.max(
              document.scrollingElement.scrollHeight - viewport2
            let position = this.position;
            if (this.overflowFlip && height$1 > viewport2) {
              position = position === "top" ? "bottom" : "top";
            const referenceElement = this.isFixed ? this.placeholder : this.$el;
            let offset$1 = toPx(this.offset, "height", sticky ? this.$el : referenceElement);
            if (position === "bottom" && (height$1 < dynamicViewport || this.overflowFlip)) {
              offset$1 += dynamicViewport - height$1;
            const overflow = this.overflowFlip ? 0 : Math.max(0, height$1 + offset$1 - viewport2);
            const topOffset = offset(referenceElement).top;
            const elHeight = dimensions$1(this.$el).height;
            const start = (this.start === false ? topOffset : parseProp(this.start, this.$el, topOffset)) - offset$1;
            const end = this.end === false ? maxScrollHeight : Math.min(
              parseProp(this.end, this.$el, topOffset + height$1, true) - elHeight - offset$1 + overflow
            sticky = maxScrollHeight && !this.showOnUp && start + offset$1 === topOffset && end === Math.min(
              parseProp(true, this.$el, 0, true) - elHeight - offset$1 + overflow
            ) && css(getVisibleParent(this.$el), "overflowY") === "visible";
            return {
              offset: offset$1,
              height: height$1,
              top: offsetPosition(referenceElement)[0],
              viewport: viewport2,
          write({ height, width, margin, offset, sticky }) {
            if (this.inactive || sticky || !this.isFixed) {
            if (this.inactive) {
            if (sticky) {
              height = width = margin = 0;
              css(this.$el, { position: "sticky", top: offset });
            const { placeholder } = this;
            css(placeholder, { height, width, margin });
            if (parent(placeholder) !== parent(this.$el) || sticky ^ index(placeholder) < index(this.$el)) {
              (sticky ? before : after)(this.$el, placeholder);
              placeholder.hidden = true;
          events: ["resize"]
            scroll: prevScroll = 0,
            dir: prevDir = "down",
            overflowScroll = 0,
          }) {
            const scroll2 = Math.min(document.scrollingElement.scrollTop, maxScrollHeight);
            const dir = prevScroll <= scroll2 ? "down" : "up";
            const referenceElement = this.isFixed ? this.placeholder : this.$el;
            return {
              scroll: scroll2,
              below: scroll2 > offset(referenceElement).top + (sticky ? Math.min(height, elHeight) : height),
              offsetParentTop: offset(referenceElement.offsetParent).top,
              overflowScroll: clamp(
                overflowScroll + clamp(scroll2, start, end) - clamp(prevScroll, start, end),
          write(data, types) {
            const isScrollUpdate = types.has("scroll");
            const {
              initTimestamp = 0,
              scroll: scroll2,
              prevScroll = 0,
            } = data;
            if (scroll2 < 0 || scroll2 === prevScroll && isScrollUpdate || this.showOnUp && !isScrollUpdate && !this.isFixed) {
            const now = Date.now();
            if (now - initTimestamp > 300 || dir !== prevDir) {
              data.initScroll = scroll2;
              data.initTimestamp = now;
            if (this.showOnUp && !this.isFixed && Math.abs(data.initScroll - scroll2) <= 30 && Math.abs(prevScroll - scroll2) <= 10) {
            if (this.inactive || scroll2 < start || this.showOnUp && (scroll2 <= start || dir === "down" && isScrollUpdate || dir === "up" && !this.isFixed && !below)) {
              if (!this.isFixed) {
                if (Animation.inProgress(this.$el) && top > scroll2) {
              if (this.animation && below) {
                if (hasClass(this.$el, "bdt-animation-leave")) {
                Animation.out(this.$el, this.animation).then(() => this.hide(), noop);
              } else {
            } else if (this.isFixed) {
            } else if (this.animation && below) {
              Animation.in(this.$el, this.animation).catch(noop);
            } else {
          events: ["resize", "resizeViewport", "scroll"]
      methods: {
        show() {
          this.isFixed = true;
          this.placeholder.hidden = false;
        hide() {
          const { offset, sticky } = this._data;
          removeClass(this.$el, this.clsFixed, this.clsBelow);
          if (sticky) {
            css(this.$el, "top", offset);
          } else {
            css(this.$el, {
              position: "",
              top: "",
              width: "",
              marginTop: ""
          this.placeholder.hidden = true;
          this.isFixed = false;
        update() {
          let {
            scroll: scroll2 = 0,
            overflowScroll = 0,
          } = this._data;
          const active = start !== 0 || scroll2 > start;
          if (!sticky) {
            let position = "fixed";
            if (scroll2 > end) {
              offset += end - offsetParentTop + overflowScroll - overflow;
              position = "absolute";
            css(this.$el, { position, width, marginTop: 0 }, "important");
          css(this.$el, "top", offset - overflowScroll);
          toggleClass(this.$el, this.clsBelow, below);
          addClass(this.$el, this.clsFixed);
        setActive(active) {
          const prev = this.active;
          this.active = active;
          if (active) {
            replaceClass(this.target, this.clsInactive, this.clsActive);
            prev !== active && trigger(this.$el, "active");
          } else {
            replaceClass(this.target, this.clsActive, this.clsInactive);
            if (prev !== active) {
              trigger(this.$el, "inactive");
    function parseProp(value, el, propOffset, padding) {
      if (!value) {
        return 0;
      if (isNumeric(value) || isString(value) && value.match(/^-?\d/)) {
        return propOffset + toPx(value, "height", el, true);
      } else {
        const refElement = value === true ? getVisibleParent(el) : query(value, el);
        return offset(refElement).bottom - (padding && (refElement == null ? void 0 : refElement.contains(el)) ? toFloat(css(refElement, "paddingBottom")) : 0);
    function coerce(value) {
      if (value === "true") {
        return true;
      } else if (value === "false") {
        return false;
      return value;
    function reset(el) {
      css(el, { position: "", top: "", marginTop: "", width: "" });
    const clsTransitionDisable = "bdt-transition-disable";
    function preventTransition(element) {
      if (!hasClass(element, clsTransitionDisable)) {
        addClass(element, clsTransitionDisable);
        requestAnimationFrame(() => removeClass(element, clsTransitionDisable));
    function getVisibleParent(element) {
      while (element = parent(element)) {
        if (isVisible(element)) {
          return element;

    const selDisabled = ".bdt-disabled *, .bdt-disabled, [disabled]";
    var Switcher = {
      mixins: [Togglable],
      args: "connect",
      props: {
        connect: String,
        toggle: String,
        itemNav: String,
        active: Number,
        followFocus: Boolean,
        swiping: Boolean
      data: {
        connect: "~.bdt-switcher",
        toggle: "> * > :first-child",
        itemNav: false,
        active: 0,
        cls: "bdt-active",
        attrItem: "bdt-switcher-item",
        selVertical: ".bdt-nav",
        followFocus: false,
        swiping: true
      computed: {
        connects: {
          get: ({ connect }, $el) => queryAll(connect, $el),
          observe: ({ connect }) => connect
        connectChildren() {
          return this.connects.map((el) => children(el)).flat();
        toggles: ({ toggle }, $el) => $$(toggle, $el),
        children(_, $el) {
          return children($el).filter(
            (child) => this.toggles.some((toggle) => child.contains(toggle))
      watch: {
        connects(connects) {
          if (this.swiping) {
            css(connects, "touchAction", "pan-y pinch-zoom");
        connectChildren() {
          let index = Math.max(0, this.index());
          for (const el of this.connects) {
            children(el).forEach((child, i) => toggleClass(child, this.cls, i === index));
        toggles(toggles) {
          const active = this.index();
          this.show(~active ? active : toggles[this.active] || toggles[0]);
      connected() {
        attr(this.$el, "role", "tablist");
      observe: [
        lazyload({ targets: ({ connectChildren }) => connectChildren }),
        swipe({ target: ({ connects }) => connects, filter: ({ swiping }) => swiping })
      events: [
          name: "click keydown",
          delegate: ({ toggle }) => toggle,
          handler(e) {
            if (!matches(e.current, selDisabled) && (e.type === "click" || e.keyCode === keyMap.SPACE)) {
          name: "keydown",
          delegate: ({ toggle }) => toggle,
          handler(e) {
            const { current, keyCode } = e;
            const isVertical = matches(this.$el, this.selVertical);
            let i = keyCode === keyMap.HOME ? 0 : keyCode === keyMap.END ? "last" : keyCode === keyMap.LEFT && !isVertical || keyCode === keyMap.UP && isVertical ? "previous" : keyCode === keyMap.RIGHT && !isVertical || keyCode === keyMap.DOWN && isVertical ? "next" : -1;
            if (~i) {
              const toggles = this.toggles.filter((el) => !matches(el, selDisabled));
              const next = toggles[getIndex(i, toggles, toggles.indexOf(current))];
              if (this.followFocus) {
          name: "click",
          el: ({ $el, connects, itemNav }) => connects.concat(itemNav ? queryAll(itemNav, $el) : []),
          delegate: ({ attrItem }) => `[${attrItem}],[data-${attrItem}]`,
          handler(e) {
            if (e.target.closest("a,button")) {
              this.show(data(e.current, this.attrItem));
          name: "swipeRight swipeLeft",
          filter: ({ swiping }) => swiping,
          el: ({ connects }) => connects,
          handler({ type }) {
            this.show(endsWith(type, "Left") ? "next" : "previous");
      update() {
        var _a;
        for (const el of this.connects) {
          if (isTag(el, "ul")) {
            attr(el, "role", "presentation");
        attr(children(this.$el), "role", "presentation");
        for (const index in this.toggles) {
          const toggle = this.toggles[index];
          const item = (_a = this.connects[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.children[index];
          attr(toggle, "role", "tab");
          if (!item) {
          toggle.id = generateId(this, toggle);
          item.id = generateId(this, item);
          attr(toggle, "aria-controls", item.id);
          attr(item, { role: "tabpanel", "aria-labelledby": toggle.id });
        attr(this.$el, "aria-orientation", matches(this.$el, this.selVertical) ? "vertical" : null);
      methods: {
        index() {
          return findIndex(this.children, (el) => hasClass(el, this.cls));
        show(item) {
          const toggles = this.toggles.filter((el) => !matches(el, selDisabled));
          const prev = this.index();
          const next = getIndex(
            !isNode(item) || includes(toggles, item) ? item : 0,
            getIndex(this.toggles[prev], toggles)
          const active = getIndex(toggles[next], this.toggles);
          this.children.forEach((child, i) => {
            toggleClass(child, this.cls, active === i);
            attr(this.toggles[i], {
              "aria-selected": active === i,
              tabindex: active === i ? null : -1
          const animate = prev >= 0 && prev !== next;
          this.connects.forEach(async ({ children: children2 }) => {
            const actives = toArray(children2).filter(
              (child, i) => i !== active && hasClass(child, this.cls)
            if (await this.toggleElement(actives, false, animate)) {
              await this.toggleElement(children2[active], true, animate);

    var tab = {
      mixins: [Class],
      extends: Switcher,
      props: {
        media: Boolean
      data: {
        media: 960,
        attrItem: "bdt-tab-item",
        selVertical: ".bdt-tab-left,.bdt-tab-right"
      connected() {
        const cls = hasClass(this.$el, "bdt-tab-left") ? "bdt-tab-left" : hasClass(this.$el, "bdt-tab-right") ? "bdt-tab-right" : false;
        if (cls) {
          this.$create("toggle", this.$el, { cls, mode: "media", media: this.media });

    const KEY_SPACE = 32;
    var toggle = {
      mixins: [Media, Togglable],
      args: "target",
      props: {
        href: String,
        target: null,
        mode: "list",
        queued: Boolean
      data: {
        href: false,
        target: false,
        mode: "click",
        queued: true
      computed: {
        target: {
          get: ({ target }, $el) => {
            target = queryAll(target || $el.hash, $el);
            return target.length ? target : [$el];
          observe: ({ target }) => target
      connected() {
        if (!includes(this.mode, "media")) {
          if (!isFocusable(this.$el)) {
            attr(this.$el, "tabindex", "0");
          if (!this.cls && isTag(this.$el, "a")) {
            attr(this.$el, "role", "button");
      observe: lazyload({ targets: ({ target }) => target }),
      events: [
          name: pointerDown$1,
          filter: ({ mode }) => includes(mode, "hover"),
          handler(e) {
            this._preventClick = null;
            if (!isTouch(e) || isBoolean(this._showState) || this.$el.disabled) {
            trigger(this.$el, "focus");
              () => trigger(this.$el, "blur"),
              (e2) => !this.$el.contains(e2.target)
            if (includes(this.mode, "click")) {
              this._preventClick = true;
          // mouseenter mouseleave are added because of Firefox bug,
          // where pointerleave is triggered immediately after pointerenter on scroll
          name: `mouseenter mouseleave ${pointerEnter} ${pointerLeave} focus blur`,
          filter: ({ mode }) => includes(mode, "hover"),
          handler(e) {
            if (isTouch(e) || this.$el.disabled) {
            const show = includes(["mouseenter", pointerEnter, "focus"], e.type);
            const expanded = this.isToggled(this.target);
            if (!show && (!isBoolean(this._showState) || e.type !== "blur" && matches(this.$el, ":focus") || e.type === "blur" && matches(this.$el, ":hover"))) {
              if (expanded === this._showState) {
                this._showState = null;
            if (show && isBoolean(this._showState) && expanded !== this._showState) {
            this._showState = show ? expanded : null;
            this.toggle(`toggle${show ? "show" : "hide"}`);
          name: "keydown",
          filter: ({ $el, mode }) => includes(mode, "click") && !isTag($el, "input"),
          handler(e) {
            if (e.keyCode === KEY_SPACE) {
          name: "click",
          filter: ({ mode }) => ["click", "hover"].some((m) => includes(mode, m)),
          handler(e) {
            let link;
            if (this._preventClick || e.target.closest('a[href="#"], a[href=""]') || (link = e.target.closest("a[href]")) && (!this.isToggled(this.target) || link.hash && matches(this.target, link.hash))) {
            if (!this._preventClick && includes(this.mode, "click")) {
          name: "mediachange",
          filter: ({ mode }) => includes(mode, "media"),
          el: ({ target }) => target,
          handler(e, mediaObj) {
            if (mediaObj.matches ^ this.isToggled(this.target)) {
      methods: {
        async toggle(type) {
          if (!trigger(this.target, type || "toggle", [this])) {
          if (hasAttr(this.$el, "aria-expanded")) {
            attr(this.$el, "aria-expanded", !this.isToggled(this.target));
          if (!this.queued) {
            return this.toggleElement(this.target);
          const leaving = this.target.filter((el) => hasClass(el, this.clsLeave));
          if (leaving.length) {
            for (const el of this.target) {
              const isLeaving = includes(leaving, el);
              this.toggleElement(el, isLeaving, isLeaving);
          const toggled = this.target.filter(this.isToggled);
          if (await this.toggleElement(toggled, false)) {
            await this.toggleElement(
              this.target.filter((el) => !includes(toggled, el)),

    var components = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
        __proto__: null,
        Accordion: Accordion,
        Alert: alert,
        Close: Close,
        Cover: cover,
        Drop: drop,
        DropParentIcon: IconComponent,
        Dropdown: drop,
        Dropnav: Dropnav,
        FormCustom: formCustom,
        Grid: grid,
        HeightMatch: heightMatch,
        HeightPlaceholder: heightPlaceholder,
        HeightViewport: heightViewport,
        Icon: Icon,
        Img: img,
        Inverse: inverse,
        Leader: leader,
        Margin: Margin,
        Marker: Marker,
        Modal: modal,
        Nav: nav,
        NavParentIcon: NavParentIcon,
        Navbar: navbar,
        NavbarParentIcon: IconComponent,
        NavbarToggleIcon: NavbarToggleIcon,
        Offcanvas: offcanvas,
        OverflowAuto: overflowAuto,
        OverlayIcon: IconComponent,
        PaginationNext: PaginationNext,
        PaginationPrevious: PaginationPrevious,
        Responsive: responsive,
        Scroll: scroll,
        Scrollspy: scrollspy,
        ScrollspyNav: scrollspyNav,
        SearchIcon: Search,
        SlidenavNext: Slidenav,
        SlidenavPrevious: Slidenav,
        Spinner: Spinner,
        Sticky: sticky,
        Svg: svg,
        Switcher: Switcher,
        Tab: tab,
        Toggle: toggle,
        Totop: Totop,
        Video: Video

    each(components, (component, name) => App.component(name, component));

    each(components$1, (component, name) => App.component(name, component));

    return App;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
common Folder 0755
controls Folder 0755
modules Folder 0755
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bdt-uikit.min.js File 143.47 KB 0644
ep-editor.js File 4.48 KB 0644
ep-editor.min.js File 2.26 KB 0644
ep-scripts.js File 612.78 KB 0644
ep-scripts.min.js File 256.89 KB 0644